View Full Version : Mary Barra - NEW GM CEO

12-10-2013, 12:51 PM
She sounds like a great choice. She is also a graduate of my alma mater, Kettering University(formerly GMI). Women attaining significant positions like CEO of GM and Janet Yellen Chair of the Fed.


12-10-2013, 04:15 PM
30+ years in the same culture that produced utter rubbish for 30+ of them, not a fan

12-10-2013, 04:33 PM
30+ years in the same culture that produced utter rubbish for 30+ of them, not a fan


12-10-2013, 06:48 PM
Eyes will be on her for sure.

Time will tell how it turns out for her.

Sure would be nice if GM paid us taxpayers back the 10.5 Billion it cost us to save them.


In 2011, Treasury closed the books on its $12.5-billion bailout of Chrysler and took about a $1.3-billion loss.

12-10-2013, 08:39 PM
She announced today that the corvette would be moved to a 2.2 liter 4 cylinder engine with a pink color option.

Seriously she owns a Corvette so can't be all that bad....said she likes fast and powerful cars...she grew up in the auto industry as I understand it.....

12-10-2013, 09:06 PM
Eyes will be on her for sure.

Time will tell how it turns out for her.

Sure would be nice if GM paid us taxpayers back the 10.5 Billion it cost us to save them.


In 2011, Treasury closed the books on its $12.5-billion bailout of Chrysler and took about a $1.3-billion loss.

Failure of the auto industry would have been catastrophic and supercharged an already disastrous spiraling of the economy. 1.3billion is 23times LESS than what the most recent Republican shutdown of the government cost the economy.
Haven't heard much about that cost.

From AutoBlog:
GM, Chrysler bailouts saved 2.6 million jobs
Posted Dec 10, 2013 by Damon Lowney

The Center for Automotive Research (CAR) has been studying the effects of the General Motors and Chrysler bailouts in 2009. Now that the US Treasury has officially sold off the rest of its stake in GM (and Chrysler has already paid back its loan), CAR has released its study on the effects of the bailout with this concluding note: "CAR is confident that in the years ahead, this peacetime intervention in the private sector by the US government will be seen as one of the most successful in US economic history."

Big words, for sure, but there's plenty of evidence to back up the claim. Bailing out GM alone saved 1.2-million jobs. If both GM and Chrysler hadn't been bailed out, US employment would have been reduced by 2.631-million jobs in 2009 and another 1.519-million jobs in 2010, according to the study. If both automakers were allowed to fail, personal income in the US would have decreased by $173.5 billion in 2009 and $110.9 billion in 2010. Instead, the study found that $284.4 billion of personal income was saved by the bailouts.

The Federal government's budget would have been affected due to higher transfer payments, lower social security receipts and lower personal income taxes paid, according to the study, which would have cost the Fed $64.7 billion in 2009 and $40.6 billion in 2010. That's much more money than what the government spent on GM's bailout ($49.5 billion) and Chrysler's bailout ($12.5 billion). It's also much less than the the US Treasury's loss of about $10 billion on GM's bailout. The US Treasury lost $1.9 billion on Chrysler's bailout.

If the numbers seem high, it's because the auto industry is linked at many levels, and the survival of parts suppliers (and their employees' jobs) largely is dependent on the survival of US automakers. For example, the study found that 51 percent of GM's parts suppliers also sell parts to Ford, 56 percent to Chrysler, 58 percent to Asian automakers and 37 percent to European automakers. A failure of virtually any major US automaker would have severe consequences in the global automotive industry.

12-11-2013, 03:17 AM
Eyes will be on her for sure.

Time will tell how it turns out for her.

Sure would be nice if GM paid us taxpayers back the 10.5 Billion it cost us to save them.


In 2011, Treasury closed the books on its $12.5-billion bailout of Chrysler and took about a $1.3-billion loss.

$10.5 billion? Uhh,it's just a little more than that,folks.
http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_1_5/1566548_Treasury_Out_Of_GM_For__10_5_Billion_Loss_ _Claims_768__ROI_.html

Mystic ZR-1
12-11-2013, 09:51 AM
Maybe Mary can pry our dyno sheets loose?

12-11-2013, 10:57 AM
Failure of the auto industry would have been catastrophic and supercharged an already disastrous spiraling of the economy. 1.3billion is 23times LESS than what the most recent Republican shutdown of the government cost the economy.
Haven't heard much about that cost.

Republican shutdown......Typical lib. answer. Just like Mary is a feather in the Potus's cap.

Personally I hope she does GM very well . And also get's the governments hands out of GM.

12-11-2013, 11:10 AM
$10.5 billion? Uhh,it's just a little more than that,folks.
http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_1_5/1566548_Treasury_Out_Of_GM_For__10_5_Billion_Loss_ _Claims_768__ROI_.html

I would not disagree - but using the math of 10.5B for GM and 1.3 for Mopar = 11.8B total divided by 330M (US population - not even all are taxpayers) = 35.73M per person.

Double check the math 35.75M x 330M = 11.797B

I am sure every American had 36 Million around to give to save the Auto Industry. - after all we are never going to repay it and the FED's just print it up anyway and no one ever expects it to be payed back - right?

Want to know why we will never pay off the National Debt and why it will only keep getting larger?

See > http://youtu.be/iFDe5kUUyT0

If you watch this one vid it will explain it all to you!
Be sure to pass it along to all your friends.
This is the best single vid I have found to explain our real financial problems.

The 16-day government shutdown took a $24 billion chunk out of the U.S. economy, according to an initial analysis from Standard & Poor's.

12-11-2013, 12:57 PM
Is anyone here going to seriously suggest that helping the auto industry was the wrong thing to do? If you are, then please layout the scenario that would have been more optimal than the one that was played out.

12-11-2013, 01:06 PM
Dom, not that I have a better solution, but I'm a small business owner. If I mismanaged myself out of business, ain't nobody gonna' come bail me out.

12-11-2013, 02:31 PM
Is anyone here going to seriously suggest that helping the auto industry was the wrong thing to do? If you are, then please layout the scenario that would have been more optimal than the one that was played out.

Dom I was actually supporting your argument that the shutdown cost more than the auto bailout.

But the main point I was making was our government is in a free fall as far as spending goes and both the Pubs and the Dems are guilty of it.

That is why I posted the link on the trap we are all in with the Fed Reserve on the national debt and how it can never be resolved.

Did you watch the 30 min vid? It is a true eyeopener IMO.

Mystic ZR-1
12-11-2013, 02:55 PM
Bailout...shutdown... Republicans.... Democrats....
Blah blah blah blah.
It's all BS!
ALL politicians are s---heads.
The important thing here is maybe the new management could
release our dyno sheets!!!!!

12-11-2013, 03:42 PM
Dom, not that I have a better solution, but I'm a small business owner. If I mismanaged myself out of business, ain't nobody gonna' come bail me out.

Me also.....nobody gonna' bail me out either :handshak:

12-11-2013, 03:43 PM
If all you care about is Dyno Sheets - I feel sorry for you!

You should care about the USA and its future.

I can understand why many are upset and figure it doesn't make a difference anymore.

But in reality it is more important now that ever and your vote is important as is paying attention to current issues.

Those who don't vote do not have the right to bitch -- and that my ZR-1 brother is what you just did by calling a pols s---heads. Now maybe you do vote so then you have the right to your opinion you stated.

Food for thought -- http://gatton.uky.edu/faculty/bollinger/Rants/Voting.pdf

Some of the info from the above document link

I would like to start by castigating all people who are of legal age and eligible to vote but don’t. If you don’t vote you are selling yourself, our country, and its ideals short. Yes, I know that your vote specifically isn’t likely to change anything. However, your vote counts (well, usually, perhaps not inFL). In the aggregate it is important. Keep in mind, that your vote is only 1 in many, just like your job is only 1 of many. Just like the taxes that you pay are small compared to the whole country. Should leaders ignore your job? Your family? If you don’t vote, you are giving them carte blanche to do just that. If you examine the voter turn out what you see is that white, older (read wealthier) males tend to be the voters. In 2000, only 18% of 22-25 year olds voted, while 56% of 44-65 year olds voted. Look at the policies that came out of the current administration: they favor people who are older. Indeed with 61% of the over 65 crowd voting (good for you!) it’s no surprise that we see Medicare and prescription drug reform. You can easily extend this analysis to any group you want. Voting means power and when you don’t vote, you give up power. It’s also easy to complain that “you don’t like either candidate.” Believe me, I’m sympathetic. But I bet you didn’t vote in the primary either (I did, my guy lost, where were all you to help me?). Primary elections are dismal failures. The primary is actually much more important than the main election, given the two party system. (If we had a system like Great Britain, this would work better).

I also want to castigate the leaders of the political parties and the politicians themselves. How lame are you that you can’t get 50% of the people to vote? How un-inspiring are the current leaders if most people are not even bothering with the whole thing? While one interpretation is that “things are great, I don’t feel a need to vote,” the opinion polls betray this hope asfalse. People don’t vote because they think the system is bad. People don’t vote because they don’t like any of the candidates. People don’t vote because the whole thing is such a mess and no matter who wins, it will just get worse.

If you want the US to be a strong leader for Democracy and Freedom: Elect people who will do that. Start with the Primaries. Cast your vote there. If you didn’t, you may have to pick between two unsatisfactory candidates in November. But pick anyway. Your vote, ultimately will count. The leaders simply want to be re-elected. They look at who votes and design policies that make those people happy. Often on the shoulders of the groups that don’t vote: the young, the poor the minorities. It’s not fair, but it’s not entirely their fault. You didn’t vote, you didn’t care: Why should they care?

12-11-2013, 04:46 PM
I believe our system works when run as designed. It was designed that the people participate. You participate by voting.
Lets talk about cars.

Mystic ZR-1
12-11-2013, 05:19 PM
This a website about cars, ZR-1s in particular.
Let's keep it that way,...

12-11-2013, 05:33 PM
i think it's cute that people still think their vote counts

12-11-2013, 05:55 PM
Dom, not that I have a better solution, but I'm a small business owner. If I mismanaged myself out of business, ain't nobody gonna' come bail me out.


Completely agree. It should work that way, not that I want you to go out of business. The term is "too big to fail". And the auto industry was and still is small potatoes compared to the banks. I am not a proponent of bailing these people out. Unfortunately, too much consolidation ends up putting a gun to our heads. These people can screw up w impunity thinking that we have no choice since they would take us down w them.

12-11-2013, 05:59 PM
Dom I was actually supporting your argument that the shutdown cost more than the auto bailout.

But the main point I was making was our government is in a free fall as far as spending goes and both the Pubs and the Dems are guilty of it.

That is why I posted the link on the trap we are all in with the Fed Reserve on the national debt and how it can never be resolved.

Did you watch the 30 min vid? It is a true eyeopener IMO.

Got it. Thanks Brian. I think more people are coming around to the fact that we can't have the level of power and wealth concentration that we have.
It creates a situation where we and our economy are held hostage.

12-11-2013, 05:59 PM
Are they really too big to fail? If I don't buy a Chevy, I buy a Ford. Hole in that theory, I might by a Hyundai.

12-11-2013, 06:09 PM
Are they really too big to fail? If I don't buy a Chevy, I buy a Ford. Hole in that theory, I might by a Hyundai.


Alan Mullaly went to Congress to urge for the loan even though Ford was not involved. Without the leverage of a GM and Chrysler, Ford's unit costs would have escalated. All the OEMs (including the European and Asians) use many of the same Tier 1 suppliers and on down the line. Lose that many units and it cascades from there. Highly interconnected and interdependent. And then there are the dealerships that affect the economy throughout the country. At least the auto manufacturers MAKE something. Banks just shuffle paper.

12-11-2013, 06:16 PM
Yes but- I'm still going to buy a new car, so it's still going to get manufactured.
And yes, at least they make something other than money.

12-11-2013, 06:47 PM
This a website about cars, ZR-1s in particular.
Let's keep it that way,...

You are in the "Off Topic" section. This is where we post about all kinds of subject matter.

You will never see me post these type of comments in the specific topic sections.

As a general rule we did all agree to not discuss specific political and religious topics on the site. One could argue that voting is political but to me it is just a duty that all good Americans do and that was my point.

Nuff said on this matter. Time to wax the Z now.

Mystic ZR-1
12-11-2013, 07:02 PM
Sounds like a plan!!!!
It would still be nice to have those dyno sheets though! :handshak:

12-11-2013, 08:50 PM
You are in the "Off Topic" section. This is where we post about all kinds of subject matter.

You will never see me post these type of comments in the specific topic sections.

As a general rule we did all agree to not discuss specific political and religious topics on the site. One could argue that voting is political but to me it is just a duty that all good Americans do and that was my point.

Nuff said on this matter. Time to wax the Z now.


I completely agree w the responsibility of every citizen to vote. In Australia, they assess a fine if you don't. Their voting participation is 98%.
Elections have consequences.

12-11-2013, 11:23 PM
I would not disagree - but using the math of 10.5B for GM and 1.3 for Mopar = 11.8B total divided by 330M (US population - not even all are taxpayers) = 35.73M per person.

Double check the math 35.75M x 330M = 11.797B


I think you are a few zero's off.
11.8B = $11,800,000,000
330M = $330,000,000

$11,800,000,000/$330,000,000= $35.75/per person

12-12-2013, 07:22 AM

I completely agree w the responsibility of every citizen to vote. In Australia, they assess a fine if you don't. Their voting participation is 98%.
Elections have consequences.

I'll vote for that!!

12-12-2013, 10:37 AM

I think you are a few zero's off.
11.8B = $11,800,000,000
330M = $330,000,000

$11,800,000,000/$330,000,000= $35.75/per person

Yep I sure blew that calculation Jerry! I used 11.8/0.33 and got the right answer but I made the mistake thinking it was 35 Million duh.

But I would say only one in five are actual tax payers in the US so about $189 per actual tax payer in the US.

And one could add the shutdown cost around $400 per taxpayer.

I guess we know why taxes are so high these days when you have events like this going on!

John Boothby
12-12-2013, 04:27 PM
i think it's cute that people still think their vote counts

I vote! I have voted in every election I have been eligible to vote in since I turned 18 (while serving in the US ARMY) As a veteran (Vietnam), I feel that it is a moral obligation for citizens of this country to vote to honor those who have shed blood for that right!! Period!! Whether it counts or not, it is my RIGHT and I excersize it!!

Since the draft has ended, there are a sh..load of young people out there who havn't even shed one drop of sweat for this country!

12-12-2013, 10:12 PM
I vote! I have voted in every election I have been eligible to vote in since I turned 18 (while serving in the US ARMY) As a veteran (Vietnam), I feel that it is a moral obligation for citizens of this country to vote to honor those who have shed blood for that right!! Period!! Whether it counts or not, it is my RIGHT and I excersize it!!

Since the draft has ended, there are a sh..load of young people out there who havn't even shed one drop of sweat for this country!

Hear, hear!!

Couldn't have said it better. I am the same as you John except I am a US Marine Corps Vietnam veteran.

Whether one believes his vote counts or not, it is their right and a lot of good people have died and been horrifically wounded to protect the rights of US citizens, so I think the least one can do is get off their *** and vote out of respect for them, if for no other reason.

12-12-2013, 10:22 PM
I vote! I have voted in every election I have been eligible to vote in since I turned 18 (while serving in the US ARMY) As a veteran (Vietnam), I feel that it is a moral obligation for citizens of this country to vote to honor those who have shed blood for that right!! Period!! Whether it counts or not, it is my RIGHT and I excersize it!!

Since the draft has ended, there are a sh..load of young people out there who havn't even shed one drop of sweat for this country!

glad to see where I've been grouped in your opinion....

12-12-2013, 10:26 PM
and also, holy **** did we get off topic