View Full Version : Las Vegas ZR-1s

11-16-2014, 02:10 PM
Anyone from Vegas on here? Anyone need a maintenance day?

11-16-2014, 10:44 PM
Anyone from Vegas on here? Anyone need a maintenance day?

Funny you should post this, Ted. I just saw another post of yours and
was reminded that you are now A WEST COASTER! You will see we are
NOT the wrong coast, vrs the right coast!

Las Vegas maintenance days are a GREAT idea and may draw from a
wide area like Calif and Ariz as well as Nev.

I'd also be VERY interested in organizing "national" club get-togethers in Las Vegas.
LV is a GREAT venue!

01-07-2015, 04:29 AM
I would be down for maintenance days as well. Actually going to do throttle body coolant by pass and front sway bar bushing replacement in the next couple of weeks if anyone in Vegas area wants to come see what is involved.