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View Full Version : Disturbing new trend?

10-08-2006, 09:37 PM
Seems there are more and more high mile ZR1's being parted out. Has the market made it more lucrative to part your high mile ZR1 out then sell the whole car? If so this is really a shame.:thumbsdo:

10-08-2006, 11:54 PM
I agree. but i know of 2 that were parted out for about 20-22k . I own to high milage cars but no way amI going that route . In fact the red car with a blown head gasket is going to get a 368 soon the black car 122k and run like a new car. I can't help but think that these cars have hit thier low pt and could creep up in the next few years. They really were the most special vet ever built. one of a kind motor thats still quick after 16 yrs IMHO:mrgreen: long live the KOH

10-09-2006, 08:20 AM
I don't think it's a trend really, more than just plain old attrition.
Only 6900 cars made in 5 years...gonna be some that get in bad shape,
although it hurts my feelings since..they cost so dang much new.
The parts are available if you know where to find them, and some of the
ingenous owners are making their own...too bad GM doesn't, make ALL the parts...but after all we are kinda the red headed step child of the corvette world...but just wait...10 years from now...these cars will sky rocket in
value....:mrgreen: :thumbsup: :mrgreen: :thumbsup:

10-09-2006, 09:45 AM
As long as discontinued parts continue to be a factor, people will be thinking about parting out vs. selling entire cars. Some of the Zr-1's that have sold for low teens or less are easy money for salvage companies.. Fortunately, most of us do not have an inclination to part out. But clearly there is money to be made if one is willing to do the teardown, inventory of parts and selling of individual items. It is a lot of work for the average guy.

10-09-2006, 10:54 AM
Basically ,it should make our cars worth more, with every one that is taken off the road. I wonder how many Z's are left?

10-09-2006, 12:08 PM
I gree with everyone here. I was a ford guy before I saw the light I have never in my 53 yrs fell in love with a car like this one. I've had a 66 gt 350 shelby boss 351 2 sd455 trans ams and mnothing has made me feel like this car. I litterly go through w/ds if i don,t get to drive my baby. and how do i get ridof this funky lettering . Computor rookie sorry

10-09-2006, 06:17 PM
Perhaps it's that a Z with a questionable history (accident, salvage, whatever) isn't worth that much. But in parts, it makes no difference what car it came from. Just a thought...

10-09-2006, 06:18 PM
Also, I thought the trend you were going to mention was "spammers"...

Maybe requiring member registration to be approved or something would help?

10-09-2006, 07:00 PM
There's a shi_hea_ on there now with no profile. I agree, if you have no profile you shouldn't be allowed to post. Maybe if you ain't a member you shouldn't be allowed to post. Just my 2 cents.