View Full Version : Vac pump behind glove box

John Boothby
01-04-2014, 06:31 PM
What is the vac pump behind glove box? Looked in the FSM but didn't see anything. I imagine it has to do with the HVAC doors, but not sure.

With the key on, mine will come on for a few seconds then go off then come on again. Keeps repeating. Vac leak somewhere?


01-04-2014, 07:17 PM
Pretty sure that the pump you're hearing is the pump under the right headlight.

Depending on the cycling frequency, you probably do have a vacuum leak somewhere in the secondarys' vacuum system.

John Boothby
01-04-2014, 08:23 PM
No, it's not the secondary pump behind the headlight, it is definitly behind the firewall behind the glove box. I remember reading about it before, but I can't remember what it was for.

01-06-2014, 10:07 AM
Well????......what is it ;)

Are you or anyone checking out the Consumer Technology Trade Show in Las Vegas Jan 7-10, 2014? Consumer Technology Trade Show (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/photo/2014-01/06/c_133022453.htm)

01-06-2014, 11:12 AM
Maybe you're referring to the HVAC vac-to-temp door CONNECTOR?

This is for '90...


01-06-2014, 11:37 AM
That is some good stuff there Schrade. Thanks for
Photos :thumbsup:

01-06-2014, 11:59 AM
That is some good stuff there Schrade. Thanks for
Photos :thumbsup:

Sure thing!

JB has my curiousity tweaked here now (always is tho'). What's he referring to???

You got any snappics posted up, of that gizmo there Cliff? It whupped me on vac diagnostics. Where is Encyclopedia Dynomatica :mrgreen:

01-06-2014, 12:42 PM
Sure thing!

JB has my curiousity tweaked here now (always is tho'). What's he referring to???

You got any snappics posted up, of that gizmo there Cliff? It whupped me on vac diagnostics. Where is Encyclopedia Dynomatica :mrgreen:

Beyond my experience as I have had the evaporator on the other side of the fire wall all apart but not the HVAC stuff which is interesting there are not more issues with all those vacuum actuators ;)

I always was curious where that HVAC vacuum line connected to the passenger side Plenum went in addition to cruise control :D
I keep thinking I have to get me one of those manuals but then you take photos of everything I ever need :handshak:

John Boothby
01-06-2014, 02:20 PM
Maybe you're referring to the HVAC vac-to-temp door CONNECTOR?

This is for '90...


I think that is it. I remember reading something about it some years ago, but I guess I didn't look hard enough.

I just turned the key on and the secondary vac pump ran a couple seconds as usual and this HVAC pump ran maybe 30 seconds to a minute longer and went off. I listend for a couple more minutes and nothing, so I don't think I have a problem.

Thanks much for the reply!! This is what this forum is all about! Great to know someone will have the answer!!


01-06-2014, 02:55 PM
I think that is it. I remember reading something about it some years ago, but I guess I didn't look hard enough.

I just turned the key on and the secondary vac pump ran a couple seconds as usual and this HVAC pump ran maybe 30 seconds to a minute longer and went off. I listend for a couple more minutes and nothing, so I don't think I have a problem.

Thanks much for the reply!! This is what this forum is all about! Great to know someone will have the answer!!


I think if there's something running in there Mr B., then something might be wrong. I don't think it's a pump of any sort, is it? Anybody?

With some hesitation problem here of my own, and a rare blinking light on the A/C control (only happened twice @ re-assembly, and hasn't happened again), AND I wasn't able to confirm vacuum integrity in the HVAC vac supply line, I'm wanting to know a little more here too.

I did the diagnostic button-pushing in the A/C control head, and got no codes. But the light didn't blink for no reason.

Try yours, and see what you get.



John Boothby
01-06-2014, 03:36 PM
Just fired it up and checked the a/c controls and all functioned with no flashing. No noise behind the glove box either. I guess it was just a fluke. I don't know about you guys, but I am accutely attuned to any weird or new sounds or noises.

John Boothby
01-06-2014, 03:40 PM
Did the diagnostic test, No codes in the LCD either.

01-07-2014, 01:54 AM
man Schrade you are good. You seem always on top of things. Even though I am not having this problem, I am impressed. pics and all!

01-07-2014, 02:23 AM
man Schrade you are good. You seem always on top of things. Even though I am not having this problem, I am impressed. pics and all!

Thank you Schrade........you keep me busy linking in -Solutions- because I want to remember where those photos of the pages out of the manuals are. I may start another section in -Solutions- (Second Post) called MAINTENANCE MANUAL COPIES (SELECT PAGES) ..........Your fault :p :handshak:

I am checking back your various posts to capture those specific posts (and other posts of yours) where you show a photo of a page out of the Maintenance Manual :cheers:

May take a while but I will Get-R-Done .........the New Heading MAINTENANCE MANUAL COPIES (SELECT PAGES) is already in Post #2 of -Solutions- :D

Post 2. ZR1 General (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?p=148374)

Each Select Page will have a title appropriate for the content.

01-07-2014, 02:42 AM
I post up on it, cause I DON'T know it!

But that's the best way to LEARN it.

EncyCliffpedia Dynomitica is the info source tho' YuP!