View Full Version : Power Antenna removal?

04-12-2014, 10:43 PM
Has anyone removed the power antenna?

Any suggestions? I need to remove it to figure out why I get good reception then bad.. try to check the wiring as soon as I touch it the reception instantly improves, I would like to pull it out and see all the connections etc


04-12-2014, 10:49 PM
the motor is behind the DS rear wheel liner it's easy to take apart

04-12-2014, 10:55 PM
yeah I know where it is.. just curious if there are any tricks to taking it out

04-13-2014, 12:04 AM
I removed mine on my old 95 LT1 car and replaced it with a mini stubby antenna replacement. The antenna coaxial line is well inside the interior and you have to remove the top trim piece above the cargo shade and a fold some carpet back to find it if I recall well.

04-13-2014, 07:56 AM
The coaxial and power connection is like Mike mentioned behind left rear trim. You might consider first checking the condition of the ground strap and it's connections at the antenna before removing. I'd likely consider this before complete removal. Do you have amps in the rear?

04-13-2014, 08:06 AM
How well does the stubby one work?

04-13-2014, 09:03 AM
I took mine out, if I recall pretty straight forward, a few small screws and it drops out.

Blue Flame Restorations
04-13-2014, 09:05 AM
It attaches to a bracket. Once you get to it, it comes off pretty easily. I agree, ground strap check.

04-13-2014, 09:07 AM
Do you have to remove the top nut by the mast? This is the one under the grommet where the antenna protrudes through the body or is that just the mast keeper nut.

Think I might have replace the assembly depends g if I find any bad connections

04-13-2014, 09:10 AM
The coaxial and power connection is like Mike mentioned behind left rear trim. You might consider first checking the condition of the ground strap and it's connections at the antenna before removing. I'd likely consider this before complete removal. Do you have amps in the rear?

Yes checked and tighten that, still could be the issue. I do have amps in the rear, but have had that set up in this and my last Verte and my last one never had an issue, it was an 89. I also have the ground plane kit, just cannot find the directions for it

04-13-2014, 10:48 AM
Do you have to remove the top nut by the mast? This is the one under the grommet where the antenna protrudes through the body or is that just the mast keeper nut.

Think I might have replace the assembly depends g if I find any bad connections

You do not have to remove the nut under the rubber grommet. This nut holds the mast onto the antenna housing. Once you remove brackets that holds the antenna to the metal bracket for the rear bumper, antenna drops down from the grommet.

04-13-2014, 11:12 AM
There is this you tube video on a c4 power antenna replacement that goes over the inner liner removal and antenna replacement.


Another 5 part video on the removal

I need to do this myself someday soon.
Let me know how yours works out Jeff.

Maybe you can do a vid or some photos on it all that is even better?

04-13-2014, 12:21 PM
How well does the stubby one work?

Not very well at all, but I found it acceptable for in-town use which was ok for me since mostly my old 95 was just for driving to and from work. My budget was much smaller on this car and I didn't want to spend $200 to replace it with the oem telescoping unit. In hindsight, i should have kept this vette as it was highly optioned and had a great shifting ZF...but I digress...

here's a pic- when i say stubby, it was really stubby- like an inch and a quarter. you can see it here on this archived photobucket pic (yes, I was rocking a purple vette!):

04-13-2014, 10:18 PM
Looking into the C6 OEM antenna as an option, I would really like to eliminate the stock power antenna... maybe an inline amp on the tune trapper...

looking at options

04-14-2014, 02:03 PM
As mentioned. Check ground strap a the antenna.
Also inspect the full length of the coax that it has not been pinched/crushed.
If it is damaged then no C5, C6 or C7 antenna will help.

04-14-2014, 02:35 PM
Issue and to be at power antenna itself. I will research it again when time allows

04-14-2014, 08:27 PM
I replaced mine when I got the car. There's about half a dozen GM antennaes [antennaii?] that bolt in as replacement. Mine was a '94 RoadMaster I think.

I had to 'slot' the antennae mount bracket for alignment, and then shim the motor itself - and it was only a planar mod - 2 axes, as opposed to compound 3 axes re-alignment.

Been up and down for 2 years now...

In fact, I have a new aftermarket unit, same as I put in a '94 LT1, and the OEM Z unit, broken tape / Nylon drive, with a good motor. Yours for postage...

04-14-2014, 10:11 PM
I replaced mine when I got the car. There's about half a dozen GM antennaes [antennaii?] that bolt in as replacement. Mine was a '94 RoadMaster I think.

I had to 'slot' the antennae mount bracket for alignment, and then shim the motor itself - and it was only a planar mod - 2 axes, as opposed to compound 3 axes re-alignment.

Been up and down for 2 years now...

In fact, I have a new aftermarket unit, same as I put in a '94 LT1, and the OEM Z unit, broken tape / Nylon drive, with a good motor. Yours for postage...

Schrade sending you pm

08-17-2014, 11:54 PM
found my issue:

I failed at an attempted fix.. I want to replace it.. found a couple OEM ones on eBay

WVZR1, do you know of a PN for it or a good replacement?

OEM is Male to Male.. all I find other then pieces from wrecked C4s are Male to Female..

I think this will fix my reception issues, I used a couple patch cables I got with my HD tuner, reception seems better with OEM antenna.. but I want a quailty COAX if I am going to tear the interior apart to install it..