View Full Version : Snap-On gurus out there? MT2500 in particular?

Paul Workman
02-10-2014, 03:14 PM
Came across a Snap-On MT2500 with a primary cartridge for pre 97 and a Troubleshooting cartridge for pre=95s, and was hoping to adapt it to scan my 90 Z.

And, also there are cartridges out there to allow me to scan my 2005 F150 and 2006 Equinox.

I'm not sure what adapters, etc I'm going to need, what "personality keys" I need to get this going, primarily for the F150, but for now I have cartridges for the 90Z.

Anybody familiar with this rascal that I might have some expertise with this scanner??



02-10-2014, 07:24 PM
Came across a Snap-On MT2500 with a primary cartridge for pre 97 and a Troubleshooting cartridge for pre=95s, and was hoping to adapt it to scan my 90 Z.

And, also there are cartridges out there to allow me to scan my 2005 F150 and 2006 Equinox.

I'm not sure what adapters, etc I'm going to need, what "personality keys" I need to get this going, primarily for the F150, but for now I have cartridges for the 90Z.

Anybody familiar with this rascal that I might have some expertise with this scanner??



Paul, My brother had one that I used for years. He sold it about three or four years ago to upgrade to a new type scanner.
I will send you an PM with his contact info.

02-11-2014, 12:22 AM
I've kind of wondered about those things. I know people still use them a lot, but my interest at the moment is to buy into something that is functionally similar to a Tech2.

We Gone
02-11-2014, 09:28 AM
My Buddy has an MT2500 we used it on my 91 all the time did about everything I need, until I got a Genisys Evo 5.0 OBD1 & 2 it goes to 2011 and has ABS plus bi-direction communications for my 04. Its also color and hooks to a PC monitor for better viewing.