View Full Version : Questions for Board Candidates After Voting Has Begun

11-09-2014, 07:25 PM
Hey folks, I have a concern I'd like to share. I may be way off base--and I often am--but the questions posed to the candidates today by Jerry (and don't get me wrong, Jerry, I think the world of you for what you do for this club) should not be considered or answered by the candidates. In fact, I think the time for all questions to the candidates should have ended prior to the start of voting. It's unfair to pose these questions now as the answers could have influenced those of us who already voted as long as a week ago. I strongly suggest that in the future this question period be limited so that it ends prior to the commencement of voting. I also suggest that Jerry and anyone else who has posted a question to the candidates this week delete their post. There's a time and place for everything, and right now the membership is voting and the candidates should not be asked to campaign. Just my opinion, I know, but I had to express it.