View Full Version : New C7 Performance Data Recorder

Bob Eyres
01-10-2014, 09:59 AM
Sorry for the non- ZR-1 content, but I just had to pass this along. Very cool.


01-10-2014, 10:23 AM
Sorry for the non- ZR-1 content, but I just had to pass this along. Very cool.


Hi Bob-- I agree--it is cool and should be of interest to ZR-1 owners. I posted this 3 days ago in General Discussions and in an instant it was moved to the Off Topic section. Frankly I think it should have stayed in the general area for a while as it is interesting and at some point there will be aftermakret versions of this. But we are moderated. --Bob

01-10-2014, 10:37 AM
Very cool indeed.!
I wonder if the data run can up pushed to FB with
one button :p

I noticed the accelerometer updates very slowly.
Room for improvement there if one wanted to see
where/when the apex is being hit.

Paul Workman
01-10-2014, 12:04 PM
As some may know already, apparently there are several new model cars (in the past few year models) that have data recorders - the "black box", if you will - already installed and running and recording the driving history i.e., speed, acceleration, etc, plus who knows what all.

This came to light a couple years ago when the wife of a friend of mine was in a car wreck - the details are not important, but the recorder was recovered and data from it was used as evidence.

Ya know that "On Star" option many new GM (maybe others too, in a fashion) have? The ability to control the car through it already exists. And, it isn't a big leap to law enforcement, for one example, to access the data record through the On Star (or the like) and even monitor it real time (and I read recently it may already is being done in some European countries...:neutral:)

Now...Where did I leave my tinfoil hat???

01-10-2014, 12:35 PM
This reminds me of my E-Z Pass. I keep telling the girls at E-Z Pass, the first time I get a ticket in the mail because of it, they'll find a big pile of them on their doorstep.
I hadn't thought of the On Star as a monitoring device.