View Full Version : 2016 Renewal

John Boothby
11-25-2015, 01:01 PM
I go through this every year. How do I get to the RENEWAL page in the store? Why is the password for the store different than the forum?

John Boothby
11-25-2015, 05:49 PM
Please ignore the previous. I figured it out. Renewed for 2016, thanks!

11-26-2015, 12:05 PM
John your post reminded me to renew.. THANKS

11-30-2015, 01:13 PM
Yep, took care of mine as well. One less thing to do......:usa:

We Gone
11-30-2015, 01:42 PM
Done :fahne:

11-30-2015, 02:19 PM
For those having trouble finding where to renew your membership try this link:


11-30-2015, 04:50 PM
Make sure you log into your website (NOT FORUM) account before you try to renew. If you are having trouble with your website user account name or password, send email to webmaster@zr1netregistry.com for assistance


11-30-2015, 06:02 PM

11-30-2015, 07:04 PM
i just sent it in the mail.

ed ramos #3028

Bearly Flying
12-01-2015, 01:31 PM
I have tried several times to log in to the Registry, when I enter my login, it just goes to a blank page and sit there.

12-01-2015, 08:39 PM
I would think the guys would make it easy by just giving us a PayPal address and a Renewal thread here in ZR-1 General Postings. I would think ;)

We go through this every year and it is not getting better. Just complicated.

This two password thing and two web site thing.........Just give me a PayPal address and I will send the money with a note.
OOPS....I already paid more than a month ago :p

In the mean time....here is a Christmas Photo for everyone just taken yesterday (the real thing) ;)

Mystic ZR-1
12-02-2015, 01:30 PM
Nice picture!
That's just a start....
Post a picture in a month or so when the
snow's completely buried the wagon!
Summer can't come back soon enough!

12-02-2015, 07:41 PM
I would kill for a little bit of coolness. I am still in the south florida sweatbox. still hits mid 80's and it wont let up. it is very depressing.

ed ramos #3028:mad:

12-02-2015, 09:04 PM
I would kill for a little bit of coolness. I am still in the south florida sweatbox. still hits mid 80's and it wont let up. it is very depressing.

ed ramos #3028:mad:

Uhm - I'll take those 80s off your hands. More seat time behind the LT5!

12-02-2015, 10:01 PM
I would think the guys would make it easy by just giving us a PayPal address and a Renewal thread here in ZR-1 General Postings. I would think ;)

We go through this every year and it is not getting better. Just complicated.

This two password thing and two web site thing.........Just give me a PayPal address and I will send the money with a note.
OOPS....I already paid more than a month ago :p

In the mean time....here is a Christmas Photo for everyone just taken yesterday (the real thing) ;)

Love this picture!

Bearly Flying
12-03-2015, 01:14 AM
The Point being, I cannot log into the Registry, so how many times am I supposed to try?

I do want to support the Registry, but I cannot log in to renew my membership

12-03-2015, 05:12 AM
The Point being, I cannot log into the Registry, so how many times am I supposed to try?

I do want to support the Registry, but I cannot log in to renew my membership

Try the Link provided by FU.

For those having trouble finding where to renew your membership try this link:

http://zr1netregistry.com/Marketplace/RegistryStore/tabid/235/rvdsfcatid/membership-15/Default.aspx (http://zr1netregistry.com/Marketplace/RegistryStore/tabid/235/rvdsfcatid/membership-15/Default.aspx)

Then Log in using your first and last name in small letters with no space between first and last name.

Near the top of the screen you should see a gray box saying "Login". Click on this and enter your username and password in the screen that appears. We suggest you tick the "Remember Login" option on the Account Login screen.
Note that logins for the website and forum are different right now.

Make sure you log into your website (NOT FORUM) account before you try to renew. If you are having trouble with your website user account name or password, send email to webmaster@zr1netregistry.com (webmaster@zr1netregistry.com) for assistance


If you forgot your PASSWORD......send e-mail to the webmaster as Dennis describes asking for a temporary password or just tell them you forgot your Password,

I know it is clumsy and I have complained which I will say it again....that is one thing you do NOT want to make clumsy if you are relying on membership dues to keep going. I still do not see why the Board Of Directors cannot just provide us with a PayPal address or physical address which would allow us to send money with a little note saying we want to be a New Paying Member ($45) or Renew 2016 Membership ($35) :p

Again......Left Click This Link
http://zr1netregistry.com/Marketplace/RegistryStore/tabid/235/rvdsfcatid/membership-15/Default.aspx (http://zr1netregistry.com/Marketplace/RegistryStore/tabid/235/rvdsfcatid/membership-15/Default.aspx)

You can recover your password by clicking on the Login link near the top of the page and then clicking the "Retrieve Password" link. This will display a screen where you can enter your username or email address to recover your password. Note that if you enter an incorrect username or email address other than the one we have on file then you will not receive that password reminder.

Please also note that the reminder may not get to you because of a number of reasons, such as:
Your internet service provider blocked the email as spam
Your email software blocked it as spam
The email was lost in transmission.
The email reminder system is usually fast. If you have not received anything within 6 hours, please check your spam folder. If there is no reminder there please contact our Webmaster (webmaster@zr1netregistry.com) or David Johnson (president@zr1netregistry.com) and they will reset your account details and send you new login information.
Note: We can't recover passwords only reset them - this is for your security.

1. First login (very important step!) if you can't login because of a lost password and/or username please see the help section entitled "How do I Login?".
Note: There is no longer a single username and password for access for the webpage. You must use your own personal login name and password.

2. Once logged in, hover your mouse over the word "MARKETPLACE"
3. Click on "REGISTRY STORE".
4. Now click on "Membership".
6. Now click on "Renew Membership (2016)"
7. Fill in the details including your membership number if you want it to show up when you check out. Please stand-by for info on ordering more than one T-shirt.
8. Click "Buy Now".
Pay close attention to ALL info especially the State. Make changes necessary. (see bottom of this post for more info)
9. Click "Review Order".
Note even if you're using a card continue to click on "Place order now". You can continue to check out using your CC via PayPal as a guest or if you have a PayPal account you have the option to use it.
Please note: iPhone users have reported issues with the store. Please renew on a regular computer.

Or just Left Click on this for Renew Membership 2016 and then Log In as described in Step 1 above.


All these instructions ARE CLUMSY but It Is What It Is.

I still do not see why the Board Of Directors cannot just provide us with a PayPal address or physical address which would allow us to send money with a little note saying we want to be a New Paying Member ($45) or Renew 2016 Membership ($35).

Now that the hard part is over....lets Remove that Plenum :sign10:

12-03-2015, 10:05 AM
Try the Link provided by FU.

Then Log in using your first and last name in small letters with no space between first and last name.

Near the top of the screen you should see a gray box saying "Login". Click on this and enter your username and password in the screen that appears. We suggest you tick the "Remember Login" option on the Account Login screen.
Note that logins for the website and forum are different right now.

If you forgot your PASSWORD......send e-mail to the webmaster as Dennis describes asking for a temporary password or just tell them you forgot your Password,

I know it is clumsy and I have complained which I will say it again....that is one thing you do NOT want to make clumsy if you are relying on membership dues to keep going. I still do not see why the Board Of Directors cannot just provide us with a PayPal address or physical address which would allow us to send money with a little note saying we want to be a New Paying Member ($45) or Renew 2016 Membership ($35) :p

Again......Left Click This Link
http://zr1netregistry.com/Marketplace/RegistryStore/tabid/235/rvdsfcatid/membership-15/Default.aspx (http://zr1netregistry.com/Marketplace/RegistryStore/tabid/235/rvdsfcatid/membership-15/Default.aspx)

You can recover your password by clicking on the Login link near the top of the page and then clicking the "Retrieve Password" link. This will display a screen where you can enter your username or email address to recover your password. Note that if you enter an incorrect username or email address other than the one we have on file then you will not receive that password reminder.

Please also note that the reminder may not get to you because of a number of reasons, such as:
Your internet service provider blocked the email as spam
Your email software blocked it as spam
The email was lost in transmission.
The email reminder system is usually fast. If you have not received anything within 6 hours, please check your spam folder. If there is no reminder there please contact our Webmaster (webmaster@zr1netregistry.com) or David Johnson (president@zr1netregistry.com) and they will reset your account details and send you new login information.
Note: We can't recover passwords only reset them - this is for your security.

1. First login (very important step!) if you can't login because of a lost password and/or username please see the help section entitled "How do I Login?".
Note: There is no longer a single username and password for access for the webpage. You must use your own personal login name and password.

2. Once logged in, hover your mouse over the word "MARKETPLACE"
3. Click on "REGISTRY STORE".
4. Now click on "Membership".
6. Now click on "Renew Membership (2016)"
7. Fill in the details including your membership number if you want it to show up when you check out. Please stand-by for info on ordering more than one T-shirt.
8. Click "Buy Now".
Pay close attention to ALL info especially the State. Make changes necessary. (see bottom of this post for more info)
9. Click "Review Order".
Note even if you're using a card continue to click on "Place order now". You can continue to check out using your CC via PayPal as a guest or if you have a PayPal account you have the option to use it.
Please note: iPhone users have reported issues with the store. Please renew on a regular computer.

Or just Left Click on this for Renew Membership 2016 and then Log In as described in Step 1 above.


All these instructions ARE CLUMSY but It Is What It Is.

I still do not see why the Board Of Directors cannot just provide us with a PayPal address or physical address which would allow us to send money with a little note saying we want to be a New Paying Member ($45) or Renew 2016 Membership ($35).

Now that the hard part is over....lets Remove that Plenum :sign10:

Well said Cliff!!!!

Not only that, but very detailed and helpful!!!



12-03-2015, 05:57 PM
I agree that it is too difficult to figure out. When Cliff had to use dang near a whole page to explain it - that should tell Ya right there..
Put a sticky right here on the forum that says "Membership Renewal" and put the one click deal on there PLEASE.... I have never understood why there are different user names and passwords for the forum and the website anyway. While I'm at it - what's with the silly 12 character mandatory password for the website anyway? I can barely remember an 8 or 9 character pw - no way I will EVER remember whatever I used for the website just to be able to renew. My frickin BANK ACCOUNTS online don't have that many characters.. It's not like somebody is gonna hack your pw to buy you merchandise or renew your membership for you... REALLY???
Rant over... But valid....:neutral:

12-03-2015, 07:08 PM
I will try to explain this the best I can. Obviously the hardest part of the renewal process is logging into the Registry website. Members don't do it that often and the password is not remembered.

Once you know your password or reset it, the process it fairly straight forward, go to the store, add the membership renewal, fill out the required information, checkout with PayPal and you're done.

Now the back story. Dave Bright developed the website for the Registry almost 20 years ago and the Forum much later. They were never designed to "talk" to each other and in fact are even stored on the same server with the same internet provider. At the same time any membership information including name, address, when you joined, etc....I mean ANYTHING at all was transcribed into an Access database that didn't talk to the website or the forum.. This process was very time consuming and labor intensive for those that tracked this information.

In 2012 it was decided to create a new website that could track membership information for us. We wanted to maintain the information contained in the original website, but at the same time eliminate all the manual work to track memberships. When the new website was created and the membership database imported we had to come up with a username for each member. Hence the firstnamelastname user names we have today.

During late 2013 the Registry website was attacked by a Bot that started creating user accounts on our website at an alarming rate. After consulting with a website development firm, it was determined the best way to stop this Bot was to extend the password to 11 characters. Fortunately this did stop the Bot and still today we are trying to determine which accounts still need to be deleted from our system. Hint: One easy way to create a long password is to use password padding. This means to add characters in your password that repeat and are easy to remember. Example: zR0ne$$$$$$ is a easy password to remember and meets our criteria.

When we were redesigning the website, we knew that the forum would still be in a different programming language, still on a different server unless we implemented a new forum within our new website. We considered that option, however in doing so we would have had to "freeze" the current forum in order to maintain all the history as it would have been very expensive to convert with no guarantees that it would convert correctly. With that in mind we elected not to convert and to leave the systems as they are today.

We did update the software on our website and asked if it would be possible to implement a "single signon" solution. We were quoted that it would be between $2000-$5000 to accomplish this. We elected not to do that at this point.

So now you all know a lot of the backstory. Do we have a perfect system? No. Is there a lot going on in the background on the website and forum? Yes.

I hope that helps everyone understand why it is like it is.

I am open to any comments or suggestions.

12-03-2015, 09:30 PM
Thank you for the explanation Dennis. When I first became a member I too forgot my Registy password although I knew the Forums by heart. After getting help from Jim Voter on resetting my Registy password, I took the simple way out. I wrote it on a posty note and stuck it behind my desk cabinet door. Problem solved! Had no issues renewing this year btw!

12-03-2015, 10:24 PM
Thanks for the explanation. I'm far from being a computer guru so I have no idea what some of that was - but I get the basic idea. Different servers and a bunch of $ to fix it that the Registry doesn't have. Copy that.
SO - with that said - and once again I don't know squat about how this stuff works - is it possible to put a "link to the link" on the forum that would link you directly to the website renewal link without going thru the password thing on the website? Kinda like a "Once you log on to the website you stay logged on" deal where it could be linked from here?? Just asking.... If not - then cool it is what it is... :cheers:

12-03-2015, 11:01 PM
Thanks for the explanation. I'm far from being a computer guru so I have no idea what some of that was - but I get the basic idea. Different servers and a bunch of $ to fix it that the Registry doesn't have. Copy that.
SO - with that said - and once again I don't know squat about how this stuff works - is it possible to put a "link to the link" on the forum that would link you directly to the website renewal link without going thru the password thing on the website? Kinda like a "Once you log on to the website you stay logged on" deal where it could be linked from here?? Just asking.... If not - then cool it is what it is... :cheers:

I am not a computer guru either......

So......you want paying members.......what is wrong with just giving me a PayPal address and tell me $35 for Renewal or $45 for New Membership and I PayPal you with a note I am Dynomite and this is for 2016 (or whatever year).

Guys and gals do not want to fool around trying to learn the computer or your computer system. They just want to contribute for the great information this Forum provides each of us.

Some often get their questions answered saving them bucks and they immediately want to share the bucks by becoming paying members without having to study anything or remember anything.

I am trying to help here and I can almost assure you if you make becoming a paying member simple you will get more paying members :cheers:

I think most guys and gals want to contribute not to get a T shirt and not for anything else other than giving you a little contribution (TIP) for making their ownership of a ZR-1 fun, interesting, and less expensive :thumbsup:

My ZR-1 Is NOT what it Was.....it is much better than I ever thought it could be....Is What It Is was not acceptable :handshak:

Take a Poll.......:D
How many would become immediate paying members if all they had to do is PayPal you ($35 or $45) and put in the Note their Forum ID?

12-04-2015, 11:53 AM
I am not a computer guru either......

So......you want paying members.......what is wrong with just giving me a PayPal address and tell me $35 for Renewal or $45 for New Membership and I PayPal you with a note I am Dynomite and this is for 2016 (or whatever year).

Guys and gals do not want to fool around trying to learn the computer or your computer system. They just want to contribute for the great information this Forum provides each of us.

Some often get their questions answered saving them bucks and they immediately want to share the bucks by becoming paying members without having to study anything or remember anything.

I am trying to help here and I can almost assure you if you make becoming a paying member simple you will get more paying members :cheers:

I think most guys and gals want to contribute not to get a T shirt and not for anything else other than giving you a little contribution (TIP) for making their ownership of a ZR-1 fun, interesting, and less expensive :thumbsup:

My ZR-1 Is NOT what it Was.....it is much better than I ever thought it could be....Is What It Is was not acceptable :handshak:

Take a Poll.......:D
How many would become immediate paying members if all they had to do is PayPal you ($35 or $45) and put in the Note their Forum ID?

And I thought I was the King of the "Keep It Simple Stupid" concept...:p
THAT right there is the best idea yet. Wouldn't even have to fool with the different website/server/username/whatever. How much stuff has been bought/sold on this forum using a simple PayPal address in less then 10 seconds?? You could still put a mailing address on the post with the PP address for those who don't have PP...

Bearly Flying
12-04-2015, 01:50 PM
tried it again, reset my password. Logged in, just a blank screen. It shows ZR-1 registry, home in the tab heading and the title bar, but nothing else.

As part of the password reset it asks for the User name, tried it with "Bearly Flying" and first name /last name.

12-04-2015, 01:57 PM
tried it again, reset my password. Logged in, just a blank screen. It shows ZR-1 registry, home in the tab heading and the title bar, but nothing else.

As part of the password reset it asks for the User name, tried it with "Bearly Flying" and first name /last name.

PM sent.

12-04-2015, 02:00 PM
And I thought I was the King of the "Keep It Simple Stupid" concept...:p
THAT right there is the best idea yet. Wouldn't even have to fool with the different website/server/username/whatever. How much stuff has been bought/sold on this forum using a simple PayPal address in less then 10 seconds?? You could still put a mailing address on the post with the PP address for those who don't have PP...

This is why we don't do that...

snip....At the same time any membership information including name, address, when you joined, etc....I mean ANYTHING at all was transcribed into an Access database that didn't talk to the website or the forum.. This process was very time consuming and labor intensive for those that tracked this information.

In 2012 it was decided to create a new website that could track membership information for us. We wanted to maintain the information contained in the original website, but at the same time eliminate all the manual work to track memberships.

12-04-2015, 06:51 PM
And I thought I was the King of the "Keep It Simple Stupid" concept...:p
THAT right there is the best idea yet. Wouldn't even have to fool with the different website/server/username/whatever. How much stuff has been bought/sold on this forum using a simple PayPal address in less then 10 seconds?? You could still put a mailing address on the post with the PP address for those who don't have PP...

It is too complicated for me :handshak:


12-04-2015, 07:14 PM
I nailed mine first try. Even got my password.

Fully Vetted
12-05-2015, 03:02 PM
OR...A lifetime membership option. Pay once and never have to go back. Not saying it's the best thing for the club (many have voiced nonsupport for this option for various reasons) but this is one more issue that would be eliminated.

12-05-2015, 06:39 PM
OR...A lifetime membership option. Pay once and never have to go back. Not saying it's the best thing for the club (many have voiced nonsupport for this option for various reasons) but this is one more issue that would be eliminated.

Lifetime Membership Discussion (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19228&highlight=lifetime+membership)

I say a Lifetime Membership with NO Frills such as No Free Merchandise, No access to Registry Member Only sections of the Forum (I am only interested in Technical). Another Words....just the simplest access with maybe Life Time Member under my ID with some stars ;)

Apparently a Life Time Membership already exists.....
There is already a "Lifetime Member" in the bylaws. The "Lifetime Member" in the bylaws is a bestowment to a Registry member who has excelled in service to the registry over a long period of time and is recognized by the Registry.

George Maz
12-05-2015, 09:00 PM
New membership purchased
...guess that makes it official, I'm the CRAZR-ONE.

12-05-2015, 09:09 PM
New membership purchased
...guess that makes it official, I'm the CRAZY-ONE.

Welcome on becoming a member :handshak:

Crazy or not :D