View Full Version : Bose Amplifier

01-11-2014, 12:00 PM

i have problems with my 2 front speaker on my '90 zr1
i don't have any sound from them :(

ive read that it might be the amplifier and i've ordered some new one from ecklers

ive changed them and had to do some welding because new and old connectivity are different
on old connectivity, the wire are welded directly on the motherboard and on the new it has some "pin" that can be plugged and unplugged

unfortunately after all of this, ive plugged them and i obtain a repetitive "tac tac tac" from them :cry:

do you have some idea on how to fix this ?

01-11-2014, 03:20 PM

i have problems with my 2 front speaker on my '90 zr1
i don't have any sound from them :(

ive read that it might be the amplifier and i've ordered some new one from ecklers

ive changed them and had to do some welding because new and old connectivity are different
on old connectivity, the wire are welded directly on the motherboard and on the new it has some "pin" that can be plugged and unplugged

unfortunately after all of this, ive plugged them and i obtain a repetitive "tac tac tac" from them :cry:

do i have some idea on how to fix this ?

Are you using 'Google Translate'? Syntax is bad on Google Translate...

Did you check to see if any power / signal is coming to the fronts, BEFORE ordering new stuff?

If there's no power / signal to the fronts, can I have your old [good] ones, when the new ones show from Ecklers?

01-11-2014, 03:28 PM
i didn't use google translate :D
my english is that bad ? :D

01-11-2014, 03:49 PM
It's probably the unit under the floor on the passengers side.

Call Dr. Don - he will get you all squared away. The years are different on the termination of the wires.


There is probably cheaper but Dr. Don does a fantastic job - 1 year warranty. He has done all the radios in my Vettes. It will sound really good when refurbished.

01-11-2014, 04:05 PM
No - it's not bad English Dark Angel, but 'the Devil is in the details'...

Are you saying that you already put in the new ones from Ecklers?

Did you test the leads to each front speaker? Your multimeter should show a voltage increase as the volume is turned up...

01-11-2014, 04:12 PM
DarkAngel as stated SCHRADE is right start with the basics make sure power is getting to the speakers/amps. As to your English it's better than my French lol and as SCHRADE stated we just want to make sure no details were lost in the translation.

If that checks out the radio brain behind the passenger seat on your 90 is the next logical suspect as stated by xlr8florida and Dr dons is the best choice for repair. GC

01-11-2014, 05:44 PM
1990 is different from 1991 thru 1996 - it sounds like they shipped the wrong part.

01-12-2014, 05:54 AM
when i had the car, the radio didn't work at all and it was the cdm that was not working
i've changed it and only the rear speakers works
the volume of the front speaker was between really low and nothing
but there was some noise; that's why i guess it could be the amplifier

i've ordered this part at ecklers

how does the part behind the passenger seat look like ?

01-12-2014, 01:10 PM
when i had the car, the radio didn't work at all and it was the cdm that was not working
i've changed it and only the rear speakers works
the volume of the front speaker was between really low and nothing
but there was some noise; that's why i guess it could be the amplifier

i've ordered this part at ecklers

how does the part behind the passenger seat look like ?

Dont forget about the Fade in the head unit. There may not be anything wrong with your speakers at all it may be in the head unit where there is little or no output to the front speakers.
I am about to rip an entire aftermarket stereo system out of my LPE. If you are interested I will give you one heck of a deal on everything.

01-12-2014, 03:37 PM

i have problems with my 2 front speaker on my '90 zr1
i don't have any sound from them :(

ive read that it might be the amplifier and i've ordered some new one from ecklers

ive changed them and had to do some welding because new and old connectivity are different
on old connectivity, the wire are welded directly on the motherboard and on the new it has some "pin" that can be plugged and unplugged

unfortunately after all of this, ive plugged them and i obtain a repetitive "tac tac tac" from them :cry:

do you have some idea on how to fix this ?

I would think the place to begin is with a few pictures of the area where you attached the wires. If you take these pictures we maybe able to determine by color of the wires if they are connected correctly.
Do you have a volt/ohm meter of any kind?

Notice this link shows info regarding the wiring on



01-12-2014, 08:01 PM
Before you start going crazy and buying equipment and parts plug your front speakers into your rear outlets and see if they work.

01-12-2014, 09:28 PM
Before you start going crazy and buying equipment and parts plug your front speakers into your rear outlets and see if they work.

great idea-seriously.

I do not own a 90 corvette so I don't exactly know what the wiring harnesses look like, but I heard they are compatible if you solder the wires from the original amplifiers.

01-13-2014, 05:52 AM
DarkAngel as stated SCHRADE is right start with the basics make sure power is getting to the speakers/amps. As to your English it's better than my French lol and as SCHRADE stated we just want to make sure no details were lost in the translation.

If that checks out the radio brain behind the passenger seat on your 90 is the next logical suspect as stated by xlr8florida and Dr dons is the best choice for repair. GC

the front surely has power because when i start the radio, it makes "tac, ... tac, ... tac" from the front speakers

cvette98pacecar; great idea
i didn't thought of that
i will try to put the front speaker in the back and the back in the front next we to see what's going on :)

01-13-2014, 09:43 AM
the front surely has power because when i start the radio, it makes "tac, ... tac, ... tac" from the front speakers

cvette98pacecar; great idea
i didn't thought of that
i will try to put the front speaker in the back and the back in the front next we to see what's going on :)

You do have some sort of power to the front but it may not be going where it should, thus the tac tac tac sound.

If your going to swap speakers rather than measure a few voltages then I'd
swap a single know good rear one to the front not the suspect front one to the rear since that is the one you modified.
You could avoid damaging the rear pre-amp depending on what the wiring error is (if there is one) in the front one.

01-18-2014, 04:07 PM
Thanks everyone for your help
i unmount the amplifier again and use this schema to see what's going on


as you said, the wire are differently on late 90 amplifier and early 90
the audio out and +12V are inverted

i've changed the wire and now it works ! :)

Thanks again =D>

01-20-2014, 04:47 PM

as you said, the wire are differently on late 90 amplifier and early 90
the audio out and +12V are inverted

i've changed the wire and now it works ! :)

Thanks again =D>

I'm very glad all worked out for you.
Now you can test the volume control that is connected to
the fuel peddle. The louder you want the music the more you need
to accelerate :-D

01-20-2014, 05:40 PM
What is this schematic?

There are no Right Channel grounds represented?

Is this the Bose Head Unit? There are 3 separate logic boards in the Bose Head Unit. Is this the Mainboard of the 3?

I have a partial Bose Head Unit Schematic here:

Thanks everyone for your help
i unmount the amplifier again and use this schema to see what's going on


as you said, the wire are differently on late 90 amplifier and early 90
the audio out and +12V are inverted

i've changed the wire and now it works ! :)

Thanks again =D>

01-20-2014, 11:28 PM
It is the speaker amp schematic.

01-21-2014, 12:26 AM
It is the speaker amp schematic.

Are the voice coils represented in it there Mike? Are there cross-overs represented for band filtering? Which symbol is it :confused: IS there even band filtering?

01-21-2014, 08:22 AM
The schematic isn't complete, but there is tuned L/C on the board- which is more or less tuned to the speaker size. You can't do anything with these except repair them. It's a lot more economical to go aftermarket if everything on the bose has gone bad (there's a tuner box separate or the head unit, then the 4 amps driving proprietary 1 ohm speakers).

As you have no doubt seen on other links to posts, the Nissan units are newer improved versions of the late c4 amps and are a dime-a-dozen and are a cheap way to keep the factory unit going if you like the oem look.

01-21-2014, 10:54 AM
The schematic isn't complete, but there is tuned L/C on the board- which is more or less tuned to the speaker size. You can't do anything with these except repair them. It's a lot more economical to go aftermarket if everything on the bose has gone bad (there's a tuner box separate or the head unit, then the 4 amps driving proprietary 1 ohm speakers).

As you have no doubt seen on other links to posts, the Nissan units are newer improved versions of the late c4 amps and are a dime-a-dozen and are a cheap way to keep the factory unit going if you like the oem look.

See Bose Speaker Amp Options TIPS (http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c4-zr-1-discussion/3005470-tech-info-lt5-modifications-rebuild-tricks-500-hp-3.html#post1581564115)

See Bose Speaker Amps (http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c4-zr-1-discussion/3005470-tech-info-lt5-modifications-rebuild-tricks-500-hp-7.html#post1585219757)

See Easiest way to remove/install Bose CDM (Control Data Module) (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?p=197844#post197844)