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View Full Version : AIR delete... Who's pulled it? Effect?

04-25-2014, 09:23 PM
What do you know about AIR system deletion?

Is it only for emissions? Or for tune? Is it in Calibration at all?

What effect has removal from tune? The OBX hardware I got has only a P side port for AIR plumbing, and I'm considering system delete here...

04-25-2014, 09:30 PM
What do you know about AIR system deletion?

Is it only for emissions? Or for tune? Is it in Calibration at all?

What effect has removal from tune? The OBX hardware I got has only a P side port for AIR plumbing, and I'm considering system delete here...

That port on the pass. side is the EGR tube and the early 375 hp engines don't use that. just thread in a bolt and tack weld it closed.

You can unplug or remove the air injection pump and the car will never know- it does not monitor that and there is no fault code to set the check engine light. OBD1 for-the-win.

We Gone
04-25-2014, 09:33 PM
Removed all air systems no issues with passing here, or maybe they don't know what to look for. I believe the AIR only runs at start up. In Ga. all they care about is if the OBD1 cars pass the sniffer on the rollers and still have visible cats.

04-25-2014, 10:59 PM
We have to pass a visual check in colorado. Thats why I added them to my headers. They dont have to work, they just have to be there. Another stupid emmisions rule that does not make any sense. If it wasn't required , I sure wouldn't have gone thru the trouble installing them. Each state emmsion s laws vary .

04-25-2014, 11:10 PM
Mine is not functional and didn't get caught in inspection. I think they just did a sniff test here in Texas.

04-25-2014, 11:16 PM
What exactly is the 'Air injection' function? FSM is still snow [dust] bound...

And there's no feedback for the cal / tune?

Looks like header completion just bumped up a day???

04-26-2014, 12:08 AM
The pump adds air to the exhaust on a cold start. Cleaner burn and lights off the cats faster is what im told. Only operates for a few minutes at startup. No feedback so no code when you remove it

04-27-2014, 12:07 PM
The pump adds air to the exhaust on a cold start. Cleaner burn and lights off the cats faster is what im told. Only operates for a few minutes at startup. No feedback so no code when you remove it

4-Cam is right. It only operates on a cold start (according to Marc H about 90 seconds). We don't need emissions testing in Illinois so I pulled mine and there is no adverse effect on performance. I also don't have cats or secondaries. --Bob

04-27-2014, 01:10 PM
What do you know about AIR system deletion? I have deleted two.

Is it only for emissions? Yes and then only for cold starts

Or for tune? Is it in Calibration at all? No

What effect has removal from tune? Nothing

See Item #5 LT5 Eliminated Systems (http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c4-zr-1-discussion/2942569-tech-info-lt5-eliminated-systems.html)

5. Eliminating Air Injection system.

The Air Injection System including the Air Pump has been eliminated (especially for those who are installing Headers). Associated with the Air Injection system is one vacuum line on the drivers side fender skirt above the shock tower. I eliminated the "T" and just moved the "Y" in front of "T" about 3 inches and plugged the "Y" back in where the "T" was. This modification maintains the Cruise Control Vacuum and the associated Vacuum to the Cruise Control Vacuum Reservoir under the Drivers Side Headlight.


04-27-2014, 01:23 PM
Mine is functional and intact. One of the more easily fixed systems on the car. I have not pulled it.

04-27-2014, 01:29 PM
Could the AIR pump be ducted to vent underneath the plenum? Additional cooling?

I wondered about a PC tower fan rigged to pull air through the space...

04-27-2014, 01:41 PM
Could the AIR pump be ducted to vent underneath the plenum? Additional cooling?

I wondered about a PC tower fan rigged to pull air through the space...

Lets NOT get complicated now.....:D
That is the reason to delete the Air Induction with Headers....it is just a jumbled up plumbing Air Induction Mess and you can get SW Headers without Air Induction ports and without EGR ports for example.

Will an LT5 run if it is NOT Intact :sign10:

I know an LT5 will run if it has parts that are Jumbled/Kludged/Ripped :D
And......purty FAST too :sign10:

Just having some harmless fun with the boys :handshak:

02-27-2015, 12:51 PM
I was running rich on all 4 passenger side cylinders, I assumed because headers were leaking allowing outside air in. It ended up being the air injection tubing, as there are a lot of joints with plastic hose clamps. Removed everything and installed brass plugs on the injector ports on the headers, problem solved.

02-27-2015, 06:49 PM
I bought Stainless Works long tube headers and had them install the AIR and EGR tubes on them. Bolted right up to the factory AIR system and works as advertised. I chose to do that because the emissions equipment is supposed to be there to pass in TX, at least in Houston, TX. However, I am positive I could have deleted it and no technician that has ever tested my car would have known.

02-28-2015, 12:12 AM
florida does not test emissions. no cats, no resonators, tiny mufflers and long tube headers. previous owner disconnected air system. car runs great.

ed ramos #3028