View Full Version : Fx3 actuator

03-04-2014, 03:53 PM
Getting ready to install new shocks but before I do want to check the left front actuator if it's bad how do you take it off? Does it pop right off if you hit it from the bottom.

We Gone
03-04-2014, 04:43 PM
Remove the C-clip on the gold cup and give it a wiggle should pull right off.


03-04-2014, 05:58 PM
Yes like We Gone says but be gentle as those gears can be fragile with age.

03-04-2014, 06:58 PM
Thanks we gone,got it off that was easy,looks like its bad inside was all loose & wobbly.im wondering if I didn't need shocks,there original with 80,000 miles,don't shocks go into softest setting when src light goes on?

03-04-2014, 07:01 PM
When I push down on rear bumper shocks feel very loose.

We Gone
03-04-2014, 07:18 PM
Thanks we gone,got it off that was easy,looks like its bad inside was all loose & wobbly.im wondering if I didn't need shocks,there original with 80,000 miles,don't shocks go into softest setting when src light goes on?

80K won't hurt to replace them, check the other actuators if I remember the gear in the actuators were not tight. Not sure what you mean about the rear lose? the shocks should have gas pressure on them, check one of the new ones it take a fair amount to compress them.

03-04-2014, 07:44 PM
Checked other actuator it's not loose inside. Just read article on fx3 actuator & how to check for bad shocks,it says to take d c motor off look inside cap for oil I'm assuming d c motor is actuator?

We Gone
03-04-2014, 08:00 PM
Yes the actuator is a motor, swap it with the other and see if the code moves to the other side it may very well be your problem.

03-04-2014, 08:29 PM
I think I found problem it's missing rubber seal!! Turned key it turned inside so its working no broken teeth.do they sell just seal or do I have to send it in

03-05-2014, 12:56 AM
I think I found problem it's missing rubber seal!! Turned key it turned inside so its working no broken teeth.do they sell just seal or do I have to send it in

The broken gear can be rebuilt.

the tech article is missing some vital info as a result of the porting from the old webpages. I'll see what I can do to fix that later on.

03-05-2014, 09:09 AM
Thanks you guys have been a great help,but I'm not convinced that its broke,when I got my wheel alignment after getting new rack & pinion the guy did a scanner test cause of src light on,said it was driver side actuator never told me what code came up.so I'm gonna try this myself,I've read somewhere on forum you can use paper clip to jump numbers to check codes & what they mean or what kind of scanner to buy?Preferably a cheap one,Thanks

03-05-2014, 07:22 PM
Dynomite wher are you I know you know this.

03-06-2014, 12:43 PM
Thanks you guys have been a great help,but I'm not convinced that its broke,when I got my wheel alignment after getting new rack & pinion the guy did a scanner test cause of src light on,said it was driver side actuator never told me what code came up.so I'm gonna try this myself,I've read somewhere on forum you can use paper clip to jump numbers to check codes & what they mean or what kind of scanner to buy?Preferably a cheap one,Thanks

First, start fresh. On starting the car the actuators all do an "end to end" test where the servo searches for one end of it's rotation then goes to the other. It will set an error code if a problem is found. Start there.
If you do suspect the front driver side actuator then take it off and use a flash light to look down the hole. There is a green plastic gear in there. Look to see if it is cracked or shattered. Much of the damage to these gears is due to improperly attaching the actuator to the shock shaft. If the shaft does not get fully seated the gear may get damaged when the power up diag runs from end to end.

03-06-2014, 06:56 PM
i have code 21,31
left front time out,left front out of position

03-06-2014, 10:07 PM
i have code 21,31
left front time out,left front out of position

What Scottfab said plus I would remove the shock actuator and see if I could turn the shock gear by hand. It should be able to turn easily with a little bit of friction. If it does turn ok then check to see if actuator is mated properly on the gear. I believe you checked the actuator earlier correct?

03-07-2014, 06:50 AM
i have code 21,31
left front time out,left front out of position

If the plastic gear is not broken you are lucky.
It may just be that the shock height is off. This may have happened when you had the recent work done on the front end. The part of the shaft that sticks out on the shock is adjustable. if it is too low the gear in the actuator will not engage the shaft.
I am not at a place where I can consult fthe field service manual for you to find the proper spec height of the shaft.

Another thing you might try is to look down in the hole of the actuator as you have someone turn the ignition key on. you should see the gear search clockwise and counterclockwise. This will ensure that the actuator is alive.

03-11-2014, 10:01 PM
got confermation from captain z,actuator is fine ,nothing wrong,so i asume its probaly the shock?Waiting for actuator so i can put it on new shock and see what happens.