View Full Version : Something about that LT-5...

11-14-2015, 07:41 AM
Digging through some old pictures, found something I thought was interesting. 14 years before I bought my ZR-1 I was on a family vacation in TN, and we paid a visit to Garrett's Muscle Car Museum in Sevierville. I took a bunch of pictures, Camaros, A '63 Split Window, GTOs, a Viper (which I remember being particularly excited about), all sorts of neat cars. There were a number of engine blocks on display as well, but only one made it onto my camera...this one of an LT-5. Go figure, I was drawn to this engine at a very young age and didn't even have a clue what it was! :cheers:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/2LXSCwq7uNntp_nBlt_P73iaZnFvjTRmx1gnMw4UtfJOf9SFAb a0__mmdJfyRsj5KaJKT7MUYJK497PvexKrid4zVsntlFRKLf-Xplpc9td62uZfI2qa0X3V-fdOOo-lzt-YhfkSuB6uFDIw7-X4icOq2ZaemZ15HLpjJktQm8IgujNLXIuTK5XzL7v5C_UFtcQv DNkdbusS-HRAztH0zJrxg3wDYCeWJ8_rmYZH9fZu_W2ncDZYP3BsfeU0EMu gsJATuyzVkZtFxOgHMo2HtwqtLuprN5KrklFH72IiX0htl2fFy BREevUh19-6EyU7GNYTi_NSJzPr2-jKMjLZHTyMfyWxJ5_eApwct3kX1MsOMuVunkHNhMRWn4cnUBpY EiaQzBgQAogH_22nQk8iM-NuzI8jp_rhgw-EAQqHsUp4tQC_OBs9tMcOxVtTP1fs-8272BFMcLGFLRqj16VSrfVW-8RoGElxeWepVGK0DzSRBgwohB_1oNSTQAa-95bViZITzPf3pw_sRGbgUiB08NO4ftzExESF-MWsRwPzz9s=w1039-h779-no

randy ransome
11-14-2015, 08:47 AM
Like Fine Art


11-16-2015, 08:32 PM
Nice photo....

Very interesting PCV connection to the Injector Housing and TB Coolant looks to be a hard line :drunken_s

And.....some other differences...must be a very early engine :cheers:

11-16-2015, 10:43 PM
looks like the oil filter is squished? in any case a work of art, these are amazing motors.