View Full Version : Help me fix jiggly headlight

04-17-2015, 12:23 PM
<Celebrity Spokesperson>
"Did you know that C4 Corvettes can suffer from Jiggly Headlight Syndrome, known as JLS? Please help to eradicate this dreaded (well, annoying) disease."
</Celebrity Spokesperson>

I've noticed that whenever I drive at night the passenger side headlight seems to jiggle around in accordance with bumps and other anomalies in the road surface. Since I'm not in the car much at night, I never really think about it much other than "well, that's kind of annoying." Today I got the wild hair to take a look, and found that there appears to be a bracket that is totally missing from my car.

Trouble is, I have no idea what it's called, and hence what I should search for. Ideas?

I will try and illustrate what's missing by taking a picture of the driver's side, which is fully intact. It's a 90-degree steel bracket held to the underside of the hood with a nut that goes onto the threaded stud that's affixed to the underside of the hood. (The stud is there). It affixes to another bracket on the hood by way of a nut and bolt. Here's the pic, which you can click on to enlarge:

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7603/16990813520_aba847657d_s.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rTqmUG)

You can help me! I know it!

04-17-2015, 12:47 PM
I believe that's the anti jiggly bracket. Sorry, couldn't resist.

04-17-2015, 01:37 PM
You might try finding someone selling the entire headlight assembly and asking if they'd be willing to part it.

04-17-2015, 03:50 PM
<Celebrity Spokesperson>
"Did you know that C4 Corvettes can suffer from Jiggly Headlight Syndrome, known as JLS? Please help to eradicate this dreaded (well, annoying) disease."
</Celebrity Spokesperson>

I've noticed that whenever I drive at night the passenger side headlight seems to jiggle around in accordance with bumps and other anomalies in the road surface. Since I'm not in the car much at night, I never really think about it much other than "well, that's kind of annoying." Today I got the wild hair to take a look, and found that there appears to be a bracket that is totally missing from my car.

Trouble is, I have no idea what it's called, and hence what I should search for. Ideas?

I will try and illustrate what's missing by taking a picture of the driver's side, which is fully intact. It's a 90-degree steel bracket held to the underside of the hood with a nut that goes onto the threaded stud that's affixed to the underside of the hood. (The stud is there). It affixes to another bracket on the hood by way of a nut and bolt. Here's the pic, which you can click on to enlarge:

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7603/16990813520_aba847657d_s.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rTqmUG)

You can help me! I know it!

Just checked ny car but I have both. Prob somebody rebuilt the motor and left it off. My drivers side wiggles more than the passenger side but I think these float about abit based upon road conitions assuming the trim ring etc is tight

I did some more research for you..The part you are looking for is the hood hinge bracket. RH 14060285 & LH 14060286.The one hole used a carriage style bolt to keep it from turning when tightening.

I also suggest you look elsewhere first for the jiggly issue. As the 92-96 cars did not have this bracket. Just FYSA

04-17-2015, 04:00 PM
<Celebrity Spokesperson>
"Did you know that C4 Corvettes can suffer from Jiggly Headlight Syndrome, known as JLS? Please help to eradicate this dreaded (well, annoying) disease."
</Celebrity Spokesperson>

I've noticed that whenever I drive at night the passenger side headlight seems to jiggle around in accordance with bumps and other anomalies in the road surface. Since I'm not in the car much at night, I never really think about it much other than "well, that's kind of annoying." Today I got the wild hair to take a look, and found that there appears to be a bracket that is totally missing from my car.

Trouble is, I have no idea what it's called, and hence what I should search for. Ideas?

I will try and illustrate what's missing by taking a picture of the driver's side, which is fully intact. It's a 90-degree steel bracket held to the underside of the hood with a nut that goes onto the threaded stud that's affixed to the underside of the hood. (The stud is there). It affixes to another bracket on the hood by way of a nut and bolt. Here's the pic, which you can click on to enlarge:

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7603/16990813520_aba847657d_s.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rTqmUG)

You can help me! I know it!

Here you go

04-17-2015, 05:02 PM
Just checked ny car but I have both. Prob somebody rebuilt the motor and left it off. My drivers side wiggles more than the passenger side but I think these float about abit based upon road conitions assuming the trim ring etc is tight

I also suggest you look elsewhere first for the jiggly issue. As the 92-96 cars did not have this bracket. Just FYSA

Thanks Goldcylon. Yeah, I think the whole thing could do without the bracket, but then that would throw my weight balance all out of whack and I'd probably loose control of the car in the turn and crash and bad.. WHAAAH.

No, actually, I'd settle for just having the nut that holds the bracket to the hood. That's the part that's really causing the wiggly bit. It's fastened to the underside of the hood with 2 of 3 mount points. I think that other brace must be rigidity. And likely overkill. But original.

04-17-2015, 05:07 PM
I found exactly what I needed here:

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, guys. The parts number was especially helpful. I just had no idea what to even search for and I was coming up blank.

As always, you're the best.

04-18-2015, 05:58 PM
It may be worth looking around under the coolant overflow bottle to see if someone dropped the original bracket under there.