View Full Version : Passing of a Founding Member

12-25-2014, 02:50 PM
It is with a heavy heart that I post the passing of my dear friend and founding member Tony Watson (L8apex)
Tony was loved and respected by all those that had the pleasure of his friendship.
He and my wife purchased their matching Red/Red 91’s the same year (2002)
We spent many many hours over the years just standing around the garage talking Corvettes.
The ZR-1 community has lost a true ambassador, RIP my friend.



http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq186/2manyvettes24/Tony%20Watson/10303775_10205250248406815_6038141711287226903_n_z psa82532eb.jpg

http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq186/2manyvettes24/Tony%20Watson/1424282_749476565106685_8638627930125657883_n_zpsd 38a6cd1.jpg

http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq186/2manyvettes24/Tony%20Watson/10858443_770501696320620_7647217578655836535_n_zps 3d8c0ff5.jpg

12-25-2014, 03:37 PM
My condolences to his family , very sad .

Life is short , enjoy it while we can.

12-25-2014, 04:53 PM
I remember talking to him at carlise a few years ago. Sad to hear

12-25-2014, 07:13 PM
Very sorry to read of his passing at such an early age - RIP Tony.

12-25-2014, 07:34 PM
Sorry to hear the news - RIP and Godspeed to him.

12-26-2014, 07:34 PM
Rip for a first class gentleman




Blue Flame Restorations
12-27-2014, 02:27 AM
Prayers for Tony and his family.

12-27-2014, 03:47 PM
Sad time for all!!!


12-28-2014, 04:32 PM
Sorry to here Jeff, may he RIP!

12-28-2014, 10:26 PM
Sorry to hear of this. Prayers go out to his family and friends.

Vette Guy
12-28-2014, 11:18 PM
I just read this and am absolutely shocked. I lived in Tony's neck of the woods for a few years and got to know he and Shrek. I last corresponded with Tony just over a month ago - he let me know that he had just a year and a half left until he was returning to the states, that he was looking forward to getting back into the car community and that he would like to help out with the ZR-1 Net Registry. He sent a photo of the 1986 Army Land Rover that he'd been passing his time with until he returned....

I still can't believe it... We will miss you Tony (L8apex)

with much sadness,

Vette Guy
01-01-2015, 12:28 AM

We’ve recently suffered the loss of three of our dear ZR-1 Net Registry members since October. With the passing of Phil DeJohn, we are grateful for the efforts of Dave “Mom” Bright to ensure Phil was remembered with a ZR-1 brick at the National Corvette Museum. With the passing of Tony Watson and George Braml within the last few weeks, the ZR-1 Net Registry will ensure that both members are appropriately remembered on behalf of the ZR-1 Net Registry family.

As such, we have created a venue for members to contribute for each of our departed. We have set up our web store to accept donations in increments of $5 in order for us to reach our goal of $150 for each ZR-1 memorial brick. Additionally, we’ve provided a link to both Tony and George’s obituary, which allows members to view the requests of the family and donate as they see fit.

The link to the “In Memoriam” section of our web store is: http://www.zr1netregistry.com/Marketplace/RegistryStore/tabid/235/rvdsfcatid/in-memoriam-36/Default.aspx
We as a community are very saddened by such a great loss, and very much appreciate your donation in support of these great friends and ZR-1 enthusiasts.

With heavy heart,

01-11-2015, 06:32 PM
I first met Tony in 2002, through the corvette forum and later met with Tony when he visited the UK, when we visited the Jeal workshops. We lost touch and recently made contact again through FB. Tony was always welcoming and friendly and the World will be poorer for his loss. RIP Tony it was an honour to have known you Sir.

Cliff Barrett