View Full Version : Attention Nevada residents, something big is coming....

08-18-2014, 04:43 PM
Eurotopian.com is branching out to Las Vegas very soon and we can email you once we get our first event going. Please send us an email to eurotopiasm@gmail.com with the subject heading "Nevada Eurotopia" for email notifications.

If you haven't heard of us before below is a summary of who we are and what we do:

Eurotopian.com began in November 2012 in SoCal when a couple of driving enthusiasts came together looking to share a drive through some of California's most scenic roads. Fast forward to today and Eurotopian.com has over 800 registered users and we've included track days, go-karting, meets/car shows, and other events into our activities. We do not require a membership fee/dues and work with vendors and organization to bring new and exciting events to the car enthusiast community.

Below are some of the pictures of our SoCal events from 2012, 2013, and 2014. We are excited to start the Nevada chapter and hope to grow as big and strong as the SoCal chapter:







08-18-2014, 07:45 PM
sounds awesome, hope you make it to the pittsburgh area