View Full Version : Time to face the music.

01-26-2014, 01:13 AM
The Z is the Red headed step child with tons of freckles.
I watched Mecum today and saw 5 ZR-1 that all were low mileage museum pieces trade hands with the top seller being 70K. Three of the cars had less than 50 miles and were never dealer prepped.
Than low and behold a 96' GS Roadster with 11 miles sold for 140K dollars.

01-26-2014, 01:29 AM
I've got $28k in mine, not counting time.

I wouldn't even think about it at $33k...

01-26-2014, 01:55 AM
that is right. I saw a resto junk mustang shelby coupe with candy red paint sell for 215k but a callaway zr1 speedster twin turbo 1 of 2 with 766 hp not sell at 185k.. any mustang shelby brings 150k plus.. any chrysler plymouth, dodge cuda, roadrunner etc.. with 440 or 426...125-175k... like nothing. there are cars that just bring it. we know they are inferior cars as far as engineering and performance but they have that touch of midas. it is just not time yet for these lt5 cars. it will have its time. i have seen it too many times. there was a time when a 429 mustang brought nothing. now a 429 mustang in any condition is 200 to 300 k guaranteed.

zr1 investment buyers may not be to happy. those of us who bought to enjoy it should not matter especially if you bought low. One day our time will come and if it takes longer than we anticipate, at least we enjoyed them.

edramos #3028

01-26-2014, 07:58 AM
One of the things that brought me to Vettes was bang for the buck. I use to be a Mustang guy. I had a 68 that seemed like it would never get done, sold it to help fund my divorce. Paid off the ex. Recovered a little & bought a very nice vette. Four wheel discs, great suspension, less rust issues & the best parts GM had at the time. I think Mustangs, Camaros & Chevelles bring big bucks because those were the cars we seen as kids & couldn't afford them then. I didn't dream about vettes, because I knew I could "NEVER" afford one. Take that investment out on your favorite back road, hammer the snout out of it.......that's your dividend!

01-26-2014, 08:43 AM
Yes one day our cars will be worth something. Who knows how much , we will all be gone by then. Who cares too ? Point is go out and enjoy them now.

01-26-2014, 09:19 AM
Watched a bit of Chasing Classic Cars last night. Involved a Bonham auction.
People bidding 28k for a Good a Humor truck. It dawned on me that this is so much less about the cars and the fun we get out of them, and so much more about controlling or owning something no one else does. It's a power thing, and I don't mean horsepower. Yes some people will finally buy the car they've been saving up for because they either had one when young or wanted one. They're going to recapture their youth one time before they die. Good for them. But the money guys couldn't care less. The ones that drive the prices look at it as a commodity to be traded. The experience of driving it doesn't enter into the equation. And so owners like us are disappointed because we simply don't understand that. I don't put guys like Seinfeld or Leno in this category. They clearly are passionate about their cars. But you don't see them flashing around Barrett Jackson like Hendricks does for example.

01-26-2014, 12:20 PM
Make no mistakes none of my cars were bought as an investment. I was just stating a point.

01-26-2014, 12:33 PM
Bob I don't think anybody is on this forumwho is just a collector or isn't about enjoying the car

01-26-2014, 01:03 PM
These cars aren't worth anything unless 1) You're willing to sell, AND 2)Someone's willing to buy.

The new generations and those who are strict pushrod fans aren't interested in these cars anyway. I've been lurking around the C4 Facebook community, and unfortunately, ZR-1's don't get much respect simply because of the lack of education on them. GM really likes to keep the history of these cars in the dark.

Bottom line is, who cares what they're worth? Add fuel, get in and drive! That's what they were built for anyway.

01-26-2014, 01:23 PM
i wouldn't mind it being worth something as mine maybe for sale soon

01-26-2014, 03:41 PM
Yes one day our cars will be worth something. Who knows how much , we will all be gone by then. Who cares too ? Point is go out and enjoy them now.

I agree,Frank. We don't really own these cars,anyway. We're just renting them till the new guy comes along. :)

01-26-2014, 06:27 PM
I have learned one thing about cars in the years that I have been enjoying them. The only person my car has to please it me. It must fulfill my wants or its gone. period. I have had 7 corvettes 3 mustangs etc... most modified making great power. Somewhere along the line they fell short in the end. I really appreciate the engineering in the LT5 and the scarcity. I like it when I go to a show and there are no lt5 zr1's. I get a car that is 24 years old but runs very strong and can hold its own with new supercharged cars. Exclusivity. Feeling special. My ZR1 makes me feel special and that is why I have it. It drives like no other car I have owned. The power comes on so much different than other cars I have owned. It has just the right mods which I like. I got it at a great price. I will keep this one. I dont care if the price goes up or down. I bought cheap so it will be very hard to lose on it. I saw ZR1's at the auction that the cars were not even dealer prepped. These cars were sold by car brokers. Like commodities. Do they love these cars or did they buy to sell for profit? Obvious answer. If you want profit, buy and restore an old mustang or mopar. Get a mid year in bad condition and restore it. Those are money cars. How bought an amphimobile? they bring some money too. I would hate to drive a amphimobile on the street. It must ride like crap. I would not mind fishing from it on the lake. Moral of the story, enjoy your car you only live once.

ed ramos #3028

Blue Flame Restorations
01-26-2014, 06:35 PM
I enjoy the redline most every time in drive my Turq car. No investment here.

01-26-2014, 07:01 PM
Make no mistakes none of my cars are about an investment. I was just stating a point.

Hey Robert, I know dat. You are doing our Z community a great service by pushing the mod envelope with your cars. I know many appreciate your efforts in all your projects. Your return on investment is the passion that keeps us brothers motivated.( in our age bracket we need something other than a blue pill :dancing) I have never met a Z brother that was in the game to make money (not that some don't exist) I doesn't matter to me what my car is worth I ain't selling. We should all look at it as a buying opportunity with the low prices, I for one would love to pick up another ZR-1

01-26-2014, 07:08 PM

Every once in a while you get that recognition that you're driving an iconic car.
It means a lot when you get that from someone who knows, a cognoscenti. The thumbs up as you're driving along. The guy that either follows you, or does a Ssslllllllooooooowwwwww pass. And then it's fun to wake up those others who don't know what they're dealing w just before you blow their doors in.

01-26-2014, 07:24 PM
Amen brother!:-D

01-26-2014, 11:49 PM
Its like the stock market. We can't predict what cars will be worth the most in 15 years. There are a lot of variables. One interesting point to me is that the LT5 wasn't designed or manufactured by Chevrolet. I'm sure this turns some people off. The other point of view is that the LT5 has a much more interesting story than other engines in the Corvette. I love mine!

Paul Workman
01-27-2014, 07:18 AM

Every once in a while you get that recognition that you're driving an iconic car.
It means a lot when you get that from someone who knows, a cognoscenti. The thumbs up as you're driving along. The guy that either follows you, or does a Ssslllllllooooooowwwwww pass. And then it's fun to wake up those others who don't know what they're dealing w just before you blow their doors in.


At the local car "show n shines", my Z gets way more attention from the ricer crowd than any other group. GM wishes the ZR-1 would go away...but beit the WANNAGOFAST or the CPCC drags in the fall, they continue to get their "come-uppins".:dancing Remember the scoffing at the first CPCC? We didn't hear any any the last few years; just a lot of lip biting when a Z comes to the line!!=D>

Considering the performance of the Northstars, and the smaller cousin in the Aurora, and now the DOHC V6 Caddy, and the Ford Coyotes, you'd hope someone at GM would take notice!

01-27-2014, 09:41 AM
A $70k price isn't a good thing? Once cars start becoming classics and appreciating, you can't compare totally different models. The museum pieces will go up first, and usually haul the others after them. $70k is great news, and hopefully we start seeing more as these cars hit the 25 year mark. So many change hands for well under $20k, I'll bet the average sale price is somewhere around 17 grand.

Do you think the average sale will hit $30k in five years? $50k? Or remain below 20? Personally seeing a low mileage example go for $70k is definitely good news, and I think the average will hit 30k sooner than later.

Mystic ZR-1
01-27-2014, 10:33 AM

At the local car "show n shines", my Z gets way more attention from the ricer crowd than any other group. GM wishes the ZR-1 would go away...but beit the WANNAGOFAST or the CPCC drags in the fall, they continue to get their "come-uppins".:dancing Remember the scoffing at the first CPCC? We didn't hear any any the last few years; just a lot of lip biting when a Z comes to the line!!=D>

Considering the performance of the Northstars, and the smaller cousin in the Aurora, and now the DOHC V6 Caddy, and the Ford Coyotes, you'd hope someone at GM would take notice!

I've found there's more "knowledgable" lookers at Cars & Coffee type events than there is at the usual musclecar show/cruise nite or even Corvette shows. Some local Cars & Coffee events have everything from Model Ts to Bugatti Veyrons, but usually not many Vettes.

01-27-2014, 11:15 AM
I get a fair amount of recognition that it is a ZR-1 on the street and in public, but I'm not sure that there is enough demand or rarity that I'll ever break even. I've seen a few good deals on low-ish mileage drivers that make me wish I had paid less, but then again, I get a lot of compliments on how clean and complete my interior still is and generally the car can still be detailed enough to look newer than those examples.

I also think the wear and tear on the chassis is certainly less and could be driven quite a few miles without costly failure. Maybe one of these days I'll give in and just start taking this thing to work.

Bob Eyres
01-27-2014, 11:22 AM
The Z is the Red headed step child with tons of freckles.
I watched Mecum today and saw 5 ZR-1 that all were low mileage museum pieces trade hands with the top seller being 70K. Three of the cars had less than 50 miles and were never dealer prepped.
Than low and behold a 96' GS Roadster with 11 miles sold for 140K dollars.

Back to Bob's original post that shows the mentality of the "musclecar" buying public today. It really is a sad state of affairs when a normal C4 with eye catching paint and loaded with "badge engineering" brings more money than a, relatively rare, tour de force of real innovation that is the ZR-1. A flashy paintjob, (sorry GS guys), is worth more that the record setting, genuine supercar of it's day.

So be it. But don't expect me to value the opinion of this crowd. Bill Stevens one of the commentators at the Mecum auctions continually praises the ZR-1, and notes that it is the best buy of many collector cars. The last time he was on, while watching a red 94' ZR-1 go for mid twenties, he said "if I didn't have the car I have right now, I'd go looking for a clean C4 ZR-1."

We Gone
01-27-2014, 11:45 AM
Back in 01 after owning many C3's and C4's I was in the market for a new C5 Z06, after looking around driving a few I came to the conclusion it was just another Corvette like many others on the road. I started looking back at the ones I had only dreamed of owning.

I came to the conclusion I wanted a ZR-1 one with less than 10k miles, one owner with all the paperwork, and Blue. At that time they were going for around $30k. Took months but I found it in Nebraska, was in like new condition with 9K miles. I flew out bought it and drove it back to Ga.

I never considered it as an investment but as a car I would enjoy for the rest of my life in fact I refer to as rolling inheritance. Will I ever see what I have invested in it with the mods I have done no, do I care no. Had I put it away as an investment would I have made any $, I don't think so. I only hope is when it gets passed on the one who gets it will see it for what it is a very special and iconic part of Corvette history and it brings them the same enjoyment as it has me.

01-27-2014, 12:35 PM
Back to Bob's original post that shows the mentality of the "musclecar" buying public today. It really is a sad state of affairs when a normal C4 with eye catching paint and loaded with "badge engineering" brings more money than a, relatively rare, tour de force of real innovation that is the ZR-1. A flashy paintjob, (sorry GS guys), is worth more that the record setting, genuine supercar of it's day.

So be it. But don't expect me to value the opinion of this crowd. Bill Stevens one of the commentators at the Mecum auctions continually praises the ZR-1, and notes that it is the best buy of many collector cars. The last time he was on, while watching a red 94' ZR-1 go for mid twenties, he said "if I didn't have the car I have right now, I'd go looking for a clean C4 ZR-1."

Yes, I have heard many times bill stevens drooling over c4's and in particular zr1. When I was in mecum last year and a zr1 came to the block under the radar, I did not expect it nor was it on any consignment sheets, and sold for 13.5k with 50k miles in good condition he was beside himself, saying I never thought a car of that magnitude would ever sell for 13k. it was black with red interior. I had been preparing for two months and knew practically every corvette that was going to be in the auction but this was a very last minute participant. Had I seen it in the staging lanes and verified it was good, no doubt it would have been mine. Mr. Stephens loves corvettes and zr1's in particular.

edramos #3028

01-27-2014, 12:40 PM
Back to Bob's original post that shows the mentality of the "musclecar" buying public today. It really is a sad state of affairs when a normal C4 with eye catching paint and loaded with "badge engineering" brings more money than a, relatively rare, tour de force of real innovation that is the ZR-1. A flashy paintjob, (sorry GS guys), is worth more that the record setting, genuine supercar of it's day.

So be it. But don't expect me to value the opinion of this crowd. Bill Stevens one of the commentators at the Mecum auctions continually praises the ZR-1, and notes that it is the best buy of many collector cars. The last time he was on, while watching a red 94' ZR-1 go for mid twenties, he said "if I didn't have the car I have right now, I'd go looking for a clean C4 ZR-1."

yes that was quite unbelievable. In 2004 I had negotiated a deal for a 1996 red on black convertible lt4 with 15k miles for 20k. Unfortunately a week later I determined that I had to divorce my wife so I could not go through on the deal. It was nice car, like a gs I guess, but it was no zr1. No real get up and go. go go... I could have probably made money on that car but I did not lose any sleep over not having it. It was no zr1.

01-27-2014, 03:18 PM
In 2004 I had negotiated a deal for a 1996 red on black convertible lt4 with 15k miles for 20k. Unfortunately a week later I determined that I had to divorce my wife so I could not go through on the deal.

Ed, did you determine you had to divorce the wife before or after she said "NO" to the Corvette??? :mrgreen:

01-27-2014, 05:31 PM
Ed, did you determine you had to divorce the wife before or after she said "NO" to the Corvette??? :mrgreen:

I probably should have gone through on the deal and not let her ruin my plans but some things are just unforgivable so out she goes. Divorces can be so liberating that sometimes its just what the doctor ordered. Her only good quality is that she made lots of money... her bad qualities is that she was not truthful and spent more than she made.. goodbye!!

A few months later I tried to buy a red/red 1990 zr1 only to be extorted by a dealer who knew the car was bad.. paid 5k to get out of the deal. It was either give him the whole 20k and then rebuild the motor for 14k or just pay 5k and get out of him... the other option, which was seriously considered was to make him go away.

oh well....:dontknow:

01-27-2014, 09:51 PM
$140K for a '96GS....wow! New that car was ~$40K!!! Although I am not happy with the amount that our ZR-1's are selling for, I feel very confident we are heading in the right direction. In a year or two I dont see these cars going for under $20K unless totaled or the owner not knowing any better.

01-27-2014, 10:16 PM
Personally I am thrilled you can get a car w the capability of our ZR-1s for something in the teens. And then you can do whatever the hell you want to it.
And enjoy driving the crap out of it.

Paul Workman
01-28-2014, 08:23 AM
$140K for a '96GS....wow! New that car was ~$40K!!! Although I am not happy with the amount that our ZR-1's are selling for, I feel very confident we are heading in the right direction. In a year or two I dont see these cars going for under $20K unless totaled or the owner not knowing any better.

I'm w/ U! "Some paint and badging" as someone said recently, makes the GS a "treasure", apparently. Jealous? Yeah, maybe.

I'm trying to imagine sitting behind the wheel of a GS, cruising down the road, staring over that striped hood, knowing I paid $125k+ MORE for that than every other 96 C4/m6 driver did, and feeling GOOD about it!:o

Then a ("Nero Rosa") ZR-1 happens to creep up along side, just as the highway opens up for a stretch. I'm nudging the accelerator to nose the GS ahead of that "other C4" - he holds position - so I'll show him what a GS will do, so I hammer my GS!

But, a funny thing happens...That other C4's motor makes a weird roaring, ever higher winding, winding, WINDING sound, and suddenly I'm looking at an interesting badge on the bumper. Oh, look! A ZR-1!! Nice car, AND FAST, I guess. BUT! BOY-YO-BOY I'm sure happy I spent $120k+ more to get me this white stripe and red chevrons on MY hood! Man to think of being seen in public with a plain colored, faster car...how crass!!

I guess I'll never understand that mentality....

01-28-2014, 08:32 AM
Well its not the motor... A lot of 1996 C4s had the LT4

Well its not the Stripes..... So played out that other C4s have em and Dodge stole em.

Well Its not the color....... plenty of C4s in the same color.

Its a limited 1000 run of all three available for those "special" folks that have more money than sense. Less than 1000 remain, more now have a red gut interior than were orginally produced.

Sorry i'll take my car over it any day and buy a C6 ZR-1 as a stable mate and still have plenty of pocket change.

01-28-2014, 08:54 AM
$140K for a '96GS....wow! New that car was ~$40K!!! Although I am not happy with the amount that our ZR-1's are selling for, I feel very confident we are heading in the right direction. In a year or two I dont see these cars going for under $20K unless totaled or the owner not knowing any better.

I agree. But as I said before, your already seeing price separation of the 90-92, from the 93-95s. Base solely on quantity. The other reason is that the collector car community is always looking for limited production, unique cars. The trickle down takes about 6months to a year before the general public realizes whats going on.

Not throwing stones at any 90-92s. They are also awesome cars, just my 2 cents on what collectors are thinking.

Prices have clearly bottomed out, and I look for at least 10% upward swing this year.

01-28-2014, 09:49 AM
I doubt if any of this makes a diff to someone like myself owning a ZR-1 modded the way mine is and w the chassis mileage it has.

01-28-2014, 10:36 AM
I guess the key word in all of this is "collector" not really how great a car really is. I think I have some perspective on this. In 1981 I bought a 1966 GT350 H. Black/Gold stripes 4 spd. I restored the car and it was magnificent. It was so nice that I was almost scared to drive it. The bottom line is: from a performance perspective, from a driveability perspective that GT350H couldn't hold a candle to my ZR-1. I loved that Shelby but quite frankly it was an old design that was great in its day but archaic in performance compared to modern performance cars. The ZR-1 with all of its historic significance, especially the 1990 model with the records that it broke, the huge splash it made when it was introduced was a true supercar. I would argue it has more historic significance than just about any other corvette. I sold my Shelby in 1990 to buy a new C4 L98 Z51 6spd. I planned on autoxing then eventually turning it into a race car which I did. I raced the car in SCCA & NASA for approx. 15 years. Selling the Shelby for a good chuck of cash allowed me to do this. I am grateful for that. However I do not quite understand how a 70 NOVA or 340 Duster can even be in the same value league as a C4 ZR-1. Are you kidding me! These cars although neat are nothing more than a grocery getter with motor. No engineering, no brakes, no handling. It seems to me that the performance of the C4 and the racing success seems to get swept under the rug. Dominating World Challenge with the likes of Porsche, Lotus, etc. rarely gets mentioned. My C4 although significantly modified is still competitive today with all of the new iron out there. That's over a 20 year run. These collectors seemed to more interested a 200hp Trans -am with a bird on the hood that won't get out of its own way. Let em have em. Gentleman, I think we a very fortunate to have one of the truly great cars without having to spend a fortune. My Zr-1 is at Haibecks as we speak finishing up the 350/510 package. I will enjoy driving this car for many years and will be thrilled if some day the value begins to appreciate. Until then, I will enjoy what I believe is truly on of the most significant cars in automotive history and be very proud to own say I own one. I did receive an e-mail from a friend who tracked my Shelby after I sold it. It eventually ended up in California. He sent me an article from a California newspaper that talked about a historical Shelby that burned up in the California fires. It happened to be my old car. The insurance company paid him 100k for the car. I have no regrets. I have loved my C4s and especially my ZR-1. WHen I purchased my C4 new in 1990 I remember seeing a new ZR-1 roped off and telling my wife. That's what I really want , but no way could we afford that. Years later I got my ZR-1 with only 10k miles, have modified it just the way I want with 18 Fikses FM5s , coilovers, Wilwood six piston brakes, 410 gears and now the Haibeck treatment. I am one happy guy. As I said no regrets! If you are ever in the market for a ZR-1, I would agree with Bill Stevens, now is the time before the secret gets out.

01-28-2014, 01:49 PM
140K for a GS???? That is just insane! I concur with what has been said already, some folks have more money than brains...

01-28-2014, 02:01 PM
I agree with what has been said here. The zr-1 has always been **** on. around the early 2000s I was running up to carlise with the club I was a member of and some guy with a base c5 asked me if I really thought the zr-1 could keep up with the rest of the cars which were mostly c5's. needless to say he saw nothing but the wide *** and 315's till I left them at our lunch stop since I had to get to the show field and help set up the registry tent. This guy was so damn smug that his c5 was going to walk away from me that he wouldn't even talk to me at lunch. I think i hurt his feelings.

The ZR-1 has always been a niche car, it's always been one of those, oh it's a c4, to whose who don't know and a knowing nod from those who know what it is. why? I don't know. To me the grand sport is just sorta slapped together. I like the gs paint scheme, it's fun, it's catches the eye but the rear fender flairs look like an after thought, which I'm sure they were, and they look like something you get from APC.

I'm reading the c4 facebook page like someone else said they were...I can't remember who it was sorry about that, and the zr-1 gets kicked in the teeth every chance these morons get. Oh it's too hard to work on, it's slow, a lt4 car is just as fast, it's not reliable, it's over rated, and while I agree with them that it's not always the most reliable car it's no worse then any other 24 year old car.

To summarize my rant, I have no idea where we're going from here

01-28-2014, 02:21 PM
....This guy was so damn smug that his c5 was going to walk away from me that he wouldn't even talk to me at lunch. I think i hurt his feelings.

I would love to see that.....priceless!!!!

01-28-2014, 02:46 PM
I would love to see that.....priceless!!!!

I should note, my zr-1 at the time was stock. Chip, coplan air duct, open air filter lid. I thought he was chained to a tree. He got kinda sandy in his pants when I was talking about Julio's sprayed 408.

Paul Workman
01-28-2014, 03:07 PM
**...some guy with a base c5 asked me if I really thought the zr-1 could keep up with the rest of the cars which were mostly c5's. ...This guy was so damn smug that his c5 was going to walk away ...**

I hear ya Kevin. And, one of my favorite things is either educating those numbskulls, or witnessing other Zs do it!!:dancing

When Pete and Dom showed up at the first CPCC drags, there were maybe a half dozen Chicago clubs there to race; most of which were C5s and C6s. The amount of trash talking regarding the C4s that came to the line was loud and predominant. Pete was the fasted that year. Later, after looking at time slips we realized we "F'ed" up by not registering for trophies, because we blew it. Our 3-car aggregate time was a winner! After that we came loaded for bear.

After the FBI ZR-1s took top team honors in 2011

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/Vettes/FBIteamchamps.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/Vettes/FBIteamchamps.jpg.html)

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/Vettes/MarcBBQ2012002.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/Vettes/MarcBBQ2012002.jpg.html)

Bracket winner, Marc Haibeck

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/CPCCShootout2012019.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/CPCCShootout2012019.jpg.html)

Fastest ET by Al Dashto

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/CPCCShootout2012020.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/CPCCShootout2012020.jpg.html)

and FBI took the 2013 top team honors again this last year. Kevin took so many individual trophies too, he could hardly hold them all

(photo actually from 2012 - couldn't get all of Kevin's individual trophies in one photo, i.e., fastest ET, highest speed, (and one more too at least)

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/CPCCShootout2012011.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/CPCCShootout2012011.jpg.html)

The big difference now when a ZR-1 comes to the line, instead of scoffing like the first year, there is silence and a lot of lip biting among those clubs now. Respect, by golly!

01-28-2014, 05:50 PM
The values being so low have an unexpected benefit,though. Just imagine if our cars jumped to over $100K. How many of us would still be enjoying them like we do now,if that happened?

01-28-2014, 06:07 PM
if i could get $100,000 for my car it would be gone tomorrow

01-28-2014, 06:18 PM
I wouldn't sale mine for $100,000.00!!!!

We Gone
01-28-2014, 06:24 PM
I wouldn't sale mine for $100,000.00!!!!

Only if I could buy 3 more!!

01-28-2014, 06:36 PM
I could never buy another ZR-1 like mine!!!

01-28-2014, 08:55 PM
I could never buy another ZR-1 like mine!!!

Your LM is one Beautiful machine! I've got quite a few shots of it saved:fahne:

01-29-2014, 01:14 AM
And, one of my favorite things is either educating those numbskulls, or witnessing other Zs do it!!:dancing

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/Vettes/FBIteamchamps.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/Vettes/FBIteamchamps.jpg.html)

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/CPCCShootout2012011.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/CPCCShootout2012011.jpg.html)

Hey, I got a new name for you FBI guys.... How about "Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch"? :sign10:

I'm sorry guys, I just couldn't resist adding that bit of humor as I sit here at the keyboard, this late at night. :mrgreen:

Seriously though, I couldn't be more happy that you all are out there "kicking ___ and taking names" in honor of the ol' "King of the Hill".

Keep it up! :saluting:

01-29-2014, 01:26 AM
I don't mean to get off topic, but what I would go crazy for is if the ZR1Net would make yearly club shirts like the banners the FBI'ers are holding!

I don't want to take away anything from what those guys have done in creating them, but shirts or even club posters like that would be over the top! :jawdrop:

Where do I sign up???!

01-29-2014, 01:04 PM
I agree with what has been said here. The zr-1 has always been **** on. around the early 2000s I was running up to carlise with the club I was a member of and some guy with a base c5 asked me if I really thought the zr-1 could keep up with the rest of the cars which were mostly c5's. needless to say he saw nothing but the wide *** and 315's till I left them at our lunch stop since I had to get to the show field and help set up the registry tent. This guy was so damn smug that his c5 was going to walk away from me that he wouldn't even talk to me at lunch. I think i hurt his feelings.

The ZR-1 has always been a niche car, it's always been one of those, oh it's a c4, to whose who don't know and a knowing nod from those who know what it is. why? I don't know. To me the grand sport is just sorta slapped together. I like the gs paint scheme, it's fun, it's catches the eye but the rear fender flairs look like an after thought, which I'm sure they were, and they look like something you get from APC.

I'm reading the c4 facebook page like someone else said they were...I can't remember who it was sorry about that, and the zr-1 gets kicked in the teeth every chance these morons get. Oh it's too hard to work on, it's slow, a lt4 car is just as fast, it's not reliable, it's over rated, and while I agree with them that it's not always the most reliable car it's no worse then any other 24 year old car.

To summarize my rant, I have no idea where we're going from here

Well, on the Impala SS facebook page, someone was asking about an LT5 conversion, like Tim Allen had done. Someone piped up with the comment of "Go with an LT4...it makes more power." REALLYYY!!!???? [-X

About 10 years ago, I had a similar run in with a C5. We are at a stoplight, I looked over to acknowledge him, but wasn't looking to race. On green, he launched out, at which point I changed my mind about racing. I caught and passed him before I hit second.

He was pretty shocked...

John Boothby
01-29-2014, 01:49 PM
Just goes to show you how fickle auctions are!

01-29-2014, 01:56 PM
Well, on the Impala SS facebook page, someone was asking about an LT5 conversion, like Tim Allen had done. Someone piped up with the comment of "Go with an LT4...it makes more power." REALLYYY!!!???? [-X

About 10 years ago, I had a similar run in with a C5. We are at a stoplight, I looked over to acknowledge him, but wasn't looking to race. On green, he launched out, at which point I changed my mind about racing. I caught and passed him before I hit second.

He was pretty shocked...

Ran a C5Z one day at the track. I had street tires. He was ahead by 2 cars at the 1/8mi. Came around him then and took him by 2 lengths at the big end.
That LS6 nosed over at the top. He walked over later surprised but gracious.

Paul Workman
01-29-2014, 03:01 PM
Ran a C5Z one day at the track. I had street tires. He was ahead by 2 cars at the 1/8mi. Came around him then and took him by 2 lengths at the big end.
That LS6 nosed over at the top. He walked over later surprised but gracious.

Yep! It's that BIG END that gets 'em every time!:p

01-29-2014, 10:23 PM
When I bought my Zr1 this past November, the owner had several cars and one of those cars was a c5 z06. I too had a c5 supercharged coupe so I asked him how fast was the zr1 compared with his z06. Since he tracked both cars a couple of times he said that in a drag race, the z06 would pull a car or two but once the z was off the line it would run away from the z06. I was impressed having driven a c5 z06 and knowing how impressive that car is that his zr1 was that capable. He said, "you've got to trust me on this one, you will see". Last weekend, I was driving home and as I am driving right past Homestead Speedway the road straightens out and there is a very long straight stretch of road and it just so happens that right down the road east of the raceway, Florida Power and Light lets out its employees and there is a young guy driving a black c6 coupe. He merges onto the straight stretch of road and pulls along side of my z. He must not know what it is because he revs his car and I look at him. Poor guy thinks its a regular c4 Corvette. He disregards my fat looking car with a lowered stance and roll bar decorating the interior so I decided to let him have it. It was not even a race. It was a 40mph rolling start...he never had a chance. I shifted at 7k and it was howling and those headers were screaming..I let off at 140mph and ran out of road... I bet he never does that again. He didnt even acknowledge and just drove on like nothing happened. Oh yeah buddy, it happened.

edramos #3028

01-29-2014, 11:48 PM
When I bought my Zr1 this past November, the owner had several cars and one of those cars was a c5 z06. I too had a c5 supercharged coupe so I asked him how fast was the zr1 compared with his z06. Since he tracked both cars a couple of times he said that in a drag race, the z06 would pull a car or two but once the z was off the line it would run away from the z06. I was impressed having driven a c5 z06 and knowing how impressive that car is that his zr1 was that capable. He said, "you've got to trust me on this one, you will see". Last weekend, I was driving home and as I am driving right past Homestead Speedway the road straightens out and there is a very long straight stretch of road and it just so happens that right down the road east of the raceway, Florida Power and Light lets out its employees and there is a young guy driving a black c6 coupe. He merges onto the straight stretch of road and pulls along side of my z. He must not know what it is because he revs his car and I look at him. Poor guy thinks its a regular c4 Corvette. He disregards my fat looking car with a lowered stance and roll bar decorating the interior so I decided to let him have it. It was not even a race. It was a 40mph rolling start...he never had a chance. I shifted at 7k and it was howling and those headers were screaming..I let off at 140mph and ran out of road... I bet he never does that again. He didnt even acknowledge and just drove on like nothing happened. Oh yeah buddy, it happened.

edramos #3028

Awesome story Ed. :cheers:

01-30-2014, 12:41 AM
Yep! It's that BIG END that gets 'em every time!:p

True story! ZR-1's aren't great out of the hole but they sure run hard from a roll.

01-30-2014, 09:54 AM
A $70k price isn't a good thing? Once cars start becoming classics and appreciating, you can't compare totally different models. The museum pieces will go up first, and usually haul the others after them. $70k is great news, and hopefully we start seeing more as these cars hit the 25 year mark. So many change hands for well under $20k, I'll bet the average sale price is somewhere around 17 grand.

Do you think the average sale will hit $30k in five years? $50k? Or remain below 20? Personally seeing a low mileage example go for $70k is definitely good news, and I think the average will hit 30k sooner than later.

The car that went for 70K was not a low mileage Z. It was a never owned never prepped 95.

01-30-2014, 09:56 AM
A $70k price isn't a good thing? Once cars start becoming classics and appreciating, you can't compare totally different models. The museum pieces will go up first, and usually haul the others after them. $70k is great news, and hopefully we start seeing more as these cars hit the 25 year mark. So many change hands for well under $20k, I'll bet the average sale price is somewhere around 17 grand.

Do you think the average sale will hit $30k in five years? $50k? Or remain below 20? Personally seeing a low mileage example go for $70k is definitely good news, and I think the average will hit 30k sooner than later.

The 95 that sold for 70K was not just a low mileage (56 miles) it was a never owned, never dealer prepped Z. So whomever bought the car just became the original owner.

01-30-2014, 10:08 AM
owning a zr-1 is a kin to owning a classic ferrari. a good friend of mine has a Testarossa and a 328 and while everyone tells him that the maintenance on them has to be a killer but in talking with him...because I'd love a charcoal metallic 328....and the year to year maintenance isn't too bad. The major service is $5000 or so every 5 years depending on if you do the water pump or not. These are the things we have to deal with also

95 LT5
01-30-2014, 07:54 PM
The 95 that sold for 70K was not just a low mileage (56 miles) it was a never owned, never dealer prepped Z. So whomever bought the car just became the original owner.

What # was it?

02-01-2014, 07:55 AM
The 95 that sold for 70K was not just a low mileage (56 miles) it was a never owned, never dealer prepped Z. So whomever bought the car just became the original owner.

That's a good thing. The outliers are the ones that rise first, and then the rest will start to follow. As an example, look at the early long hood 911s. The 73RS hovered around $80-120k for years and then in the last five years started to climb. And in the last year has hit the stratosphere, topping a half-million with rumors of a LOT bigger offers being turned down. And right along with them, the standard long hoods have climbed with even the 911T commanding $50k for good ones, and a 911S is well into six figures. That has also pulled the 911SC and Carrera up. Just a couple years ago you could find excellent examples for $12k and now they are $30k or more for good ones.

As the ZR-1 hits the 25-year mark, I believe things will start to improve. People who loved them in high school are starting to look around. Yeah a paint package selling for $140k is ridiculous, but it's good news for the entire line. An outlier Z selling for $70k is also news, and the rest will come along for the ride.