View Full Version : Carbon Fiber top group buy.

12-29-2013, 05:13 PM
I Have contacted Pat Corzetti with American hydrocarbon, he is going to become a certified vendor. Our first group buy is going to be on his current product line.
Now if you guys do not know Carbon fiber roof panels can be made in various colors. I myself am going to buy two. A black roof panel for the LPE and a White roof panel for the Shinoda.
If you are interested in any products please add which products you would buy during the group buy.
I am sure discounts will be based on quantity sold.


Blue Flame Restorations
12-29-2013, 11:32 PM

I definitely like this one. What is the group buy price or is that to be determined?

12-30-2013, 05:04 AM

I definitely like this one. What is the group buy price or is that to be determined?

I am waiting to see what we have for orders. I am guessing in the ballpark of 15% to 20% Off.

Paul Workman
12-30-2013, 09:28 AM
Pencil me in for a black one, pending info.

Robert, in your initial conversations, do we know if these tops are at all translucent or totally opaque?

12-30-2013, 11:40 AM
Paul opaque. I own one. From the same vendor

12-30-2013, 12:01 PM
Hoods would be nice ...

12-30-2013, 01:24 PM
Good news gentleman I just got a text from Pat with American hydrocarbons
The discount is going to be 20 percent across the board.
For everybody that buys a top I would like to get Darryl some of his money back seeing as how he started this venture.

12-30-2013, 04:35 PM
For everybody that buys a top I would like to get Darryl some of his money back seeing as how he started this venture.


12-30-2013, 05:42 PM
Pats a real nice guy. If anybody has any questions give me a pm. It's nice to support a company in the US and this is their first venture into real Carbon Fiber. All my interior stuff was done overseas. It looks great and I'm happy with that product as well but just saying....

The weight reduction is significant. I suggest ordering the whole top so you don't have any Lee drama with UPS or FeDEX shipping of your pristine top.

01-01-2014, 05:24 PM
I am going to talk to Pat tomorrow, Craig and Mike are the only two participants that may be able to use their tops in the next three months. Give me an Idea of when you will need you top. That way I can set up the order so the members that can use their top will get them sooner than us in the Upper Midwest where it is in the single digits outside.

01-01-2014, 06:59 PM

Thanks. I'm on the fence to give up my painted top and also thinking about the cost to ship and return from here (Japan). Not sure I can do it via USPS, but will check. I am leaning more towards just buying a complete top, but also too many things to store. I wanted to also paint the B pillar black too, but still on the fence with that too. I have to ship my car to Hawaii soon so it really depends on the timeframe; my household goods will be shipped in Feb. Let me think about this and see what shipping costs.

01-01-2014, 07:07 PM

Thanks. I'm on the fence to give up my painted top and also thinking about the cost to ship and return from here (Japan). Not sure I can do it via USPS, but will check. I am leaning more towards just buying a complete top, but also too many things to store. I wanted to also paint the B pillar black too, but still on the fence with that too. I have to ship my car to Hawaii soon so it really depends on the timeframe; my household goods will be shipped in Feb. Let me think about this and see what shipping costs.

Craig, for the cost of the complete top it would be in all of our members best interest to keep the current top and get a complete top. I am sure Pat does not keep these in stock and they would have to built one at a time.

01-01-2014, 07:09 PM
Craig, for the cost of the complete top it would be in all of our members best interest to keep the current top and get a complete top. I am sure Pat does not keep these in stock and they would have to built one at a time.

He bought a few spares off of Corvette Forum. Ordering a whole top is the only WTG Craig :cheers:

01-01-2014, 10:26 PM
Okay, I misunderstood taking a quick look at the post while at work. I did not want to send in my original so that is good news. Not that I care about retaining value since I'm way far past that on my car. It depends on what the final costs ends up. Hopefully more folks will jump in on it to bring the cost down. Thanks again!

01-02-2014, 03:13 AM
Has the cost of the black top without trading in the old top been determined? Also is there a deadline to this group buy? How would I find out what the shipping cost to Hawaii be? I'm also afraid of the new top not surviving the shipping without damage.

01-02-2014, 09:06 AM
I am going to talk to Pat tomorrow, Craig and Mike are the only two participants that may be able to use their tops in the next three months. Give me an Idea of when you will need you top. That way I can set up the order so the members that can use their top will get them sooner than us in the Upper Midwest where it is in the single digits outside.

I don't mind deferring mine. In fact, I'd like to see a "colored top" before confirming mine since my idea was to order in red to somewhat match the car. Having looked more closely at Darryll's close-up picture, I am wondering if that much red and black contrast on the roof is going to work or not. Robert, I believe you said you are ordering one in white, correct? If so, I wouldn't mind seeing it to help with visualizing what the red might look like. I looked on Pat's site, but I didn't see any pics of the colored version to work from.


01-02-2014, 01:15 PM
I have two glass tops and no hard top. would he take a trade or give me credit or use one of my glass tops to make a carbon fiber one? I dont need or want two glass tops and I dont want to buy another top just to have 3 of them. I have a bronze and a blue glass top in excellent condition. I am going to be keeping the blue so would be interested in trading the bronze top currently on my zr1. Let me know what the options are. I am not interested in paying 1k just to have a 3rd top. thanks, ed ramos #3028

01-02-2014, 01:26 PM
I don't mind deferring mine. In fact, I'd like to see a "colored top" before confirming mine since my idea was to order in red to somewhat match the car. Having looked more closely at Darryll's close-up picture, I am wondering if that much red and black contrast on the roof is going to work or not. Robert, I believe you said you are ordering one in white, correct? If so, I wouldn't mind seeing it to help with visualizing what the red might look like. I looked on Pat's site, but I didn't see any pics of the colored version to work from.


Here is a link to the various colors of carbon fiber.

I have two glass tops and no hard top. would he take a trade or give me credit or use one of my glass tops to make a carbon fiber one? I dont need or want two glass tops and I dont want to buy another top just to have 3 of them. I have a bronze and a blue glass top in excellent condition. I am going to be keeping the blue so would be interested in trading the bronze top currently on my zr1. Let me know what the options are. I am not interested in paying 1k just to have a 3rd top. thanks, ed ramos #3028

I do not think Pat is interested in a trade, I would suggest selling the Bronze top and purchasing the carbon fiber top.

01-02-2014, 01:40 PM
ok. I will see what happens. thanks for the quick reply. edramos #3028

01-04-2014, 07:20 PM
Hey Robert,

Sorry, I might be bowing out of this deal after some consideration. I'm waiting to find the actual weight difference as my only factor and so far it says 3-5 pounds lighter. I decided that I only want a black painted and not going for the cool factor of carbon look as I don't think it will match what I have intended for paint/color scheme. If the weight savings is not substantial enough for the cost I will just paint my stock top. Thanks for putting this together to save the group some funds and lose some weight at the same time.

01-04-2014, 07:28 PM
If everyone wants to give me their mailing address and Zip code I can give Pat a call and see what the cost is per top.