View Full Version : WAZOO april meetup?

04-14-2014, 12:00 PM
I'm going to be DC at the end of the month and I'd love to be able to get my hands dirty and help with a plenum pull before my upcoming pull in may to finally track down whatevers wrong with my car. I haven't done this in probably 10 years and would love to get a refresher before I get into mine. Has there been an april meet up planned in WAZOO land?

04-14-2014, 12:21 PM
Hey Kevin,
Not sure if there are any up coming plenum pulls in WAZOO land, most of us have had ours done recently. The only one I know may be doing one soon is brother Darrin (ZR-1ce removed), he is still chasing a stumbling idle issue. Even if we are not doing a pull, doesn't mean we still can't get together. Where will you be in DC.? I live south of the DC in Alexandria, VA, Phil and Yun are in Fairfax, and Jim is in Westminster. Let us know where you will be and dates.

04-14-2014, 12:52 PM
We're either going to be staying in near the dunn loring metro stop or fairfax, we're not sure which friend we're going to be crashing with. My wife and I are coming down for my birthday and a friend of mine got us tickets to see a comedian wednesday the 30th. We haven't decided when we're leaving yet which is why I'm trying to make plans with y'all

04-14-2014, 02:12 PM
I sent Darrin a PM, to see if he is planning a plenum pull any time soon. Jim is doing another road tour, not sure when he will be back and Darrin usually uses Jim's place. If you will be in VA, I have a couple spare plenums, we could mock up something up at my place. I also have a bunch of pics when I pulled my plenum for porting/refinishing that I can print for you to give you a reference. If you make it a Sat or Sun, maybe I can get a few of the VA boys together as well.

04-14-2014, 02:22 PM
I sent Darrin a PM, to see if he is planning a plenum pull any time soon. Jim is doing another road tour, not sure when he will be back and Darrin usually uses Jim's place. If you will be in VA, I have a couple spare plenums, we could mock up something up at my place. I also have a bunch of pics when I pulled my plenum for porting/refinishing that I can print for you to give you a reference. If you make it a Sat or Sun, maybe I can get a few of the VA boys together as well.
A walk through would be helpful too. nothing really has to come off if it's an inconvenience. Like I said, you forget a lot in 10 years

04-14-2014, 03:17 PM
A walk through would be helpful too. nothing really has to come off if it's an inconvenience. Like I said, you forget a lot in 10 years

Well, let me know when you get your dates nailed down, my weekeds tend to fill up fast.

04-14-2014, 04:16 PM
Well, let me know when you get your dates nailed down, my weekeds tend to fill up fast.

coming in wednesday and leaving saturday unless i can set up a meeting with the wazoo

04-14-2014, 06:37 PM
Keep me posted and I will join.

04-14-2014, 08:03 PM
coming in wednesday and leaving saturday unless i can set up a meeting with the wazoo

Well I just talked to Darrin, he's not conviced he has an injector problem and isn't ready to tear the plenum yet...so if you want to come by my place on Sat morning, May 3rd, go over a plenum pull and maybe do lunch? I'm about 40 minutes from Fairfax, in Mt Vernon VA, 15 miles south of the capital beltway. Let me know.

04-14-2014, 10:24 PM

If you are an early riser and the weather is nice, Saturday morning at dawn (and I mean dawn) we have cars and coffee at Great Falls, VA. Cars ranging from Stanley steamer to Lexus LFA (once), Bugatti Veyron (3 times last year), Ferrari F40 (quite frequent), 69 Torino w/Boss 429 (quite frequent), ZR-1s of course, show up.

04-15-2014, 12:15 AM
I need to get my plenum pulled so i can change the air conditioner clutch. I have never pulled one myself just watched Darin and Yun do it.
Keep me posted.

04-15-2014, 09:39 AM
I need to get my plenum pulled so i can change the air conditioner clutch. I have never pulled one myself just watched Darin and Yun do it.
Keep me posted.
If all you are doing is replacing the A/C clutch, you don't need to pull the plenum. Just removing the air horn will give you access to the A/C clutch assembly.

04-15-2014, 11:10 AM
Thanks Rich did not know that. If your doing a plenum pull let me know I would like to watch.

04-19-2014, 03:14 PM
I'm trying to get the wife to schedule a late morning family brunch that saturday before I leave and make cars and coffee. Not sure I can pull it off but I'm going to try