View Full Version : Bimmer fanboy inquires.

12-02-2014, 10:05 PM
The new HR guy we hired at work came up to me today and said dude! That BMW of yours is sick! He says he's looking to get one. And asked what he should look for? I said well I'm no expert. So All I can say is if your looking at a 5 series like that one just test drive it. Make sure nothing feels funny. Because an E60 outside of warranty is not cheap to fix. The only reason I bought this one is because the owner was one of my best friends. He's as anal about his cars as I am. Plus he kept all of the maintenance records. So there ya go. I said if you think that is sick you should see my ZR-1.:cheers:


12-02-2014, 11:09 PM
guy i know is a service writer for bmw and said not to own an out of warranty bmw

12-02-2014, 11:30 PM
I definitely agree. My 750i Sport had BOTH front power window motors die. Warranty was 4 weeks past, 23,000 miles. Think they would step up on a ludicrous failure like that? No way & I complained to BMW corporate. 5 weeks later and the answer was no. Nearly $2,000 later the windows work again. Don't even ask me about what they say when the car won't start because the battery is dead.

You couldn't pay me to own another BMW.

12-02-2014, 11:46 PM
basically be suspect of anything between the front and rear bumper

12-03-2014, 08:56 AM
I call it "German tax". Any German car has "German tax" on it. Make's "Corvette tax" seem like chump change.

Guy I know works at a MB dealer. He's told some of the things that go on at the dealer. Horror stories at best.

12-03-2014, 02:10 PM
I love them but I won't own one out of warranty either. I bought a two year warranty for $1,700. Covers just about everything. The next one will be a lease. I can get a brand new one every two years and never worry about it.