View Full Version : ZR-1 Road Trip 2014 - California or Bust
03-31-2014, 10:36 PM
Hello to the ZR-1 Net Registry Forum. This year, for our ZR-1 Road Trip, Lyndi and I decided to travel in April and beat the heat. We will be getting underway (Navy lingo) on April 1st and heading west. Here is the Big Picture: (
Our plan is to visit the Southwest and California. The major destinations include the Grand Canyon, Byrce Canyon, Black Canyon on the Gunnison, Mesa Verde, Zion, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. The return route takes us on I-70 in the Glenwood Canyon.
The trip will be 29 days, and about 7,000 miles.
And just to prove that the weather in Maryland has been terrible this Winter, here is my garage this morning at T-20 hours and counting (NASA lingo): (
03-31-2014, 10:43 PM
Which ZR-1 are you taking?
03-31-2014, 11:05 PM
We will be taking the YELLOWZ. It is the one that Lyndi prefers to take long trips in. She says the other ones are too loud and too aggressive. The Yellow ZR-1 gets noticed. On the Alaska trip, people would come up to us and say that they saw us two days ago in such and such a place.
Blue Flame Restorations
03-31-2014, 11:16 PM
Looks like great fun, Jim!!
Can't wait to hear about it!
Travel safe!
03-31-2014, 11:46 PM
When will you reach "M" ? If you can swing it add Antelope Canyon to your trek in AZ and of course 4 Corners
04-01-2014, 12:17 AM
You and Lyndi are welcome to our guest bedroom,if you find yourselves passing through Wichita Falls,Jim.
Bearly Flying
04-01-2014, 12:35 AM
If you keep heading North at "T", there's a bed for you in Alberta....
Just in case you get lost..
04-01-2014, 12:42 AM
Be sure to see the Nethercutt Collection in Sylmar CA - open Thu thru Sat (I think) and
you need reservations - free. Merle Norman Cosmetics money and some of the highest quality antique cars and collectibles in the country.
04-01-2014, 07:01 AM
Happy trails! (Roy Rogers lingo).
04-01-2014, 07:05 AM
Looks like a cool trip!
I live 4 miles south of the 220 mm on I-70, West of St Louis. Depending on the day/time you come through we might have to meet at a gas stop or something. Let me know when you get closer to that time and I will give Ya my #...
Paul Workman
04-01-2014, 07:06 AM
Boy Howdy (southern lingo)! OMG, that's - like - just so kewal!! (So California "Valley Girl" lingo);) You'll be traveling my favorite part of the country; the great west/southwest (i.e, west of Kansas). And, of course, we expect like, pictures!...Lots of pictures! ;)
04-01-2014, 09:26 AM
Have a safe trip. Thanks again for changing my universal joints.
By the way Jim when you leave LA for Vegas if you have time you could take Rt 127 & Rt 178 through Death Valley to Pahrump,NV and stop at Ron Fellows school . If
it's on the weekend they have races scheduled, if not they have their school in progress.
04-01-2014, 09:33 AM
Another well documented trip in a ZR-1!
Thanks for sharing Jim!!
04-01-2014, 11:17 AM
Safe travels. Keep the clutch leg in good order for our May events.
04-01-2014, 12:08 PM
I already have this linked in Solutions Post #7 (LAST BUT NOT LEAST)
Would be interested for this trip:
How many miles on your Yellow Z starting out?
What tools did you take along?
Any other special preparations?
Thanks Jim.....have a great trip.
Oh....I seem to recall you changed engine oil/filter during the Alaskan Trip but am not sure.....Same on this trip?.....and what oil (Mobile-1)?
04-01-2014, 12:16 PM
Let me know when you are coming thru Phx/Scottsdale Area, maybe we can get together
04-01-2014, 02:18 PM
My only caution would be to pay close attention to the winds the day you travel west of Yuma. There's a 20 mile stretch of blowing sand that can be a problem. Blowing 10 mph across the road or a tailwind, drive 60 mph or tailgate an 18 wheeler. Blowing at you 20+ mph, stay in Yuma an extra day or until nightfall. Don't go thru Blythe in I-10 either. That's even worse and a longer danger zone to drive though.
Got me once real good back in the 90's (ruined the finish on the front of my Z28; headlights, windshield, turn signal frosted)- last time I got stuck in it, I drafted a big rig for about 1/2 an hour because it wasn't blowing head-on.
Yuma has more winds in winter and spring, but just google the wind report online before you get there.
04-01-2014, 04:16 PM
Why not tweak your return plan and come up I-80 through the Chicago area? Or get to St. Louis and come up I-55. I am sure the FBI could put together a great party! Remember Marc's BBQ is April 27. It sounds like the timing would be just about right given your planned 29 day trip. --Bob
04-01-2014, 09:28 PM
Thanks for all the kind words. It was a good day for driving. A little cloudy to start but clear and 80 degrees by the afternoon. There were a lot of trucks on I-81 South, but traffic was moving right along. (
We arrived in Murfreesboro, TN (south of Nashville) in time to get a quick picture at Lyndi's alma mater as the sun was setting: (
04-01-2014, 09:34 PM
When will you reach "M" ? If you can swing it add Antelope Canyon to your trek in AZ and of course 4 Corners
We will be in Mesa on April 15th and 16th. Antelope Canyon and Four Corners are on the schedule. Thanks.
04-01-2014, 10:07 PM
Looks like a cool trip!
I live 4 miles south of the 220 mm on I-70, West of St Louis. Depending on the day/time you come through we might have to meet at a gas stop or something. Let me know when you get closer to that time and I will give Ya my #...
For sure, maybe for lunch, at least we should get a photo op depending on the time of day
I already have this linked in Solutions Post #7 (LAST BUT NOT LEAST)
Would be interested for this trip:
How many miles on your Yellow Z starting out?
What tools did you take along?
Any other special preparations?
Thanks Jim.....have a great trip.
Oh....I seem to recall you changed engine oil/filter during the Alaskan Trip but am not sure.....Same on this trip?.....and what oil (Mobile-1)?
138,181 miles at departure. Plan on an oil change in San Diego when we are at North Island Naval Air Station and I can use the Auto Hobby Shop. I use Mobil 1 High Mileage.
I installed (hard-wired) spare 12 VDC outlets and a 120 VAC inverter under the passenger seat to always have power to maintain our Digital Lifestyle (21st Century lingo).
I brought enough tools to do a plenum pull and I am carrying a spare alternator. Any repairs beyond that will require support of a garage and over-night shipping. :)
Why not tweak your return plan and come up I-80 through the Chicago area? Or get to St. Louis and come up I-55. I am sure the FBI could put together a great party! Remember Marc's BBQ is April 27. It sounds like the timing would be just about right given your planned 29 day trip. --Bob
Bob, That is a good suggestion. I have always had a good time with the FBI at Marc's BBQ. Unfortunately, on the 27th, we will be leaving Colorado. I will definitely keep Chicago in mind if I have to alter the schedule.
04-01-2014, 10:48 PM
I , how about hiway 550, ouray to silverton or tellluride in 4 corner area
Corvettes White
04-02-2014, 12:11 AM
If you need anything out here in California, let me know. (Live by Disneyland.). Enjoy the trip. George.
04-02-2014, 10:11 PM
Hello from Fort Smith, Arkansas. We spent the day on I-40 heading west.
We stopped near Memphis and got some BBQ. If you are in the area, Reggi's BBQ was great: (
I-40 from the Mississippi River to west of Little Rock was a mess. There were two extensive construction areas and then rush hour traffic around Little Rock and a fender bender to snarl traffic there. We also had some rain today, so not much sight seeing.
Thanks George for the offer. When we are in LA I hope we can meet you and take some pictures. We will be in LA on the 19th and 20th.
Mike, Thanks for the heads up about the sand storms in SOCAL.
04-02-2014, 10:24 PM
I , how about hiway 550, ouray to silverton or tellluride in 4 corner area
Thanks for the recommendation and the links. That is a great video. We will be going from Montrose, CO to Durango. It depends on the weather which route we take.
04-02-2014, 10:43 PM
the video shows the beauty of 550
I lived in Telluride for 5 years, it is 1 road into a box canyon that dead ends at the mine/Bridal Veil falls, 8700 feet surrounded on 3 sides with 13/14K mountains
SW Colo is beautiful
My friend has done avalanche control for 550 for the last 20 years, throwing bombs out of a high altitude helicopter, don't worry about the Z, they close the road
04-03-2014, 12:33 AM
Always great to follow you on these epic trips.
04-03-2014, 12:42 AM
While your here... If your wanting to do a West Coast ( Irvine, CA ) Cars and Coffee we could meet up and have a good excuse to get our ZR-1s out for a little fun! This could be an opportunity for the ZR-1 net members to welcome you along your journey! Its early... 6am to 8 am is prime time, however... its good till 10 or 11 am when I have been there.
04-03-2014, 07:54 AM
While your here... If your wanting to do a West Coast ( Irvine, CA ) Cars and Coffee we could meet up and have a good excuse to get our ZR-1s out for a little fun! This could be an opportunity for the ZR-1 net members to welcome you along your journey! Its early... 6am to 8 am is prime time, however... its good till 10 or 11 am when I have been there.
What day is the Cars and Coffee?
04-03-2014, 10:12 AM
What day is the Cars and Coffee?
Saturday mornings. Irvine is a big one (check to make sure it scheduled that week) have to get there early or you have to park your car off-site. Closer to San Diego, the one in Carlsbad Ca has also gotten pretty popular and is from 7-9-ish and a little less formal.
04-03-2014, 07:40 PM
138,181 miles at departure. Plan on an oil change in San Diego when we are at North Island Naval Air Station and I can use the Auto Hobby Shop. I use Mobil 1 High Mileage.
138,181 miles at departure? By the time you return your yellow Z will finally have beaten mine! I am still stuck at 140,000+.
Talking to Lloyd this afternoon he thought Mobil 1 High Mileage with higher ZPPD level was a good choice for our Zs.
04-03-2014, 08:38 PM
138,181 miles at departure? By the time you return your yellow Z will finally have beaten mine! I am still stuck at 140,000+.
Talking to Lloyd this afternoon he thought Mobil 1 High Mileage with higher ZPPD level was a good choice for our Zs.
Sorry your motor is starting fresh @ zero...
You need to start over and get driving!!!
04-03-2014, 08:47 PM
Sorry your motor is starting fresh @ zero...
You need to start over and get driving!!!
Good one, David! Start all over, huh? Name I chose, secondchance, turned out to be prophetic. Could it be that I have been subconsciously planning this?
04-03-2014, 10:12 PM
We left Arkansas and crossed the Oklahoma line: (
Traffic was light and we crossed Oklahoma on I-40 without problem. Then we crossed the state line into the Texas pan handle: (
I-40 in Texas is pretty straight: (
In fact, here is what the Nav system looks like on I-40 in Texas: (
To be continued....
04-03-2014, 10:19 PM
So, about an hour later here is I-40 in Texas: (
The wind picked up and the tumble weed and dust started blowing. The dust storm got pretty heavy in a few places: (
Then the wind started gusting and the havoc began: ( (
Luckily we dodged the obstacles and made it to Amarillo with out any incidents.
04-03-2014, 10:31 PM
So, about an hour later here is I-40 in Texas: (
I just noticed that Army Man is in the picture of the dash. We found Army Man in the parking lot at Thunderbird Falls on the Glenn Highway, east of Anchorage, Alaska back in 2012. Army Man has ridden with us on all our travels since, keeping us safe.
04-03-2014, 10:38 PM
Glad to hear you weathered the storm ok. C4s are pretty stable even in the cross wind but at some velocity tuck in below the doors cold lift the car, I think...
04-03-2014, 11:13 PM
Glad to hear you weathered the storm ok. C4s are pretty stable even in the cross wind but at some velocity tuck in below the doors cold lift the car, I think...
Hi Yun, I felt very stable. I was worried about the other vehicles flipping over on me.
The wind in this part of Texas is so consistent that the trees grow with a north-leaning attitude: (
04-03-2014, 11:41 PM
Saturday mornings. Irvine is a big one (check to make sure it scheduled that week) have to get there early or you have to park your car off-site. Closer to San Diego, the one in Carlsbad Ca has also gotten pretty popular and is from 7-9-ish and a little less formal.
Irvine Cars and Coffee is every Saturday morning weather permitting.
That is some intense driving across Texas from the shots you posted. I can only imagine the futility and terror for those drivers as the truck and trailers were pushed over the limit.
04-04-2014, 07:58 AM
Hey Jim and Lindsay. Hope the rest of your epic road trip is less hairy and more curvaceous. Two ZR-1's will be traveling west starting today. Thanks to your and WAZOO'S most excellent maintenance and encouragement, I'm embarking on a cross country trek to Evergreen, Co in just a few minutes. 1,700 miles in my 11,700 mile Z all in 3 day's time. Wishing us both sunny skies and dry roads. Congrats on rolling past 140k trouble free miles. I'm really gonna miss you guys.
Paul Workman
04-04-2014, 08:50 AM
Hey, Jim! If you're going to be at North Island, you MUST at least have lunch at the incredible and famous Hotel Del Coranado! ( It is a magnificent, over century-old hotel, replete with murder mysteries, and visits by Presidents and who's who of the 'rich and famous'! (Stay for a night and you might even get to see a ghost or two!)
*...I'm embarking on a cross country trek to Evergreen, Co in just a few minutes. 1,700 miles in my 11,700 mile Z all in 3 day's time. Wishing us both sunny skies and dry roads. Congrats on rolling past 140k trouble free miles. I'm really gonna miss you guys.
And, another trip! I've done that one - lived in Bailey, just "up" the road from Evergreen. There's Rigatoni's Pizza n Posta in Morrison, just short of Evergreen that makes pizza to die for. (Try their artichoke heart pizza!) Lots of craft brewers in them thar hills, and they'll have several on hand.
I can't imagine a better vacation that taking one to exotic places, riding in the Z! Looking forward to the Mountain Run in May!
04-04-2014, 10:09 PM
Irvine Cars and Coffee is every Saturday morning weather permitting.
I will be in San Diego on Saturday 19 April and drive to LA. I will be in LA from Saturday (the 19th) noon until Monday morning.
Is there a Cars and Coffee on Sunday? I would really like to meet up with some LA ZR-1 owners.
04-04-2014, 11:04 PM
With a big day ahead of us, we left Amarillo before sunrise. Early in the morning in North Texas in April the temperature is a little lower than we expected: (
We first went to the west side of town and visited the Cadillac Ranch. (
The Cadillac's were placed in the ground in 1974 by a group of art students and a rich car collector. Over the years, many people have added spray paint to the Cadillacs: (
Next we drove south of Amarillo to Canyon City to visit Palo Duro State Park. Palo Duro is a large canyon that is the second largest canyon in America. It is not as deep as some other canyons, but it offers many scenic views, hiking, camping, biking, horse riding and other recreational activities: (
Since I know you like wild life pictures, here is a park resident crossing the road in front of the Corvette: (
Here is a view of the Park road winding down to the canyon floor:
to be continued...
04-04-2014, 11:25 PM
Here are some more views of Palo Duro Canyon: ( (
We left Canyon City and Texas and crossed in to New Mexico, heading for Roswell, NM on the way to Alamogordo, NM. In Roswell, we stopped to visit some of the local residents: (
Really, Roswell is a vibrant city and is home to the New Mexico Military Institute.
Heading southwest from Roswell, we drove through flat, open land that became hilly and then mountainous: ( (
We arrived in Alamogordo after a long day on the road. (
Alamogordo marks the start of the sight seeing portion of our road trip. Maryland to New Mexico was four days and 2060 miles. The ZR-1 is running great, with over 140,000 miles on the odometer now. The only slight glitch so far is that the A/C blower fan has stopped twice. I will be trying to find a replacement. I will post up in the Tech Section.
04-04-2014, 11:41 PM
Hey Jim and Lindsay. Hope the rest of your epic road trip is less hairy and more curvaceous. Two ZR-1's will be traveling west starting today. Thanks to your and WAZOO'S most excellent maintenance and encouragement, I'm embarking on a cross country trek to Evergreen, Co in just a few minutes. 1,700 miles in my 11,700 mile Z all in 3 day's time. Wishing us both sunny skies and dry roads. Congrats on rolling past 140k trouble free miles. I'm really gonna miss you guys.
Hi Bert, It is nice to hear that you are driving the ZR-1 to Colorado. Drive safely and I hope you have as much fun as Lyndi and I are having.
B17 Crew
04-04-2014, 11:44 PM
QB93Z, I bookmarked your Alaskan trip sometime ago and visit it from time to time to see the awesome photos. I’m glad to see you and your wife are on the road again having another adventure. Be safe in your travels, have fun, and thank you for the great photos! Hope the fan issue is easily resolved.
B17 Crew
04-05-2014, 03:28 AM
Cool snappics!
Here are some more views of Palo Duro Canyon:
We left Canyon City and Texas and crossed in to New Mexico, heading for Roswell, NM on the way to Alamogordo, NM. In Roswell, we stopped to visit some of the local residents:
Really, Roswell is a vibrant city and is home to the New Mexico Military Institute.
Heading southwest from Roswell, we drove through flat, open land that became hilly and then mountainous: (
Pretty clean stretch there - hammer DOWN!!! (
We arrived in Alamogordo after a long day on the road.
Alamogordo marks the start of the sight seeing portion of our road trip. Maryland to New Mexico was four days and 2060 miles. The ZR-1 is running great, with over 140,000 miles on the odometer now. The only slight glitch so far is that the A/C blower fan has stopped twice. I will be trying to find a replacement. I will post up in the Tech Section.
Fresh grub - grab your shootin' iron! (Can you say 'veal'? )
Nothin' like Cold Air Induction (and pull the dusty corner jam!!! )
04-05-2014, 11:53 AM
Nice drive through the former stomping grounds of William McCarty (AKA William Bonney and "Billy the Kid"), Shariff Pat Garrett and Lincoln County War of wild west lore.
04-05-2014, 10:26 PM
Hello from Santa Fe, New Mexico.
We left Alamogordo early in the morning and went to a staging area to join a group of other folks to take advantage of the White Sands Missile Range Open House. On the way to the meeting place we discovered the area's largest pistachio nut: (
In the staging area the YELLOWZ stood out among the other vehicles and we had a nice conversation with several people about the ZR-1: (
The WSMR open house is held only once a year. It is an opportunity to visit the Trinity Site which is the exact location of the worlds first atomic weapon detonation. The test occurred on 16 July 1945 and was the culmination of the Manhattan Project and considered by many to be the birth of the Nuclear Age.
After entering the White Sands Missile Range, we drove about 65 miles into the desert. The test range is a flat basin surrounded by mountains providing a secure test area for all of the military's missile systems: ( (
The actual Ground Zero location is marked by a black obelisk made of volcanic rock. Over the 69 years since the detonation, the evidence of the blast has faded. There are a few places where the desert floor that was fused to glass can be seen. The radioactivity of the ground is reported to be 10 times the surrounding area, but well below the allowable limits for visiting. (
Also on display was Jumbo, a pressure vessel made from 4 inch thick steel. In 1945, the amount of fissionable material for the building weapons was very limited. The original plan was to encase the test bomb in Jumbo so that if the high explosive charge did not create the fission reaction, then fissionable material would be contained in the vessel. Late in the count down the plan was changed when is was realized that the vessel could become massive pieces of shrapnel. Jumbo was left near the blast and shows significant damage from the blast: (
We left the test range and headed north to Santa Fe, New Mexico. The weather is cool and windy but we were able to visit quite a few art galleries and were very impressed with the quality of the art.
Blue Flame Restorations
04-06-2014, 12:05 AM
Neat stuff, Jim! Be safe.
04-06-2014, 05:53 AM
Yeah this thread is awesome! Like a moving history/travel book... Safe travels and please keep posting! :cheers:
04-06-2014, 06:28 AM
Yeah this thread is awesome! Like a moving history/travel book... Safe travels and please keep posting! :cheers:
Greatly appreciated those that take their cameras and post pictorial photos of their ZR-1 trips :thumbsup:
Thanks Jim and Ben :cheers:
Alaska Trip (
Canada trip (
CA Redwood Trip (
CA or Bust Trip (
04-06-2014, 11:00 PM
Hello from Montrose, Colorado on Sunday evening. We had a full day to day with some road hazards and some bad weather.
We left Santa Fe and headed north toward Colorado. Last night it snowed. As we went north the roads were clear, but there were snow flurries.
Since we always like to photograph roadside wonders, we couldn't resist Camel Rock: (
Then there were the cows. I am not sure how they got into the developed area but they were on the shoulder waiting to cross the street: (
Then there were the Pronghorn Sheep. I'm not sure which way they were trying to go but they high tailed it into the field: (
As we neared the Colorado border the evidence of last nights snow got heavier: ( (
04-06-2014, 11:10 PM
We stopped for breakfast in Antonito, Colorado, home of the Cumbers and Toltec Narrow Gauge Railroad. There are no excursion trains running in the winter season, but we did get a photo: (
Our objective for the morning was the Great Sand Dunes National Park, in Alamosa County, Colorado. Alamosa is a very rural area with a small cattle industry: ( (
Great Sand Dunes National Park is a small park that protects the natural sand dunes that exist at the base of mountains that form the eastern side of a surrounded alpine plain. The dunes have been in this place for thousands of years and are maintained by a delicate balance of erosion, precipitation and wind. (
Our original plan had been to spend the night near the Sand Dunes, but we were ready to move on by lunch time, so we decided to head for our next day's destination. We drove northwest toward Gunnison, CO. The sky was clearing and the beautiful blue sky, the clouds and the snow-covered mountains were beautiful: (
04-06-2014, 11:26 PM
In order to get to Gunnison, CO, we needed to cross Majestic Pass. The clearing skies we had been enjoying turned grey. As we approached the pass the snow started and got heavy. Based on a good weather report from the west side of the pass, we decided to continue on. The temperature dropped as approached the summit, and was down to 31 degrees. Luckily the road was well prepared for the snow and remained clear. Here we are near the summit, 7,900 feet: (
We made it safely down the west side of the mountains and reached Curecanti National Recreation Area on the Gunnison River. The lakes are still frozen, but the views were fabulous: ( (
Continuing on US-50 west to Montrose we enjoyed some nice clear roads: (
04-07-2014, 01:16 AM
Great pictures ! :cheers:
04-07-2014, 07:26 AM
Jim and Lindi, thank you so much for taking us along. Safe trip, have a ball. -Steve
04-07-2014, 07:28 AM
Wow, simply amazing photos.
If you want to grab a bite of BBQ when you slide through KC, I might be available depeding on our schedules. Would love to see the yellow Z.
04-07-2014, 07:45 AM
Wow, great pictures and itinerary. Great Sand Dunes National Park is amazing. Happy to hear you made it over the pass in the snow.
04-07-2014, 04:58 PM
We use to got to Sand dunes there in my jeep, let the tire pressure down and cruise and then up into the mountains surrounding the dunes, Great spot, enjoy 4 corner area, beautiful, contact me when in AZ,
04-07-2014, 08:24 PM
How about a side trip to John Hendrick's car museum just south of Gateway? Founder of the Discovery Channel - about 50 really top dollar cars - includes the 1954 F88 Oldsmobile show car he paid $3 million for. Good stuff.
04-07-2014, 09:43 PM
good idea
04-07-2014, 10:28 PM
Hello from Black Canyon of the Gunnison.
For the first time on the trip so far, we were not in a rush this morning. By arriving at Montrose a day early, we had time to relax.
We headed out to visit Black Canyon of the Gunnison River National Park. (
On the way into the park, we were greeted by a small group of deer: (
When we entered the park, we found out that today was the first day the park had been opened since last fall. The snow on the South Rim Road had just been cleared. The North Rim Road will remained closed until the end of April. We felt very lucky to be two of the first visitors to the park. There were very few other people in the park all day so we felt like we had the park to ourselves.
There was still some snow on the trails. Here is the view from the Visitor Center deck: ( (
The Black Canyon is accessible for viewing only by overlooks accessed by the South Rim Road. Each viewing area has a short walk (100-450 yards) from a paved parking area. We had to navigate some left-over snow, but in a few days the paths will be dry and very easy to use. (
The canyon offers some of the most spectacular views I have ever seen. The character and condition of the rock walls was dramatically different from one end to the other. (
04-07-2014, 11:00 PM
Here is a pic from one overlook to another. You can start to get a sense of scale form seeing a person in the scene: (
We saw several birds that used the air currents to soar over the canyon: (
At the deepest point the canyon is 2300 feet deep. That is almost two times as tall as the Empire State Building. (
Many areas of the canyon walls were beautifully marked by the layers and composition of the rocks.
The streaks are the result of molten rock flowing into cracks in the mantle rocks deep in the earth. The process occurred over a billion years ago. Uplift and erosion have now exposed the rock. One of my favorite formations was this guy: ( (
In the background the snow-capped surrounding mountains can be seen. (
I would rate Black Canyon of the Gunnison River as a "Must See". It is a small National Park, but it is uncomplicated, easy to visit, stunning and memorable.
04-08-2014, 01:38 AM
Hey Jim,
Aloha from Hawaii. This is like one of the coolest things to me and thanks for sharing your journey!!! Take care and safe travels. I hope to do some touring when I move to Cali in the Bay Area in a few weeks.
04-08-2014, 02:11 AM
:thumbsup: Thanks for the share. Safe travels to ya.
Paul Workman
04-08-2014, 03:04 AM
Stunning photos, Jim! Majestic canyon walls. (Making me homesick for my adopted State)!
My favorite pic - tho hard to pick just one - is the bird soaring over the canyon.
Thanks for sharing, that we might go along vicariously.;)
ZR-1 Franz
04-08-2014, 06:46 AM
Hello from Switzerland,
Thank you very much for sharing. Great pictures from great places.
Take care and have a safe trip. God bless you,
04-08-2014, 07:06 AM
Hmmm.... Gunnison is only 12hr drive from where I live.
Might need to make a long weekender trip some time.
04-08-2014, 08:47 PM
Outstanding pics and thank you for sharing. It brought back memories. Some years ago a group of friends and I went camping down in the canyon and put in a boat at Blue Mesa Dam and went down river to a place called Morrow Point Dam about ten miles downstream. Great fishing down there. You can also hike in to Morrow Point but it is very strenuous, 1500 ft. drop and 3 miles down. We stayed in natures wonder for 3 days and forgot the daily grind and civilization. Was a great place to be. A Forest Ranger came in by boat to check our fishing licenses and take out the trash from the camp ground at Morrow Point. What a great job!!! The bottom of the canyon is so dark at night you can't see 5 feet. Truly is the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. You're doin a great thing by documenting this trip as some folks may never get to see these wonders.
Thanks so much....
04-08-2014, 11:38 PM
After a dip in the hot tub, and a good nights sleep we set out early to head south to Cortez, Colorado and Mesa Verde National Park. The weather was beautiful with 35 degrees and clear skies. We decided to drive to Telluride and then southwest over the San Juan Mountains.
Heading up into the mountains: (
We stopped in Telluride, Colorado. I guess all of the hanger-on skiers stayed up late last night partying because no one was around: (
Lyndi was practicing her "artsie photography" and got this shot of the mountains in front and behind us: (
Heading up to the pass: (
Here we are at the summit. The temperature had dropped to 27 degrees at the 10,070 foot altitude: (
There was very little traffic and the views were fabulous: (
to be continued....
04-09-2014, 12:08 AM
We made much better time getting to Mesa Verde National Park than the GPS predicted, so we arrived with the sun still low and the shadows added interest to the landscapes.
Here is Lyndi at the entrance with the rock tower in the background: (
Even though the park is open year-round. Parts of the park were closed due to access restrictions and road maintenance to repair winter's damage. There were very few visitors in the Park, which was nice.
Here is a nice view of the Square Tower House: (
Here is another view with the YELLOWZ visible in the background. We always have fun trying to get the Z in the shots: (
We saw this car with Alaska plates and a large set of Long Horns on the roof. Since we went to Alaska in 2012, we waited at the parking area to meet the owner. He was a nice young man who had made a trip from Alaska to Austin, Texas and was on his way back to Alaska. (
Here is a nice view looking south from the Sun Temple site: (
Another view of one of the cliff dwellings: (
Mesa Verde is one of the premier parks in the National Park System. The displays (that we could visit) were well documented and vary accessible. We were in the park with very light traffic. I fear that in peak season, the parking areas would be crowded and the sites would be crowded.
ZR-1 Franz
04-09-2014, 06:19 AM
Hello from Switzerland,
I have to tell you that all your pictures are great, but the "artsie pictures" as you call
them are excellent. Would be nice, if Lyndi would shoot more of them.
Thank you very much again for sharing your trip with us.
Have a good time,
04-09-2014, 08:42 AM
After a dip in the hot tub, and a good nights sleep we set out early to head south to Cortez, Colorado and Mesa Verde National Park. The weather was beautiful with 35 degrees and clear skies. We decided to drive to Telluride and then southwest over the San Juan Mountains.
Heading up into the mountains: (
We stopped in Telluride, Colorado. I guess all of the hanger-on skiers stayed up late last night partying because no one was around: (
Lyndi was practicing her "artsie photography" and got this shot of the mountains in front and behind us: (
Heading up to the pass: (
Here we are at the summit. The temperature had dropped to 27 degrees at the 10,070 foot altitude: (
There was very little traffic and the views were fabulous: (
to be continued....
Tell Lyndi to continue her "artsie photography" those were some great shots Jim
Mr Blue
04-09-2014, 09:17 AM
I hunted in the San Juan Mts. in November. You pictures bring back great memories of one of my favorite places. Thanks for taking us along! If you like the cliff dwellings there are more in Bandolier National Monument north of Santa Fe. Another beautiful place. An amazing country we live in. Wishing you safe passage, enjoy.
04-09-2014, 09:27 AM
Another great adventure in a ZR-1!!! A true test to the endurance of a HIGH mileage ZR-1 driving across the country and having a blast while doing it!
Thanks for sharing Jim
04-09-2014, 09:50 AM
Memory Lane for me, I lived in T Ride 76 to 81, San Juans, no place can match, Only about 1,000 to 1,500 live there during the season and when ski area closes, it is exodus to the warmth of the southwest or Mexico or continue sking in Utah @ Snowbird or Alta, great pics
04-09-2014, 10:11 AM
Absolutely beautiful pictures, Jim. Drive safely! :cheers:
04-09-2014, 01:34 PM
We saw this car with Alaska plates and a large set of Long Horns on the roof. Since we went to Alaska in 2012, we waited at the parking area to meet the owner. He was a nice young man who had made a trip from Alaska to Austin, Texas and was on his way back to Alaska.
[URL=""] (
In the land where everything is bigger, that's a "big un" for sure. He's probably taking it up North to show those living in the biggest state what the little thing looks like next to a moose antler. :-D
("big un" that's Texas lingo for ginormous )
Great pics, keep'm coming. Need more with "army man" in frame. Maybe in front of the Arch in St. Louis ?
04-09-2014, 11:46 PM
On Wednesday, we left Cortez and drove southwest to Chinle, Arizona. As we have gotten used to, the traffic was light: (
The scenery was stunning with mesas in the distance on all sides, and many very dramatic monuments (large rising rock formations): (
Along the way, we stopped at Four Corners, a monument to the location where four states (Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona) meet at a point: (
On the Arizona half of the days drive, the terrain leveled out and the roads got straighter: (
We arrived in Chinle, AZ in the morning and entered Canyon de Chelly National Monument: (
Canyon De Chelly is a breath-taking example of the power and beauty of nature. The park is operated by the National Park Service and is situated on a Navajo Reservation. The canyon can be viewed from over look areas that are accessible for a North and a South Rim drive. There is one area of the canyon floor that is accessible by a a trail running down the canyon wall. Entrance to the access roads is free. Tours of the Canyon are also available by hiring Navajo Guides. (
04-10-2014, 12:03 AM
The Canyon de Chelly also contains the ruins of Pueblo era dwellings very similar to the ruins in Mesa Verde: ( (
As we moved among the different viewing area the appearance and character of the Canyon changed dramatically. (
We started on the North side of the Canyon because the morning sun gave better lighting for photography. There were very few visitors in the park: ( ( (
04-10-2014, 12:11 AM
I am getting a strong desire to go for an extended drive !
Those are Great pictures of places I want to see in person.
04-10-2014, 12:22 AM
One of the most photogenic areas of the canyon was photographed in 1941 by Ansel Adams. The massive rock formation that is the center piece of his most famous photo dominates many views of the Canyon: (
This area of the canyon floor can be reached by a trail from the rim. Lyndi and I decided to make the 2.5-mile round trip. ( ( ( ( (
04-10-2014, 12:34 AM
During the walk down to the canyon floor, we saw the evidence of the erosion that shaped the canyon: ( (
We explored the fauna and flora on the canyon floor: ( (
We got a close look at the Pueblo ruins called the White House. The name comes from the interior walls that were white-washed: (
There were also petroglyphs visible on the canyon walls near the ruins: (
04-10-2014, 12:44 AM
Here is a view that shows the scale of the canyon: (
While we were on the canyon floor, I watched this hawk circling the area: ( (
After enjoying the stunning views of the canyon floor, we headed back up the trail: (
Here are some more views of the east end of the canyon: (
Late in the day, the shadows were getting long and I waved good bye to the canyon: (
As is probably obvious by the amount of photos, we found Canyon de Chelly an amazing place. I rate this park as a "Must See".
04-10-2014, 07:13 AM
Amazing! This is such a cool thread! Thanks for taking the time to document and post up the pics :cheers:
04-10-2014, 09:52 AM
04-10-2014, 10:07 AM
I remember standing inches from the edge of Canyon De Chelly and tossing pebbles to see how long it would take to hit the bottom when I was 13 or 14 years old. Not a real secure feeling. The sheer face must be 500 feet...scary, even at that age.
04-10-2014, 10:20 AM
When are you projecting arrival in Phoenix?
04-10-2014, 10:35 AM
Your outside car temp guage must of went from 20's to 90's, time for the shorts & T shirt
04-10-2014, 11:02 AM (
My last visit to 4 corners
Paul Workman
04-10-2014, 07:30 PM
Stunning beauty... Your pictures are breathtaking! WOW!
04-10-2014, 09:09 PM
When are you projecting arrival in Phoenix?
We will arrive in Mesa Monday afternoon and stay in Mesa Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Thursday we drive to San Diego.
Can we meet for a photo op or dinner?
04-10-2014, 09:33 PM
We will arrive in Mesa Monday afternoon and stay in Mesa Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Thursday we drive to San Diego.
Can we meet for a photo op or dinner?
Yep I'm thinking that can happen with Phil as well sound good ?
04-10-2014, 11:10 PM
Tues or WED OK with me
04-11-2014, 09:18 AM
Tues or WED OK with me
Tues works for me as well, Jim? I will be bringing the Z. Break.. Phil you bringing yours?
Im a Northwest Valley kind of guy so I have no idea where a good place to Nosh in Mesa is. Any ideas on that Phil ?
04-11-2014, 12:44 PM
I can bring mine Tues PM, if there is any tread left after cruise on central Sat PM, LOL
Let us know what part of Mesa AZ, you will be in as it really goes "way out" east
Then we could figure a spot to eat/photo
How about, Killshots, ZR1Fred or Lorne or even Bill with the split window LT5
04-11-2014, 12:52 PM
I can bring mine Tues PM, if there is any tread left after cruise on central Sat PM, LOL
Let us know what part of Mesa AZ, you will be in as it really goes "way out" east
Then we could figure a spot to eat/photo
How about, Killshots, ZR1Fred or Lorne or even Bill with the split window LT5
That would be great !!!
04-11-2014, 11:35 PM
On Thursday, we left Chinle, Arizona and drove west and north. The traffic was light and the terrain was flat: (
We crossed the Utah state line and immediately entered Monument Valley: ( (
The rock formations can be viewed from a driving a 17 mile road or hiring a guide tour. The road was foo rough to drive in the Corvette so we decided to take some photos, clean the windshield and head west: ( ( (
04-11-2014, 11:59 PM
After leaving Monument Valley, we headed west to Page, Arizona. The terrain became hilly and the landscape more dramatic: (
Just east of Page we stopped to take a tour of the Lower Antelope Canyon. Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon, which means that the canyon opening opening is narrow compared to the width of the canyon. ( (
Since the light in the canyon is mostly reflected light, then colors of the sandstone and the textures of the eroded stone are highlighted: ( (
The guide for our group was an accomplished photographer and showed us the settings to use to get the best results: (
04-12-2014, 12:19 AM
About five miles south of Page, AZ is Horseshoe Bend. There is a nice parking area off the road and then a 3/4 mile walk on sand and rocks out to the east rim of the Colorado River. The river's horseshoe shape makes a dramatic landscape: ( ( (
Next we drove to Lake Powell. The lake's level is very low currently due to extended drought conditions in the Rocky Mountains. ( (
After we parked, a tour bus parked next to us: (
The French tourists form the bus were very impressed by the ZR-1. Several made comments and took photos of our car.
04-12-2014, 12:25 AM
I can bring mine Tues PM, if there is any tread left after cruise on central Sat PM, LOL
Let us know what part of Mesa AZ, you will be in as it really goes "way out" east
Then we could figure a spot to eat/photo
How about, Killshots, ZR1Fred or Lorne or even Bill with the split window LT5
We will be at the Westgate Painted Mountain Country Club, 6320 East McKellips Rd, 85125.
Our schedule is very flexible. Let me know what works for you guys, and I will be there.
04-12-2014, 08:06 AM
04-12-2014, 12:45 PM
If you need anything when you pass through Amarillo,Tx give me a call. I guess you could always try and eat the 72oz. steak at the Big Texan when you get to Amarillo. Free if you eat it with all of the trimmings. I also have a lift if you need to check things out on the bottom side of your car.
Don & Rosemary Roden
1995 Yellow/Beige ZR-1 #176
1966 Red/White Conv.
04-12-2014, 07:26 PM
These are great snapics as Shrade would say. I feel like I'm on the trip with you guys. Great camera work.
04-13-2014, 09:53 AM
On Friday, we left Page, Arizona and drove to the Grand Canyon. When we left Page, the temperature was 28 degrees but the day warmed up nicely. The traffic was light, with no delays.
We entered Grand Canyon National Park from the east. We were very pleasantly surprised to find that the Senior Citizen Pass that I bought in the Black Canyon allowed us entry to the Grand Canyon for free. The normal entry fee is $25 per car per day. (
From the east entrance, it is 28 miles to the Main Visitors Center and Village where all of the Grand Canyon Hotels and Lodges are.
Our first stop was the Far View area. The old Watch Tower has been nicely restored and allows visitors to climb to the top for wonderful views of the Canyon. ( (
We discovered that morning and late afternoon gives the best photographs of the canyon. the shadows from the low sun give shape and texture to the rocks and cliffs. ( (
We spent the day visiting the overlooks along the South Rim Road. The Grand Canyon certainly deserves to be one of the seven natural wonders of the world. (
04-13-2014, 10:11 AM
On Saturday, our plan was to hike down into the canyon. We chose the Bright Angel Trail. (
This trail goes all the way to the bottom of the canyon, which is 7.8 miles with more than 5,000 foot drop. Our goal was to start early and try to go about 2 miles along the trail and then return to the rim. (
At the first of two "tunnels", we caught the morning sun illuminating the openings in the rock: ( ( ( (
04-13-2014, 10:12 AM
I am having problems with computer crashes and slow WiFi. I will add more later.
04-13-2014, 11:05 AM
GREAT pics!
04-13-2014, 12:07 PM
I heard they put water on the Bright Angel Trail. People used to (and probably still do), go a little farther down than they should not realizing how much longer it takes to come back out.
And...Lake Powell is really low! I've seen it from aircraft recently, but I haven't been there since the 80's and the ground level pics are surprising. The rest of the downstream lakes remain full-ish due to the receding levels in Powell.
ZR-1 Franz
04-13-2014, 12:59 PM
Dear Jim, dear Lyndi,
Wow, what great pictures! I showed them to some friends of mine
here in Switzerland. They were so impressed. Thank you again.
I wished I could do this trip together with my wife. May be one day,
who knows.
Best wishes from Switzerland and God bless you,
04-13-2014, 11:18 PM
I heard they put water on the Bright Angel Trail. People used to (and probably still do), go a little farther down than they should not realizing how much longer it takes to come back out.
And...Lake Powell is really low! I've seen it from aircraft recently, but I haven't been there since the 80's and the ground level pics are surprising. The rest of the downstream lakes remain full-ish due to the receding levels in Powell.
We didn't find any water on Bright Angel Trail. I was surprised that we went up faster than down. I guess that the difference was the photo stops on the way down. On the way up, we set pace and kept walking.
I talked to one of the hosts at the Lake Powel Visitors Center. He pointed out that when the dam was built in the sixty's, it took 16 years to fill the lake. Now the lake is down about 40%. Based on the current participation rates, it will take a long time to refill the lake.
04-13-2014, 11:44 PM
As we continued down the Bright Angel Trail, we paused for a look at the massive rock face that is the western side of the side canyon: (
Parts of the trail were very steep: (
We did not go very far down the total trail which is 7.8 miles to the Colorado River at the Canyon bottom. Here you can see an intermediate plateau with the trail winding toward another drop to the Canyon bottom at the top of the picture. (
We thoroughly enjoyed our hike into the canyon. We hiked enough to "feel the burn" and enjoy the different views that come from being below the rim.
04-14-2014, 01:03 AM
That last photo is an amazing shot on the scale of the South Rim. I was there back in 1997 and LOVED the sights.
Keep the photos coming!
04-14-2014, 01:05 AM
On Sunday, our third day at the Grand Canyon we took part in one of the time-honored traditions that visitors have enjoyed for over 100 years, a mule ride.
There are two mule ride options. The longest is a two-day mule ride to the bottom on the canyon with an over-night stay at the Phantom Ranch. This ride would be five hours in the saddle each day. We decided that was beyond our skill level.
The second option is a two- hour ride that follows the south rim of the Canyon east of the Visitors Center.
After a short bus ride and some orientation, we mounted up and hit the trail (cowboy lingo). ( (
Along the trail we got to enjoy the fantastic panoramas of the canyon: (
At the half-way point we paused for some group photos and spotted a condor circling over head: ( (
After a nice ride, we headed for the barn: (
04-14-2014, 10:20 AM
1 donkey power not on dyno
04-14-2014, 12:10 PM
Looks like a Mule to me!
Love this thread! My wife and I keep talking about a big road trip, and I've been showing your pictures to her. I think she's almost on board. We went to the Grand Canyon a couple of summers ago and it's just one of the most amazing places on the planet. I'd love to go back and do that 2-day canyon ride.
04-15-2014, 12:24 AM
1 donkey power not on dyno
PM sent to you.
04-15-2014, 01:44 AM
On Sunday afternoon, we had scheduled to take an airplane flight around the Grand Canyon, but high winds cancelled all flights.
We decided to do some more rim overlook viewing. Since all of our time had been spent on the overlooks east of the Visitors Center, we chose to hike along Hermits Rest Trail to see the areas of the Canyon west of the Lodges. The Hermits Rest Road is not open to private vehicles, the the only options are to hike or take the shuttle busses from stop to stop.
Here is a nice view of the Rim Lodges. On the left is the Tovar Hotel which was built in 1907 and remodeled in 2005. To the right are the other modern lodges and the restaurants and shops. On the right, the start of Bright Angel Trail can be seen: (
From the Hermits Rest Trail overlooks, the Colorado River can be seen in many places: (
This small tree is clinging to the rocks above about a 1,500 foot cliff: (
Some more evening views of the Canyon: (
As the sun set, the shadows on the rocks, cliffs, and plateaus changed dramatically. Here is a nice silhouette of a cat that was visible for only a few minutes: (
As sunset neared, the colors of the rocks faded and the shapes became more pronounced: (
04-15-2014, 01:49 AM
After the sun had set we walked back to the parking lot and found a nice view of the ZR-1 with a bright moon above it: (
Here is nifty silhouette photo of Lyndi and I bidding farewell to the Grand Canyon: (
04-15-2014, 08:46 AM
ALCON. Suggest Famous Daves BBQ 1011 N Dobson Rd, Mesa, AZ 85201. Close to Jim and the BBQ is the best AZ has to offer. leave work at 1500 maybe 1600 or 1700 for dinner? :cheers:
04-15-2014, 09:27 AM
ALCON. Suggest Famous Daves BBQ 1011 N Dobson Rd, Mesa, AZ 85201. Close to Jim and the BBQ is the best AZ has to offer. leave work at 1500 maybe 1600 or 1700 for dinner? :cheers:
Works for me. I will be there at 1600, looking forward to meeting you guys.
04-15-2014, 11:53 AM
As usual great pics, PM sent
04-15-2014, 12:25 PM
Couldn't help myself. Mule had the wrong branding.
04-15-2014, 01:07 PM
On Monday morning, the wind had died down and we were able to get a tour flight around the Grand Canyon. There are many different air tour companies that offer airplane or helicopter sight seeing flights. They are all private groups, the National Park Service does not operate any air craft at the Grand Canyon. The flight paths around the canyon are specified by the NPS to balance between protecting the serenity of the Grand Canyon and also allowing air tours.
Even from the air, it is still hard to understand the scale of the canyon. It is so large and there is so much variety of landscapes that every time you look you see something new.
Over the east end of the canyon we got a good view of the Little Colorado River, a tributary of the Colorado: ( (
The North Rim of the Grand Canyon is about 1,000 feet higher than the South Rim, is cooler, and has harsher weather. There was still snow on the ground in some places. Here are some views of the canyon formation looking toward the North Rim: ( (
Here is a view looking west, of the Colorado River deep in the Canyon: (
As we returned to the airport I got a picture of the YELLOWZ: (
After our air tour, we left the Grand Canyon and drove south to Phoenix/Mesa, Arizona.
04-15-2014, 01:20 PM
When we arrived in Mesa, Arizona, a package was waiting containing a new blower motor, thanks to my son Roger. On Tuesday morning, I replaced the blower and a burned out headlight: ( ( (
It was a simple job. As GOLDCYLON pointed out, I started by removing all the screws holding the after section of the wheel well. Then is was easy to remove the old blower and replace it.
It is obvious from the condition of the engine bay, the YELLOWZ has seen some hard miles. But it is running great with no other problems.
04-15-2014, 02:17 PM
its a one beer job lol. :cheers: See you at 4pm ish. Pics required and Phil will be there at 5pm. Burnt Ends consumed there after and a beer or two. It will be hard to not spot the white daily driver. Killshots could not make it. GC
04-15-2014, 04:34 PM
I see you are still running those all weather mud and snow tires you bought just before the Alaska trip.
04-15-2014, 04:49 PM
its a one beer job lol. :cheers: See you at 4pm ish. Pics required and Phil will be there at 5pm. Burnt Ends consumed there after and a beer or two. It will be hard to not spot the white daily driver. Killshots could not make it. GC
Not 100% out at this point...still 50/50!
04-15-2014, 05:19 PM
Not 100% out at this point...still 50/50!
04-15-2014, 11:04 PM
Great meeting up tonight + Great BBQ & Cold Beer
Be safe Jim, enjoy Cali, the 101 PCH + sunset is it
04-16-2014, 12:25 AM
It was great to see all you guys! Jim, have a safe trip...I hope to see you again when we'll have more time to talk.
Phillip and Daryll, look forward to seeing you guys real soon. Sure is great to be a part of the brotherhood!
Have a great night, all!
04-16-2014, 08:38 AM
Had a great time with Jim, Chris and his young son and Phil. 4 Z's next to each other in the parking lot is always a good thing. The BBQ was fine and the beer was cold. Jim left after dinner headed to San Diego. great conversations. GC ( (
04-16-2014, 09:06 AM
Quick photo of the group. (
l to r Jim, Daryll, Chris, Phil
Thanks for welcoming me to Arizona!
04-16-2014, 09:49 AM
Hit the beach & a local taco shop in SD
04-16-2014, 10:18 AM
Let us know what you SD area plans are. I know I'm leaving town for Easter at midday Friday, but a couple of us might be around for something on Thursday if you find yourself in the North County area.
04-16-2014, 10:52 AM
Thats where I was suggesting, anywhere from La Jolla to Oceanside, GREAT AREA, North County
Paul Workman
04-16-2014, 12:46 PM
Thats where I was suggesting, anywhere from La Jolla to Oceanside, GREAT AREA, North County
Yes, and I would suggest seeing the view from the Point Loma Nat'l Cemetery for a 360º panorama of San Diego, North Island, Coronado and the bridge, the harbor and the Pacific Ocean. Breathtaking, every time I went there.
Just north of La Jolla is the secluded north end of Black's Beach (Torry Pines) has some interesting scenery - the only "swimsuit optional" beach in the country. Could make for an interesting photo-op :p...
04-16-2014, 01:12 PM
South Beach Bar & Grille. Start with oysters on the half-shell, then sample both the mahi and wahoo grilled tacos, and you may never leave SoCal. Have a great rest of the trip, glad I got to meet you on your way through the Valley!
Great photos and the captions are terrific! I also have a yellow Z, 1995. What's your connection to the Navy? I was Naval air from 66-70 and my son graduated from the academy in 98. Hope to see you at the NCM in May. Have a safe trip, we're all enjoying it.
04-17-2014, 01:19 AM
Great photos and the captions are terrific! I also have a yellow Z, 1995. What's your connection to the Navy? I was Naval air from 66-70 and my son graduated from the academy in 98. Hope to see you at the NCM in May. Have a safe trip, we're all enjoying it.
The Yellow Z always gets lots of nice comments from people we meet. I was in the Submarine Force for 24 years. I retired in 1996. I will definitely be at the ZR-1 Gathering at the NCM. I would be proud to buy a Naval Aviator a beer.
04-17-2014, 01:22 AM
Too bad your trek didn't allow you to attend or participate this
past weekend (4/12, 4/13) in the Mojave Mile in Mojave, CA.
LOTS of Corvettes as well as other cars, and IT WAS A BLAST!
Just couldn't guarantee after the speed bug bites (hard to "take
it easy") that your car would be road worthy.
04-17-2014, 01:36 AM
Hello from Grand Junction, Colorado.
We have had to change our plans. Due to an illness of one of our cats, we will have to cancel the remainder of the trip. Lyndi flew home, and I will be driving straight home.
I did complete one of the mission objectives (Navy lingo for plans). I drove to the southwest-most point in California this morning, and sighted the Pacific Ocean at Imperial Beach. (
Thank you from Lyndi and I, for all of the comments, suggestions and assistance that help make this trip a great {although shortened) success.
The YELLOWZ is running great and with the 75 mph and 80 mph speed limits, I covered > 1000 miles today.
I have chosen to return on I-70, all the way from Utah to Carroll County, MD. I will keep you posted for the remainder of the trip home, but without my copilot/photographer, there won't be many pictures.
04-17-2014, 03:01 AM
Jim, sorry to hear about your change in plans. Best wishes to you and Lyndi. Have a safe trip home.
Sorry to hear of your plan change. I read your post and I thought your "cat sickness" was that an actual catalytic converter had overheated giving troubles. I had just made a post before this one where I mentioned "catalytics" I wasnt thinking of "felines".
I hope all is well at home.
Hows the fuel mileage been?
Safe travels.
ZR-1 Franz
04-17-2014, 06:38 AM
Hello from Switzerland,
Sorry to hear this. Have a safe trip home and I hope your cat makes a
complete recovery. All the best for Lyndi too,
04-17-2014, 07:06 AM
Sorry to hear this. I work a double today so probably won't get to see you when you come through St Louis. Just to let you know - there are a ton of small municipalities all trying to get their share of the "traffic ticket loot" as you go through St Louis on 70. Especially from I-270 into the city, and over on the IL side out to 270. For the most part the cops around here go by the "9 your fine, 10 your mine" rule - but use your judgement with the traffic flow...
If you want to miss the downtown area and go straight through - I would suggest you take Hwy 370 East at mm 224 on 70, 370 ends at I-270, go East on 270 and it runs you back into 70 about 15 miles over in IL. That is how all us "locals" and the truckers that come through regularly do it....
Safe Travels!
04-18-2014, 09:35 PM
Hello from Westminster, Maryland. I made it home safely this evening. From SW California to Westminster was 2,743 miles. The entire trip was 6,975 miles in 19 States in 17 days.
The YELLOWZ made it back with no issues. 145,000 miles on the odometer now.
I did discover that I would not like to live in the mountains. After about 10 days above 5,000 feet elevation, and especially at 10,000 feet in the Vail Pass over the Rockies, I had gotten use to the Z not having a lot of acceleration. When I got back down to a reasonable elevation, and had to acceleration quickly at an on-ramp, it felt like my good old ZR-1 again.
We Gone
04-18-2014, 09:41 PM
Enjoyed your trip felt like I was traveling along, as I did with the KeyWest trip.
Hope all is well with your cat.
04-18-2014, 09:44 PM
Glad to see you made it home safe.
04-18-2014, 10:34 PM
Hello from Westminster, Maryland. I made it home safely this evening. From SW California to Westminster was 2,743 miles. The entire trip was 6,975 miles in 19 States in 17 days.
The YELLOWZ made it back with no issues. 145,000 miles on the odometer now.
I did discover that I would not like to live in the mountains. After about 10 days above 5,000 feet elevation, and especially at 10,000 feet in the Vail Pass over the Rockies, I had gotten use to the Z not having a lot of acceleration. When I got back down to a reasonable elevation, and had to acceleration quickly at an on-ramp, it felt like my good old ZR-1 again.
Glad to hear you made it safely home. Thanks for the great photos along the way as my family and I enjoyed them. The NHRA guys also know about the altitude issues when they come to Bandimere speedway. The top speeds up here won't compare to sea level and the stock Z's won't run in the 12's.
04-18-2014, 10:45 PM
I can remember running at the old Bandimere in the early 70's, with John Sr. before they moved/remodeled it, .5 to .7 slower, this is a mile high, try almost 2 mile high going over the passes
ZR-1 Franz
04-19-2014, 01:49 AM
Hello from Switzerland,
Glad to hear that you are at home. I hope your cat is on the way of
recovery. Thank you very much again for let us all be part of your
trip. The pictures are great! I think I shall create a photo album so
I can admire them when ever I want.
Best wishes,
04-19-2014, 09:19 AM
Glad to hear you're home safe, Jim!
Blue Flame Restorations
04-19-2014, 09:21 AM
04-19-2014, 03:09 PM
Glad to hear you made it home safe and with no out of state "money orders" from those hungry speed enforcers across the country. Hope all is well on the home front with the felines. Thanks for the great pictures reminding me of how much I enjoy road trips and the power of our ZR-1s. :thumbsup:
04-28-2014, 11:29 AM
Glad to hear you made it home safe. I really enjoyed the photos and experiences. Best wishes.
04-29-2014, 08:19 PM
Welcome back to MD. Loved following along on your journey.
05-01-2014, 10:48 PM
Thanks for sharing your trip! Sorry you ended up having to end it sooner than planned. Hope your cats are OK.
As I was going through your journey and you made it all the way to Alamogordo, I was sure that we would be seeing some photos of that Yellow Z against the White Sand. Did you not make it to White Sands National Monument? Shame if you didn't as you were right there. I was actually there about a month ago (in an SUV though, so not as much fun as you had).
05-02-2014, 07:57 AM
Thanks for sharing your trip! Sorry you ended up having to end it sooner than planned. Hope your cats are OK.
As I was going through your journey and you made it all the way to Alamogordo, I was sure that we would be seeing some photos of that Yellow Z against the White Sand. Did you not make it to White Sands National Monument? Shame if you didn't as you were right there. I was actually there about a month ago (in an SUV though, so not as much fun as you had).
Thanks. Yes, I made it to White Sands Missile Range and drove all the way to the Trinity Site. Because of WSMR security, we were in a tight caravan and did not get to stop for photo ops until we got to the site.
The Trinity Site is only open to visitors one time a year so I feel very lucky that I was able to arrange the trip to be in New Mexico that day.
05-02-2014, 10:49 PM
I did see your photos of the Missile Range and Trinity Site -- very historic places.
I'm starting to worry that you may have missed the National Park (Monument). Did you make it here:
05-03-2014, 06:09 AM
Bummer! I guess I was so excited about getting to see the Trinity Site that I didn't do enough research about the area. I have to admit that as we were driving across the test range I commented that the sand didn't look very white.
Oh well, it will be high on my list for the next time we go to the Southwest.
Thanks for the information.
05-05-2014, 02:00 AM
What a shame. You were literally right there. Oh well, hopefully you'll get to see it next time. White Sands is an impressive place. Fortunately I can see that you had many highlights on your trip. This would've been one of them.
Would've been nice to meet up on your way back but understand you were in a rush. Maybe next time.
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