View Full Version : Fun winter project
02-01-2014, 07:11 PM
Installing a Nexus 7 Tablet in my dash.. this will replace the radio
I have a tuner that will interface with it for AM/FM/HD
I have an USB DAC for audio interface.. It will also have a USB thumb drive that will store music as well. The thumb drive will be accessible and if I connect my phone it will get the Data connection for use with the maps etc..
02-01-2014, 07:14 PM
Didn't u just install another unit a few weeks ago?
02-01-2014, 07:34 PM
Installing a Nexus 7 Tablet in my dash.. this will replace the radio
Nice ... you will give us more details, right? :)
02-01-2014, 08:52 PM
Didn't u just install another unit a few weeks ago?
Yeah last year, I liked it but There were some things I did not like..
I had it set-up to access my phone, the issue I had was the connection was sometimes buggy, While I know it was not an official app for the radio, I accepted it. Then when I got a new phone I need to find a new way for getting the android content on the radio, I was going to do a Android PC but had some driver issues and such, then finding a way to keep it in a sleep mode etc.
Nice ... you will give us more details, right? :)
Here is a list of components
Nexus 7 (2012) 32gb
Directed DMHD1000 AM/FM/HD tuner
MJS USB interface cable for tuner
USB OTG cable
Behringer UCA-202 (USB DAC for Audio)
USB Thumb Drive for music content
Android Apps/ROM
-Timur's USB ROM which allows for fixed install, deep sleep and USB Host control while charging.
-Tuner control I am using b0b's HD tuner app
-ALDLDroid for direct connection to my ALDL whenever needed
-Nova Launcher
-Might use Car home Ultra which I really like, but the formatting is not quite right on the Nexus)
-Rotation locker to lock rotation to landscape (Slacker main menu needs this)
-Google Drive
For a mount I disassembled a 360 tablet case, the piece that tablet snaps into is plastic and fits nice in the dash.
I had to modify the bottom of the bezel to get access tot he menu bar.
the painters tape in the above picture was showing me what I needed to trim off the bezel after I remolded the bottom opening. I have some filling and sanding to do to it and then I need to paint it again..
The tuner will wire into the Behringer USB DAC and then the tablet will control the output volume, there are USB DVB-T Tuneres I could use, but this seemed like a nice option and I get HD, the only limit is the TuNer only has 5 presets for FM/HD and 5 for AM, the actual manual controller has 15 FM, 5 AM I think
I have been testing this on the bench and everything works so far, I just need to connect the output verify it
02-02-2014, 04:38 PM
-=JEFF=- I think you will be the first to do so in our ZR-1
02-02-2014, 04:54 PM
Installing a Nexus 7 Tablet in my dash.. this will replace the radio
I have a tuner that will interface with it for AM/FM/HD
I have an USB DAC for audio interface.. It will also have a USB thumb drive that will store music as well. The thumb drive will be accessible and if I connect my phone it will get the Data connection for use with the maps etc..
How tight is the fit from side to side with the power source and interface cables?
Very interesting install.
02-02-2014, 04:59 PM
How tight is the fit from side to side with the power source and interface cables?
Very interesting install.
I am not sure, I have not gotten that far, but the only connection will be the USB. The USB will be to the right. I will check to see space as soon as I get the mount solid.
Looking at closer it will be tight, I might need a right angle adapter
02-02-2014, 05:28 PM
I am not sure, I have not gotten that far, but the only connection will be the USB. The USB will be to the right. I will check to see space as soon as I get the mount solid.
Looking at closer it will be tight, I might need a right angle adapter
That was my thought. Once again it will be an interesting build. It would be nice to be able to use my all access plan in all of my vehicles for one price a year.
02-02-2014, 10:19 PM
One downside (maybe).. for the set-up I have I need a separate volume control. The Tuner volume will not change when I adjust the tablet volume, which makes sense as the RCA Audio goes directly into the USB DAC from the tuner. Any audio out form the tablet I can adjust the volume, many will use a 1/2 DIN sized EQ. the Clarion EQS746 seems the unit of choice, but there really is no room for it to be conveniently located, I think you could mod it and have remote volume from it, but I bought a simple rca volume attenuator to go in line with my set up
I am also adding a older piece of equipment, Phoenix Gold PLD1, this is a line driver, output from the DAC will feed the PLD, then to the Attenuator (volume control) and then to the amps.
I have not decide where to mount the control yet.
02-03-2014, 08:38 AM
Cool project Jeff :cheers:
You might want to check out these apps as well. I use them on my droid phone and they work well.
Car dashboard
I'd love to see how this project progresses if you have time to update us.
02-03-2014, 09:45 AM
I will update as I can and as I do things
the Rom has a Apollo Music player as part of CyanogenMod ROM (with the USB ROM stuff)
I will look at Poweramp as well as Mortplayer
Whatever player I choose I want to to read display the folder structure or close to it,
I already have Car Home Ultra which I like and might use, I just need to get it to be the actual home screen, I also use Nova Launcher on my phone and other tablet which I could use as well ( and using for testing)
For maps I will Check out Sygic as well as NavFree. does Sygic store maps locally?
I tested a USB drive last night and it confirmed my thoughts that the 12-5v converter I have is not enough so I need to order a better converter/supply. Depending on time/temp this week I am hoping to finalize my mounting solution then I can work on fitting all the equipment in the car, I am also waiting on the volume/gain knob and a noise filter which I have read in several threads is needed. I also need a couple USB Extensions.. one for my USB drive and one for the phone.
Here is a picture with Car Home Ultra (fed from my Phone to the App Radio I had in there:
02-03-2014, 11:52 AM
Sygic uses local maps, so you don't need to have a data connection to navigate. I'll take a look at Car Home Ultra, I haven't heard of that one, it looks similar to Car Dashboard.
I like Poweramp because you can set it to play everything at random and not forced to choose artist etc. plus you can shuffle back and forward with a swipe.
02-03-2014, 11:55 AM
Sygic uses local maps, so you don't need to have a data connection to navigate. I'll take a look at Car Home Ultra, I haven't heard of that one, it looks similar to Car Dashboard.
I like Poweramp because you can set it to play everything at random and not forced to choose artist etc. plus you can shuffle back and forward with a swipe.
How does Poweramp organize your music when you browse for it?
02-03-2014, 01:58 PM
this head unit my be a good alternative option
02-03-2014, 02:03 PM
this head unit my be a good alternative option
So is the Pioneer App Radio Series (2 and 3)
I have the App Radio 2.. the tablet route made more sense to me and it seems to fit well
02-03-2014, 03:51 PM
Poweramp will organize by artist, album and genre - might do more I tend to organize my music myself into folders though. You can also import/create playlists.
02-04-2014, 12:54 AM
Poweramp will organize by artist, album and genre - might do more I tend to organize my music myself into folders though. You can also import/create playlists.
Dave, I use Pioneer Mixtrax. Power amp looks very similar with the added option of creating my own playlist.
02-04-2014, 10:30 AM
The problem I see with the Parrot systems is that they're a very old version of Android and also you don't get full access to the Play store. Both of which are likely to limit the apps you can get and install easily.
Robert - I haven't seen mixtrax before, it looks interesting so I might try it out. Thanks.
02-04-2014, 12:19 PM
Order a DCDC-USB power supply yesterday, it will handle up to 8A. That should cover the tablet, DAC and USB Drive
02-04-2014, 01:23 PM
Definitely cool!
Custom tunes are cool too. Had a little to do with why I did the Front Panel Interface for the Bose.
But if I was to put in a TV (or ANYthing with a big LED display), it would have to be capable of integrating readouts for engine - oil pressure, RPM's, voltage, vacuum, coolant temp, etc., ...
An open source application would definitely be in order. Does Nexus 7 have programmability of any sort? VCR (voice character recognition)?
Installing a Nexus 7 Tablet in my dash.. this will replace the radio
I have a tuner that will interface with it for AM/FM/HD
I have an USB DAC for audio interface.. It will also have a USB thumb drive that will store music as well. The thumb drive will be accessible and if I connect my phone it will get the Data connection for use with the maps etc..
02-04-2014, 02:30 PM
Definitely cool!
Custom tunes are cool too. Had a little to do with why I did the Front Panel Interface for the Bose.
But if I was to put in a TV (or ANYthing with a big LED display), it would have to be capable of integrating readouts for engine - oil pressure, RPM's, voltage, vacuum, coolant temp, etc., ...
An open source application would definitely be in order. Does Nexus 7 have programmability of any sort? VCR (voice character recognition)?
I believe it has voice recognition (Google Now) My phone and newer Nexus 7 have it. I would need to test it on the one I am putting in the car.. as for readouts, you can use ALDLDroid (in the Play store)and have what ever is avail to the ECM avail there. but I have found a General purpose IO card for android, but I don't have skills for programming it.
We Gone
02-04-2014, 02:54 PM
Nice, I was under the impression the apps only worked with OBD2
02-04-2014, 02:56 PM
Nice, I was under the impression the apps only worked with OBD2
Yes but this ones id OBD1. it uses the ADX files from Tunerpro..
I have an ADX for the 1990 ZR-1 that I created
link to program:
02-04-2014, 03:18 PM
Nice find. Would the ADX work with other years? How much is involved in creating it Jeff?
We Gone
02-04-2014, 03:36 PM
Yes nice find!!
Forgive my stupidity, But once you get the interface for the ALDL is it plug and play? or do you have to run it thru a PC? Is it live or captured information?
02-04-2014, 03:41 PM
Nice find. Would the ADX work with other years? How much is involved in creating it Jeff?
I am thinking the ADX I made should mostly work for all LT5s. You will have to change some of the variables to get them all correct (like the power key)
The ALDL Stream for all the years is really close, just a few tweaks here and there and it should work. I believe my ALDL Stream is included with the the ALDLDroid when you buy it
02-04-2014, 03:45 PM
Yes nice find!!
Forgive my stupidity, But once you get the interface for the ALDL is it plug and play? or do you have to run it thru a PC? Is it live or captured information?
Aldl interface (USB or Bluetooth) connected to the Android (if USB the Android must be OTG capable)
run the program on the Android and it is live and can be recorded..just like having a laptop to do the datalogging.. there is NO Ostrich support to load new code on the fly, this is currently just a datalogger
I need to get a video posted with it working
02-05-2014, 10:27 PM
I have not installed anything yet but...
Here are some random screen shots.. Trying to decide how to set it up
02-05-2014, 10:30 PM
some if the equipment..
Behringer USB DAC used for Audio
Directed DMHD1000 Tuner
Classic Phoenix Gold Line Driver (boosts the Rca level output)
02-05-2014, 11:17 PM
some if the equipment..
Behringer USB DAC used for Audio
Directed DMHD1000 Tuner
Classic Phoenix Gold Line Driver (boosts the Rca level output)
I was on the fence about what radio I was going to use moving forward from the AVIC Z 140 150 or newer version to be released in the next month or so to the AppRadio3. Now you just threw in a nasty curve ball. As I can do this for less than the AVIC Z 150BH and have some seriously custom screens.
We Gone
02-05-2014, 11:26 PM
Looks nice, were are you going to hide all the parts and wiring? Will you have to modify the bezel or inner frame work?
02-05-2014, 11:50 PM
Looks nice, were are you going to hide all the parts and wiring? Will you have to modify the bezel or inner frame work?
I think the tuner will go on the passenger side near the antenna wire, well I am hoping anyway..
the PLD and Behringer should fit in the area where the radio was as that wil be spacious now..
the Bezel did have to be modified, but I already had a modded non-Z bezel that I am using and cleaning up.. the picture below shows the amount I had to modify to get the lower part of the screen to be shown and accessible,
So yes some mods are needed
A for mounting, it looks like I will be able to utilize the OEM mounting spots I just need to get that aligned and finished.
Also to note, since the Directed is connected Directly to the Behringer, there is no volume control from the tablet, so I bought one of these to be my master volume, just not sure where to mount it yet..
02-06-2014, 02:26 PM
Looks nice, were are you going to hide all the parts and wiring? Will you have to modify the bezel or inner frame work?
My thoughts too; lotsa' hardware to conceal there...
02-06-2014, 10:19 PM
mount is almost ready, but I have it fit right
I do need a 90 degree USB for the connection and I should have enough space.
I am waiting for it to get here to try, meanwhile I will finish the mount and panel
02-06-2014, 10:22 PM
Not sure if this video like will work
02-06-2014, 11:00 PM
-=JEFF=-is this fixed mount or dock able ?
02-06-2014, 11:04 PM
-=JEFf=- is this fixed mount or dock able ?
this will be fixed mount.. it could be dockable, but the bezel would have a lot more mods to get it to work
02-06-2014, 11:10 PM
this will be fixed mount.. it could be dockable, but the bezel would have a lot more mods to get it to work
I thought so my thoughts were to be able to remove it as to not give anybody an excuse to break in. Kind of discourages the "honest" lol
02-07-2014, 08:08 AM
Yeah GC I thought of that too. I have another panel I have cut up that I could make work for a removable solution and considered it, but even when I had the app radio I would had the same concern.. so I decided a permanent mount would be easier
02-09-2014, 09:12 AM
Custom tablet mount
I used a portion of a 360deg rotation case to mount the it. Then pop riveted brackets to it to mount on the stock radio mounting points.
I also received my power supply for everything. If it would warm up I can start installing at this stuff. I do need a USB extension cable though for a USB flash drive
02-21-2014, 11:30 AM
slowly making progess..
I have a better power supply Tested everthing in the car, almost smoked the EQ I have since the Level control I have was marked backwards.. so al max Attenuation it was a short on the output of the EQ.. I also took it apart to find it is a Linear Pot, not Log.. I ordered some Log and Linear Pots, I am debating on doing a homebrew Vol/Bal controls and skipping the EQ, but then the Tuner will always be flat.. another option I thought of was getting a bluetooth transmitter ans ending the tuner signal to the bluetooth input of the Nexus, then I could eliminate the Level control..
More I think about it I think I will keep on my same path with at least a level control ( might do the balance as well) then possibly run the EQ (hidden in the glovebox if it fits)
the 2 knobs will go on the bezel to the right of the power key, I like the aluminum knob I got with the level control so I need to order another or find some on eBay.
I did find that it is LOUD, I had to turn the Amp Gains way down, which is a good thing I suppose
02-21-2014, 12:41 PM
Ok, what year did the glovebox go away?
My 95 doesn't have one!!!
02-21-2014, 12:42 PM
Ok, what year did the glovebox go away?
My 95 doesn't have one!!!
93 was the last year.. In 94 it became the Airbag
02-21-2014, 12:45 PM
slowly making progess..
I have a better power supply Tested everthing in the car, almost smoked the EQ I have since the Level control I have was marked backwards.. so al max Attenuation it was a short on the output of the EQ.. I also took it apart to find it is a Linear Pot, not Log.. I ordered some Log and Linear Pots, I am debating on doing a homebrew Vol/Bal controls and skipping the EQ, but then the Tuner will always be flat.. another option I thought of was getting a bluetooth transmitter ans ending the tuner signal to the bluetooth input of the Nexus, then I could eliminate the Level control..
More I think about it I think I will keep on my same path with at least a level control ( might do the balance as well) then possibly run the EQ (hidden in the glovebox if it fits)
the 2 knobs will go on the bezel to the right of the power key, I like the aluminum knob I got with the level control so I need to order another or find some on eBay.
I did find that it is LOUD, I had to turn the Amp Gains way down, which is a good thing I suppose
What speakers do you have?
Good job on the mount - cutouts for all the ports? What's USB version - 2.0? 3.0?. Any rubber affixed for vibration absorption?
02-21-2014, 01:01 PM
USB 2.0
Speakers are CDT, Amps are Arc Audio
02-21-2014, 02:31 PM
93 was the last year.. In 94 it became the Airbag
True... True.. and the first year of those handy door pockets
03-25-2014, 09:44 PM
quick picture
03-25-2014, 10:48 PM
quick picture
-=Jeff=- is it still fixed another concern I had was over heating the battery and a fire potential. I remember that photo of the nav unit that was plugged in and the sun helped to overheat it causing a fire as the battery exploded
03-25-2014, 10:51 PM
Yes still fixed. Not as concerned since it will be in the cab and not direct sunlight as it would be on the dash. I am also looking to see if someone comes up with a power supply solution to replace the battery..
03-26-2014, 08:42 AM
Yes still fixed. Not as concerned since it will be in the cab and not direct sunlight as it would be on the dash. I am also looking to see if someone comes up with a power supply solution to replace the battery..
I would think you could remove the battery and run straight from the car battery. What does your plug in charger put out DC volt wise to the tablet?
03-26-2014, 08:54 AM
Yes still fixed. Not as concerned since it will be in the cab and not direct sunlight as it would be on the dash. I am also looking to see if someone comes up with a power supply solution to replace the battery..
Well you could use a front sunshade (The kind thats tailored to your car) when you park it outside. Are the settings retained in the units RAM? Or is a battery needed to maintain these functions? If not you could simply pull it since the power comes from the car. Id imagine the battery retains your custom settings like time, region, personel preferences etc. :cheers:
03-26-2014, 08:55 AM
I would think you could remove the battery and run straight from the car battery. What does your plug in charger put out DC volt wise?
I have a Power supply that is set to about 5.2v currently for the tablet. The thing is that when I turn off the key, the tablet goes into a deep sleep and is powered from the battery, once the key is on it auto wakes up. I want to keep that functionality so I would want to duplicate the battery output and connect that to the battery terminal of the tablet, if it requires another power supply that is fine.
I just don;t know what I would need and I have not found the pinout for the battery as it is now ( there are more than 2 wires on the battery connector)
The battery is 3.7v, but somewhere I read 4.2 is the 'magic #' if I could apply that voltage tot he battery terminal with the car off, then I could remove the battery.
the current battery has 6 wires, I would need to duplicate those for this to work I would guess..
03-26-2014, 09:01 AM
Well you could use a front sunshade (The kind thats tailored to your car) when you park it outside. Are the settings retained in the units RAM? Or is a battery needed to maintain these functions? If not you could simply pull it since the power comes from the car. Id imagine the battery retains your custom settings like time, region, personel preferences etc. :cheers:
Battery keeps everything set, with no battery it would have to reboot every time I shut the car off..
There must be a solution for the connector I am sure when they test these in manufacturing thy use power supplies in place of the battery, I just need the connector pinout and what would be required to remove the battery
03-26-2014, 09:11 AM
Battery keeps everything set, with no battery it would have to reboot every time I shut the car off..
There must be a solution for the connector I am sure when they test these in manufacturing thy use power supplies in place of the battery, I just need the connector pinout and what would be required to remove the battery
Jeff Love this bold upgrade. Yep thats what I expected. Anyway to revisit docking? Solves ALL the problems (Potential Overheating, Theft etc) and makes the tablet more usable to use than fixed in the car. Gotta be a way. Make Carter can make a backing plate for the car while the media is removed. So many possibilities here. Enjoying the crap out of Bluetooth music with zero wires....
03-26-2014, 09:14 AM
Found something
I think if I do a 3.7-4.2v power supply on the battery connector it should work. the 2 other wires sound like they are data wires.
I wish I could find more information as if I could remove the battery and have it sleep this would be perfect.
I don't want to make this removable, I had to move the bottom USB to get it to fit so for me I was always planning of a permanent install
03-26-2014, 09:44 AM
Found something
I think if I do a 3.7-4.2v power supply on the battery connector it should work. the 2 other wires sound like they are data wires.
I wish I could find more information as if I could remove the battery and have it sleep this would be perfect.
I don't want to make this removable, I had to move the bottom USB to get it to fit so for me I was always planning of a permanent install
I'd have to agree, a permanent install will look cleaner. After reading that link I think you're better off leaving the battery in. You maintain the quick power on feature and reduce the complexity of maintaining the setup. I recommend spending some time writing down on paper what you've done. No matter how simple you think it all is, later you'll thank yourself for leaving crumbs. Specifically where you've tied in to power and ground and any other lines. I do this right in the 8A supplement manual but now wish I'd have made a copy of the page and modified it :(.
03-26-2014, 09:50 AM
I have long thread on CF, once I have it complete I will do something, draw it out, and make a list of components.. and it will probably evolve
As to the concern about the battery, we leave our GPS in our family vehicle all the time, but it is in a storage bin at the bottom of the console, yes it gets hot in the car, but when the car is off it is using the battery not charging it.
I would have to think that the GPS battery that did damage was on the dash, direct sunlight applied and charging.. only time this unit will be charging will be when the car is running/ignition is on
03-27-2014, 06:10 AM
I would have to think that the GPS battery that did damage was on the dash, direct sunlight applied and charging.. only time this unit will be charging will be when the car is running/ignition is on
I bet you're right.
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