View Full Version : Crazy Bruce Jenner
06-08-2015, 04:54 PM
He is now a woman....What has become of our society? :rolleyes:
06-08-2015, 06:35 PM
This is America, you can have anything you want.
06-08-2015, 06:49 PM
This is America, you can have anything you want.
And I feel ashamed to be American. Our culture has declined so much the last 20 years. Values and morals no longer exist. Now it's about how strange and how bizarre one can be. How much attention can one get and how loud can one be. Mentors nor role models to young people no longer exist. I guess Bruce Jenner is the new role model for our young people? Really sad .... :o
06-09-2015, 08:48 AM
And I feel ashamed to be American. Our culture has declined so much the last 20 years. Values and morals no longer exist. Now it's about how strange and how bizarre one can be. How much attention can one get and how loud can one be. Mentors nor role models to young people no longer exist. I guess Bruce Jenner is the new role model for our young people? Really sad .... :o
Oh please. That one person dealing w their true gender orientation is indicative of a total collapse of Western civilization? Don't we have much more important issues to deal with? Move along, these aren't the droids we're looking for.
Blue Flame Restorations
06-09-2015, 09:00 AM
I'm pretty conservative. Bruce is free to do whatever he wants. Ok with me. I just don't feel that his issue is newsworthy or deserving of an award.
The narrative of the left is for everything to be normal and accepted as such, which will never be the case, or at least for myself. And if you disagree (even respectfully), you will be attacked and persecuted by a vocal minority.
06-09-2015, 09:10 AM
I do to, I agree with you 100%. It's not just the Bruce Jenner incident it's all the other crap that's happened in the last 5-10 years. I know were the laughing stock in Germany. As soon as I arrive people ask me if we honor all the people that are on the reality shows that are all over the Americian TV.
And I feel ashamed to be American. Our culture has declined so much the last 20 years. Values and morals no longer exist. Now it's about how strange and how bizarre one can be. How much attention can one get and how loud can one be. Mentors nor role models to young people no longer exist. I guess Bruce Jenner is the new role model for our young people? Really sad .... :o
06-09-2015, 10:39 AM
Hey, if people didn't watch that crap on TV they wouldn't put it there. The answer is to stop watching, reading, paying for crap and then it won't be produced.
I can't understand why so many people watch all of those stupid shows.
We need to up or game, maybe spend more money on education than unproductive subsidizing, tax breaks for corporations and billionaires, and wars/military..
George Maz
06-09-2015, 11:41 AM
In the compartments behind the seats I carry a long blonde wig... So I don't have to pay for drinks, can get out of tickets, have someone else change my flat tire, ...all while I'm chatting on the cell phone with my left turn signal on for the past 3 miles and speeding through a school zone.
More importantly, I can tell you what Kim Kardashian had for breakfast today...who says you can't run the LT5 on just three quarts of oil...LOL!!!...ttyl...😁😨😱
06-09-2015, 11:45 AM
Thanks for reminding me...
Let's add "High Quality Driver's Education" to the list of things Americans don't do and should.
Imagine how nice it would be if people actually knew (and followed) the rules of the road.
Mystic ZR-1
06-09-2015, 02:46 PM
More importantly, I can tell you what Kim Kardashian had for breakfast today.😨😱[/QUOTE]
Special K?
06-09-2015, 02:50 PM
So, amungst the Bruce Jenner issues and all the other stuff going on in this country, I was informed today that hospitals are not allowed to bill illegal immigrants. Not only don't they have to pay, you can't even send them a bill.
On a bright note, now in Florida now you have to pass a drug test to get welfare.
06-09-2015, 03:06 PM
Steve that' why they charge us a arm and leg when we go in.
When I had back surgery two years ago the bill was close to 15k and I only stayed one night in the hospital.
So, amungst the Bruce Jenner issues and all the other stuff going on in this country, I was informed today that hospitals are not allowed to bill illegal immigrants. Not only don't they have to pay, you can't even send them a bill.
On a bright note, now in Florida now you have to pass a drug test to get welfare.
06-09-2015, 03:40 PM
Of coarse Nelson, you had to help pay for those that don't. Plus you have to support the insurance companies, don't get me started on that.
06-09-2015, 03:49 PM
<snip>, I was informed today that hospitals are not allowed to bill illegal immigrants. What was the source? Sounds suspicious, like one of those chain mails.
06-09-2015, 07:01 PM
What was the source? Sounds suspicious, like one of those chain mails.
It was on the internet...It must be true. I'll admit, I did not check my sources. Wishful thinking. I know, I tell my customers..wishing for it don't make it true.
06-09-2015, 07:38 PM
What was the source? Sounds suspicious, like one of those chain mails.
It was on the internet...It must be true. I'll admit, I did not check my sources. Wishful thinking. I know, I tell my customers..wishing for it don't make it true.
06-09-2015, 07:42 PM
Steve, you are probably thinking about this Reagan era mandate.
It includes anyone not able to pay regardless of citizenship status.
Couldn't resist.
Why is this news ?
06-10-2015, 01:26 AM
I'm still just trying to figure out what makes a man want to become a woman. I love every single thing about being a man. I walk down an alley and I'm never scared. I have better endurance both physically, and partly as a result, mentally. I speak at a moderate volume and everyone turns to see what I have to say, deferring to me. People take my word for it professionally. I can actually drive a car. Is it truly as you say, and he is simply pussified? Or rather was he a p*ssy the whole time and he had some good manly genetics that carried him until he was 40-50 years old? Where then he realized he had to work and earn stuff, and that's when he ceremoniously tore his balls off? I guess he finally figured it out after 3 failed marriages and 9 kids and tons of $ and time spent that in America women today truly have the power. I remember glancing at one show and saw his then bossy and manly wife berating him in HIS garage and all he did was act like a scorned buffoon child with no testicles, and this was when I lost all respect for the guy, or now girl.
06-10-2015, 11:58 AM
This is all George W. Bush's fault.
06-10-2015, 11:22 PM
247 views and only 19 posted. I'm betting a lot of guys want to speak their mind but something tells me their wife is in the same room maybe looking at this? Kinda sad more men don't have the balls to speak up and take a stand how the country is going down the shitter. Sad ......... :(
06-10-2015, 11:35 PM
We should move this to the general corvette section; if you recall Bruce Jenner Ran in the Corvette Challenge. I believe Brent might have even bought Bruces old seat
#16 Corvette Challenge Car documented history and specs
Car number: 16 Car Color: White
Sponsor: Cahill/Jenner/Gloy Racing
Driver: Bruce Jenner from Malibu, CA
Previous owners:
Current owner: << CAR WAS TOTALED >>
Blue Flame Restorations
06-10-2015, 11:56 PM
LOL.....I think we better leave it in Off Topic, Lee.
I will say that so far it's not gotten too out of hand. Have fun but please keep it under control, guys.
Kinda sad more men don't have the balls to speak up and take a stand how the country is going down the shitter. Sad ......... :(
Couldn't have said it better.
06-11-2015, 08:29 AM
You might want to put that seat on Ebay, possibly get your money back what the car cost.
06-11-2015, 10:50 AM
Couldn't resist.
Why is this news ?
Right up there with the Duggars being news now years after making millions......
and Jep Robertson molestation being news now years after making millions on Duck Dynasty.
They all like our friend Bruce know what sells on TV. And they just keep reinventing themselves to keep relevant (even though the current relevancy is a bit strange for them all).
I do not understand (I will NEVER understand) why they expose their "issues" with the public except to remain relevant....they are running out of ideas.
Frank.......lets you and I expose our "issues" to remain relevant on the Forum :p
Frank.......lets you and I expose our "issues" to remain relevant on the Forum :p
Butt people will begin to talk :cheers:
06-11-2015, 03:43 PM
I don't understand why they can't just dress any way they want with out all the surgical mutilation.
Why can't they just do what they want and keep it out of every one's face ?
06-11-2015, 05:58 PM
Because reporters are out of control!
06-11-2015, 10:26 PM
Because reporters are out of control!
Excellent Point :handshak:
06-12-2015, 06:12 AM
Reporters only report what the people want.
06-12-2015, 02:05 PM
Steve do you need any help? I can bring the Big Truck!
06-12-2015, 05:39 PM
Help with what John? I am moving my mother in law this weekend.
06-12-2015, 06:59 PM
Cool, OK!
06-12-2015, 07:28 PM
Well, that would be interesting if you showed up in the big truck in the middle of Worcester.
06-12-2015, 10:24 PM
New to the forum, my personal thought is us Americans spend way too much time watching TV giving over compensated idiots more attention than they deserve. I say get rid of the boob tube and learn a new skill. My day job is in a cubical all day and on my free time trying to learn how to work on my cars. Willing to get dirty, but afraid I will screw things up.
06-13-2015, 11:48 PM
New to the forum, my personal thought is us Americans spend way too much time watching TV giving over compensated idiots more attention than they deserve. I say get rid of the boob tube and learn a new skill.
Great advice. But not only this, so many guys don't realize how America is changing and women are becoming horribly obese, bossy, demanding, etc. Maybe Jenner woke up one morning and saw how American women get their way. Today men are almost like second class citizens. TV sitcoms portray us as dumb insubordinate buffoons and the really scary thing is our daughters watch their mother's actions and TV. I travel a great deal and every time I come back to America I am appalled with the women here. Outside of America, American women are considered the worst in the world in terms of wife and mother material. Just watch the stupid reality shows and notice how Bruce Jenner was treated like a buffoon in his own home. Another thing is greed. Nobody is talking about Jenner's income for his new freak reality show. There is a reason why people do things-for money, and Jenner is doing all he can to pump up his new freak show.
Greedy people in a greedy narcissistic industry called Hollywood.
Really sad what has become of our country and our culture.
07-11-2015, 12:04 AM
Great advice. But not only this, so many guys don't realize how America is changing and women are becoming horribly obese, bossy, demanding, etc. Maybe Jenner woke up one morning and saw how American women get their way. Today men are almost like second class citizens. TV sitcoms portray us as dumb insubordinate buffoons and the really scary thing is our daughters watch their mother's actions and TV. I travel a great deal and every time I come back to America I am appalled with the women here. Outside of America, American women are considered the worst in the world in terms of wife and mother material. Just watch the stupid reality shows and notice how Bruce Jenner was treated like a buffoon in his own home. Another thing is greed. Nobody is talking about Jenner's income for his new freak reality show. There is a reason why people do things-for money, and Jenner is doing all he can to pump up his new freak show.
Greedy people in a greedy narcissistic industry called Hollywood.
Really sad what has become of our country and our culture.
Well said. Could care less about Bruce Jenner. Too your point, you are right about how men are portrayed. Mindless dolts, but with help of thoughtful wife and kids he understands. Geez. I have a wife and 16 yr old daughter. Most of the men I've met through them over the last 10 years are such wusses. Their wives run all over them. Sad. Can't do anything without asking and the answer is usually no. If I or my wife for that matter, want to play golf hang with the guys or gals we do it. I have come to hate men that say "happy wife happy life." It just means bowing to her commands. No husband or wife should bow down. Yes you should make your wife happy, but by doing things to make her happy that come from you not what she commands. She will lose respect eventually for you. Then she is dating the pool boy! Lol
Just my 2 cents.
07-11-2015, 01:31 AM
Well said. Could care less about Bruce Jenner. Too your point, you are right about how men are portrayed. Mindless dolts, but with help of thoughtful wife and kids he understands. Geez. I have a wife and 16 yr old daughter. Most of the men I've met through them over the last 10 years are such wusses. Their wives run all over them. Sad. Can't do anything without asking and the answer is usually no. If I or my wife for that matter, want to play golf hang with the guys or gals we do it. I have come to hate men that say "happy wife happy life." It just means bowing to her commands. No husband or wife should bow down. Yes you should make your wife happy, but by doing things to make her happy that come from you not what she commands. She will lose respect eventually for you. Then she is dating the pool boy!
I hear you loud and clear (and you're a smart guy because you know what is really happening today) but what is even more scarier is you're the only poster who has responded to my last post! Three weeks have passed and not one response! This is a male dominated forum and one would think more guys might respond and agree because this is all factual stuff. But sadly, very few have chimed in this thread and I think I know why....Many guys on this forum are married and the wife (most likely) has a financial stake in their toys or their ZR1, so posting in agreement could make the wife angry. God forbid the wife is angry! Yea, the new slogan should be "happy husband, happy life" because American women get away with murder. American men have become yes-wussies! It is so in your face and the sad part is most men don't even get it ... They have no idea how American women are so terrible. My hope is if more men did know the truth and we banned together to boycott all bad women, which in my opinion 90% of all American women. But it will never happen because men have become such buffoons! Another word used today is "Mangina" which means a man who will bow down and worship, even suffer mental and/or physical abuse from a woman.
If only more men knew the truth..... Really sad! :thumbsdo:
07-11-2015, 08:57 AM
I hear you loud and clear (and you're a smart guy because you know what is really happening today) but what is even more scarier is you're the only poster who has responded to my last post! Three weeks have passed and not one response! This is a male dominated forum and one would think more guys might respond and agree because this is all factual stuff. But sadly, very few have chimed in this thread and I think I know why....Many guys on this forum are married and the wife (most likely) has a financial stake in their toys or their ZR1, so posting in agreement could make the wife angry. God forbid the wife is angry! Yea, the new slogan should be "happy husband, happy life" because American women get away with murder. American men have become yes-wussies! It is so in your face and the sad part is most men don't even get it ... They have no idea how American women are so terrible. My hope is if more men did know the truth and we banned together to boycott all bad women, which in my opinion 90% of all American women. But it will never happen because men have become such buffoons! Another word used today is "Mangina" which means a man who will bow down and worship, even suffer mental and/or physical abuse from a woman.
If only more men knew the truth..... Really sad! :thumbsdo:
Don't get me wrong. I don't think even most women are bad. This mostly men's fault. We have abdicated our roles as fathers and husbands. IMHO it started in early 70's when we became bombarded with women don't need a man and kids are raised just fine by their mom alone. We allowed it to happen. I love and cherish my wife and daughter and they get what they need and a lot of what they want but they won't rule over me. I'm not a dictator at all it's just my role.
07-11-2015, 02:04 PM
I agree it's our fault that we have allowed women to abuse us and treat us like dog manure. I stopped dating American women all together in 1993. Today, I travel so much that I'm lucky to have beautiful women half my age at my beck and call.
I just got back from Peru and the women down there are amazing! What a lot of American men don't realize or know is that American women outside of America are considered the bottom of the barrel, and Latin women and Asian women are at the top.
No decent, good Asian or Latin man would be caught dead with an American gal unless the gal at loads of money. It is so sad seeing so many desperate men do anything for a woman. I know hard working, good men with no kids who marry a fat women with 3 kids! Dumb!
How about that Bruce Jenner getting the Ashe courage award last night ? What a farking joke !
randy ransome
07-16-2015, 11:52 AM
Bruce Jenner is Sick...not transgender.
07-16-2015, 06:09 PM
If Caitlyn Jenner won the gold as a women at the Olympics and then became Bruce ;)
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