View Full Version : BG 2007 Planning
12-10-2006, 06:52 PM
I’d like to bring up many of the suggestions from our board meeting and extend them out to the club. All of these suggestions at this point are “unofficial†because we haven’t talked to the vendors just yet or made arrangements. It’s the perfect time to bring them up for feedback and run to ground the ones that everyone is most interested in.
The Gathering at Bowling Green
May is right around the corner and it’s time for us to flesh out the schedule. Some members have complained that there isn’t much going on at BG and it’s the same old thing. Time for a new coat of paint to keep it fresh in my opinion as I tend to agree!
First on the list is the cookout at Wendell Strode’s place. Although it’s news to me, the NCM got some feedback that many folks aren’t that interested. It’s a long drive, the gravel road, same old thing, several voiced that they were tired of it. I’d like to hear from you. The one thing I’d like to do is sponsor OUR OWN food. Let’s do some burgers dogs and steaks. You essentially sign up for what you want and pay accordingly. Yes, we’ll have to do our own cooking and plates serving but isn’t that part of the fun? Back to old school when the club was young and we did it ourselves. The catering is convenient, but I think the cost would be the same or less and the quality would go way up.
Road racing. Last year we proposed on Wed road racing. It’s going to take about 25 people to step up if you are interested to get a decent deal on it. I know most can’t make it on wed so how about we move this to Thursday or Friday? Since it will be a small group of people we’ll have parallel event but the real question is anyone interested and we’ll need to get them to prepay if so.
Drag Racing. We’ll rats! There may be a snag with us joining the National Muscle Car Association this year. Not sure what it is yet, I’m going to investigate. This is a big part of the event and been a major bummer the last few years (rain, conflicts with other groups, ect…). I’d like to first propose we move the date of the gathering either later in the spring or to another time (not mothers day if you ask me) to where we CAN drag race. The NCM is talking about this too and I think it’s a good idea. Nothing really sacred about the date if it interferes with letting the beast eat for a romp down the 1320. I’ll also find out what the deal is with the NMCA for sure, maybe we can join them. I want to thank Dwight for doing this last year. We didn’t get as many runs as I would have liked but it was still a blast seeing all the fast cars. I would even propose we just go hang out and watch this year with a “corvette corral†at the drags as many seem a bit hesitant to flog their car and risk breaking it. Let me know what you all would like.
Autocross with a twist. The autocross is a lot of fun but again, participation is down. I’d like to spice it up a bit with adding RC Nitro cars and offering a prize (to be determined) for the fastest lap. We can even just set up some cones on the NCM parking lot if they are OK with it and do this at a different time. It’s a great way to roar around without risking your own car and if you’ve never done it before, it’s pretty challenging and fun. These little rascals will hit 60 mph just as quick as we do which is a scale 600 mph!
Owners night out. Again, the dinner at the UPlaza is a bit costly and the food although pretty good, with all the BG restaurants and our club size shrinking a bit, I think there are several that could accommodate us. Like to hear from you on this. We’ll still do the free beer at the UPlaza afterwards so you won’t be tempted to get smashed at the restaurant. A few places were suggested and I think this might be more fun as we need to get out more!
Poker run. I honestly have never done one of these but those that have think they are a lot of fun. Again we’d offer a registry sponsored prize for the winner. It’s a nice twist on the standard cruises which everyone seems to enjoy. Seeing a whole line of ZR-1s out the road isn’t something you see everday.
A ZR-1 Corvette Calendar. I think the NCM would be the best location for this. We could shoot 12 ZR-1s that the crowd votes for and get two pics, one with the owner, and one with some of those sexy girls that seem to always be hanging around. Sam of and I have talked about it, but we need to see what interest level there is to see if it’s worth it.
A ZR-1 “light mod†party over at Jim VanDorn’s new place. Again, I haven’t even talked to him yet but my bet is that he would be willing. We could cook out, throw an exhaust and chip on the car, or even a ported plenum, and do before and after dyno runs if we can get Backstreet dyno down there or Jim has one. This would be feasible only for a couple of cars do to the time involved. Might even be able to do some “before an after†chip installs for those of you with light mods already done. I’m pretty sure I can get Mr. Haibeck interested in that too. But again, I need feedback to know if this is worth pursuing.
Invite the Callaway owners formally. With our numbers shrinking a bit, it would be cool to get the B2k and SuperNatural guys out there. They are our neighbors at Carlisle every year and I think we should extend a warm welcome to them and naturally the Grandsport owners as we always have. Getting the numbers up there allows us to keep the event alive, adds some new things to learn and discuss, combining the resources of the clubs just makes sense to me.
A “dyno challengeâ€Â. Not too many folks have taken advantage of the Backstreet dyno and they don’t even meet expenses. They won’t likely return unless we get the numbers up there. The challenge could have a few categories, most hp and torque, most improved, most consistent, ect.. Again, we’d throw in some ZR-1 Net Registry sponsored prizes to attract the participation.
Most of all, what would you like to see that’s new? The Gathering is your event, and it’s wide open throttle to do anything you want. That’s the beauty of our club. Our charter and purpose is to keep the legend alive and well, and have fun with those that appreciate the ZR-1 for what it is, a world class supercar that got the Corvette back on the map and openly challenged the world. I’ll be posting a lot over on our website as it sorely needs some traffic to generate interest there too.
The club will either prosper and grow, or wither and die. I for one am going to make sure it’s the former not the latter. We have a great opportunity to have a lot of fun and learn more about the ZR-1 and why it’s held in such high regard. Please join me and share your thoughts and desires so we can work together to help make them happen and make this years gathering a notable and enjoyable event.
Ron Kreigh
Typing at 7400 rpm
President, ZR-1 Net Registry
12-10-2006, 07:57 PM
First on the list is the cookout at Wendell Strode’s place. Although it’s news to me, the NCM got some feedback that many folks aren’t that interested. It’s a long drive, the gravel road, same old thing, several voiced that they were tired of it. I’d like to hear from you. The one thing I’d like to do is sponsor OUR OWN food. Let’s do some burgers dogs and steaks. You essentially sign up for what you want and pay accordingly. Yes, we’ll have to do our own cooking and plates serving but isn’t that part of the fun? Back to old school when the club was young and we did it ourselves. The catering is convenient, but I think the cost would be the same or less and the quality would go way up.
Ron, I can not say personally anything good or bad about going to the Homestead. I think cooking for ourselves is a great idea. Although it might be better to have a few people volunteer to man the grills.
Road racing. Last year we proposed on Wed road racing. It’s going to take about 25 people to step up if you are interested to get a decent deal on it. I know most can’t make it on wed so how about we move this to Thursday or Friday? Since it will be a small group of people we’ll have parallel event but the real question is anyone interested and we’ll need to get them to prepay if so.
Thursday would be great, as most of us don't have the luxury of being retired and showing up early. I'm not sure how to attract other people to road racing, other than say "Grow a Pair".
Drag Racing. We’ll rats! There may be a snag with us joining the National Muscle Car Association this year. Not sure what it is yet, I’m going to investigate. This is a big part of the event and been a major bummer the last few years (rain, conflicts with other groups, ect…). I’d like to first propose we move the date of the gathering either later in the spring or to another time (not mothers day if you ask me) to where we CAN drag race. The NCM is talking about this too and I think it’s a good idea. Nothing really sacred about the date if it interferes with letting the beast eat for a romp down the 1320. I’ll also find out what the deal is with the NMCA for sure, maybe we can join them. I want to thank Dwight for doing this last year. We didn’t get as many runs as I would have liked but it was still a blast seeing all the fast cars. I would even propose we just go hang out and watch this year with a “corvette corral” at the drags as many seem a bit hesitant to flog their car and risk breaking it. Let me know what you all would like.
I'm indifferent on the drags. If there is enough interest, go for it.
Autocross with a twist. The autocross is a lot of fun but again, participation is down. I’d like to spice it up a bit with adding RC Nitro cars and offering a prize (to be determined) for the fastest lap. We can even just set up some cones on the NCM parking lot if they are OK with it and do this at a different time. It’s a great way to roar around without risking your own car and if you’ve never done it before, it’s pretty challenging and fun. These little rascals will hit 60 mph just as quick as we do which is a scale 600 mph!
Loaner cars available?
Owners night out. Again, the dinner at the UPlaza is a bit costly and the food although pretty good, with all the BG restaurants and our club size shrinking a bit, I think there are several that could accommodate us. Like to hear from you on this. We’ll still do the free beer at the UPlaza afterwards so you won’t be tempted to get smashed at the restaurant. A few places were suggested and I think this might be more fun as we need to get out more!
I agree with a few others, dinner at the Plaza is a rip. A few other car groups are coming to the same conclusion. There should be a local place that is willing to handle the group. Hell even Pizza delivered and consumed sitting out in the oarking lot or grass is fine.
Poker run. I honestly have never done one of these but those that have think they are a lot of fun. Again we’d offer a registry sponsored prize for the winner. It’s a nice twist on the standard cruises which everyone seems to enjoy. Seeing a whole line of ZR-1s out the road isn’t something you see everday. A ZR-1 Corvette Calendar. I think the NCM would be the best location for this. We could shoot 12 ZR-1s that the crowd votes for and get two pics, one with the owner, and one with some of those sexy girls that seem to always be hanging around. Sam of and I have talked about it, but we need to see what interest level there is to see if it’s worth it.
Poker runs or Road Rallys are great. Bust they take a lot of time to set up properly.
A ZR-1 “light mod” party over at Jim VanDorn’s new place. Again, I haven’t even talked to him yet but my bet is that he would be willing. We could cook out, throw an exhaust and chip on the car, or even a ported plenum, and do before and after dyno runs if we can get Backstreet dyno down there or Jim has one. This would be feasible only for a couple of cars do to the time involved. Might even be able to do some “before an after” chip installs for those of you with light mods already done. I’m pretty sure I can get Mr. Haibeck interested in that too. But again, I need feedback to know if this is worth pursuing.
Invite the Callaway owners formally. With our numbers shrinking a bit, it would be cool to get the B2k and SuperNatural guys out there. They are our neighbors at Carlisle every year and I think we should extend a warm welcome to them and naturally the Grandsport owners as we always have. Getting the numbers up there allows us to keep the event alive, adds some new things to learn and discuss, combining the resources of the clubs just makes sense to me.
Callaway guys would be great. Might even talk to Hutch and see about the GS guys.
A “dyno challenge”. Not too many folks have taken advantage of the Backstreet dyno and they don’t even meet expenses. They won’t likely return unless we get the numbers up there. The challenge could have a few categories, most hp and torque, most improved, most consistent, ect.. Again, we’d throw in some ZR-1 Net Registry sponsored prizes to attract the participation.
Most people have probably dyno'd at home, no need to spend the extra cash for knowing what you know already.
Most of all, what would you like to see that’s new? The Gathering is your event, and it’s wide open throttle to do anything you want. That’s the beauty of our club. Our charter and purpose is to keep the legend alive and well, and have fun with those that appreciate the ZR-1 for what it is, a world class supercar that got the Corvette back on the map and openly challenged the world. I’ll be posting a lot over on our website as it sorely needs some traffic to generate interest there too.The club will either prosper and grow, or wither and die. I for one am going to make sure it’s the former not the latter. We have a great opportunity to have a lot of fun and learn more about the ZR-1 and why it’s held in such high regard. Please join me and share your thoughts and desires so we can work together to help make them happen and make this years gathering a notable and enjoyable event.
Good luck Ron. I know you can do it :thumbsup:
12-11-2006, 12:32 AM
Drag Racing. We’ll rats! There may be a snag with us joining the National Muscle Car Association this year. Not sure what it is yet, I’m going to investigate. This is a big part of the event and been a major bummer the last few years (rain, conflicts with other groups, ect…). I’d like to first propose we move the date of the gathering either later in the spring or to another time (not mothers day if you ask me) to where we CAN drag race. The NCM is talking about this too and I think it’s a good idea. Nothing really sacred about the date if it interferes with letting the beast eat for a romp down the 1320. I’ll also find out what the deal is with the NMCA for sure, maybe we can join them. I want to thank Dwight for doing this last year. We didn’t get as many runs as I would have liked but it was still a blast seeing all the fast cars. I would even propose we just go hang out and watch this year with a “corvette corral” at the drags as many seem a bit hesitant to flog their car and risk breaking it. Let me know what you all would like.
Ron - I would suggest we avoid the NMCA day for our drags. It is cool to watch them drag if you want to go and do so, but we only got 3 runs down the strip in, and I seriously doubt it would be any dirfferent this year. I am suggesting we rent the track for the thursday night ourselves - without any involvement of the NCM - they just seem to screw things up for us. I'll put in an email to Beech Bend right now and let you know what is up. Failing this - I agree, another weekend would be better.
I'll let you know.
12-11-2006, 01:12 AM
1st off, congrats Mr. Prez!:worship:
Being a noob owner/member, I haven't had the pleasure of attending "the Gathering" as of yet, but I've got a green light from the boss to attend my 1st one so I'm planning on being there in May. Here are my thoughts...
A BBQ sounds like a good time, and I'll echo yours and Jeff's sentiments that we could do our own grillin'. I'd be willing to volunteer for grill duty, doesn't matter, as long as there's beer.:mrgreen:
Since I've never done ANY road racing, I'm neutral on this one. I could learn, I guess, but I'd be way least until I learned something. I am curious about it though, but probably won't do it this year.
Drag racing is something I used to do now and then, and would be interested in that for sure.
RCnitro cars....sounds like fun.
A "mod" party, sounds very cool...I still haven't put on my beam plates, maybe we could do that? As a matter of fact, I've got a number of mods I'd like to do, just haven't saved up all of the funds I need to do 'em yet. I'd certainly volunteer Blue to use as an example in a tech session, etc.
I wouldn't mind seeing the B2K cars around, either....and as far as dynos go, I've never done mine yet, so I'd be curious to see what she'd do so count me in on that.
All that stuff aside, my main objective at the gathering would be to put some faces to names on this (and the other) forum. It really is about the people, the car is just the tie that binds. I'm really looking forward to my 1st gathering....thanks Ron.:cheers:
12-11-2006, 10:20 AM
HEllo..MR. PResident....I can't think of anyone more take over the reins..of our beloved "mom" than you...:thumbsup: good luck and thanks already. are a few of my thoughts...i like the idea...of..
drag racing @ night...if it can happen..I got tired this last year of waiting all damn day long..and only getting to race down the course against 2 lpe
415's and 500 hp stocker was just getting goin...maybe if we can get the strip to ourselves..we can set up more fair matchups..
I'd be more than happy to help :mrgreen: make it ALOT more interesting..sorta..
settle things...on who's faster than whom..and so on... and so on..
the only glaring you break on thursday ruin the rest of the weekend...if you break on saturday..
you only ruin the owner's life............. many miles from home...not all have trailer's...Ron..had to limp home last year.
Bob Hall at the western all.
compromise...maybe late saturday nite????
after the drag dudes...are finished?
yeah, that's the ticket...we'll call it..."MIDNIGHT RUN" ?
i'll make cheap t shirts :mrgreen:
and I'll supply free trophies...
Autocross ..i have no opinion..never have done it...and really couldn't care less?
. rc cars for those that have them would be cool...plenty of room at the south end of the holiday inn plaza ...but not an event on it's own i wouldn't think...i'm not much on the go cart racing..could take it or leave it...and last year..since i was new...didn't make it to the track.
Bar b Que..nice drive out to the location at wendell's...and fun to see all the vette's...together in the rolling hills of ole Kentucky..
also very nice to have a big shed to gather case of inclement weather.. gravel road is less than a 1/4 mile unless ya made a wrong turn...and since i'm in the restuarant business...i understand the problems..of feeding that many people...
a barbque on it's in the parking lot..would be fun..for just a bullsh=t session...but i liked the cookout..the drive..maybe we could control the menu..i'd be willing to help..on that one...believe for a few friends is alot different than cooking for over a hundred..grills..
charcoal...side menu...baked potatoe's the fixing's...a pain in the azz
sounds good...but actually having to do meat..not enough sour cream or butter ..baked potatoes not baked...paper plates..nowhere to sit....ect....logistics are a pain..
hell we can't all decide on one thing to do...:mrgreen:
Poker Run....sounds great to me.i give it 5 stars...
..i would put a bunch of us together....and allow us to drive around the area a little....see some stuff we wouldn't normally see..
after all...the racing stuff is a rush...but isn't it just as fun..
just driving our beasts?.....i'd be willing to help organize this one too..
everyone kick in...15.00 goes to the three highest poker hands..
too cool for school...friday nite lights?? start from the plaza ...
end up at the steak n shake a 1/8 of mile from the hotel..??
another instead of dinner at the plaza..the last place we would end up at..would be where we ate dinner and found out who won the poker money..i know there is a bar and grill in the area..that would be happy to sponser us...probably with a banquet room...
Calender...great idea..probably should have it on a grassy area ...that way if someone slips in the presidential drool...they won't be hurt by the fall.
i really really like this can we do it please ...please...:occasion1
road we speak..i am in the process of growing some..:mrgreen:
Callaway..boys..yeah for sure..they need to be a part of this..i like everyone of them i've met...they got special cars...we should be together like a family re-union...and GS boys..and the C4 boys.
my closing that i have a attended a few of our gatherings.
we seem to have alot more fun when we're together..than apart..
(add your own punchline here).
so let's try and do just that...things together...
maybe not so many things...but more quality things. i hope i am making sense. (not that the events were not quality before)
although i am not complaining... sometimes...less is more..
GET everyone to go the barbque..
get everyone to do the poker run...that'll be more fun...isn't that what it's about...spending time w/ our friends.
Sharing ...the sounds of birds...
the wind blowing through what's left of our hair?
anything i can do to help..let me know...i'm bored shitty..
Tyler Townsley
12-11-2006, 11:22 AM
The Heritage Musuem has some early cars that can be had but they have to be asked, the NCM has no clue in this area. I sent Chris the phone number of the guy who controls these cars hopefully he can get the 89 04 pilot car and a 89 mule. There is a private party with a mule but he is like me about making it known. I at least have a title he does not, but if the former cannot be done he said he might bring it.
Z Factor
12-11-2006, 12:31 PM
First on the list is the cookout at Wendell Strode’s place. Although it’s news to me, the NCM got some feedback that many folks aren’t that interested. It’s a long drive, the gravel road, same old thing, several voiced that they were tired of it. I’d like to hear from you. The one thing I’d like to do is sponsor OUR OWN food. Let’s do some burgers dogs and steaks. You essentially sign up for what you want and pay accordingly. Yes, we’ll have to do our own cooking and plates serving but isn’t that part of the fun? Back to old school when the club was young and we did it ourselves. The catering is convenient, but I think the cost would be the same or less and the quality would go way up. .
The self cook idea sounds fine provided there are enough volunteers willing to help out. Unless you find someone who loves to cook it would be a lot of work for just one or two guys. Another alternative would be to have a local place cater the food to a location of our choosing. Down here we have Shorty's Barbeque and they bring their own grill and smoker along with everything needed for an outside gathering at reasonable prices. Overall I think most would be fine with a change this year.
Road racing. Last year we proposed on Wed road racing. It’s going to take about 25 people to step up if you are interested to get a decent deal on it. I know most can’t make it on wed so how about we move this to Thursday or Friday? Since it will be a small group of people we’ll have parallel event but the real question is anyone interested and we’ll need to get them to prepay if so.
Drag Racing. We’ll rats! There may be a snag with us joining the National Muscle Car Association this year. Not sure what it is yet, I’m going to investigate. This is a big part of the event and been a major bummer the last few years (rain, conflicts with other groups, ect…). I’d like to first propose we move the date of the gathering either later in the spring or to another time (not mothers day if you ask me) to where we CAN drag race. The NCM is talking about this too and I think it’s a good idea. Nothing really sacred about the date if it interferes with letting the beast eat for a romp down the 1320. I’ll also find out what the deal is with the NMCA for sure, maybe we can join them. I want to thank Dwight for doing this last year. We didn’t get as many runs as I would have liked but it was still a blast seeing all the fast cars. I would even propose we just go hang out and watch this year with a “corvette corral†at the drags as many seem a bit hesitant to flog their car and risk breaking it. Let me know what you all would like.
Changing the date is fine. Having several different weeks to chose from and polling the members that will attend as to which date would be best would be ideal.
Autocross with a twist. The autocross is a lot of fun but again, participation is down. I’d like to spice it up a bit with adding RC Nitro cars and offering a prize (to be determined) for the fastest lap. We can even just set up some cones on the NCM parking lot if they are OK with it and do this at a different time. It’s a great way to roar around without risking your own car and if you’ve never done it before, it’s pretty challenging and fun. These little rascals will hit 60 mph just as quick as we do which is a scale 600 mph!
No opinion on this one.
Owners night out. Again, the dinner at the UPlaza is a bit costly and the food although pretty good, with all the BG restaurants and our club size shrinking a bit, I think there are several that could accommodate us. Like to hear from you on this. We’ll still do the free beer at the UPlaza afterwards so you won’t be tempted to get smashed at the restaurant. A few places were suggested and I think this might be more fun as we need to get out more!
Sounds good.
Poker run. I honestly have never done one of these but those that have think they are a lot of fun. Again we’d offer a registry sponsored prize for the winner. It’s a nice twist on the standard cruises which everyone seems to enjoy. Seeing a whole line of ZR-1s out the road isn’t something you see everday. A ZR-1 Corvette Calendar. I think the NCM would be the best location for this. We could shoot 12 ZR-1s that the crowd votes for and get two pics, one with the owner, and one with some of those sexy girls that seem to always be hanging around. Sam of and I have talked about it, but we need to see what interest level there is to see if it’s worth it.
Sounds like a great idea as most people enjoy them.
A ZR-1 “light mod†party over at Jim VanDorn’s new place. Again, I haven’t even talked to him yet but my bet is that he would be willing. We could cook out, throw an exhaust and chip on the car, or even a ported plenum, and do before and after dyno runs if we can get Backstreet dyno down there or Jim has one. This would be feasible only for a couple of cars do to the time involved. Might even be able to do some “before an after†chip installs for those of you with light mods already done. I’m pretty sure I can get Mr. Haibeck interested in that too. But again, I need feedback to know if this is worth pursuing.
I think you will find that the newer owners that want a few light mods will love this idea. I know from having attended Mid America's gathering many people take advantage of the mod stations during the event.
Invite the Callaway owners formally. With our numbers shrinking a bit, it would be cool to get the B2k and SuperNatural guys out there. They are our neighbors at Carlisle every year and I think we should extend a warm welcome to them and naturally the Grandsport owners as we always have. Getting the numbers up there allows us to keep the event alive, adds some new things to learn and discuss, combining the resources of the clubs just makes sense to me.
Another good idea.
A “dyno challengeâ€Â. Not too many folks have taken advantage of the Backstreet dyno and they don’t even meet expenses. They won’t likely return unless we get the numbers up there. The challenge could have a few categories, most hp and torque, most improved, most consistent, ect.. Again, we’d throw in some ZR-1 Net Registry sponsored prizes to attract the participation.
My thinking would be along the same lines as Jeff's. However those who would be getting the mods might very well want to do a before and after dyno, if not just an after if the price was reasonable.
Most of all, what would you like to see that’s new? The Gathering is your event, and it’s wide open throttle to do anything you want. That’s the beauty of our club. Our charter and purpose is to keep the legend alive and well, and have fun with those that appreciate the ZR-1 for what it is, a world class supercar that got the Corvette back on the map and openly challenged the world. I’ll be posting a lot over on our website as it sorely needs some traffic to generate interest there too.
I think you are off to a good start trying to stimulate interest in the gathering and seeing what can be done to broaden it's appeal.
12-11-2006, 01:44 PM
Hey Ron,
My two cents. This'll be my first Gathering, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
The events sound fun. I'd probably be interested in drag racing, and I'd maybe be interested in the road racing. Personally I'm not that interested in autocrossing. The problem with drag racing and road racing, though, is that it's 675 miles from my house and I have to drive my car home at the end of it.
The mileage also make Wednesday events a little less feasible. Being that one day is spent driving, that basically turns it into a week of time off vs an extended weekend.
The Poker Run or just a drive or whatever would be fun, and whatever the food events are, I'm fairly indifferent to, I'm sure if everyone's there it'll be fun wherever it is. I'm no fan of gravel roads, but it sounds like it's not that big a burden. ;)
For the RC cars, do people already own them or something? Or do you rent them? Or how's that work?
The dyno challenge doesn't seem like it would be much of a challenge. I suspect 90% of us know our car won't be the most hp, the most tq, the most anything. And as Jeff mentioned, those of us that want to know the dyno number probably already have had it done. While it's cool they have a portable one, and dynoing is certainly a "car" thing, I'm not surprised they have low participation. Dynoing as a tool is more about repeatable testing, which means using the same equipment. If you got a baseline with them, then went home and added some mods a few months later, what would you do, go try to track them down at the next event they go to for the "after" run?
Having never been, I've no affection for or opinion on the date. If it works better to change it, change it. :cheers:
Invite the Callaway owners formally. With our numbers shrinking a bit, it would be cool to get the B2k and SuperNatural guys out there.
We wouldn't have to start wearing collared shirts, would we? :mrgreen:
12-11-2006, 02:40 PM
I love the BBQ at Wendell's....I'm just sick of the same crappy chicken at every event. Ron, you and I talked about this a few years ago at one of the dinner/acutions. And yes the callaway guys want a formal invite....not sure why, but they do
12-11-2006, 05:29 PM
Well f***....I just found out that I'm already committed to an event on May 5, so I likely won't make it. This really sucks.:mad:
12-13-2006, 11:36 PM
awesome. thank you all so much for the feedback. it sounds like a few of these may emerge with a thumbs up.
anything else you guys would like to do?? I will of course BS all weekend long and hopefully we'll have a few more strokers and turbo cars running around to learn more about the super modified cars, and mom can finally teach me how to wax one of these (NOT) er or maybe kev. don't worry about getting spanked by a higher HP car, just focus on getting out and having fun, even a stock zr1 has plenty of power to be thrilling.
thanks for the vote of confidence, we're going to have fun that's for sure and that's what the numero uno priority is in my book.
if you are paying and not having fun, it's best to not!!!
Z Factor
12-13-2006, 11:50 PM
Another possible idea would be to have a detailer booth/tent who could charge a reasonable price for an engine bay detail. Many of us keep up the interior/exterior, but dread the work it takes to detail the engine and other components in the bay.
12-14-2006, 07:11 PM
awesome. thank you all so much for the feedback. it sounds like a few of these may emerge with a thumbs up.
anything else you guys would like to do?? I will of course BS all weekend long and hopefully we'll have a few more strokers and turbo cars running around to learn more about the super modified cars, and mom can finally teach me how to wax one of these (NOT) er or maybe kev. don't worry about getting spanked by a higher HP car, just focus on getting out and having fun, even a stock zr1 has plenty of power to be thrilling.
thanks for the vote of confidence, we're going to have fun that's for sure and that's what the numero uno priority is in my book.
if you are paying and not having fun, it's best to not!!!
yeah..don't worry about getting spanked by a high horsepower car mr twin turbo...lpe 390 million's all in fun...unless your the one getting
12-14-2006, 11:54 PM
Okay - I got an email from Dallas and the NMCA have the track booked for that thursday as well. Unfortunately that means we would have to go along with them again, and of course only 3 runs again.[-X
I don't feel like bothering with all that bs (and it is a lot of bs) just to get a few runs down the track. I want to be able to get a lot of runs and it just isn't going to happen on that weekend. There are no other 1/4 mile tracks close to BG, so that is off the list as well.
I vote we have the gathering another time such that we can rent the track for our own use. I know some guys don't care about running down the track, but frankly, the whole point of owning a performance car to me, is to see how it performs! It is just too damn agonizing to see all those fine cars and not drive 'em how they were designed to be driven. What can I tell ya?:hello:
12-16-2006, 11:15 AM
because registration is open and many have made plans I honestly don't know how feasible it is to move this years gathering date.
that's a bummer about the track on thursday night. thanks for looking into this.
12-16-2006, 08:42 PM
I vote we have the gathering another time
I'm with Dwight on this one, since then I could obviously make it....but as Ron said, that would screw things up for those that have already made plans. There's always next year I guess.:hello:
12-17-2006, 12:50 PM
I'm with Dwight on this one, since then I could obviously make it....but as Ron said, that would screw things up for those that have already made plans. There's always next year I guess.:hello:
My wife and I are planning to make a trip out East in 2008. I would sure like to plan it around the Gathering. A later date would be great for this trip. Possibly Mid-June??? I am just curious if the weather would be good out that way around then?
12-26-2006, 08:04 PM
BG can be a bit hot and humid even in late may but I also vote we look at moving the date.
dwight, email me about the NMCA thing. I saw an email that there is some sort of snit that NHRA has with the BG track and the NMCA thing might not happen which would be cool for us.
even if we only get in a few runs some may feel that some racing is better than no racing and I kinda dig watching the other cars too but agree it woudl be better if it is ZR-1 pure.
with the size of the group shrinking, BG may not be as accomodating.
time to get the word out so folks will make plans and show up. there is strength (and $$$) in numbers to incent them.
thanks!!:mrgreen: happy holidays. dreaming of burning rubber (and hopefully NOT the clutch)
12-27-2006, 10:00 AM
The club will either prosper and grow, or wither and die. I for one am going to make sure it’s the former not the latter. We have a great opportunity to have a lot of fun and learn more about the ZR-1 and why it’s held in such high regard. Please join me and share your thoughts and desires so we can work together to help make them happen and make this years gathering a notable and enjoyable event.
Ron Kreigh
Saw your post and couldn’t believe my eyes. I’ve been thinking about offering our place and services since the last event that was, well, shall we say, not too inspiring. We’re careful NOT to compete with the NCM but let’s face it, if we do a separate event here, they won’t come back to another event for the NCM or anyone else and vice versa. So, it’s in all of our interests to work together.
You may know, I’ve been in the Corvette hobby for many, many years and especially the ZR1 community since the very beginning. I also have just a little bit of experience organizing events…:-))
Yes, the lack of preparation-displays-etc has shown the "been there done" that has challenged the NCM for years and it's really beginning to show. If they don't make any effort at all, as they did this past event, well, many were very disgusted as this thread demonstrates. It would be easy for us to lose interest....BUT WAIT!!
Why can’t we give the event a boost while supporting the NCM all the same?? I think we can…and we better or everyone’s going to lose. Here’s some thoughts:
1- As Ron mentioned, Auto Masters could donate our time and equipment to install accessories, service or diagnose items, etc. The guys may buy their parts (exhaust, chips, air filters, etc, etc) from us (how's cost plus 10% sound), we install them for free (time and type of job permitting). We do our own ZR-1 programming so it might be interesting to compare dyno runs on different proms too! Of course we’d need to schedule but we can donate all day Friday, part of Saturday, etc. Guys who want to come earlier can call ahead. If you want to tip the guys for their time, make a donation to the NCM etc., your choice. Also, If you can coordinate with your dyno guys, attendees could do a before and after dyno run. Might be fun for exhaust systems, chips, air cleaners, etc. If they want to set up in our driveway they are welcome to.
2- Why not do a “Funkhana� It’s a timed event where TWO PEOPLE work as a team doing various things. We’ve done it where they throw tennis balls at a box until they get a certain number in, etc. This goes on for 5 stations or so. Score is determined by time. Time penalties are given out for lack of accomplishments, cones knocked down etc. What does this do? Well, for one IT GETS THE OTHER HALF INVOLVED!! In fact, if we set it up right, 2 girls, 2 guys, KIDS all have equal chances to participate and win. The challlenges are endless.
We have the Vette City Flea Market PAVED parking lot (about room for 60-80 cars) right back of the shop and they’ll let us use it any time. They also have a huge carport for 40 cars under roof. It’s never used and would provide shelter from the sun (or rain), and a great place to register, score, etc. Cost? Little or nothing. Gain? Well, if we can come up with nice prizes, we’ll have a nice turnout. Don’t forget the annual title of “King/Queen of the Hill†and ANY car can enter, INCLUDING RENTALS!! You wanna talk about a blast? Everybody has fun and there’s also enough in it for the competition minded. Oh, and don’t forget the kids. They can compete too! To take up a morning or afternoon, you can change the stations and run 2 tracks, etc.
Speaking of kids,
I know many come to these events to get away from the little devils, but some would love to bring the kids if they had something to do. You want to boost attendance? Get some kids programs together! I think it would be a blast to have an entire day to wear them ‘lil devils out!! Maybe “JeffVette†will volunteer!
We can get products sponsored by manufacturers, suppliers etc. as prizes.
3- Now, our new shop is absolutely spotless and ideal for an inside banquet, buffet, dinner, dance, auction, whatever. We did it at my old place in Calif for the Pirate members and had a blast. We had over 100 at that party. We have 5,500 Sq Ft mostly wide open with 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and BBq facilities. Our staff, friends/family would be on hand to staff any get together as volunteers. We'd need to charge a nominal fee for rental tables, chairs, etc., but a heck of a lot cheaper than a $40 dinner at the convention center. AND A WHOLE LOT MORE FUN FOR SURE!! Left over proceeds benefit the NCM.
How about a REAL country BBQ? Ribs, sausage, hamburgers, etc. Plenty of REAL KENTUCKY HOME MADE food. Add a keg of BEER (oops a dirty word) and you have the making of a real party. How about LIVE music? Going rate is about $100 per member and there are several groups here in town available who are great. We could get sponsors & ask for a $10 per person donation for the band up front. Raffle GOOD prizes, etc.
4- Other ideas:
Road tours. Kentucky is beautiful in May. We can come up with some very interesting routes, attractions etc. How about a tour of the Holley Carb plant here in BG? ASC? Distilleries? Caves?
5- I know there's not many who are interested in performance any more :mrgreen: but just in case, I have a complete radar system for speed measuring. How about a real 0-60 ft time challenge? Highest speed on the gun wins! (U-Joint replacement seminar immediately following)
I’d really like to see a renaissance with our annual event. It’s really one of the only chances the owners have to meet up with each other. I can ask many of the original GM and LT5 Gang to come and they would if there was something new.
Just some thoughts…
(website in the making)
12-27-2006, 10:42 AM
Glad to see JVD chime in!
Anything with beer is good food (pizza/burgers/etc)
Very interested in road racing.
Maybe a drag racing 101/autocross 101/road racing 101
ZR-1/GS/Callaway trivia contest? prizes?
Photo Session for 2008 Calendar (with hot women of course). Sell said calendar on forum with proceeds to needy family for 2007 Holidays?
Get donations(buy) for rare/collectible ZR-1/GS/Callaway items and have auction with desired items (owners' kits/rare parts/etc)
UPlaza parking lot activities (JVD has some good ideas here)
Underhood detailing @ $$ with donation to NCM?
The Callaway guys do creeper races...that could be fun
I do think that we need to utilize JVD's area for part of the event.
my .02
12-27-2006, 12:17 PM
Glad to see JVD chime in!
Photo Session for 2008 Calendar (with hot women of course). Sell said calendar on forum with proceeds to needy family for 2007 Holidays?
Great IDEA! I'd like to propose REGISTRATION IS OPEN IMMEDIATELY for the HOT WOMEN corvette calender. PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON....
jvd in BG
12-28-2006, 10:44 PM
Some of us old timers remember the insider information on the ZR-1 from
Jim Ingle, who was one of the prove-in engineers, on the zr1net. Does
anyone know where he is now? Van Dorn? Ralph Kramer? Jingles would be a valuable addition at BG.
12-29-2006, 08:21 AM
I'll do some checking around on Jingles. He was there in the beginning and was a terrific source of information, he got dismayed however, after a few so-called net "experts" thought they knew more then he did. (go figure!)
Ralph Kramer (former Chevrolet head of PR/Communications, recently had a heart attack. He was at his grandson's basketball game and that's all he knew until he woke up days later at the hospital. He said he didn't realize he was "sitting with angels" as they had to do CPR. If I know Ralph it was a Hooter's girl who did the mouth to mouth….
The Doc told Ralph not many have the opportunity to die twice. Ralph said it was really weird. No pain, no strange lights, no tunnel, no harps or music. Man was I pissed! I was looking sorta forward to all that….<ggg> (that's a BIG grin Dwight) :-)
I asked Ralph if by chance he mighta smelled a BBQ somewhere??
I'll do some checking….
Jvd in BG
12-29-2006, 11:07 PM
Some mighty fine southern hospitality being offered here folks !
Hat's off to Jim.
01-12-2007, 10:15 PM
newbie here, just wondering what the date is for sure so i can try to get vacation for it, what do you do for hotels is there plenty to go around, never been to BG. any input greatly appreciated as i told my boy we are going but i need a date and a hotel. please inform this newbie.... brody p. 93 ZR1 yellow/blk
01-12-2007, 10:45 PM
newbie here, just wondering what the date is for sure so i can try to get vacation for it, what do you do for hotels is there plenty to go around, never been to BG. any input greatly appreciated as i told my boy we are going but i need a date and a hotel. please inform this newbie.... brody p. 93 ZR1 yellow/blk
most stay at the holiday inn plaza... you can read and register on our main
it has the who what and where.. glad to hear you are gonna make's a hoot...and ya get to put the names to faces...which is fun..look for me
i'm really good looking :mrgreen: ZR-1/C4 "Anniversary" Corvette Gathering 2007 ( - ZR-1/C4 Corvette Gathering 2007 May 3rd - 5th, 2007 at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Ky
01-17-2007, 03:54 AM
Are the dates of 5-3/5-5 firm or is there still a possible change pending? I am considering making the trip from Olympia, WA and continuing on but really need the dates for the ZR1 gathering firm. 94 B/B
01-19-2007, 03:13 AM
may 3-5 07 are firm and correct per website brody p.
Drags' :
Music City Dragway is the next closest. It's located outside Nashville. Same owner as BG.
Here is a link to others :
Music City Dragway is just outside of Nashville. Then maybe we can get to the Wildhorse Saloon fer some eat's :D
Just a suggestion folk's .
01-25-2007, 10:50 AM
Music City Dragway is just outside of Nashville. Then maybe we can get to the Wildhorse Saloon fer some eat's :D
Just a suggestion folk's .
Frank...Music City Dragway is a 1/8 mile track. I am going to contact Beech Bend today about the possibility of getting us racing on Thursday.
01-28-2007, 08:47 AM
here's what I recommend guys. we take TWO shots at making runs. Thursday is the best opportunity as it's time trials for NMCA.
just know that likely it will be quite a bit of waiting for a shot at making
2-3 runs. that's just the way it is as a national event draws quite a few cars and the big boys get first crack. they may not even let us run, we'll see.
again on Sat a "corvette coral" where we hang out and watch the digs. we can still have some good times as we did last year and if you guys are like me seing some serious drag cars is pretty fun so lets look at the positive. I just hope folks don't miss the sat night dinner, it's the wrap up of the event.
1/8 isn't bad either. if folks are willing to drive, we might be able to do that.
keep us posted Uly and thanks!!
01-29-2007, 12:40 PM
here's what I recommend guys. we take TWO shots at making runs. Thursday is the best opportunity as it's time trials for NMCA.
just know that likely it will be quite a bit of waiting for a shot at making
2-3 runs. that's just the way it is as a national event draws quite a few cars and the big boys get first crack. they may not even let us run, we'll see.
again on Sat a "corvette coral" where we hang out and watch the digs. we can still have some good times as we did last year and if you guys are like me seing some serious drag cars is pretty fun so lets look at the positive. I just hope folks don't miss the sat night dinner, it's the wrap up of the event.
1/8 isn't bad either. if folks are willing to drive, we might be able to do that.
keep us posted Uly and thanks!!
NMCA will not be running at all on Thursday according to Dallas Jones at Beech Bend. It is their setup day. They do have Test&Tune on Friday afternoon from 1:00-5:00. Here is what was offered...
They are offering us the track on Wednesday (May 2nd)...we can do Full Day (8:00-5:00) or either half day...8:00 - 1:00 or 12:00 - 5:00. What do y'all think about that?
Zr1 Destroyer
01-29-2007, 01:21 PM
NMCA will not be running at all on Thursday according to Dallas Jones at Beech Bend. It is their setup day. They do have Test&Tune on Friday afternoon from 1:00-5:00. Here is what was offered...
They are offering us the track on Wednesday (May 2nd)...we can do Full Day (8:00-5:00) or either half day...8:00 - 1:00 or 12:00 - 5:00. What do y'all think about that?:dancing Wow....that will awesome if we can get the gathering bumped up for some drag racing!!!
I would say either all day or noon-5pm.
01-29-2007, 04:10 PM
I say go with Weds and if this is that importent to so many, look for a different weekend next year. Garth
01-29-2007, 05:50 PM
Any day 12-5pm is fine.
Damn you retired guys :???:
01-29-2007, 08:22 PM
Damn you retired guys :???:
I feel your pain, jeff...ok..if we can't do it on thursday..i say
go for it on wed. afternoon...i'm in....great job
there ULY...=D>
Damn you retired guys :???:
Hey Bro , I have a LONG way to go before retirement.
Just because my hair color is the same color as my car [-X
01-30-2007, 03:11 PM
Hey Bro , I have a LONG way to go before retirement.
Just because my hair color is the same color as my car [-X
Thought the hair was gone. :D
01-31-2007, 08:32 PM
I'm counting those gray hairs, it sure beats lack of any hair.
my forehead is reaching for my @$$ at an alarming rate.
must be old age setting in or driving with the top off at ZR-1 speeds.
either way, god made so few perfect heads, most he elected to cover with hair:o
02-03-2007, 04:00 PM
New ZR-1 owner but old Vette owner has been impressed with the registry and the members involvement!!!
That said, I am coming up from Fl. and will go with any good gathering of owners, vendors,techs and other hands on ZR-1 knowledgeable people as we all learn and enjoy this fun car. If there are good plans and support we can gather anywhere then rally at NCM as the interest builds.
NCM will set the dates set but we will make it fun and a reason to return!!
Anyone wanting to hookup as we comeup from Fl. please respond as we can meet and gather along the way.
:handshak: Just a thought.
02-10-2007, 12:52 PM
NMCA will not be running at all on Thursday according to Dallas Jones at Beech Bend. It is their setup day. They do have Test&Tune on Friday afternoon from 1:00-5:00. Here is what was offered...
They are offering us the track on Wednesday (May 2nd)...we can do Full Day (8:00-5:00) or either half day...8:00 - 1:00 or 12:00 - 5:00. What do y'all think about that?
Okay - if we can get wednesday afternoon for sure, I'm in. If I break the beast, I'll take it to Van Dorns for repairs!:hello: :pray :hello:
02-10-2007, 06:27 PM
I've never been to one before so can't really offer much in the way of suggestions, the 'food events' are rather problematic as I and my girlfriend are vegetarians and there don't seem to be any meatless options - in that sense 'bring your own' would be a better choice from our perspective (I checked with the Museum and there will be a vegetarian option available for the banquet if we booked, though they couldn't say what it would be).
As for the actual events, anything that involves driving the new toy is a winner - I bought it to drive not just to look at :-D
02-10-2007, 07:20 PM
I've never been to one before so can't really offer much in the way of suggestions, the 'food events' are rather problematic as I and my girlfriend are vegetarians and there don't seem to be any meatless options - in that sense 'bring your own' would be a better choice from our perspective (I checked with the Museum and there will be a vegetarian option available for the banquet if we booked, though they couldn't say what it would be).
As for the actual events, anything that involves driving the new toy is a winner - I bought it to drive not just to look at :-D
Dave - the L98 had 245 hp, not 275 hp as stated in your website.
02-11-2007, 01:00 AM
Thanks for the correction, you're 100% right. :-)
04-01-2007, 10:47 AM
Here are some events that are added to the existing BG Gathering schedule
I'd also like to ask if folks are interested in the poker run (time TBD) and a 0-60 radar timed contest at Van Dorn's
there is still time for us to add some events to flesh out the schedule. if you haven't signed up for the event or drag racing please do!!
c u there!!
Wed May 3rd
Drag Racing at Beech Bend Raceway, 12-5, bring helmet
$50 per racer
Pizza and Brew at the Uplaza 6:00
Thursday May 4th
ZR-1 Mod Party at Van Dorn’s (4-9) burgers, dogs, and beer sponsored by ZR-1 Net Registry
Dyno Tuning by Marc Haibeck 12-4, contact Marc @ ( to arrange a tuning session, sign up for dyno time as part of registration
Contact with Marc for cost of tuning
Friday, May 5th
Dyno Tuning by Marc Haibeck 12-4, contact Marc @ ( to arrange a tuning session, sign up for dyno time as part of registration
Contact with Marc for cost of tuning
Owners Night out Dinner and Cruising
Each person is responsible for their own tab
Saturday, May 6th
Corvette Coral at Beech Bend National Muscle Car Race (all day)
04-01-2007, 10:10 PM
Here are some events that are added to the existing BG Gathering schedule
I'd also like to ask if folks are interested in the poker run (time TBD) and a 0-60 radar timed contest at Van Dorn's
there is still time for us to add some events to flesh out the schedule. if you haven't signed up for the event or drag racing please do!!
c u there!!
Wed May 3rd
Drag Racing at Beech Bend Raceway, 12-5, bring helmet
$50 per racer
Pizza and Brew at the Uplaza 6:00
Thursday May 4th
ZR-1 Mod Party at Van Dorn’s (4-9) burgers, dogs, and beer sponsored by ZR-1 Net Registry
Dyno Tuning by Marc Haibeck 12-4, contact Marc @ ( to arrange a tuning session, sign up for dyno time as part of registration
Contact with Marc for cost of tuning
Friday, May 5th
Dyno Tuning by Marc Haibeck 12-4, contact Marc @ ( to arrange a tuning session, sign up for dyno time as part of registration
Contact with Marc for cost of tuning
Owners Night out Dinner and Cruising
Each person is responsible for their own tab
Saturday, May 6th
Corvette Coral at Beech Bend National Muscle Car Race (all day)
where do we (sign up) for all this?:icon_scra cant we just show up and pay there? any other info on registration would be great! i'm a virgin!! thanks
04-02-2007, 01:52 AM
where do we (sign up) for all this?:icon_scra cant we just show up and pay there? any other info on registration would be great! i'm a virgin!! thanks
:iamwithst Ditto that, I'm a noob looking at my 1st trip to BG as well.
04-02-2007, 04:02 AM
Everyone was a virgin once...heck some of the boys still may be,
by the looks of them. That is one of the fun things, of the gathering's
Placing the names to the faces. Alot of the fun happens not just at the
events planned, but the Parking Lot BS sessions.
Holiday inn Uplaza where most congregate..
Here's the missing Link..........
Sign up for the drag help offset the cost of the track. you can get all the spiffy name tags and shirts and such.
Save up a few extra dollars so you'll have plenty to buy me some
Budweiser's and garner some of my unsolicited wisdom.
I am looking forward to Meet Jim Van Dorn...there's a party goin on at his
place. Besides...he's a Zr1 legend...right Jim..??
{Will you post the address, JIM... or pm me, so i can enter it in my GPS unit}? Plus i hear rumor's of
a turbonator showing up..along with Callaways' and Regular C4's
and our skunk brotheren
The "Gathering" officially starts Thursday..but a tradition is to get there at
least by
wed. nite, for beer and pizza..this year..we have the Beech Bend Track rented from noon to 5pm on wed. for you drag racers.
and need help paying for it.
Any other questions should be anwsered by clicking on the link above.
I can hardly wait...:thumbsup: :mrgreen:
OH..i almost forgot..The Holiday Inn Uplaza on the back side has
an area set aside with allow us to wash our cars.
It's also a tradition that all NOOB's to the Gathering...offer
to help wash...and detail the more seasoned members cars,
it's no big deal...wear you're rubbers so you tootsies don't get wet.
04-02-2007, 11:28 AM
hey keith, just tried to get a room at the holiday inn and they are SOLD OUT! so i got a room at the ramada....... for anyone still looking the lady said they do still have other rooms open! not bad, $140 for 2 nights-2 bed. is there a special parking section for us members.....aside from the other z's or do you just get in where you fit in? teach us OBIE-ONE. well i dont know any of you by face so if you spot the Z flag me over!:handshak: shouldn't be to hard to zr-1:mrgreen: any meeting time and spot would be good??? i think we are going down late wed night. anyone else feel lost?:icon_scra you oldschoolers are going to have to walk us noobies through it. and yes keith i will teach you the proper way to detail a z:D
04-02-2007, 05:02 PM
Keith, I t/t Jeff a while ago and it looks like we're set for the trip down....I hope he's quieter than you.:mrgreen:
Hey assassin, are you heading to Keith's Tuesday? I'd hate to be the only noob with this bunch.
04-02-2007, 07:19 PM
Keith, I t/t Jeff a while ago and it looks like we're set for the trip down....I hope he's quieter than you.:mrgreen:
Hey assassin, are you heading to Keith's Tuesday? I'd hate to be the only noob with this, we cant head down until wednesday.i got a buddy riding with me and he cant get off work until then.:mad: but i definately want to meet up with you guys wed night! im sure i'll see you somewhere down me i wish i was rolling down there with you guys!!
04-03-2007, 10:45 AM
This is my first gathering & NCM visit and I wondered how many of us are signing up for the NCM events shown?? Are these things we do or just NCM sponsored things for any and all? Any info or past itinerary habits for us new guys would be appreciated!! Also thinking of bringing the '91 I just bought to offer for sale if anyone's interested. Could someone post the address and directions to the dragstrip please.
:cheers: Looking forward to the gathering.
04-03-2007, 11:12 AM
Everyone was a virgin once...heck some of the boys still may be,
I am looking forward to Meet Jim Van Dorn...there's a party goin on at his
place. Besides...he's a Zr1 legend...right Jim..??
{Will you post the address, JIM... or pm me, so i can enter it in my GPS unit}?
The only "legend" I'm aware of being is "The Legend of FlipFlops and shorts".
Sorry I haven't been around here much, but we've been doin vette stuff...:-))
As I understand it from Ron, he wants a bring your own food type thing over here. Traveling with food can be a pain so if any of you want to try some of our good 'ol Kentucky BBQ, homemade potatoes, salad and of course a brew or two...we can accomidate but need to know ahead of time. $20 a person. We're doing the same thing the weekend before for the C5-C6 Bash and expect a huge party. We're having the best band in town called the Fender Benders over and they do a great Motown, oldies, jazz and country set. They are $800 for the night in case anyone's interested.??? We have a nice setup here. We are away from anyone who would be loud music offended and we have a huge parking lot directly behind us at the Vette City Flea Market. Our address is 790 Interstate Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42101. Our website is
Also, if any of you want/need any service or repairs while here, please let us know and we'll do our best to get you in. Also, we'll also be tearing down a Black Widow LT5 in case you're interested. :wink:
Looking forward to meeting up with you!!
p.s. Who knows but a little birdy told me that there might even be some Pirate Racing clips showing....THOSE PIRATES WERE BAD!!!
04-03-2007, 12:11 PM
Thanks Jim, so much for doing this. I am a bit confused though after reading this yesterday:
ZR-1 Mod Party at Van Dorn’s (across from the NCM) (4pm-9pm) burgers, dogs, and beer sponsored by the ZR-1 Net Registry.
Are we talking about the same event???
04-03-2007, 01:27 PM
Thanks Jim, so much for doing this. I am a bit confused though after reading this yesterday:
ZR-1 Mod Party at Van Dorn’s (across from the NCM) (4pm-9pm) burgers, dogs, and beer sponsored by the ZR-1 Net Registry.
Are we talking about the same event???
The official agenda...whatever that is!...can be found here...
04-03-2007, 02:05 PM
The official agenda...whatever that is!...can be found here...
Uly, that is where I took the quote (in bold) from. I am just trying to determine if JVD $20/head event is the same as the one described on the agenda for Thursday.
04-03-2007, 02:53 PM
....Our website is
Hey Jim, why no "LT5" in your logo? [-X
04-03-2007, 03:04 PM
Uly, that is where I took the quote (in bold) from. I am just trying to determine if JVD $20/head event is the same as the one described on the agenda for Thursday.
Yep, I missed that post but it looks like they got it together for a little cookout. Sounds great. Thursday night we're doin burgers and dogs on nthe Registry!!
04-03-2007, 03:06 PM
Hey Jim, why no "LT5" in your logo? [-X
Well, ra out of room and a buddy was doing it very quickly so we could get up on line. There is, however, a large section on LT5s in the "Services" section. I'll re-do it for ya...:-))
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