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View Full Version : Power window switches and mirror adjustment bezel?

07-21-2015, 11:10 AM
I have a 92 ZR1 and would like to purchase a new Power window switches and mirror adjustment bezel. I see them for 90-91 and 94-96 and I think the only difference is the color of writing. Mine has the yellow looking writing and am wondering if the ones for a 90-91 gm 10085953 will work on my 92 and if not what number do I need?

07-21-2015, 11:12 AM
I have a 92 ZR1 and would like to purchase a new Power window switches and mirror adjustment bezel. I see them for 90-91 and 94-96 and I think the only difference is the color of writing. Mine has the yellow looking writing and am wondering if the ones for a 90-91 gm 10085953 will work on my 92 and if not what number do I need?

'90 & '91 gray with orange, '92 & '93 black with orange, '94+ black with white

GM # 12512653 would get you the correct I believe.

07-21-2015, 12:11 PM
I have a 92 ZR1 and would like to purchase a new Power window switches and mirror adjustment bezel. I see them for 90-91 and 94-96 and I think the only difference is the color of writing. Mine has the yellow looking writing and am wondering if the ones for a 90-91 gm 10085953 will work on my 92 and if not what number do I need?

It will fit however it wont color match the replacement. The 90-91 bezel is a silver grayish color with gray buttons and orange lettering

The 92-93 is a black color with black buttons and orange lettering

The 94-96 is a black color with black buttons and white lettering

07-22-2015, 08:01 AM
I saw one of these, 92-93 on EBay a few weeks ago,might still be there.

07-23-2015, 06:10 PM
Thanks everyone!