View Full Version : Headers , Exhaust and emisions in Colorado
02-16-2014, 01:05 AM
I decided to start a new thread as I start my journey with Mods and emissions in Colorado.
I decided to go with my own version of the FBI Dynomax setup. I just finished fitting and welding it together. I installed V-band clamps just ahead of the rear mount for easy removal. I did not go with the NPP setup yet as the ones I found available were a small fortune. I am using clamps on the tips so the NPP setup will be a future mod. I also want to investigate using an electric valve and switch instead of the vacuum operated system.
In Colorado we have to keep the emissions equipment intact with the AIR system in place, Cats and pass the IM240 treadmill test. I went with Stainless Works performance connect headers and added air tubes so the stock air system should bolt right up. These are currently being coated. I should have them back next week for installation. With the purchase of the headers from the group buy last summer , I also ordered SW high flow Cats. Thru others experience on this board, I was advised that there is no way it would pass emissions with those Cats. I decided to first install a set of Universal OBDII compliant Magnaflow Cats for the initial emissions test along with the stock tune. These are 400 CPI, not 200 CPI like SW and are suppose to have more Heavy Metal in them than the std high flow universal cat. Along with Being 5" dia. vs the 4" SW. I will wrap the Cats to keep them hot and as active as possible. I'm hoping this, along with the stock tune will get me thru the initial emissions test. In Colorado, if you have an active emissions sticker when the car turns 25 years old, then you no longer need further emisions. If this works out,it will be my last emissions test, then I will install the SW cats and work on the Tune for optimum performance.
02-16-2014, 10:26 AM
Nice lookin' hardware!
Keep the snappics comin' there...
02-16-2014, 10:42 AM
I did something similar, but I used oem catalysts because I think they use a lot more precious metals(platinum and palladium) in the substrate than universals. I have yet to run my car on a gas analyzer since putting the LS7 cats on the end of my long tube headers, but it passes the smell test for sure. The air injection was also retained to help light them off sooner.
I have seen these cars (stock & tuned) pass the sniffer test W/O cats.
02-18-2014, 05:42 PM
Sent you some info about the new laws in Colo.
Paul Workman
02-19-2014, 03:44 AM
Sent you some info about the new laws in Colo.
It has been 15 years since I lived there, but I seem to recall that emissions compliance went county by county. Jefferson = yes, Park = no (counties I lived in). Has that changed?
02-19-2014, 08:47 AM
It has been 15 years since I lived there, but I seem to recall that emissions compliance went county by county. Jefferson = yes, Park = no (counties I lived in). Has that changed?
Yeah Paul to bring you up to date. Colorado expanded the area for emissions in the front range counties. Park is still exempt. They also changed the law last August to read that collector cars (5 year plates) are now required to be 32 years old instead of 25 and must have emissions 2 speed idle check every 5 years. They have to have been built before 1976. Collector cars were exempt from emissions before. Also, The owner must sign an affidavit stating they will not drive the car more than 4500 miles a year. Can you believe this stuff. I think people were cheating and getting collector plates to do daily driving as I have see some real junk with these plates on them. Its about the money too.
P.S. A few years ago they tightened up the standards to about almost 50% of what they were initially.
02-19-2014, 10:23 AM
Colorado seems to be following California's lead in regards to emissions. I researched this back when we had the group buy on the Stainless Works headers last summer just before they changed the laws wouldn’t you know. Oh well... I have some good Ideas to get it thru if I have issues.
I get my headers back from being coated today. Ill post up some pics later of the coated headers with AIR tubes I installed and start reassembly.
02-19-2014, 11:58 PM
Well I got the headers back from the coaters and am very happy with the results. I got the drivers side installed without to much trouble. The air tubes added a little difficulty with getting the front bolts in. I did test fit these several times before welding them in place so i made sure the clearance was adequate. I noticed the knock sensor plug didn't look seated properly. As I touched it, the plug fell apart, obviously degraded from the heat. I would bet the connection was poor for some time. Any body know the plug part number please post up.
02-20-2014, 12:18 AM
Nice stuff. Looks like a good even coating. As my wife would say... very pretty. :) Yep, you will need a new knock sensor connector. Don't know the part number but its in parts group 3.682.
Edit: 2.382
02-20-2014, 12:27 AM
Well I got the headers back from the coaters and am very happy with the results. I got the drivers side installed without to much trouble. The air tubes added a little difficulty with getting the front bolts in. I did test fit these several times before welding them in place so i made sure the clearance was adequate. I noticed the knock sensor plug didn't look seated properly. As I touched it, the plug fell apart, obviously degraded from the heat. I would bet the connection was poor for some time. Any body know the plug part number please post up.
MF'er! My ex-man's aren't even off yet!
Shortly tho'...
I got the KS # on a CD that Steve / WeGone made for me. If no-one beats me here, I'll post up by the AM here.
Looks like it is AM...
courtesy of WG: (sorry you can't copy / paste the PT # from the image (ALSO courtesy of WG :mrgreen: ) )
02-20-2014, 12:47 AM
Thanks Schrade, Found the part number on Rock auto ACDelcoPT308.
Have Patience, Ive Been working on mine for quite a while now. Removing them was by far the worst part of the job.
02-20-2014, 12:52 AM
Thanks Schrade, Found the part number on Rock auto ACDelcoPT308.
Have Patience, Ive Been working on mine for quite a while now. Removing them was by far the worst part of the job.
I missed the step-by-step with photo-snappics???
This grasshoppah is runnin' short of patience...
PT # must be a RA # ??? Different from the edit above?
03-10-2014, 01:50 AM
:dancingI finished the installation of my headers / exhaust today and it sounds awesome. I'm very happy with the sound. I think the cats mellow out the sound a touch, as it has very little drone at cruising speed. When you get on it every one around will notice. Not a stealth system for sure. I think the Borla that this replaced had much more drone than this system. I drove it around a bit to see how the exhaust settled in the hangers, one final adjustment and then its time to clean the garage, I think I have every tool I own on the floor.
03-10-2014, 10:33 AM
Yep. I like it. Sounds good looks good. :dancing
03-10-2014, 11:04 AM
Sounds great!
(and you get stealth mode by exceeding speed of sound :mrgreen: (might need new rubber for THAT tho' ) )
Tyler Townsley
03-14-2014, 09:18 AM
If you need tuning help to pass emissions call Rod Dewile at 720-284-4965. He is in Denver about 10 min from your place. I will be out there some time this spring to visit a friend at Wheat Ridge so may give you a call. Rod is very familiar with the LT 5.
03-31-2014, 12:13 AM
Been a few weeks since I posted last, had a relative in town , a ski trip to steamboat and a business trip to LA last week but finally got a chance to spend some more time with the Z. She didn't pass emmisions on the first try, not even close. The car is running so lean now , its causing the HC to be over double the limit. It thought the headers and exhaust would lean it out some but not to this extent. I used an infrared thermometer on the inlet of the Cat and the highest temp I could get them to was about 380deg. New Plugs (ngk FR-5) are white after about 50 miles. I ran about 20 minutes while data logging with DataMaster but this is my first time using so I dont know how yet to post the log. I also have tuner pro but have not figured it out yet either. But it is definitly time for some tuning.
Tyler if you plan on comming to town, let me know as it would be great to meet up.
Tyler Townsley
03-31-2014, 09:20 AM
Looks like I will be there the week of 4 May. I am hauling a car there then going to NCM to pick up my 88. We will leave here 4 May so hope to be there the 6th or 7th. Hopefully I can take you out to meet Rod Dewile so you will have a local LT 5 contact.
03-31-2014, 09:28 AM
Been a few weeks since I posted last, had a relative in town , a ski trip to steamboat and a business trip to LA last week but finally got a chance to spend some more time with the Z. She didn't pass emmisions on the first try, not even close. The car is running so lean now , its causing the HC to be over double the limit. It thought the headers and exhaust would lean it out some but not to this extent. I used an infrared thermometer on the inlet of the Cat and the highest temp I could get them to was about 380deg. New Plugs (ngk FR-5) are white after about 50 miles. I ran about 20 minutes while data logging with DataMaster but this is my first time using so I dont know how yet to post the log. I also have tuner pro but have not figured it out yet either. But it is definitly time for some tuning.
Tyler if you plan on comming to town, let me know as it would be great to meet up.
Yeah, looks like the plugs are almost blistered. Datamaster logs can not be posted as they are (raw) since the program will only allow a download into Excel or similar file. The spreadsheet can be customized to any parameters.
05-18-2014, 06:43 PM
Well I passed emmisions! With my previous chip I was not even close. Ported top end, secondaries removed, SW long tube headers, x pipe , magnaflow cats and 3 " exhaust was a bit to much change. I contacted Dominic and he had a tune from an earlier round of modifications on his car that was simular to mine. He made some minor changes for my application and first time thru it passed.
I think this really shows how good Dom 's tune was as he does not have to pass emissions in Chicago. I believe if the A/F ratio is kept in check thru out the rpm range thru a good tune , then emmisions should not be a problem with these modifications.
05-18-2014, 08:56 PM
I'm glad it worked out. How do the plugs look? Any numbers on the emissions test?
05-18-2014, 10:32 PM
Good job Darby. I'm relieved to hear that so that if some day my cats fail I can go aftermarket with headers etc. I don't know Dominic but good work there too. :)
05-19-2014, 12:15 AM
Emissions readings: failed HC in original test
Limit for HC- 1.5 gpm
Failed test-3.6 gpm
Passed - 1.27 gpm
CO limit-20 gpm
Failed test-1.1092
NOx limit-3.5 gpm
Failed test-2.3
Colorado has this goofy grams per mile reading. No real way to convert to ppm as a 5 gas analyzer would read.
After i put a few more miles on it today I dont think im done yet but at least emmisions is done . I can work on it and be legal.
Plugs are still looking to hot. Even with colder ngk bkr7e plugs they are grey/ white. I dont think its a tuning issue at this point. I think somthing else may be going on. When we first put the new tune in it it seemed to run great. The more I drove it , it seems go run rough, and the flywheel starts to make noise. I shut it down, reset power to the ecm and restarted it and it smoothed out and ran better. No codes were set. Then started doing it again and repeated the cycle after a out 1/2 hr of drive time. Could the ecm be pulling fuel out for some reason? From previous data logs the O2 sensors seemed ok and the curent ones only have about 2k miles on them.
Anyone have any ideas? I didnt get any data logs during my last run, so I need to put a few more miles on it and do so.
05-19-2014, 12:28 AM
Actually grey is not a problem. It has to do w the ethanol,and additives in the gas. If ur expecting light tan, that's not necessarily the case any longer. To truly judge u should do a "plug cut" removing the threaded portion of the plug and looking at color. My plugs are not tan.
05-19-2014, 07:45 AM
Did it do this w precious cal? Where is the MAT sensor and how does outside temp affect how it runs over time?
05-19-2014, 10:13 AM
Emissions readings: failed HC in original test
Limit for HC- 1.5 gpm
Failed test-3.6 gpm
Passed - 1.27 gpm
CO limit-20 gpm
Failed test-1.1092
NOx limit-3.5 gpm
Failed test-2.3
Colorado has this goofy grams per mile reading. No real way to convert to ppm as a 5 gas analyzer would read.
After i put a few more miles on it today I dont think im done yet but at least emmisions is done . I can work on it and be legal.
Plugs are still looking to hot. Even with colder ngk bkr7e plugs they are grey/ white. I dont think its a tuning issue at this point. I think somthing else may be going on. When we first put the new tune in it it seemed to run great. The more I drove it , it seems go run rough, and the flywheel starts to make noise. I shut it down, reset power to the ecm and restarted it and it smoothed out and ran better. No codes were set. Then started doing it again and repeated the cycle after a out 1/2 hr of drive time. Could the ecm be pulling fuel out for some reason? From previous data logs the O2 sensors seemed ok and the curent ones only have about 2k miles on them.
Anyone have any ideas? I didnt get any data logs during my last run, so I need to put a few more miles on it and do so.
Gms/MILE??? :confused:
Is it based on a car's original EPA sticker?
Cause if it's the same for ALL cars, then it's an absolute, and not a ratio, and it's Nazi-esque...
05-19-2014, 11:10 AM
It did seem to do it with my original CAL, Just figured it was a tuning issue and maybe that it would resolve itself. I did not notice it on your first tune that you sent me but the longest I drove it with that tune was to come and meet up with you so I didn’t have a lot of miles on it.
I did move the MAT sensor to the air box. I did not really pay attention to how the outside temp affects it. This could be an issue as our temperatures fluctuate wildly in Colorado. Im used to it, maybe the Z is not.
05-19-2014, 06:42 PM
I plug my MAT back into the air horn when i go to the smog place. mostly for visual inspection, but also because I want the less aggressive timing and fueling.
Funny your NOx went up a little on your passing run. Usually engine temps, lean fuel mix, and ign timing affect that the most.
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