View Full Version : The Phoenix!
Paul Workman
03-15-2014, 03:57 PM
It's been a very long, cold, cold winter and I'd hoped to be father along with the restoration of the Z by now. But! Some progress! ( ( ( (
She needs to have the bumper horns tweaked a little. I took it to a frame shop before the snow flew (and flew and flew....) and asked that I be there when they pulled the horns down, cuz I wanted to bring it into line with shims. That didn't happen. "We brought it into spec according to (the sheet). Fine. But the pieces don't quite fit right, and there's no shims to take out; still too high.
So, there's that to do first. But I'm encouraged. I was able to install the "new" radiator, and warm her fully up, first time since June 2 of last year. I had a lifter hang up at first, but soon as she warmed up a little it quieted down to her "sewing machine" sound. Can't tell ya how good that sounded to my ears! Blip the throttle and ZERO hesitation, just ZOOM-ZOOM before settling down to purring again. Fans came on, no problems topping off the coolant, no worse for the wear, I hope!=D>
Hopefully I'll get the last bit of tweaking on the bumper frame horns done in the next couple weeks and then get really serious about putting her back together and painted. Can't wait for the Mountain Run to Bowling Green!:dancing
03-15-2014, 04:14 PM
It's a Z - can't be rushed. Done RIGHT is 1st + foremost job.
Looks GOOD.
Shops that don't do what's written on the work order - (was written - right PW? "I want to be there")
03-16-2014, 06:25 AM
Good Job! Glad you're progressing!
Paul Workman
03-16-2014, 07:04 AM
Added some "before" and "during" pictures... ttt
Shrade - Good point. My request to be there was verbal. And, as it happened, I was out of town working when got they chance to fit it in with their schedule. They had the specs, so as long as they met the specs, what could go wrong? (Yeeeeah..... Famous last words, lemme tell ya what!) Well, at least the shop has offered to "make it right" on their dime. Of course if it wasn't running, then I'd be paying to flat-bed it there and back again; $200 out the window. (Hence, my joy at getting the radiator to fit in spite of being a bit more crowded than normal. At least it is drivable for the 7 miles to the shop!)
Oh, and BTW, if anyone has a photo of the engine bay that clearly shows the spacing relationship between the radiator shroud and the front of the motor, couldja post it or send me a PM with it, por favor? Visual cues are as important as measurements in some cases, and in spite of "being in spec", it obviously isn't right, and a "snap pic" (as Shrade calls 'em) would be most appreciated.
Paul Workman
03-21-2014, 05:17 AM
The Phoenix has risen from her ashes...She's ALIVE!
I'm so excited!:dancing Although she looks like Dolly Parton's "Coat of Many Colors", she got on the road for the first time since June 2 of last year for a shake-down cruise. After a visual check out, I just putzed around a bit - only intending to be monitoring gauges and listening for strange sounds and waiting see if the temp came up to normal.
ALL SYSTEMS GO! After a ride like the last one, ya just never know what might crop up. So, I can't describe the feeling of elation that first roady alone gave me! (I mean try to imagine after all the TLC, your baby sitting battered and bruised for most of a year, and how your heart might sink, every time you went into the garage and cast a gaze on the pitiful sight....:cry:)
So, by the time I came to my favorite 1-mile stretch of open country blacktop - I couldn't help it: change of plans! I felt a rush of anxious excitement as I let her gently roll up the tach in first to about was "make or break" time...clear for take off! 2nd gear and WHACK IT!
Pushed hard back in the seat (felt really good!), AND, what seemed like a blink of time, the shift light winked and then winked again at the top of 3rd gear before letting up - well into the triple digits. I don't know which was beating faster -the joyful LT5 or my joyful heart!:dancing:
So! Saturday its back to the frame shop for a little adjustment on the bumber horns; more like going to the dentist for a small cavity - not like the root canal as before!:eek: Then all that's left is prepping her for painting (and maybe a couple go faster mods too). Goodbye to the "Coat of Many Colors": :mrgreen: just in time for the beginning of the 2014 driving season!
We Gone
03-21-2014, 06:42 AM
Congrats Paul!!
03-21-2014, 03:30 PM
Fantastic news for your car, for you and for the good of the ZR-1.
Awesome, thats great news.
Paul Workman
03-22-2014, 05:13 PM
MORE good news!
Looks like the frame work phase is finally completed. The pieces fell into place, once the bumper horns were lowered another 10-12mm. The fit really looks good.
Now to get it prepped for painting, add a couple power mods (planned before this other "distraction") and hopefully in full flight by BG (if not before!)
From her own ashes to rule again... (
(Sorry to be so dramatic. But, it has been a long "winter of despair" - that began last June, and now, finally, all that is nearing an end!:dancing)
Blue Flame Restorations
03-22-2014, 08:02 PM
Good to hear it worked as planned, Paul!!! start sanding, young fella!
03-22-2014, 09:25 PM
MORE good news!
Looks like the frame work phase is finally completed. The pieces fell into place, once the bumper horns were lowered another 10-12mm. The fit really looks good.
Now to get it prepped for painting, add a couple power mods (planned before this other "distraction") and hopefully in full flight by BG (if not before!)
From her own ashes to rule again... (
(Sorry to be so dramatic. But, it has been a long "winter of despair" - that began last June, and now, finally, all that is nearing an end!:dancing)
Four or Six piston brakes????
03-22-2014, 10:34 PM
Excellent! I'm glad it all worked out for you Paul.
03-22-2014, 10:54 PM
Now to get it prepped for painting, add a couple power mods (planned before this other "distraction") and hopefully in full flight by BG (if not before!)
(Sorry to be so dramatic. But, it has been a long "winter of despair" - that began last June, and now, finally, all that is nearing an end!:dancing)
Any more snappics there PW???
Paul Workman
03-23-2014, 07:24 AM
Four or Six piston brakes????
FOUR or SIX piston doesn't matter as much as APPLYING THEM IN TIME, I recon! :o But, I am in the market for some pads, I noticed. (Thinking Hawk HSP's.)
Paul Workman
03-23-2014, 08:28 AM
Any more snappics there PW???
Just this one. (
Jack stands fulcrums were placed on the frame rails in front of the A frame's pivot points so as NOT to affect steering alignment. (you can just make out the base of the jack stand peaking out from under the air dam; about 18" back of the bumper plates (where machine is attached - see pic).)
The actual "pulls" (x2) took under 5 seconds on each horn for the brute hydraulic force to do it's job. Then the two of us (the tech and myself) reinstalled the bumper and adjusted the hood's new fit, and within about 2-1/2 hours of iterative (back and forth) regulating the fit with a shim here removing one there, I was very happy with what was accomplished.
Spending more time given to adjusting would make the fit perfect - and it nearly is now. But, there is no point in perfection now - as the hood and bumper has to come off to be painted anyway. I just wanted to get it real close to make sure none of the alignment adjustments were at their limits - which otherwise is what prompted the re-visit to the shop for a bit of tweaking.
03-23-2014, 10:20 AM
At least you are back to the point where you know it will run right. The rest is cosmetics.
Did you deal with the windshield yet? I sometimes wonder what a fresh $300 non-solar ray glass would do for the outside appearance and clarity of view from the driver's seat.
Paul Workman
03-23-2014, 11:22 AM
At least you are back to the point where you know it will run right. The rest is cosmetics.
Did you deal with the windshield yet? I sometimes wonder what a fresh $300 non-solar ray glass would do for the outside appearance and clarity of view from the driver's seat.
A stock windshield is 'tee'd up'. After looking at Brett's and one Marc had just installed at his shop, the stock windshield looks beautiful, and they're also tinted. And, at $250 ish installed (glass + labor only), it'll do (as I'm not trying for an NCRS judging anyway).:)
03-23-2014, 11:43 AM
Hi Paul--Any chance of seeing the Phoenix at Marc's BBQ, whenever it is in April? --Bob
Paul Workman
03-23-2014, 01:49 PM
Hi Paul--Any chance of seeing the Phoenix at Marc's BBQ, whenever it is in April? --Bob
Hope so. Probably more like mid May.
Mr Blue
03-23-2014, 01:53 PM
(Sorry to be so dramatic. But, it has been a long "winter of despair" - that began last June, and now, finally, all that is nearing an end[/I]!:dancing)
Don't be apologizing for the emotions. I would have been a nut case if I had to wait all winter fot that type of repair. Breath out, finish and enjoy.
03-23-2014, 05:07 PM
FOUR or SIX piston doesn't matter as much as APPLYING THEM IN TIME, I recon! :o But, I am in the market for some pads, I noticed. (Thinking Hawk HSP's.)
With speed mods good brakes are important.
03-24-2014, 03:37 PM
Maybe you need a new license plate for good luck. While the Illinois license plate PHOENIX is not available, three somewhat similar ones are: FEENIX, PHEENX and PHOENKS. :) --Bob
Paul Workman
03-24-2014, 04:06 PM
Maybe you need a new license plate for good luck. While the Illinois license plate PHOENIX is not available, three somewhat similar ones are: FEENIX, PHEENX and PHOENKS. :) --Bob
REALLY!? Aw, dang! I was actually hoping Phoenix was available.
Mr Blue
03-24-2014, 04:11 PM
Try using numbers for letters, zero for O, 1 for I. PH0ENIX, or PH0EN1X.
Paul Workman
03-25-2014, 05:30 AM
Try using numbers for letters, zero for O, 1 for I. PH0ENIX, or PH0EN1X.
Yeah... Good idea, but I tried that and numbers intermixed are "not allowed", I found out. However, PHOENEX was available - I expect "a few" will chide me for spelling, but it was as close as I could get. So, I bought 'em!
Speaking of vanity plates, (or should they be called "RIDDLE PLATES") I saw a hot blonde babe driving a Mercedes coupe that had the plate: AUDLOX (AU D LOX) It reminded me of an Olympic Ice skater(?) a decade or two back that had the California plate: GO4AU
03-25-2014, 07:43 AM
Could have tried for the Rt 66 plate.. but a 5 character limit
PHNIX might have worked..
Cool deal on your plate
I saw one that was fitting for some people I know
03-25-2014, 08:39 AM
This years plate is "RARELT5"
03-25-2014, 10:55 AM
I am not willing to pay extra tax money for a custom tax stamp!!!!!!!
03-25-2014, 11:11 AM
Yeah... Good idea, but I tried that and numbers intermixed are "not allowed", I found out. However, PHOENEX was available - I expect "a few" will chide me for spelling, but it was as close as I could get. So, I bought 'em!
Speaking of vanity plates, (or should they be called "RIDDLE PLATES") I saw a hot blonde babe driving a Mercedes coupe that had the plate: AUDLOX (AU D LOX) It reminded me of an Olympic Ice skater(?) a decade or two back that had the California plate: GO4AU
Hi Paul--Glad you got one. Close enough. My favorite plate was one I saw in Dallas a number of years ago. A good looking blonde was driving a white Rolls Royce Corniche convertible with the plate "WAS HIS".:dancing--Bob
03-25-2014, 11:18 AM
How about "Fawkes"
Paul Workman
04-05-2014, 05:56 PM
I'm beginning to appreciate WHY some shops charge $5-10k to paint a Vette. Brotha...prepping is SOME WORK, boy-yo-boy!!
Will post some pix as i go along. (Right now I just took two Aleve tabs and drank a nice (bourbon-barrel stout) Dragon's Milk ... aaaaaah.)
The plan is to have it prepped by next weekend. Then, if I can get it scheduled, I'll try to have it painted in time for Marc's BBQ!
Blue Flame Restorations
04-05-2014, 06:33 PM
Paul, I told you so..................:p Now you know why I charge what I charge to do a paint job.
If it was easy, everyone would just do it themselves.......
Paul Workman
04-11-2014, 11:25 AM
Struggling a bit with an array of issues, e.g., lack of my experience with an array of repair/prep issues & equipment shortfalls (air compressor inadequate, etc) & delays due to weather :blahblah:
Master BRETT took pity on me and invited me to bring my Phoenix to his shop so together we (he) could whip it into shape in time for BG. It was the proverbial "offer too good to refuse"!
So, Wednesday, the Z was loaded up and on the way to Indy at 4:30 AM. (
By about 9:30 the Phoenix was in Brett's shop and we began "exploding" the Z into its pieces for prep and priming.
It was pure pleasure to see Brett in action. Not a movement was wasted as he went from glassing and filling the several cracks and chips - many not discovered until it was all apart - and onto something else while epoxy was setting up while I sanded and disassembled and learned (!) a huge amount about the process.
Brett fixing a blemish on the front bumper. (
In all, there were ≈ half dozen repairs that were made, including a 3-foot crack on the driver's side rocker panel, in addition to the "normal" prep work!
We stopped for a couple hours to go out for a pizza break, and then back at it until midnight before the car and pieces were primed. (
Brett "buzzed" the primer the next afternoon, and by late Thursday afternoon the car was at the paint shop, waiting for a full paint job - maybe ready next week! (I can't wait!!)
At the paint shop... ( (
If it were not for Brett's offer to jump in, no telling when I might have been able to drive her; certainly not in time for Marc's BBQ, but even more worrisome is the BG gathering/Mountain Cruise. We put in some animal effort to getting it (more or less) done in a day - work that would have taken me at least a couple or three weeks (or more) to do, given my situation and tools (or lack thereof!)
It was a pleasure watching a master at work. Stuff under construction in his shop - is simply amazing what he can and HAS done - "from scratch" in many cases! I am in awe...
04-11-2014, 11:44 AM
That is awesome..
That is what I am going to need someday.. hep to get it painted
04-11-2014, 12:11 PM
Bretts the man. Hopefully soon to be working on one of my projects if he can find the time :) Im ready !!!!!
Paul Workman
04-11-2014, 12:17 PM
Well, =Jeff=, I have Ami's car to paint next. So, by the time you get ready, I intend to have the tools (new compressor, chemicals, etc) to prep 'em at some point. Keep in touch!
04-11-2014, 12:23 PM
If it was easy, everyone would just do it themselves.......
I agree. I could do it.. get pissed of with my result or pay somebody to do it right. Thats the point. Folks are journeylevel after a LOT of time effort, training and practice. :cheers:
04-11-2014, 12:24 PM
Just another example of the Brotherhood in action. Before Paul left for Indy, he met me and lent me his Red 90 Sport Seats while I wait for my seat covers to be done. Its a bit of a "horrible" color combo of cognac/red seats BUT beggars can't be choosers. With the seats I was able to get a wheel alignment this morning. I should be able to drive it to Marc's. Thanks Paul.
Blue Flame Restorations
04-11-2014, 01:10 PM
Paul's a good egg. It was a pleasure to donate some Brotherhood time to help him have a great driving experience this year. Especially after last year.
Paul Workman
04-11-2014, 01:13 PM
yeah, Dom, I agree. If it were not for the Brotherhood and the tallent of the local FBI gang to back me up, there is NO WAY I would have ventured to buy and mod the Z. But, as it is, there is nothing I worry about, and I don't hesitate to point it out to a perspective Z owner they've got no worries buying a Z, if they have some patience.
Long live the KOTH!
04-11-2014, 04:53 PM
Well - it's called Good Karma. Paul helps others out ( I'm picking up an exhaust from him next week - and am MUCHLY appreciative ) so it is only fair that others help him... :thumbsup: Paul is "the MAN" and I have only conversed via internet with him so far. Sure we will have quite the conversation when I get up there!
Hope I get up to the BBQ to see the car done!
Can't make BG this year - other commitments - maybe next year...
04-12-2014, 12:30 AM
Did some paint get laid on it yet?
Blue Flame Restorations
04-12-2014, 01:22 AM
It should be red again by the end of next week if everything goes as planned.
Blue Flame Restorations
04-15-2014, 11:07 AM
It's RED again!
Paul Workman
04-15-2014, 11:08 AM
Just received some pix from Brett. The Phoenix is RED AGAIN! WooHoo!
Some more pieces to be painted, time to cure and be buffed out. Should be home next week - just in time to put it back together and be ready by Marc's BBQ, I hope!! ( ( (
04-15-2014, 11:22 AM
Looks nice Paul
04-15-2014, 11:41 AM
Looking good!!
04-15-2014, 11:51 AM
Whole car, nice!
04-15-2014, 11:52 AM
Great job man!!, its looking great!:cheers:
Paul Workman
04-20-2014, 01:09 AM
Getting closer to the big day!
They're buffing her out now, and should be ready to come home for final assembly of all the bits and pieces, perhaps next week. having it ready for its debut at Marc's BBQ doesn't look promising. However, being ready for the BG Mountain Cruise looks very good! (
We Gone
04-20-2014, 07:38 AM
Looks Great, Nothing like a good buff job :-D
04-20-2014, 11:31 AM
Looks Awesome! Congratulations. Probably a lot of our cars could "use" painted, but, it's hard to pony up when it "looks pretty good".
Blue Flame Restorations
04-20-2014, 11:34 AM
Paul's car looks superb now. It was a busy day getting it ready but well worth the time and effort to get him back on the road early this season.
Paul Workman
05-03-2014, 07:35 AM
As of Friday, 5-3-13, ALL body panels except headlights and third brake assembly are in place. Now doing a bit of fitting, and installing the headlights, mirrors, and brake light. Windshield to be replaced next week. she comes! (
We Gone
05-03-2014, 07:58 AM
Looks Great Paul, looking forward to meeting you a BG
05-03-2014, 09:35 AM
Lookin Good! :dancing
Blue Flame Restorations
05-03-2014, 10:03 AM
Lookin' good, Paul!!!!!!!!
05-03-2014, 05:10 PM
05-03-2014, 07:39 PM
Awesome progress. Looking very good!
05-03-2014, 09:45 PM
Looking good Paul!!
You'll have it back on the road in no time
...and in better shape than this guy
Paul Workman
05-04-2014, 07:33 AM
Arrrrgh! A minor set-back.
I jacked up the driver side front corner to remove the wheel for better access. Then I proceeded to spend several hours of adjusting the fit of the bumper, the inner fender, and the hood. Got it "perfect", after several hours of iterative back and forth - loosening, pulling, re-tightening, etc. Then I re-mounted the wheel and set her down. GONE was the nice uniform 1/4" gap between the hood and the ZERO clearance now!
Note to self: Don't adjust fitment with one or more corners on jack stands!!:o
I'm thinking a couple bumper shims on that side will do the trick w/o too much more adjusting afterward.
And, apparently, the front inner fender panels are different lengths, according to model years. Fine time to discover that one. So, I'll be looking for the right ones, but due to the Mountain cruise looming in a week, I opted to "shorten" the skirt. It doesn't show - so it will do until I can round up another pair. (Of course I had already pitched my original ones - which I know after watching Brett they could easily have been repaired - minor cracks and a few bolt holes was the sum total of the damage. [sigh])
Oh, well... Daylight burnin! Gettin' me some breakfast and back at it!!
We Gone
05-04-2014, 10:07 AM
Arrrrgh! A minor set-back.
And, apparently, the front inner fender panels are different lengths, according to model years. Fine time to discover that one. So, I'll be looking for the right ones, but due to the Mountain cruise looming in a week, I opted to "shorten" the skirt. It doesn't show - so it will do until I can round up another pair. (Of course I had already pitched my original ones - which I know after watching Brett they could easily have been repaired - minor cracks and a few bolt holes was the sum total of the damage. [sigh])
Oh, well... Daylight burnin! Gettin' me some breakfast and back at it!!
Interesting, I knew the 90 back was different from 91 up and they moved the hole placements over the years.
Paul Workman
05-06-2014, 06:26 AM
Interesting, I knew the 90 back was different from 91 up and they moved the hole placements over the years.
Yer absolutely correct! :censored: That is ONE of the hurdles I discovered last night while trying to put the skid bar and new air dam on. A 2-hour job at most, right? 6 hours later....:(
Just to smooth things, I bought a new installation kit (nuts and bolts) for the air dam. I was puzzled as to why the kit included nuts too, thinking I'd use the ones that are part of the bumper/inner fender interface flange. Well, I tried every conceivable combination of bolts and thread config, and NONE would thread into the nuts attached to the interface flange. Now I know now why they included the NUTS with the new flange bolts in the new mounting kit. I guess that's why God made drill bits and Makita cordless drills!
But the biggest part of the time was discovering some of the hardware to mount the skid bar to the bumper skids was bent in the crash. Some individual bracket damage was very subtle, but the "accumulation of errors" became quite large when the combination of several pieces are reassembled. So! It took some mighty big hammers and a big ol' vise and several iterations of trial and error, but finally got everything to fit nicely. Add some fresh semi-flat black paint, and snugged it all up and voila!
I allowed extra time to get this all done - the Mountain Run is looming - but I've got a feeling the window is closing faster than I expected. Were it not for Brett's help I wouldn't have stood a chance! But, after last night, I feel it is on the downhill side: all the body panels and that skid bar stuff are installed and aligned - better than it was before the wreck. All the hardware issues should be behind me now. Just have to reinstall the mirrors, middle brake light, the electrical stuff, a new windshield, and buff/polish/seal the new paint. Oh! My new PHOENEX license plates arrived. It's official now!:-D
05-06-2014, 07:28 AM
Paul ... your write ups on the progress of the Phoenix has the rest of us almost as excited as you must be about having a "new" Z. Looking forward to seeing the final result.
Paul Workman
05-22-2014, 07:45 AM
As many know, she's all back together, 'cept for some of her "jewelry" (badges), which will go on after her final (new paint) buffing, just before the first coat of sealant/polish. (Pictures to follow at that point!).
But, of course we can't have smooth sailing. Got my favorite kind of electrical problem going on: ye ol' intermittently working and failing again multi-circuit issue.
Starts with the "Door Ajar" light -
After fussing with the door close sensor switches yesterday, suddenly everything was working correctly: open a door, the courtesy lights come on - shut the door, lights go out and no "Door Ajar" (DA) with the ignition switch in the "ON" position. Musta been one of those door switches, I guess.
A couple hours after closing the garage - Ami comes in from outside and tells me the Z's horn is honking. Sure enough, it is. And, the courtesy lights are on (doors closed). Unlocking the driver side door with the key shuts the horn off, but the courtesy lights remain on - did NOT time out.
Oh...goody. A gremlin with personality!
Over a brewski, doing some preliminary research of the Electrical portion of the FSM before going forth, there are several references to the CCM...A LOT of 'em. But, this wasn't happening before we took it apart, AND the instrument panel, tach, etc all seem normal (driven by the CCM). Hmmmm..... Looks like a project. Just for giggles, I discovered the diagram in my (white copy) FSM showing the location of the AUX fuse block directly behind and in back of the radio...was wrong - which leads me to wonder if I have a preliminary FSM. More fun.
Well, I'm suspicious of the door switches. I did re-carpet the door panels before reinstalling the panels two weeks ago - so I'm wondering if there's an issue due to the fresh thickness of the new carpet. Generally, I like troubleshooting 'lectrical stuff. But, after almost a year of sitting, I was hoping to be done with this project so as to move onto some power adders I had hoped to have completed in time for the 1/2 mile run. [sigh].
More later...
05-22-2014, 08:00 AM
Definitely check your door switches. My left door switch decided to go "intermittent" on me a couple of years ago ... the temporary fix was taping a penny on the door where the switch button hits (you might want to try this before proceeding to other avenues).
The recommended permanent fix is to replace the switch (if you're careful you can do this without removing the door panel) ... the other "permanent" fix is to carefully pull the center plunger out on the door switch button, then carefully shut the door (don't slam), and, after opening the door, check to see the how far out the plunger is positioned. Keeping this position, super glue the plunger so that it no longer moves. New switches have the plunger out and apparently "self-adjust" when the door is closed following a new install.
After 2 years of the penny "trick" I finally repaired the old switch a couple of days before the recent mountain run ... so far, no problems. Hopefully, this fix will last for a good while ... next time, it will require a switch replacement while, not terribly bad, will not be as easy as the glue "trick". I think JimV clued me in on the glue fix.
Blue Flame Restorations
05-22-2014, 08:15 AM
Paul, the rear hatch switch can also be the issue. Been there....
Paul Workman
05-22-2014, 09:04 AM
The recommended permanent fix is to replace the switch (if you're careful you can do this without removing the door panel) ... the other "permanent" fix is to carefully pull the center plunger out on the door switch button, then carefully shut the door (don't slam), and, after opening the door, check to see the how far out the plunger is positioned. Keeping this position, super glue the plunger so that it no longer moves. New switches have the plunger out and apparently "self-adjust" when the door is closed following a new install.
After 2 years of the penny "trick" I finally repaired the old switch a couple of days before the recent mountain run ... so far, no problems. Hopefully, this fix will last for a good while ... next time, it will require a switch replacement while, not terribly bad, will not be as easy as the glue "trick". I think JimV clued me in on the glue fix....
Ah! I suspected the switches were self adjusting. So, I'll give that penny trick a try and see if that is the culprit: easy enough to do before drilling down into the FSM.
Paul, the rear hatch switch can also be the issue. Been there....
THAT... is good to know too! Thanks for the tip, Brett!
Well off to "work". Perfect day too to buff and apply sealer, uh, huh!:cheers:
05-22-2014, 09:19 AM
Well off to "work". Perfect day too to buff and apply sealer, uh, huh!:cheers:
So I'm thinking .... you probably need plenty of "Wax on - Wax off" practice. Come on down to Georgia and do your magic on my Z plus the recently acquired ZO6 ... lodging & food provided (might have to put you on a beer ration, tho). Seriously, I'm facing re-doing both cars in the next couple of weeks before it gets too hot here ... mid-day is already starting to feel unbearable with mid-nineties and humidity.
Be sure to post pics when you get everything done.
05-22-2014, 11:31 AM
Looks great there Paul...
Lotta' rubber in the back! 335's?
As of Friday, 5-3-13, ALL body panels except headlights and third brake assembly are in place. Now doing a bit of fitting, and installing the headlights, mirrors, and brake light. Windshield to be replaced next week. she comes! (
Paul Workman
05-22-2014, 12:01 PM
Looks great there Paul...
Lotta' rubber in the back! 335's?
Rubber: Em are dem Nitto 555r (drag radials), 315x35x17s. Front are 555s. Had a chance to drive on wet pavement a little, and in some heavy rain. I'm quite impressed so far. Nothing scientific - they stick very well at WOT, and at G-forces higher than I've ever experienced before (0.8G maybe?) w/o even sliding - best I could tell.
Paul Workman
05-22-2014, 12:07 PM
So I'm thinking .... you probably need plenty of "Wax on - Wax off" practice. Come on down to Georgia and do your magic on my Z plus the recently acquired ZO6 ... lodging & food provided (might have to put you on a beer ration, tho). Seriously, I'm facing re-doing both cars in the next couple of weeks before it gets too hot here ... mid-day is already starting to feel unbearable with mid-nineties and humidity.
Be sure to post pics when you get everything done.
Just came in from the "penny test". Yup! That seemed to work, so I pried the plungers out on the switches a couple pennies worth, and closed the doors. It worked! So, I super-glued the plungers in place and will round up a couple new switches at some point. Hope that does the trick (more or less) permanently! Thanks for the tip, George. =D> I'm always in favor of simple and elegant over complex and wonderful!
05-22-2014, 01:23 PM
.... will round up a couple new switches at some point....
Don't wait too long on switches ... I suspect they may become NLA (unless the part number cross-references to another GM product)
Paul Workman
05-22-2014, 04:11 PM
There were several places where the soft (new/virgin) paint was scuffed, and in the sun you could just see very fine buffer swirls in the paint too. No matter: she was going to get buffed out one more time before polishing - for that very reason!
I decided to use the Zaino PC Fusion to remove the swirls, etc. Very impressive, that! I used in on a fine (white) pad on my Porter Cable orbital, and it cleaned up very well with just a couple passes of the PC/buffer. Stunning!
For those Zaino fans out there, I decided to go with the AIO (All In One) base, followed by a couple Z5s and then a couple Z2s and call it a day. Tomorrow, it'll get the Clear Seal and "Phoenex" will be lookin' better than ever before (already IS, for that matter!).
I'll post some pix when finished (tomorrow?).
05-22-2014, 04:32 PM
I'm waiting for the seats to go in, then I be following a similar regimen on mine. After the winter it could use it.
Rex Ruby
05-23-2014, 12:06 AM
She was looking great on the mountain Run! :dancing
Paul Workman
05-23-2014, 04:00 AM
She was looking great on the mountain Run! :dancing
Thanx! She now has all her "jewelry" back on too, and all the electric gremlins seem to be at bay - for now (at least!). But, do you remember that little stretch where they were laying blacktop AND SPRAYING OIL? I thought we avoided any wet spots, but NO! I couldn't be the only one that got that crap on my car.
I folded an 18" square terrycloth towel in quarters and sprinkled one quarter with 3M Adhesive Remover. Before I finished wiping down the gill panels and rocker panels and her big butt and DOORS...that towel was nearly black! (That's great stuff! It removes chewing gum(?) tracked onto the carpeting too, as I discovered.:))
Fully Vetted
05-28-2014, 01:14 PM
Paul - this has your name all over it. Don't let it get away!
05-28-2014, 02:28 PM
Thanx! She now has all her "jewelry" back on too, and all the electric gremlins seem to be at bay - for now (at least!). But, do you remember that little stretch where they were laying blacktop AND SPRAYING OIL? I thought we avoided any wet spots, but NO! I couldn't be the only one that got that crap on my car.
I folded an 18" square terrycloth towel in quarters and sprinkled one quarter with 3M Adhesive Remover. Before I finished wiping down the gill panels and rocker panels and her big butt and DOORS...that towel was nearly black! (That's great stuff! It removes chewing gum(?) tracked onto the carpeting too, as I discovered.:))
I wouldn't use ANY rag; rather a cleaned paintbrush.
Your towel might be clean, but if the tar / oil has ANY grit in it, a cloth rubdown will give you some nifty swirl marks.
I DO like 3M. Got a little interest there (DRIP Fund), and they've held their own against the market for 24 years that I've watched...
But about the rag there - 'just sayin'...'
Paul Workman
05-29-2014, 11:24 AM
I wouldn't use ANY rag; rather a cleaned paintbrush.
Your towel might be clean, but if the tar / oil has ANY grit in it, a cloth rubdown will give you some nifty swirl marks.
I DO like 3M. Got a little interest there (DRIP Fund), and they've held their own against the market for 24 years that I've watched...
But about the rag there - 'just sayin'...'
Well, I never tried a paint brush to remove tar/oil. But the 3M Adhesive Remover is great stuff that works almost instantly on specks of tar, etc, and requires very little rubbing on larger streaks. Paint friendly too!
Paul Workman
05-31-2014, 11:35 AM
Just as the legendary bird...the Phoenix has risen from her ashes to fly again!
New paint is all rubbed out and Clear Sealed, all her badges in place, sitting in cool morning air, rumbling sweetly, ready to kill some bugs and terrorize some deserted blacktops. It's been a long road back, but better 'n ever now! (
And, a "Zaino shot", of course.... (
05-31-2014, 12:15 PM
Looks really good PW. Keepin' the legend alive!
Blue Flame Restorations
05-31-2014, 12:25 PM
Excellent!!!!!!!! Now, don't take it up over 55mph. :blahblah:
Paul Workman
05-31-2014, 01:39 PM
Excellent!!!!!!!! Now, don't take it up over 55mph. :blahblah:
I won't, Brett. (At least not by much...IN 1ST GEAR! LOL!)
05-31-2014, 02:14 PM
I won't, Brett. (At least not by much...IN 1ST GEAR! LOL!)
Great :thumbsup:
Remember........You DO HAVE BRAKES ;)
We Gone
05-31-2014, 02:50 PM
Paul, ZR-1 looks great. Better than new. :cheers:
Paul Workman
05-31-2014, 03:20 PM
Paul, ZR-1 looks great. Better than new. :cheers:
Thanks! Had lots of Z Brotherly love help along the way. New surprise TBA tomorrow!;)
05-31-2014, 08:02 PM
Very Nice Paul. Congrats, and what a relief that must be.
05-31-2014, 08:15 PM
Thanks! Had lots of Z Brotherly love help along the way. New surprise TBA tomorrow!;)
Do we get to find out which one is faster?
Fully Vetted
05-31-2014, 08:20 PM
Man, that thing looks nice, Paul! Excellent job!
05-31-2014, 09:22 PM
Looked good on MR2, looks better now. -Steve
05-31-2014, 09:56 PM
And, a "Zaino shot", of course....
Wax on new paint?
Is the paint still curing? Giving off vapors?
06-01-2014, 05:42 AM
Looks great Paul! :dancing
Paul Workman
06-01-2014, 07:19 AM
Wax on new paint?
Is the paint still curing? Giving off vapors?
Wax? Never![-X
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