View Full Version : can not reset password need help

Corvettes White
12-13-2014, 03:57 PM

I am logged in from my cell phone but can not log in from my lap top. I tried a few times to do a RESET but the server will not send a reset link. ?????

Thanks George

12-13-2014, 05:12 PM

I am logged in from my cell phone but can not log in from my lap top. I tried a few times to do a RESET but the server will not send a reset link. ?????

Thanks George

Go back to the home page and click on Login. On the next page, ask to get the password reset.

Blue Flame Restorations
12-14-2014, 12:25 AM
Thanks, Dom :cheers:

Corvettes White
12-14-2014, 12:30 AM
Thanks guys, I will give it a shot.