View Full Version : I don't quite understand?

03-25-2014, 06:12 PM
Here's a post several hours old that soon will be maybe even off the "front page" of the "general topics". Posted and "locked"! I would have thought:

1. that it might have been posted in "Forum News" and "stickied" 2. if intended to be in the General Forum it might have maybe been "stickied" right along with the "RULES" that appear to have been amended maybe 4 weeks ago.

If those are the current rules maybe there should be an "amended date" included in the "RULES" post.

The post:


Excuse me the "Forum Rules" are 'stickied" in each forum topic it appears.

03-25-2014, 06:57 PM
Negativity, so much negativity!!!

Blue Flame Restorations
03-25-2014, 07:03 PM
I'm not quite sure what there is to understand or not understand but here goes.

Being new to the Forum Co-Chairman position, the decision was made to post the thread to acknowledge a couple of things. 1) Acknowledge the Moderators and 2) Acknowledge a situation in which Daryll Fust (Goldcylon) was not supported as much as he may have needed to be.

The post was placed in the General Section by design.

It's not often that the Moderators ever get acknowledged for anything. If anyone wants to acknowledge them in your thread, that would be a great idea, IMO.


03-25-2014, 07:42 PM
This message has been moderated

03-25-2014, 08:08 PM
Negativity, so much negativity!!!

There was no negativity intended or I don't believe it could have been interpreted as such.

If it was an "announcement" as the text of the post hinted then it should have been I would have thought maybe posted differently. I still maintain that but I also understand maybe more clearly the intention of the post. If it was to be an open "apology" to a forum moderator which it also seems to imply in the text I'd say it wasn't called for. If the "board" or the co-chairman felt an apology was required it I doubt the business of the "general forum membership".

If the board felt the necessity of an open apology to a moderator then it should have been acknowledged by "all"!

Perhaps a "Chairman and Co-chairman tag should be added to the moderator notices in the "what's going on" I believe section. The Chairman I assume is Jim as his "sig" seems attached to all of the "rules sections".

Blue Flame Restorations
03-25-2014, 08:12 PM
Thanks for your valued input. Feel free to PM me, personally, as I am closing this thread.
