View Full Version : Just purchased a 94 ZR-1.....

04-01-2014, 03:28 PM
Well I think I was the next in line for Ted's Yellow 93 if Steve decided against it.
So congrats to Steve for a beautiful ZR-1.....I just purchased a 94 ZR-1 #0009 last night and hope to have by the weekend, and it was only 15 minutes from my house.....Black on Black with some extra's coming with it, I can hardly wait, always wanted one and now I found the right one for me.......will have a lot to learn about the Z, and will probably put one of the C3's up for sale, we shall see.
I am excited........:) Tom

04-01-2014, 03:35 PM

Congrats!!!!! Tell us more about it!!

Is it from Maryland?

Any plans for it?



04-01-2014, 03:46 PM

Congrats!!!!! Tell us more about it!!

Is it from Maryland?

Any plans for it?



Thanks David......I think it was from OK and then came to PA. I will have to give you more details later...as I have to get to sleep, I drive all night with my job.
Thanks for the interest.....I am excited..........Tom

04-01-2014, 04:12 PM
Congratulations Roadster,
What year C3s do you have, I also have a couple of them?

Was your new one in Spring grove, Pa?

Blue Flame Restorations
04-01-2014, 05:39 PM
Congrats!! and welcome!!!!!!!!:cheers:

04-01-2014, 06:27 PM
Congratulations on the purcahse an LPE car I beleive you had said on the other forum.

Welcome and a wealth of knowledge for the LT5 right here!

We Gone
04-01-2014, 07:48 PM
Welcome and Congrats, Happy you found one you will never regret it. Just watch out 1 will lead to another!! Cant wait to see some pics.

04-01-2014, 08:55 PM
Congratulations Roadster,
What year C3s do you have, I also have a couple of them?

Was your new one in Spring grove, Pa?

I have a 74 BB Vert and an 82 "dd".....Can never have to many....:)
But the 82 may go.......
no, in Plumsteadville PA

Congrats!! and welcome!!!!!!!!:cheers:


Congratulations on the purcahse an LPE car I beleive you had said on the other forum.

Welcome and a wealth of knowledge for the LT5 right here!

no, it is not an LPE, the OP mentioned that there were 2 Z's he saw on ebay, mine was one of them....and thanks for the welcome....will learn alot here:-D

Welcome and Congrats, Happy you found one you will never regret it. Just watch out 1 will lead to another!! Cant wait to see some pics.

thank you...thank you....and again congrats on the Yellow 93....I had a 75 Yellow vert and an '03 Yellow SSR....do I like Yellow???

I hear you there, but I think I am good for now....happy to have my first ZR-1
Pics as soon as I get it...........Tom

04-01-2014, 09:15 PM
Congrats on your 94 purchase,Tom. Glad to have you aboard.

What kind of extra stuff did you get with the car? :)

04-01-2014, 11:08 PM
Congrats on your 94 purchase,Tom. Glad to have you aboard.

What kind of extra stuff did you get with the car? :)

It originally came with the painted top, also getting the transparent top, new car cover, front lower spoiler and possibly some other items as s well....we shall see.can't wait.....Tom

04-03-2014, 12:45 AM
Congrats Tom and welcome to the ZOO.

04-03-2014, 05:55 AM
Welcome onto the boards there.

Post up some snappics of the machine!

04-03-2014, 08:33 PM
Congrats Tom and welcome to the ZOO.

thank you...thank you....glad to be here:-D

Welcome onto the boards there.

Post up some snappics of the machine!

I will real soon..........and thanks......

Will have my ZR-1 Saturday or Sunday depending what time I get off the road on Saturday......can't wait.......=D>