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View Full Version : Board of Directors - NOMINEES

Paul Workman
10-20-2014, 12:44 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen:

In case you haven't seen it, the NOMINEES for BOARD OF DIRECTORS is established for the NOVEMBER 2014, Voting. The following are the candidates from which MEMBERS will be eligible to select the next FOUR Directors for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS beginning on November 1st and running to November 10th.

I would like to thank these people for stepping up and offering to represent MEMBERS and offer their enthusiasm and fresh ideas to the BOD and the ZR-1 enthusiasts the world over!

Please join me in welcoming your NOMINEES for the 2014 Election Season. Look to the MEMBERS ONLY section where you'll find a pages set up (later today) for each candidate for candidates to campaign and for MEMBERS to ask individual candidates questions.

So, without further "ado", here are your official FOUR 2014 candidates for the Board of Directors:

Dave Johnson
Mark Horner
David Hetrick
Rich Muhr
Dominic Sorresso
Beverly Schmitt
Ted Feder

Please see the MEMBERS ONLY section where the NOMINEES each have a thread where each candidate may introduce him or herself and explain their paticular expertise or specific talents they bring to the BOARD. And, members can ask questions of individual candidates. Also, MEMBERS can ask general questions to be answered by all candidates by clicking on the CANDIDATE DISCUSSION THREAD ((sticky) at the top of the section).

C-link (http://www.zr1.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=79)

Paul Workman
Secretary, ZR-1 NetRegistry

10-20-2014, 01:01 PM
I would like to add my thanks to the candidates for offering to become Directors of the ZR-1 Net Registry. Thank you.

The Candidate Discussion Forum will be visible to the Members in the ZR-1 Section of the Forum.

Jim Voter

10-20-2014, 02:12 PM
Where's Pete?

10-20-2014, 05:07 PM
Where's Pete?

Pete was not nominated as per his wishes.

10-20-2014, 05:55 PM
Where's Pete?

Where's the sheep at ?

10-20-2014, 08:17 PM
The current election is the first under the new bylaws, which provide for alternating 4 year terms of office.

The purpose is to maintain continuity of operations by electing 4 directors for 4 year terms this election period. The next election period in 2 years, will be to fill the vacancies of the 5 directors remaining in office whose terms will be expiring then.

For reference:

Here is a list of the Directors that will be remaining in office.
Robert DeMarco - remains in office
Dennis Fierstein - remains in office
Brett Henderson - remains in office
Jim Voter - remains in office
Paul Workman - remains in office

The current election will be replacements for the following Directors
Ron Hanselman - term expires
Mark Horner - term expires
David Johnson - term expires
Daniel McGuffee - resigned

10-20-2014, 08:31 PM
Awesome!. NEXT!

We Gone
10-20-2014, 09:16 PM
Looks like a very qualified group, Good luck to all

10-20-2014, 09:26 PM
Yes I agree. Those gentlemen are all very deserving of that title. I didn't mean to come off as being facetious. My apologies.

10-21-2014, 05:45 PM
When do we vote??

Paul Workman
10-23-2014, 06:03 AM
When do we vote??

Voting season = November 1st to 12 midnight November 10th on the MEMBERS ONLY site, or by mail. (See below the excerpt from the current by-laws)


Article VI
Board of Directors Election

Section 1: Election Nominations
A. Nomination Venue: Nominations can be submitted by posting in the Registry Forum
“Members Only-Election Nomination” section created for that specific purpose, and by
email or USPS mail to the President.

B. Nomination Requirements: Nominations can only be made by a Regular, Founding or
Lifetime member of The ZR-1 Net Registry. Nominations may not be anonymous or
by screen name and must contain the full name of the member making the nomination
and the full name of the nominee to be valid. Likewise, the nominee must also be a
Regular, Founding or Lifetime member of The ZR-1 Net Registry.

C. Nomination Period: The nomination and nomination acceptance period for Directors is
October 1, through 12M EST October 15, of the even-numbered year preceding the
term of office.

D. Nomination Acceptance & Confirmation: Nominees must personally affirm acceptance
of the nomination by:
1. Responding in the Registry Forum “Members Only-Election Nomination”
section of The ZR-1 Net Registry Forum,
2. email to the Secretary, or
3. USPS mail to the Secretary
4. Nominations and acceptance close at 12M EST October 15.
5. All accepted nominations will be verified for eligibility, prior to 12M EST
October 20.

Section 2: Election Candidate Forum
On or before October 20, a special section of the forum will be created for the election of
Directors, containing a procedure for use and a thread for each director candidate. The
candidate can then use the election candidate forum to make statements regarding qualifications,
present their objectives and answer voter questions.

Section 3: Election Voting Period
Candidates will be listed in the election section of The ZR-1 Net Registry website, and other
voting methods.
The election period for Directors is November 1, through 12M EST November 10.

Section 3: Election Voting
The voting process will be administered by the Secretary under the direction of the President.
The President will insure that election notices and voting methods are sufficient to reach all
members eligible for voting to obtain the greatest number of votes, such as but not necessarily
limited to internet through The ZR-1 Net Registry website and forum, or hard copy sent by
USPS mail service. Ballots will be cast secretly and sent electronically or mailed to the
Secretary for counting and to insure all votes are valid.
Mail-in, written proxy votes are authorized. Written proxies will be mailed to the Secretary or
another officer as designated by the President, to an address specified with the notice of election
announcements. Proxy votes must be delivered in a sealed envelope with the proxy grantor’s
name printed on the outside and with the votes cast by the proxy grantee, for each candidate
sealed within. Only one member’s proxy may be contained in an envelope. The proxy vote must
be received before the end of the election voting period and the vote(s) cast be clearly
understandable. Proxy votes will remain sealed until the vote count begins. Approved proxy
forms can be obtained from the Secretary.

Section 4: Election ResultsThe Secretary will endeavor, subject to any possible election protests or tiebreakers, to post the
preliminary election results, on or before November 15.

Section 5: Election Protest
An election protest may only be submitted by an eligible voting member of The ZR-1 Net
Registry. The protest must be submitted in writing, hard-copy or email, contain the full name
of the protesting member, and provide a detailed explanation of the reason for the protest. The
protest must be remitted to the Secretary no later than to 12M EST, November 20.
The Board of Directors will review the facts of the protest and render a decision within three
days of receipt of the protest. The President will then immediately inform the membership of
the protest and the Board of Director’s decision regarding the protest, along with any further
action requirement.

Section 6: Election Re-Vote
In the event a re-vote is required, the Board of Directors will specify the time period of the re-vote,
which will be less than the initial voting period, in order to finally resolve the elections. In any event,
the Board of Directors will verify and confirm the final results of the elections by December 15, so as
to allow a timely and more effective transition of administration

Section 7: Election Tie Breaker
If a tie, defined as two or more candidates receiving the same number of votes, occurs for the
election of a Director, another vote will be taken. If the re-vote produces another tie then a
drawing will take place to determine the winner. The drawing will consist of the name of each
of the candidates who are involved in the tie being written on a slip of paper and placed in a
container. One slip of paper will be drawn from the container to determine the winner.