View Full Version : A/C went goofy?

05-10-2014, 07:51 PM
This car is really starting to frustrate the he!! out of me...
Drove it two hours away to a show. Got runner up. About 20 miles from home the A/C quit blowing cold. I looked down and the display showed the outside temp was 24degrees. It was really like 86. Then the HEAT kicked on. So I shut the thing off. Little bit later the outside temp display climbed right back up to 87. Turned the A/C back on. Blew hot as he!! the rest of the way home. Opened hood when I got home and low pressure line was cold, compressor is cycling normally, still blows hot. I had a dealer convert it to R-134 last summer and it has been pretty much fine since - except it isn't as cold when sitting in traffic - better when moving but I figured that was kinda normal. Haibeck cleaned the radiator when I had it up there, and his chip is in it so car does not run hot. 200 Max. So now I got air that don't work, I think the front end is toed out, can't find the frickin "SES" light, and still have a vibration I have spent $1000 trying to fix that isn't.... Getting old in a hurry.. :mad:

05-10-2014, 07:55 PM
Welcome to the club mate. Wish I could help more then pulling up a chair and joing you in the pain

05-10-2014, 08:37 PM
Yeah I know. Figured I'd make it a "catch-all" pain thread...:o

05-10-2014, 09:27 PM
I have a thought for you. Disconnect the battery and after a few minutes re connect it. When you do you should hear the air flow door cycle fully from closed to open (or vice versa). This resets the door. Now see if it will send the cold air into the cabin. As for the outside temp sensor that is something different. Not sure where that is located.

05-10-2014, 09:37 PM
Sounds like the controller module; if it has one...

Plastic gear cracks, and it can't calibrate; sticks at pegged on one end.

05-11-2014, 06:54 AM
Any idea where that is at? Or the temp sensor?

05-11-2014, 07:50 AM
I don't know for sure that the Z does have a controller module there RF; the symptoms you describe are identical to my '98 GMC that had a bad one, with a cracked gear in it... It was in the ... dash http://images-cdn.perfectworld.com/en/rh/content/ohnoes.gif

I opened it, spun the gear 180', and got 4 more years out of it - same problem with the Z headlight motor.

05-11-2014, 08:58 AM
Schrade, are you referring to the blend door? If so it is in the dash.

Racin', try battery disconnect first. I have found it helps fix the auto a/c at times

05-11-2014, 09:00 AM
I looked at some of the "solutions" and like the PP said the battery unhooking may cure it. Think I will try that one first and go from there. I also found a link for getting codes from the A/C control panel - so that will be next after the reset ..
I would just like to be able to say just once that this car is all fixed and I drove it with no issues... Its bad when I have a LIST of stuff to fix :mad:

05-11-2014, 09:20 AM
Schrade, are you referring to the blend door? If so it is in the dash.

Racin', try battery disconnect first. I have found it helps fix the auto a/c at times

Yeah Jeff - CONTROLLER for the blend door, but again, I don't know that the Z's HAVE an identical controller module...

RF - I got FSM AC flow chart scanned in one of my 'mega' threads here.