View Full Version : Where can I get a cheap page to post my cars?????

02-24-2014, 02:03 PM
Hi, Thanks. I would like a page to post pictures of my cars & comments. I know there are pages available here, but I have like 12 cars & some aren't even GM.....I know, I will say a few Hail Mary's for penance. I am not tech saavy, but could probably figure this out. Thanks, Tim

02-24-2014, 05:30 PM
You have a few choices from almost free to a bit more $$$, depending on how many photos you want to post and how customized you want to make it. In addition to here, you might want to check out SmugMug, Photobucket, or Flickr and there are probably others that I haven't investicated. Here's a link (http://lifehacker.com/5808625/five-best-web-sites-for-image-hosting-and-photo-sharing/) reviewing those 3 plus a couple of others.

Another direction to go, if you can get around a computer OK (or have a friend who can) is to obtain your own domain and then get some easy to use software to build your photo pages, albums, etc. Click here (http://www.zrwon.com/) to visit my website which is chock full of Vette pics, mostly ZR-1 stuff. The photo pages were built using jAlbum and the Matrix skin which can be a little daunting at first but actually are fairly easy to use.

02-24-2014, 10:41 PM
Thank you. I'll have to study on them.