View Full Version : Clutch Master cylinder

John Boothby
03-17-2014, 10:00 AM
Any preferred brand for this part? Bendix? ACDelco? Wagner? etc.


03-17-2014, 10:18 AM

03-17-2014, 11:17 AM
changed master & slave a couple of years ago ... went with Jim at powertorque (link above) after spending a good bit of time searching what to get and discovering a very high incidence of incompatibility and subsequent failure with anything non-original. Contact Jim ... you won't be disappointed.

John Boothby
03-17-2014, 12:23 PM
I got my slave from Jim a few years back. Great guy! I changed the master and slave about 5-6 years ago. The new slave was bad so I got a new one from Jim. I didn't think they had a problem with the master's, but mine just went bad. I know it is the master because it is leaking inside. Anyhow, I guess that I will be talking to Jim.

Thanks guys!!