07-22-2015, 10:04 PM
We often refer to different jobs as taking 'X' hours, or nights, or maybe even beers. I might start rating them in Band Aid Count or Expected Blood Loss (in ounces or whatever). It seems every garage session is interrupted with the need to "stop the bleeding", at least enough to get back to the job.
I have a few ZR-1 projects going on and tonight I decided to take a break from the exhaust project to work on the radiator project. Thus far, not one radiator hose has "slipped off". Over the decades these (obviously original) hoses have become intimately integrated with the pipe material, requiring an assortment of screwdrivers, pliers and razor knives to convince them to separate.
And, I could go on about the frustrating stock hose clamps with no way to get pliers on them and move them at the same time. I also wont mention the hundreds of fins from the four(!) heat exchangers all vying for their opportunity to extract their share of blood.
I've had this car since January and lost less than a quart, so maybe that's not too bad. I think a ZR-1 is probably the only car I'd sacrifice this for at this point in my live (second have of a century).
OK. It seems to have stopped (ice helps). Heading back to the garage for more self mutilation...
I have a few ZR-1 projects going on and tonight I decided to take a break from the exhaust project to work on the radiator project. Thus far, not one radiator hose has "slipped off". Over the decades these (obviously original) hoses have become intimately integrated with the pipe material, requiring an assortment of screwdrivers, pliers and razor knives to convince them to separate.
And, I could go on about the frustrating stock hose clamps with no way to get pliers on them and move them at the same time. I also wont mention the hundreds of fins from the four(!) heat exchangers all vying for their opportunity to extract their share of blood.
I've had this car since January and lost less than a quart, so maybe that's not too bad. I think a ZR-1 is probably the only car I'd sacrifice this for at this point in my live (second have of a century).
OK. It seems to have stopped (ice helps). Heading back to the garage for more self mutilation...