View Full Version : ZR1 To Purchase Perhaps

10-14-2015, 07:00 PM
Hey guys . I would like a bit of input from the forum . This is the car my friend Des and I are looking at to purchase . I am in Toronto and it is in Montreal so I have not seen the car yet .
The add says 1991 but it has the ZR1 logo on the side hood fenders . I think it is a 1992 . I have not done the car fax yet or car proof but will soon .
Here is the link . Just seeing what you guys think of this car .



10-14-2015, 08:58 PM
Hi Mike
I think the asking price is a little high. From the pics it looks good.

10-14-2015, 09:23 PM
Looks good from the pics, Mike. The sawblades would suggest it is either a 91 or 92. There are plenty of 90's and 91's out there with the ZR-1 emblems added to the fenders after sale. Serial # is the best way to confirm as you likely know. Good luck.

We Gone
10-14-2015, 09:34 PM
I believe it is a 91 as 92 would have ASR, also note the radio has been changed. A lot of owners have added the ZR-1 side emblems.

10-14-2015, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the responses . So can the emblem be removed or would they be glued on somehow or bolted on . Your right . The vin will tell the truth indeed .

:) :) :)

10-14-2015, 10:11 PM
Hi Mike
I think the asking price is a little high. From the pics it looks good.

Agree . Were gonna start at 22 . Thats cannuck dollars also ...

:) :) :)

10-14-2015, 10:31 PM
Also the interior dash trim on the 91's are gray where the 92's have black trim.

Because of the picture angle, hard to tell on the radio bezel color but seems gray.
The headlight trim looks gray too.
Looks like a 91.

Also can get the VIN number

Oh and believe it or not some people actually drill holes and glue to install the side ZR-1 .... you'd have to look at it to see it's was a stick on version

10-15-2015, 01:58 AM
Also the interior dash trim on the 91's are gray where the 92's have black trim.

Because of the picture angle, hard to tell on the radio bezel color but seems gray.
The headlight trim looks gray too.
Looks like a 91.

Also can get the VIN number

Oh and believe it or not some people actually drill holes and glue to install the side ZR-1 .... you'd have to look at it to see it's was a stick on version

+1....yep, 91.

10-15-2015, 06:00 AM
Also are the exhaust tips stock ? I really like them . I have seen a lot of ZR1's with dual or quad pipes and sometimes there all twisted and not level meaning the exhaust has been changed or something . These look nice and level to me .
The back of the car is much higher sitting than the front . Is this perhaps because the gas tank is not filled ? I always thought that a Z sat kinda flat .
Thanks for all the info .

10-15-2015, 07:57 AM
Those tips are definitely NOT stock, kinda funky looking. Quad pipes are stock but normally only the outside pair are actually operational. FWIW the stock pipes are the worst looking of the lot, almost never level and they look terrible. Once of the things I will be addressing on my car soon.

10-15-2015, 07:17 PM
Here is another one we are also looking at .


10-15-2015, 09:58 PM
Those tips are definitely NOT stock, kinda funky looking. Quad pipes are stock but normally only the outside pair are actually operational. FWIW the stock pipes are the worst looking of the lot, almost never level and they look terrible. Once of the things I will be addressing on my car soon.

Interesting how only 2 of the pipes would work . Sounds like unwanted extra weight . Shame that GM slaps cars together sometimes and owners have to tweak or mod things to look right . I really like the way those tips look .
Make sure to post a before and after pic of your pipes also ...

10-16-2015, 12:34 AM
The second ad ...39grand? Did i read that correct.....i didnt pay near that when i purchased my 90 with 22000kms.
I haggled mine knowing it needed injectors, plugs, wires, actuators, vac lines, fuel pumps...etc, that stuff really ads up considering the 37% exchange and import broker fees.
Canuck dollars ugh!
Good luck.

10-16-2015, 08:47 AM
The second ad ...39grand? Did i read that correct.....i didnt pay near that when i purchased my 90 with 22000kms.
I haggled mine knowing it needed injectors, plugs, wires, actuators, vac lines, fuel pumps...etc, that stuff really ads up considering the 37% exchange and import broker fees.
Canuck dollars ugh!
Good luck.

He had it at 45grand before !!! . So over priced but the car is mint mint mint . Can't afford that price . There may be some lee way I hope . 25 to 28 is more of a price range I would like . The 1991 is more in our price range but it has had work done to it were as the 1990 is perfectly stock ...
We looked at the exchange and having to travel down south to look at a potential car is just to costly . If we do not have a car before Bowling Green we may be putting it out there that we are there to look and purchase should anyone be interested in selling there ZR1 . This will all depend on how things go up here as we are hoping to purchase a Canadian vehicle . I know the previous C4's could switch between miles and klm per hr . Do the ZR1's also have that feature ?


10-16-2015, 09:18 AM
The 1990 was bought last summer in Orlando Florida ... I think this guy flips cars and is not a collector as he states .

We Gone
10-16-2015, 09:24 AM
I know the previous C4's could switch between miles and klm per hr . Do the ZR1's also have that feature ?

Yes :cheers:

10-16-2015, 09:27 AM
Hey guys . I would like a bit of input from the forum . This is the car my friend Des and I are looking at to purchase . I am in Toronto and it is in Montreal so I have not seen the car yet .
The add says 1991 but it has the ZR1 logo on the side hood fenders . I think it is a 1992 . I have not done the car fax yet or car proof but will soon .
Here is the link . Just seeing what you guys think of this car .


As others have stated its 100% a 91. Yes the emblems are adhered with double sided tape. If it was me Id leave the emblem on the hood there as its getting harder to find the right color emblems NOS.

10-16-2015, 09:47 AM
Thanks for the answers guys and yes , since it is there and the 1991 has been changed up a bit anyway , I would leave the emblem which should have been on all ZR1's since the first year in my honest opinion . Good to know the speeds can be switched up also ...

:) :) :)

10-16-2015, 10:40 AM
You might want to consider contacting Marty Pinder, he is a member and was the original owner of my car. He is the Managing Partner of Conte's Corvettes and he has a 90 red/red for sale that is NCRS grade. His website is: www.contes.com and his phone number is 856-692-0087 in New Jersey.

10-16-2015, 08:52 PM
Thanks Charlie . Wow . That is one nice car but way out of our price range being American dollars .
Were off to Montreal in Nov to check out the 91 .

:) :) :)

10-16-2015, 08:57 PM
The second ad ...39grand? Did i read that correct.....i didnt pay near that when i purchased my 90 with 22000kms.
I haggled mine knowing it needed injectors, plugs, wires, actuators, vac lines, fuel pumps...etc, that stuff really ads up considering the 37% exchange and import broker fees.
Canuck dollars ugh!
Good luck.

We have decided not to pursue the 39k car .

10-20-2015, 03:21 PM
Apparently the fella in Montreal with the 1991 ZR-1 is hoping to have the car running correctly when we go to see it in a few weeks . His mechanic is having trouble repairing and locating a new injector that is not functioning correctly . Were do you guys get your injectors so as to pass this info off to them .
The ZR-1 is the salesman personnel car and not one from there sales or rental fleet .



We Gone
10-20-2015, 04:09 PM
Personally I would not go thru all the trouble and just replace 1 injector. If one went bad how long before the next...Do them all. Marc put Accel in my 91 and I have no issues with them.

10-20-2015, 05:45 PM
Exactly , from what I understand now they will be changing all the injectors for us ...



Paul Workman
10-20-2015, 05:47 PM
Apparently the fella in Montreal with the 1991 ZR-1 is hoping to have the car running correctly when we go to see it in a few weeks . His mechanic is having trouble repairing and locating a new injector that is not functioning correctly . Were do you guys get your injectors so as to pass this info off to them .
The ZR-1 is the salesman personnel car and not one from there sales or rental fleet .



I agree w/ WE GONE; should replace them ALL. Until 1993 the GM fuel injectors internal wiring insulation was susceptible to alcohol and breaks down. Eventually the windings begin to short one to another and the injector begins to fail.

So, if one is known bad, like the above post said, the rest are going to follow! They'll ALL need to be replaced. (AND, just for your info, I went through the same situation with my 1990. But, instead of installing new injectors that were immune to the alcohol, the tech installed "New, Old Stock" ones. They lasted about two years before going bad again.)

Per Marc Haibeck's recommendation, I bought the Accel #150821 stainless injectors from Summit Racing. Cost will be about $800 US, or approx $1016 CAN, + import for you (a price negotiating point, for sure!)

Also, you can get them from Jon at FIC (Fuel Injector Connection. (http://fuelinjectorconnection.com/)) Jon is a board sponsor and great to deal with, and he knows exactly what the LT5 is and what injectors it needs. And, when you talk to them, be sure to ask them for the replacement injector "O" rings for whatever year car it is. (NOTE: Maybe I missed it, but it would be helpful to know exactly what year car it is. Posting the VIN# would do the trick (keeping the last 4 digits secure i.e., "xxxx").

Good luck!

10-20-2015, 07:17 PM
Thanks Paul for that very informative response . I agree also .

Will keep you guys updated . Going to see the car in November 9th ...


10-20-2015, 08:40 PM
Carfax came back saying the car was fine with no accidents . It is a 1991 American car .

:) :) :)

10-21-2015, 06:21 AM
1991 Corvette ZR-1

10-28-2015, 11:12 AM
Looking at this one next week . It is a 1991 USA car purchased and brought to Canada 5 years ago . The owner said something about flushing the injectors and rebuilding one injector . Sounds like another one that will need all new injectors ... Seems that not to many people change them out up here .


10-28-2015, 12:35 PM
21g Cdn. Is 16 and change USD. Price is good if its in good shape.

11-02-2015, 08:50 PM
Looking at this one next week . It is a 1991 USA car purchased and brought to Canada 5 years ago . The owner said something about flushing the injectors and rebuilding one injector . Sounds like another one that will need all new injectors ... Seems that not to many people change them out up here .


The owner sold it on Friday so we missed out ...

11-09-2015, 07:00 PM
So where do I start . We are currently in Montreal to look at the 1991 ZR-1 . The salesman was kind enough to pick us up at the airport and take us to John Scotti exotic used cars were the ZR-1 was being stored . We were escorted to the rear of the building through there top secret no public access area . We saw multiple Lamborgini's , Ferrari's , Porsche's , Bugatti Veyron , Ford Gt and many other vintage classic cars . You could eat off the floor of this shop with all these super cars up on lifts .
After being escorted through this wonderland of exotica we were routed into the back parking area and among all the $300,000+ cars , There it was . The 1991 ZR-1 sitting there just waiting to be owned again and driven as it was designed to do be . First I noticed a few mechanics standing around the ZR-1 apparently trying to boost the car and get it running for us . I walked to the back of the car as my partner discussed with the salesman about the front to back inspection of the car which we had to have done as the service records for the car were not available . I asked the mechanics if the car ran and they said yes but not right now as they could not get it to start . I decided to have a look around the car whilst they attempted to get it started . I checked the oil level , it needed to be changed but that was ok . If it were clean oil then I would have been suspiciuos . I also checked the radiotor and tthankfully the fluid was green and not the dreaded red slime from hell . I then checked the other fluid resovoirs . Everthing seemed ok on that end of things . The mechanics left me with the car and the salesman . The sales man jumped in the car and started the motor as the mechanics could not get it going but he knew how to start it . The engine jumped to life rather quickly to my surprise . The engine and surrounding area were absolutely filthy . After it ran for a minute or 2 you could hear that it was only running on 7 and not 8 . The dreaded faulty injectors were never replaced . After 5 mins or so I got inside the cockpit . The first thing I noticed was that three of the gages were not working . Then I noticed 2 wires twisted together coming out of the ignition sleave and also noticed that the ignition housing was missing . I asked the salesman were the ignition chamber or tumbler was . He said it was in the center console ... OMG lol ... Oh boy I thought ... What the hell are they doing to this poor beautiful ZR-1 to be cutting its wires and removing parts just to get it to run . I never in a million years expected to see a car so poorly prepaired for sale . You would expect this kind of deal with some nebish . The car was not even washed . Even so I could see that it needed a full repaint . There were quite a few gouges and scratches on the car . He also told me the roof leaks a little . No surprise there as the rubber trim was cracked and shrinking in many places . So obviously we are and did walk away from this one . It was our first time looking a used car over and I believe can only get better from here ... Oh and there was a pack of smokes inside the center console too lol . Only in Quebec Eh !!! Tabernac

11-13-2015, 07:52 AM
Off to Bowmanville to look at a 1995 ZR-1 today ...

:) :) :)

We Gone
11-13-2015, 10:48 AM
Good luck ;)

11-13-2015, 01:11 PM
Keith Moudy has a 91 with Haibek 510 package in it. Well maintained 31K etc. May want to get a look at his. It's a good car.


11-13-2015, 01:49 PM
So where do I start . We are currently in Montreal to look at the 1991 ZR-1 . The salesman was kind enough to pick us up at the airport and take us to John Scotti exotic used cars were the ZR-1 was being stored . We were escorted to the rear of the building through there top secret no public access area . We saw multiple Lamborgini's , Ferrari's , Porsche's , Bugatti Veyron , Ford Gt and many other vintage classic cars . You could eat off the floor of this shop with all these super cars up on lifts .
After being escorted through this wonderland of exotica we were routed into the back parking area and among all the $300,000+ cars , There it was . The 1991 ZR-1 sitting there just waiting to be owned again and driven as it was designed to do be . First I noticed a few mechanics standing around the ZR-1 apparently trying to boost the car and get it running for us . I walked to the back of the car as my partner discussed with the salesman about the front to back inspection of the car which we had to have done as the service records for the car were not available . I asked the mechanics if the car ran and they said yes but not right now as they could not get it to start . I decided to have a look around the car whilst they attempted to get it started . I checked the oil level , it needed to be changed but that was ok . If it were clean oil then I would have been suspiciuos . I also checked the radiotor and tthankfully the fluid was green and not the dreaded red slime from hell . I then checked the other fluid resovoirs . Everthing seemed ok on that end of things . The mechanics left me with the car and the salesman . The sales man jumped in the car and started the motor as the mechanics could not get it going but he knew how to start it . The engine jumped to life rather quickly to my surprise . The engine and surrounding area were absolutely filthy . After it ran for a minute or 2 you could hear that it was only running on 7 and not 8 . The dreaded faulty injectors were never replaced . After 5 mins or so I got inside the cockpit . The first thing I noticed was that three of the gages were not working . Then I noticed 2 wires twisted together coming out of the ignition sleave and also noticed that the ignition housing was missing . I asked the salesman were the ignition chamber or tumbler was . He said it was in the center console ... OMG lol ... Oh boy I thought ... What the hell are they doing to this poor beautiful ZR-1 to be cutting its wires and removing parts just to get it to run . I never in a million years expected to see a car so poorly prepaired for sale . You would expect this kind of deal with some nebish . The car was not even washed . Even so I could see that it needed a full repaint . There were quite a few gouges and scratches on the car . He also told me the roof leaks a little . No surprise there as the rubber trim was cracked and shrinking in many places . So obviously we are and did walk away from this one . It was our first time looking a used car over and I believe can only get better from here ... Oh and there was a pack of smokes inside the center console too lol . Only in Quebec Eh !!! Tabernac

And they had you fly out for that POS???!!! I'd be pissed.:-x

11-13-2015, 03:03 PM
Looked at the 95 today and other than a few rock chips in the paint , it looks great and everything else seems to work . Just one thing . As instructed from this forum that before starting the car you should wait to see if the vacumm system shuts down after a little bit . This car had a steady tick,,,tick,,,tick noise to it before starting from were I was sitting inside the cockpit but the noise was coming up front in the engine department . Is that the vacumm leak sound you guys are talking about as I never started a ZR-1 before ... Engine started right away and ran very smooth . All fluids have been changed and maintained . All buttons and switiches work .

The car is immaculate inside . The plenum has a little bit of staining and a little bit of paint blister near the air entrance at the front of the plenum were a lot o you guys add the ZR-1 logo . Weather was iffy so no test drive but we are heading back on Sunday for a quick boot up the road .

;) ;) ;)

11-13-2015, 03:23 PM
That 1991 in montreal as far as I'm concerned would sell as a parts car and nothing more .
Yah , were pissed but we had a great time in Montreal regardless as we stayed at the Fairmont were John and Yoko did there bed in for peice protest ...

;) ;) ;)

Mystic ZR-1
11-13-2015, 03:58 PM
How much were they asking for the POS in Montreal? $C/$US

11-13-2015, 04:55 PM
29,900 Canadain / 23,000 US

11-13-2015, 04:59 PM
[QUOTE=Mystic ZR-1;234657]How much were they asking for the POS in Montreal? $C/$US[/QUOTE

Its still on Autotrader ... What a joke ...


11-13-2015, 05:30 PM
Looked at the 95 today and other than a few rock chips in the paint , it looks great and everything else seems to work . Just one thing . As instructed from this forum that before starting the car you should wait to see if the vacumm system shuts down after a little bit . This car had a steady tick,,,tick,,,tick noise to it before starting from were I was sitting inside the cockpit but the noise was coming up front in the engine department . Is that the vacumm leak sound you guys are talking about as I never started a ZR-1 before ... Engine started right away and ran very smooth . All fluids have been changed and maintained . All buttons and switiches work .

The car is immaculate inside . The plenum has a little bit of staining and a little bit of paint blister near the air entrance at the front of the plenum were a lot o you guys add the ZR-1 logo . Weather was iffy so no test drive but we are heading back on Sunday for a quick boot up the road .

;) ;) ;)

A test drive is a good idea but if it looks good, most everything seems to work, mileage isn't too high and it is within your budget I'd say go for it. It certainly seems better than the one in Montreal. The vacuum pump that runs on if there is a vacuum leak is located in the right front of the engine compartment in front of the wheel well and below the headlight. A vacuum leak is not a big deal even if you have to pull the plenum to fix it. Lots of help on this forum for that. --Bob

11-13-2015, 06:35 PM
As the other half of the purchase team with Tripler, I need to add that I had been communicating with the seller for well over a month before we travelled to Montreal to view the car. This was no last minute decision and therefore caught the seller off guard. I was beyond appalled with what we saw. The other odd thing was that every single mechanic at the dealership stopped working and watched us look at the car. It was a very strange situation

11-14-2015, 10:01 AM
As the other half of the purchase team with Tripler, I need to add that I had been communicating with the seller for well over a month before we travelled to Montreal to view the car. This was no last minute decision and therefore caught the seller off guard. I was beyond appalled with what we saw. The other odd thing was that every single mechanic at the dealership stopped working and watched us look at the car. It was a very strange situation

Good thing you didn't bite on it. Sounds like the mechanics were familiar with the seller moving questionable cars. The best thing is to get one with a known ownership history and impeccable service history, preferably by one of our ZR-1 experts like Marc Haibeck, Aaron Scott, Corey Henderson, Brett Henderson, etc. In the long run it will save you lots of money and future headaches.--Bob

11-14-2015, 09:58 PM
Thanks for those awesome responses warp ... Wish we had the cash for your car . Shame you are selling it ... Your motor looks wicked .

;) ;) ;)

Paul Workman
11-15-2015, 06:25 AM
Thanks for those awesome responses warp ... Wish we had the cash for your car . Shame you are selling it ... Your motor looks wicked .

;) ;) ;)

Bob has that "It's for sale"...but I really don't want to sell it price.;) Can't blame him a bit tho. I know that car - even raced him once (and lost!). You can look at it this way: Cry ONCE (at first), and be happy forever! Or, get a "good" deal and spend the difference getting it 'right'. (Shameless plug for Bob).

George Maz
11-15-2015, 09:22 AM
The best thing is to get one with a known ownership history and impeccable service history, preferably by one of our ZR-1 experts like Marc Haibeck, Aaron Scott, Corey Henderson, Brett Henderson, etc. In the long run it will save you lots of money and future headaches.--Bob

Best Advice.
All the work on my recently purchased ZR-1 was done by Aaron Scott. From 2002 (stock) thru 2015 (fidanza), and all the expensive mods between that time... all done by Aaron Scott at South Georgia Corvette.
I'm so impressed with the quality of workmanship, I'd bring the car down to him again for any future big modifications. Also worth mentioning, the previous owner of this car took exceptionally loving care of it. I enjoyed an A+ buying experience with Don Jarrett of Tallahassee.

11-15-2015, 01:46 PM
Bob has that "It's for sale"...but I really don't want to sell it price.;) Can't blame him a bit tho. I know that car - even raced him once (and lost!). You can look at it this way: Cry ONCE (at first), and be happy forever! Or, get a "good" deal and spend the difference getting it 'right'. (Shameless plug for Bob).

Well Paul is sort of right. It appears to have been for sale at an "I don't want to sell it price" but that was inadvertent. While I did get to enjoy it for another summer, it was priced based on data from auctions and other sources that I thought were realistic. Perhaps I was just not marketing to the right audiences (like auction crowds). But I do really need to sell it so the asking price was lowered and as I have noted in a number of places, I am open to offers. I had a couple of offers early in the marketing process late last winter and spring that I would certainly seriously consider again. There are quite a few 95s out there at lower prices that may be attractive to potential buyers, but mine has that extra 100 Haibeck horsepower, low miles, great condition and is much less likely to have the myriad potential issues that a less well tended car might have. So we'll see when I more actively promote it early next year. Would love to have it go to a Registry member if possible. --Bob