View Full Version : Would anyone consider driving their Z to the Gathering in BG?

04-11-2015, 12:14 PM
Hey Pacific Region,

Just wondering if anyone does or would consider driving to the Gathering one year? It would be cool if we could gather a few folks to do a caravan from the West Coast to BG for a Gathering.

I can't do it this year, but would like to consider a plan to do so one day.:cheers:

Corvettes White
04-12-2015, 02:13 PM
I really - readily wanted to go this year. Just could not pull it together. But yes. Figured a three day drive from So Cal. I even posted for a shot gun last month. George

04-12-2015, 03:24 PM
I really - readily wanted to go this year. Just could not pull it together. But yes. Figured a three day drive from So Cal. I even posted for a shot gun last month. George

Hey George,

Thanks for the reply and good to know there is someone willing to do this. This year would be my 3rd time at BG Gathering, but my Z was either in Hawaii or Japan. Now I'm in the upper 48 so I would like to make the drive, especially if there are others and a caravan of ZR-1s to go together.