View Full Version : Oil Leak

05-09-2014, 02:41 PM
what pieces/locations tend to leak oil?

I have replaced the breather box gasket (under plenum)
from what I can tell the Oil sensors are not leaking.

The cooler hose looks to not be leaking, but I will confirm it..

I have some oil under the car still looks like it is coming from the front of the motor, all the pan bolts I can get to are quite tight, I guess it cold be te forward most pan bolts, but hard to see, the motor is quite grimy and I am not sure the best way to get to there to clean it.. it is not leak a huge amount but anything is more than I would like

suggestions on what to check. best way to clean it?

05-09-2014, 02:51 PM
Potential Oil Leaks and the OPRV Cover Plate (http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c4-zr-1-discussion/3005470-tech-info-lt5-modifications-rebuild-tricks-500-hp.html#post1581302471)

http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll142/dynomite007/Dynomite/84b14ee2-b643-4c69-a2a9-de0d92b58a67.jpg (http://s287.photobucket.com/user/dynomite007/media/Dynomite/84b14ee2-b643-4c69-a2a9-de0d92b58a67.jpg.html)

05-09-2014, 02:53 PM
Oh yeah.. forgot about that guy..

so how do you get to it with the motor in the car?

05-09-2014, 03:07 PM
Oh yeah.. forgot about that guy..

so how do you get to it with the motor in the car?

In the link I recognized the tight space and ended up just removing one bolt at a time and applying blue locktite and then tightening them by feel. As I recall it was from the top that I gained space enough to get an open end wrench in that tight space. I guess I would have used red Loctite if I thought the fix was going to work as good as it did (NO MORE LEAKS).

05-09-2014, 03:16 PM
Ah from the top.. was that all you removed was the tensioner? coolant tubes are not in the way?

not looking forward to this one..

05-09-2014, 03:20 PM
Ah from the top.. was that all you removed was the tensioner? coolant tubes are not in the way?

not looking forward to this one..

I kind of forgot the details after I found it was a success ;)
I just looked at my 90' and I am sure I did NOT remove the belt tensioner. I did not remove the plate or gasket but removed each bolt one at a time and then installed the first bolt before I removed the second. Again...I would clean the bolt with on a wire wheel and use red Loctite.

I have SW Headers so my situation may be different than yours regarding the exhaust manifold being an issue.
I Cannot see the OPRV cover plate on my 90' as there is a wire harness in the way. But I am sure I squeezed down just in front of the Oil Filter housing and behind the radiator hose. I noticed you might gain room by removing the passenger side inner wheel panel and see if you can get to the OPRV valve cover under the right cam cover.

05-09-2014, 03:47 PM

Is it passenger side or driver?

05-09-2014, 07:21 PM
I believe you may have the oil pressure switch leak. Look between the oil filter and the engine.Down about 10 inches. There is a 1 wire plug attached to it. It is a common leak that shows up at the back of the right side of cross member under engine.
If its all oiled up spray with brake cleaner and see if fresh oil appears.
Just replaced mine last week.

05-09-2014, 07:40 PM
Dynomite, what

05-09-2014, 07:41 PM
is that brass piece that your oil pressure switch is screwed into?

05-09-2014, 07:44 PM
is that brass piece that your oil pressure switch is screwed into?

Yes......I changed that to a simple brass "L" to make it easier to remove. I had a "T" to connect a gauge if I wanted.

See Oil Filter Adapter Functions (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?p=194213)