View Full Version : 2014 Official Eurotopia Events (Drives, Tracks, Shows, and more!)

04-24-2014, 03:51 PM
We are starting a new thread since our other thread is several pages long. For those who haven't heard of us Eurotopia hosts monthly driving related events throughout California. We have also branched out to include more events like car rallies, shows, track days, gokarting, and etc. Periodically we'll post our events here but to receive full event notifications it would be best to register on www.eurotopian.com

Our next event:

http://www.914world.com/bbs2/uploads_offsite/i62.tinypic.com-15262-1398353372.1.png (http://eurotopian.com/thread/515/karting-lunch-april-27th-speed)

You can also follow us on the following social media sites:

Instagram (http://instagram.com/eurotopia)
Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/eurotopia/)
Facebook Fanpage (https://www.facebook.com/eurotopia.santamonica)
Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/user/slk32m3)
Google+ (https://plus.google.com/+EurotopiaSantaMonica/posts)
Linkedin (www.linkedin.com/in/eurotopia/)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/EurotopiaDrive)

04-28-2014, 03:27 PM
The results are in and here are the top three fastest drivers at our April 27th Eurotopia Gokart Challenge:

1st place: Will (mrdriver101)
2nd place: Ken (kenster)
3rd place: Pablo (bleen)


Here's the rest of the participants as well:



Our next event:

You are invited to the pre-rally show for The RUN's May 17th rally series from Malibu to San Diego. At the pre-rally show you can show your car, listen to some live DJ music, enjoy breakfast, and mingle with all the rally drivers before their send-off to San Diego.

Space is limited for this pre-rally show and you must reserve your free ticket by clicking on the image below. If you are interested in joining the rally from Malibu to San Diego please contact the organizer Malcolm Trotter at optimistrun@gmail.com

http://s23.postimg.org/du3aop3gb/Pre_Rally_Meet.jpg (http://www.eventbrite.com/e/run-rally-pre-rally-carshow-meet-tickets-11341935033?aff=eorg)