View Full Version : Source for Oxygen Sensor Wheatherpack Plug

08-07-2015, 06:24 PM
Right side Oxygen Sensor weatherpack plug got a little to close to the exhaust header and melted the plastic shell. Need help with correct part number and source for ordering a replacement shell or complete plug.



08-07-2015, 06:32 PM

Click on the parts catalog tab and scroll down to pigtails

08-07-2015, 07:13 PM
Ballenger motorsports
Efi connection

08-07-2015, 07:37 PM

Is the indexing on the "male" shell 12:00, no clock and 12:00 when looking at the end with the latch at the top or maybe 6:00, 12:00 and no clock? The generic Weather-pack is available everywhere but if you would like to match the clocking then it gets more difficult. Actually if you bought a generic matching pair at any auto parts store you could just release the pins and insert into the new. A Weather-pack will accept a male or female terminal and you just need to specify which when asking for.

I have a couple different part numbers but no O2 to match it to. I can supply you with numbers if you need.

Doing your own the clocking isn't important but for some it avoids the mis-matches from time to time.

Napa should have the pairs OR any fleet supplier in the NOVA area. There should be no need to order on-line from anyone.



I consider the clocking of the image to be 6:00, 12:00 and no clock for the one in the .pdf but I believe it could be different because the O2 is considered a component and not a simple wire to wire connector.

I really believe the O2 is 12:00, no clock and 12:00

If that's the case the "male" shell is a 12015793 and the "female" shell 12010717 - Delphi doesn't do connectors based on the "SHELL GENDER" and the male appearing shell is generally considered female because of terminals and the female appearing shell is considered male because of the terminals used when they're used as "wire to wire" connectors. Either will accept either a male or female terminal.

Click on the page 72 reference in this link for clocking explanation of what I believe you need if going back original.


I don't buy from Terminal Supply but the image looked correct to me. Maybe not?

Hib Halverson
08-07-2015, 07:48 PM
Rockauto.com has Weatherpac housings. Just look under Tools&Universal Parts: Electrical-Connector: Wire Connector

Great prices, too.

08-07-2015, 08:41 PM
I believe I've sent "LGAAF" to a Terminal Supply in Schaumburg before for some terminals/connectors etc. He might have a "pal" there by now.

08-07-2015, 09:09 PM
What terminal supply in Schaumburg? Thank would be handy info to have

08-07-2015, 09:13 PM
What terminal supply in Schaumburg? Thank would be handy info to have


They're just by Schaumburg Airport.

08-07-2015, 09:15 PM
What terminal supply in Schaumburg? Thank would be handy info to have

TERMINAL SUPPLY COMPANY the company I linked to in the post above. Google might be your friend, Terminal Supply Schaumburg IL. I'm quite sure I sent him there looking for maybe a compressor connector shell that's a more difficult find also.

08-07-2015, 09:23 PM
Thanks guys

08-08-2015, 11:21 PM
I get all my OEM type connectors from Terminal Supply. The only problem with the CLOCKED TOWER CONNECTORS is they don't always have the correct mated connectors but are easy to deal with. Unlike White Products,not the hack in Florida,you have to buy a large quantity. At TS you do need a minimum $20 order.on positive about buying something from TS is once you make a purchase you get a catalog. They have pretty much everything at this place,weather pack seals,correct Packard crimping tools,the correct crimping tools for the weather pack seals, the tool to release the terminals from the connectors ETC. When I made the emergency jumper for the fuel pump I couldn't find the right clocked set for the jumper but I really didn't give it much effort.

08-09-2015, 06:18 PM
Thanks for everyone's input.
Brother Yun came over yesterday morning and repaired it in just a couple of minutes with and extra shell he had.