View Full Version : The trouble with having daughters.

12-31-2013, 03:45 PM
My 15 year old daughter that is supposed to be the one that has her head on straight and is allowed to have her own Visa credit card just lost her damn mind over this boy band called one direction that I've never even heard of. They just bought 21 magazines that cost $89 from from the grocery store. I threw a fit. And my wife made them take them all back. I said Heather if your this nuts over Harry Styles who you will never even meet how are you going to be when you have a crush on a boy at school that breaks up with you? OMG! Is my A+ National Junior honor society daughter that has the brightest future going to fall apart?
I wondered what my father meant when he was here on vacation last summer and said "I don't envy you son" Your going to have your hands full with those two girls lol! It's already happening dad.:o

12-31-2013, 04:11 PM
Kids! It's always something. Mine are all college graduated, married and living on their own. Oh thank God! Sounds like you're a parent and not a best friend. Congratulations.

12-31-2013, 05:39 PM
Well I have a 25 year old who we thought was the one that had her head on straight. Mom and her don't talk at all, I barely do and just for important things. She has a college degree, a good job, and I assume she keeps her bills paid. But we aren't fond of the fiance, and the DRAMA.... Not to mention the thousands and thousands of $ we have lost from several things too much to go into, and all the lies we have gotten. It just isn't worth it. Easier to disassociate from the mess then to have the constant stress and drama... SO - I hope that your daughters end up respecting you as a parent - and turn out well!

And BTW I don't know who "One Direction" is either but they just sold out a show in a 60,000 + domed NFL stadium here so there must be something to it...:p

01-01-2014, 02:07 PM
I wondered what my father meant when he was here on vacation last summer and said "I don't envy you son" Your going to have your hands full with those two girls lol! It's already happening dad.:o

nuff said.

01-01-2014, 03:08 PM
When cell phones were somewhat new in 2005 and there were no text free plans talk to me about my $1700.00 verizon bill for my sons phone. Mostly overcharges beyond the limits. Of course Verizon had little sympathy

01-01-2014, 11:06 PM
When cell phones were somewhat new in 2005 and there were no text free plans talk to me about my $1700.00 verizon bill for my sons phone. Mostly overcharges beyond the limits. Of course Verizon had little sympathy Oooww! That's rough right there. I don't have the going over minutes thing happening but I have busted my youngest daughter texting an older boy things that a 13 year old shouldn't even know about. I told her if I ever catch her doing that again that I'll take her I-phone and smash it to pieces and the only way she will be able to communicate is with pigeons. So I set here phone up so that everything she texts comes right to me and her mothers phone. I told her please don't give me a reason not to trust you. She knows I'm not playing around either. So far so good. Like I said I'm already dealing with it.:neutral:

01-02-2014, 01:07 PM
Oooww! That's rough right there. I don't have the going over minutes thing happening but I have busted my youngest daughter texting an older boy things that a 13 year old shouldn't even know about. I told her if I ever catch her doing that again that I'll take her I-phone and smash it to pieces and the only way she will be able to communicate is with pigeons. So I set here phone up so that everything she texts comes right to me and her mothers phone. I told her please don't give me a reason not to trust you. She knows I'm not playing around either. So far so good. Like I said I'm already dealing with it.:neutral:

Protect your daughter, 3 words your Daughter needs in her medical charts. Gardasil/birth control.
A 13 year old boy just knocked up an 11 year old I heard just a few days ago.
Dont be naive, being embarrassed is not worth your kid getting HPV(the most common STI) or that other thing you dont want to hear about, "Dad, I'm pregnant."
I'm a Nurse, get it done. If she is texting boys about it, she is thinking about it.
We are talking about your little girl and Cancer and other diseases. Gardasil immunizes her/him
If you've got boys, get them done as well. 11 and 12 is now the recommended age, wanna know why? It's because thats when our kids are having sex of all forms and research shows they aren't using protection. Nobody dies of AIDS/HIV anymore, so they figure, what the heck.


Dont be mad, dont be confrontational, she'll just go down to the corner store and get a throw away phone.
Chastity belts dont sound so extreme now do they?

01-02-2014, 01:29 PM

I'm like Steve. My daughter is the eldest and she got married in July. Great guy.
Son has a very good situation here in Silicone Valley with a fine woman.
My advice, if I could, is don't try to hide it from them. Take control and you be the one that introduces the issues about life to them. They're more savvy than you may give them credit for and they listen more than you think. Don't let someone else do it and believe me someone else will. Maybe uncomfortable but
alternative is much more than uncomfortable. My $.02.
Oh and La Famiglia is very important.

01-02-2014, 01:34 PM
My wife is an RN also and says she wants to get them on the pill and prepare for it just in case. I think I agree.

01-03-2014, 09:37 AM
Rick, don't even talk to me about One Direction, OMG! I think my 14 yr old daughter is paying their weekly check. They are better than the Beatles ya know! LOL