View Full Version : Autocrossed and road coursed the BMW M6, 650, 640, and 750 yesterday

Paul Workman
06-04-2014, 08:43 AM
A friend of mine and a guest was selected with about 40-50 others for a day at the Autoban track facility near the Route 66 tracks to test drive some new Beamers yesterday afternoon. Gentlemen, I gotta tell ya, if you pair up against an M6 with the 560 hp sport package (including the biggest carbon disc brakes I've ever seen!) yer gonna have your work cut out for ya!

The M6 (with "sport" mode selected) on the autocross course was as nimble as any Corvette I've ever driven, and that automatic transmission on the course was phenomenal - never in the wrong gear and kept the turbos spooled and at the prime rpm throughout the course - automatically. Really, I mean REALLY(!) impressive!

The only "hitch" being a bit of a turbo lag - very little at that, but noticeable. However, you quickly learn to anticipate and adjust for it by hitting WOT a split second before you would normally go to full throttle on a supercharged or NA car, and it was fine!

By the time I made my 3rd pass, I only had to touch the brake at the hairpin at the far end, following a 65 foot "straightaway" to the cone marking the start of the turn. The transmission was all the braking needed, otherwise. Braggin rights: I got to push the M6 to the limits of the tires (and my driving) on my last pass, which turned out to be the best pass of the day for the entire group, according to the instructors. (The Dragon's Tail and Six gaps from the Mountain Run was a fine tuneup!!) But, hey! I was the only ZR-1 driver there, among a couple C5'ers and 4 C7 drivers...Had to put some "whoopazz" on 'em while wearing my NetRegistry ZR-1 colors, doancha know!!:p

Then we got to drive and play "follow the leader (the pro in a pace car)" and do spirited laps around the Autoban course, each getting to do laps in the 640, 650, and 750 series Beamers. All of them were quite impressive, even the big 750 handled quite well. But, it was the "hot laps" with one of the pro drivers in the M6 that was really an eye opener for me. You'd never think of a sport sedan being able to track like that - or at least I never did, until sitting shotgun with a pro. It made me think of Marc and his "new" ZR1. I'm sure he'd be able to handle the task w/o too much trouble with another 100 hp and a lot less weight.

Anyway... If ya ever get the chance! Thanks to Bill Jacobs BMW in Joliet, IL for the opportunity to pound on some state of the art BMWs, using their gas and tires. It was quite an experience!

06-04-2014, 09:52 AM

Did that 2 years ago but in Cadillac CTS-V coupe and wagon at Autobahn. I couldn't tell the diff between the coupe and wagon. The Vs and the ATS were very impressive.

06-04-2014, 10:21 AM
Those are two vehicles that I have always like the M6 and the CTS-V Wagon.

06-04-2014, 07:02 PM
They're Bimmers - Beamers are motorcycles ...

rudolph schenker
06-04-2014, 08:31 PM
How did the C7's fare?:happy1:

Paul Workman
06-05-2014, 07:33 AM
How did the C7's fare?:happy1:

Clarification: There were 4 people that drove their C7s to the event, and one ZR-1 (me). My bad...I didn't mean to give the impression we were driving our Corvettes against the BMWs. But, their (C7 dudes) autocross effort was about average, overall. My partner was a retired deputy from the Cook County Sheriff's Dept. He was pretty nimble behind the wheel too, although he took the cake for the most cones run over!

Back to the Bimmer/Beamers...

As mentioned, the carbon disc brakes are huge! They appeared to be nearly (if not) 4" of swept width...

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/M6brakes_zpsd6bba44a.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/M6brakes_zpsd6bba44a.jpg.html)

One of the steeds we autocrossed; the 2-door coupe version (there were a couple 4-door models and a vert too.)

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/M6_zps5c20461d.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/M6_zps5c20461d.jpg.html)

06-05-2014, 04:27 PM
You know the fastest car at an autocross?

The one not owned by the driver ;) !

Sounds like a seriously good time.

- Jeff

06-05-2014, 08:30 PM
New cars are good, aren't they? Modding is fun to get the low hanging fruit and the easy horsepower, but after a certain amount spent, it is just 10 times easier to go out and get a newer car with 500hp.

06-05-2014, 10:06 PM
I aam huge fan of the M6 Grand Coupe

Paul Workman
06-06-2014, 06:13 AM
New cars are good, aren't they? Modding is fun to get the low hanging fruit and the easy horsepower, but after a certain amount spent, it is just 10 times easier to go out and get a newer car with 500hp.

Agree totally! - Low hanging fruit...great analogy.

How some ever, for that kind of $$$$$$$$$, I could have a new C6 ZR1 or maybe the C7 ZR1 (IF they make one) with another 100+ hp (supercharged - read: NO spooling lag), lower center of gravity, & all the other goodies. So, now I'm curious what a C6 ZR1 would be like. Have to ask Marc, I guess!

Blue Flame Restorations
06-06-2014, 08:46 AM
Hi guys. Since this Thread is mainly about Bimmers, I'm moving it to Off Topic.
