View Full Version : June WANNAGOFAST availability slots R closing FAST!

Paul Workman
02-24-2014, 09:49 AM
As of yesterday morning, the announcement from the WANNAGOFAST is there were only 13 slots available for the 21st. The number of slots for the Sunday run on June 22 (the day most of the FBI gang is running) was not given, but is expected to be full in the next day or so, if not already getting very close.

Don't miss out!!

C-link (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22329)

02-24-2014, 10:32 AM
I registered for Sunday 6/22 and also for BG yesterday--Bob

Paul Workman
02-24-2014, 10:42 AM
I registered for Sunday 6/22 and also for BG yesterday--Bob

Excellent, Bob! Can't think of a better showcase for the ZR-1 than a chance to run where they can stretch their legs! Al is going to run his 441; haven't heard from Kevin Costello yet, nor Bob G, but would really like to see how those big boys stack up!

02-24-2014, 01:21 PM

Did Marc confirm his registration?

Paul Workman
02-28-2014, 06:19 PM

Saturday June 21s has sold out, but according to the INFO.WANNAGOFAST.COM there are still some slot open for Sunday.

This is an event that really showcases the ZR-1s and the LT5s especially! So come join us on Sunday June 22 and let that big dawg roar!!

LINK TO REGISTER (http://wannagofast.com/chicago.php)

02-28-2014, 10:29 PM
Wonder if we might get BH @ WGF LLC, to ante up a few $$ to the museum, since we're pimpin' his gig for free on the boards here...


03-02-2014, 07:37 PM
Ok, I'm signed up. Now I just need for my smashed hand to heal so I can finish up the "to do" items on my car. I look forward to meeting you guys Sunday!