View Full Version : NOS ZR-1 IR blocker windshields
Hypothetically speaking, if someone had a crate of 10 NOS(New Old Stock) ZR-1 service windshields free of any visible delamination, the ones with the IR blocker and cutouts for the radar detectors, what would each windshield be worth?
Were there any differences between US and Canadian Export windshields?
Besides visual markings like date codes, what were the differnces in the windshields over the 6 year run?
thanks guys.
We Gone
02-05-2014, 12:53 PM
The early windshields have a wider opening. Later is narrow. Don't remember what year they changed I'm sure someone will post up.
02-05-2014, 12:54 PM
1000 and up 1500 prob close guessitimate
The only difference should be the size of the cutout Larger for the earlier and small for for the later Zs. 90s and 91s had the larger cutout. Dont know when the size changed
02-05-2014, 01:03 PM
Hypothetically Hog?
John Boothby
02-05-2014, 01:06 PM
I want on the list
02-05-2014, 02:33 PM
I have a 92 and mine has the wider cutout
02-05-2014, 02:35 PM
I have a 92 and mine has the wider cutout
I know 94-95 have the smaller cutout. 93 might be the breakpoint year
02-05-2014, 02:56 PM
SPO mentions '93 to EOP for the later sizing.
It might be interesting if someone has something other than the "expected" they mention the date code from the windshield "bug". That should determine I'd think if it were an OE build or not.
The date codes could be very interesting for the '93+ builds. It might indicate just how much product Pilkington manufactured in batches for the glass. The earlier years the windshield date codes followed very close to those of the side glass as all of the rest of the C4 production BUT with the limited run of the last three model years maybe that's not the case.
A side note - the VIN ID on the transparent tops has intrigued me for a very long time. The 1 - preceding the last 8 of the VIN I never was able to resolve to my satisfaction but I believe I've sorted that out for myself to something I believe likely while checking an engine code for someone.
The 1 - I believe signifies the "car line" that the top was constructed for. 1 - is the VIN identifier for Chevrolet. If that digit were a 2 - it would have been a Pontiac "identifier". That sequencing was used for engine VIN derivatives for LT1 engines later that could have gone to multiple care lines. For earlier VIN derivatives for engines I don't know. I've never checked but I would assume so.
Carline codes: 1 - Chevrolet, 2 - Pontiac, 3 - Oldsmobile, 4 - Buick, 6 - Cadillac
02-05-2014, 05:52 PM
Hypothetically speaking, if someone had a crate of 10 NOS(New Old Stock) ZR-1 service windshields free of any visible delamination, the ones with the IR blocker and cutouts for the radar detectors, what would each windshield be worth?
Were there any differences between US and Canadian Export windshields?
Besides visual markings like date codes, what were the differnces in the windshields over the 6 year run?
thanks guys.
Hypothetically? Please elaborate.
No difference between US and Canada.
As stated above 1990-1992 were a larger cutout, and 1993-1995 were the smaller cutout.
Blue Flame Restorations
02-05-2014, 06:01 PM
I have one brand new one in a crate but would be interested in another one...or two????
02-05-2014, 08:50 PM
My 90 could really use one, but my budget isn't quite the "collector" car budget ;-).
02-05-2014, 09:00 PM
Hypothetically speaking, if someone had a crate of 10 NOS(New Old Stock) ZR-1 service windshields free of any visible delamination, the ones with the IR blocker and cutouts for the radar detectors, what would each windshield be worth?
Were there any differences between US and Canadian Export windshields?
Besides visual markings like date codes, what were the differnces in the windshields over the 6 year run?
thanks guys.
Truthfully, Nothing unless you are going to deliver them or someone is going to drive and get them. The shipping company's are going to break them and you wont be able to insure them for their value. I think insurance on freight is $50.00 per 100 pounds in the US. Shipping cost would be over 1000.00 per windshield by the time you crated them up and protected them from damage.
Paul Workman
02-06-2014, 05:31 AM
Much as I'd like a "Z" windshield, for $280 installed, Safelite put a base mo. (L98) in a black Z in Marc's shop. Until then, I really hadn't noticed how nasty my original "Z" windshield - even tho the delam was only about 1-1/2 or so wide, looks in comparison.
Apparently, the delam (or something!) is affecting how my entire Z windshield actually looks (besides the cracks, that is :p). That new windshield was strikingly beautiful! It was the clarity that I noticed right away; so crystal clear throughout with a perfect factory like tint that ran evenly all the way to the edges of the glass...Imagine that!
Even if $$ wasn't tight, (restoring the nose and painting the whole car) after seeing that "new" windshield at Marc's (Scottfab forgive me) I wouldn't have any qualms about going with a standard windshield. I'd avoid the possibility of future delam starting all over again - there was that much difference in appearance - and not have a heart attack when a rock "snapped" the glass while driving down the road.
Assuming I have her all put back together in time for BG, y'all can have a look and you can be the judge.
Just a thought.
02-06-2014, 07:39 AM
The early windshields have a wider opening. Later is narrow. Don't remember what year they changed I'm sure someone will post up.
I think its the other way around. The early 90-92 windshields are more narrow than the 93-95's.
02-06-2014, 08:15 AM
I think its the other way around. The early 90-92 windshields are more narrow than the 93-95's.
John Boothby
02-06-2014, 09:51 AM
I am with Paul. After some thinking, I am going with a standard windshield. My car has close to 80k on the clock and is not a NCRS candidate. It is a fine driver, which is why I bought the car. To drive it!!
02-06-2014, 01:09 PM
I purchased an original ZR-1 type windshield from a guy in Texas in 2003. It was shipped to me in a wooden crate that framed the windshield but left it exposed. It arrived without issue.
In 2007 I shipped the windshield still in the wooden crate to Mike Ebert in Louisiana via Fed Ex and it arrived without issue.
Freight to me was $129, freight to Louisiana via Fed Ex was around $175 if I recall correctly.
02-06-2014, 01:41 PM
I'll tell you what.. If someone found a bunch of good windshields, or if, WAY BETTER YET, we found a company that would make high quality reproductions for us, and if the price was "right"...
I would volunteer (ok registry please partially reimburse me:)) to haul all Registry member's windshield purchases with loving care in my enclosed car trailer, across Minnesota and maybe even Wisconsin, Iowa, or South Dakota, on their way to their new owners.
For the "cause" I bet we could find other ZR-1 owner/Registry members to "carry the torch" so to speak in getting the windshields from east coast to west coast, north or south.
For perfect, high quality reproductions, (at a discount only to Registry members), I am sure that there would be many people who would help in this endeavor??!! Right!??
What do you guys think? Windshield reproduction group buy??
02-06-2014, 01:55 PM
Taking it further, even though Pilkington, has no obligation for past defective LOF windshields, I think we should approach them first to make them for us.
I am sure they would make money at it and their good will in "stepping up to the plate" would, I am sure go a long way too. Tell me that with todays advanced technology, that they can't make something better than LOF did 20+ years ago...I've never seen a Pontiac Transport windshield delaminate.:blahblah:
02-07-2014, 11:58 AM
Truthfully, Nothing unless you are going to deliver them or someone is going to drive and get them. The shipping company's are going to break them and you wont be able to insure them for their value. I think insurance on freight is $50.00 per 100 pounds in the US. Shipping cost would be over 1000.00 per windshield by the time you crated them up and protected them from damage.
I'll tell you what.. If someone found a bunch of good windshields, or if, WAY BETTER YET, we found a company that would make high quality reproductions for us, and if the price was "right"...
....I bet we could find other ZR-1 owner/Registry members to "carry the torch" so to speak in getting the windshields from east coast to west coast, north or south.
....I am sure that there would be many people who would help in this endeavor??!! Right!??
What do you guys think? (
02-07-2014, 10:54 PM
Even if $$ wasn't tight, (restoring the nose and painting the whole car) after seeing that "new" windshield at Marc's (Scottfab forgive me) I wouldn't have any qualms about going with a standard windshield. I'd avoid the possibility of future delam starting all over again - there was that much difference in appearance - and not have a heart attack when a rock "snapped" the glass while driving down the road.
I agree.
I replaced mine with a standard one also. If I paid "big bucks" for an "original" windshield, I would be afraid to drive it (to avoid the heart attack Paul referenced)
02-08-2014, 11:27 AM
Just food for thought. Just attended the Auto Show in Baltimore and met a guy who is reported to be the best around and does all kinds of high end window tinting. He suggested it would not be a problem to take a modern replacement windshield and put special tinting film on that in the end would mimic the special cutout. Just an idea but doubt many would be able to tell the difference after he is done. Any thoughts on this?
Thanks for the information gentlemen, quite the varied value from $0-$1500. I ran into a guy that I worked with years ago at a place that supplied a local GM plant with its glass. Thats what sparked my questions about the market value of the windshields when people know than a single unit available.
I have taken an interest in NLA parts, such as LT5 cams and ZR-1 IR windshields.
The IR windshield and Port Throttles/Power key are a couple things that made the ZR-1 special to the common person.
dredgeguy, I woulld think that a reproduction market would exist, but as all things would be dependant on the price.
02-08-2014, 12:54 PM
Just food for thought. Just attended the Auto Show in Baltimore and met a guy who is reported to be the best around and does all kinds of high end window tinting. He suggested it would not be a problem to take a modern replacement windshield and put special tinting film on that in the end would mimic the special cutout. Just an idea but doubt many would be able to tell the difference after he is done. Any thoughts on this?
That always struck me as a good approach. One could probably not tell it from original if the color and cutout were right. If you could get it tinted before it goes on that would be the best and probably the least expensive. -- Bob
02-08-2014, 02:00 PM
I agree with getting the inside of the front windsheild tinted.
it would only cost about $200 to get tinted and look almost the same with no de-lamination
02-08-2014, 08:13 PM
If some hypothetical windshields became available and I knew no delamination or future delamination guaranteed, I would pay up to $1K for one. I think the shipping to Hawaii is what would rule out the feasibility by cost of logistics and safely arriving in one piece for me. Right now my plan is to replace my nasty windshield with a standard C4 tinted one, but I am interested in a replacement windshield; I don't know why but I feel like without the factory windshield the car starts to lose its identity.
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