View Full Version : Don't understand the "CLOSED FUNCTION"

03-08-2014, 09:02 AM
I read a thread very early this AM and it was closed at that time. Through my email notifications I see that there was a response way later than when I last looked at the thread.

That post was by a "MODERATOR" it appears for his own "personal comment" that doesn't appear to have added anything to the threads original discussion.

I thought "CLOSED" is "CLOSED" - it seems NOT!

This is the post presented "hours after" the "closed tag"


03-08-2014, 09:20 AM
+1 there Dave...

I was confused about 'Closing' too, since both parties were able to detail particulars on a PUBLIC forum, for all to see the truth.

Maybe a few edits were in order for others' posts, but closing the thread?

Once the second party logged on, what warranted closure? What COULD have been deemed a personal attack BEFORE wasn't repeated...

And then selective opening, for additional posts?

So be it. I'm not the boss, and as long as the forum rules are not 'plastic', for all to know up front...

03-08-2014, 10:43 AM
Hammer and myself have/had the record for causing thread closures...my only concern now is we loose that record :D

That thread in question I reported since the facts or point can be made simply without rebuttal after rebuttal (one post each should be enough WITHOUT suggesting the other person is something unbecoming).

Facts as they see them only....that should be enough....WITHOUT suggesting motive (or suggesting the thinking) of the other person (let the other person do that in his/her own post). And without labeling the other person....let the viewers of the two posts do that (make their own determination) on their own.

I think Rule #5 should and can be applied even if in total disagreement with a suspicious vendor related to some issue regarding a purchase agreement Rule #5 (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22365)

I for one (just as an example) have over 1000 purchases on Ebay with a feedback score of 100% positive.
Sure...I received products sometimes not what I expected. Sure.....I had vendors say that was my own fault. Sure I had vendors ship items that took a month and sure they had an excuse....but it only took one e-mail to get their position and for them to get my position. Then done deal and I gave them positive feedback. I had my say and they had theirs. Oh ya....some I did not buy from again :D

I might get a rebuttal here.....fine....my case/position is made ;)

03-08-2014, 11:02 AM
They say if you have nothing constructive to say,
say nothing. I'm posting this note only to acknowledge that
I saw the thread in question. (head shaking)

03-08-2014, 12:03 PM
Scott I think John's got ya beat :cheers:

Blue Flame Restorations
03-08-2014, 01:18 PM
Guys, both parties made their case and there was nothing to be gained by any further drama. Maybe once they have rectified their situation they will post a thread pertaining to a resolution ?

I made the decision to close the thread. After some thought, I gave comment as to why. I have also edited one post at the request of the OP.

Thanks for the input
