View Full Version : High RPM stumble

08-10-2015, 08:44 PM
Anybody have any ideas of what to look at for sudden engine stumbling at about 6200 RPM. Does not stumble in first gear, but does in second and on when pulling hard. Car has only 15K miles. Thanks.

08-11-2015, 01:47 AM
Since it's a '94 it probably isn't fuel injectors.
My guess, in order of likelyhood:
1. Spark Plugs
2. Wires
3. Coil Packs


08-11-2015, 09:30 AM
Since it's a '94 it probably isn't fuel injectors.
My guess, in order of likelyhood:
1. Spark Plugs
2. Wires
3. Coil Packs


I agree with 'Crabs.