View Full Version : INFL RST light came on today in the rain , seat belt light too ---

11-20-2013, 03:26 PM
I had to drive my car in the rain today for about 10 miles , it was raining when I got in the car.

The "INFL RST" light came on about 3 minutes into my ride sitting at a red light. ( I hope that is spelled right, but I know you guys know what I mean ).

I noticed the SEATBELT light was on too , even though my belt was installed.

I guess that would make sense if INFL RST means what I think it means ... and has something to do with the airbag? (telling me to use my belt because its my only protection ) . There was no chimes/bells or anything.

I turned off the car when I got home, let it sit 15 seconds and restarted it. The INFL RST light came on, turned off for 1/2 a second and then relit and stayed lit, the seatbelt light was on again too. I turned it off for 45 seconds, locked/unlocked the doors and restarted it. Same issue. I have clicked and unclicked my belt a few times also, with no luck.

What can you tell me about this situation? Is there a way to disable the airbag and clear the code? Will I have to go to the dealer to get this fixed correctly ... and will they even have the part I need?

This may not be related to the rain, but the car never has issues and it did today ... it happened to be raining.

ONE OTHER THING, I HAD MY SOLAR "BATTERY TENDER" MAINTAINER plugged in, and this is the first time I drove it still installed. I drove my Viper like that no issues before , and the Tender Manual says its ok to do that. Not sure if this is related, but figured I should mention it.

I searched for INFL RST with no results , so I may be off on that.

Thanks Everyone for the help! :flag2: ---

11-20-2013, 03:43 PM
OK I searched just for INFL and found some info.

I guess I have some corrosion on one of the body sensors or a bad sensor. People were talking code 16 ... how do you find out what code number you are throwing?

I have a tech 1 but have no clue how to use it , and the jumper paperclip thing didn't seem too confusing ( just time it right ).

If its just from the humidity in the air will it go out next time I start it on a warm sunny day , or am I forced to clear a code now?

Do you think the Battery Maintainer being plugged in had anything to do with it?

I see it IS the cause of my seat belt light too :) ---

11-20-2013, 03:49 PM
For some reason I think I have seen this light stay on for about 5-10 seconds longer than the others before and then turn off ... is this possible?

I may be thinking of the service ride control light from warming up the car and not driving it though ---

11-20-2013, 04:30 PM
When you have an SIR fault yes both lights are "steady on" - it's generally assumed that depending on the side that's at fault cleaning, sanding and sealing will allow you to clear the codes. The lights "most likely" (should NOT) go away until the codes are cleared. I'm sure you've an FSM so I'll leave you to research it. The procedure to clear can be a damn nuisance and I'm sure someone will mention "how they do it" - there's no procedure that doesn't come without aggravation unless you're just plain "lucky"! The code will indicate the side.

In the rain - yep that pretty much indicates your situation.

For a '90 only this TSB applies - I believe it's in the ZR-1 information but this link is one I've always remembered:

http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/kb/questions/255/1990%3A+Service+Bulletin%3A+SIR+Diagnostics+and+Pr ocedures+to+Prevent+Codes+16+and+26+Due+to+Corrosi on+Revised#.Uo0qLXAo41I

Tech1 information is included.

11-20-2013, 04:43 PM
How do I tell which code I am throwing? I have never had a code in the car since I purchased it.

Thanks for the GREAT link.

I just cant seem to grasp these codes you guys use yet LOL .

I am guessing SIR is the body code, FSM is a service manual, and TSB is a service bulletin. ---

11-20-2013, 05:09 PM
How do I tell which code I am throwing? I have never had a code in the car since I purchased it.

Thanks for the GREAT link.

I just cant seem to grasp these codes you guys use yet LOL .

I am guessing SIR is the body code, FSM is a service manual, and TSB is a service bulletin. ---

SIR - Supplemental Inflatable Restraint

You've got FSM and TSB -

sorry for the size of the for doing an Ohm check of the sensors but I've got a hard-drive out of my machine right now and it's the best I can do. The harness for the sensors if you need to access them is very easy in side the car. I'll try to get you some better snap-shots. Then you could actually remove the sensors and clean on "the bench"


You do NOT need to drop the lower dash hush panels to access and disconnect or do the diagnostic checks of the sensors. The left side is maybe 6 - 8 inches from the left side "kick-panel" and is in a "yellow sheath"- the connector is a "barrel type" 5/8" in diameter. The right side is maybe 14 - 16 inches from the right "kick-panel" towards the console. You may just need to reach under the front edge of the carpet to get a hold of it. Again it's in a "yellow sheath"!

Here's a good read for you:


11-20-2013, 06:08 PM
Now THAT was good stuff! You make me feel like I can do this , thank you for your patience! :)

Are the abbreviations you use "stickied" somewhere? I would like to learn them so I can communicate with you all better, thanks again! ---

11-20-2013, 07:18 PM
Ive read about both lights being on, however that was not the case with my car.

Only the INFL REST light came on and it was throwing a code 26 which is the passenger side sensor.

I removed the rocker panel, side panel, inner fender, and looked under the coolant tank. There is the sensor with a yellow group of wires coming out the back side. There are two bolts, a 10mm in the front ( piece of cake ) to remove. Then the rear is a 13mm ( piece of $hip ) to remove, it can be done.

Once it was loose i removed it and polished the frame where it mounts with scotch bright. Coated the frame and the back of the sensor with di- electric grease. Put the bolts back in, and cleared the code. No more light.

I went ahead and did the other side the same way really only have to remove the battery and cover and it was right there.

11-20-2013, 08:44 PM
Whats the difference between the 5 and 6 codes ( 15/16 being driver and 25/26 being passenger )?

I hope mine is on the driver side LOL ... for some reason I cant picture all those pieces you had to remove from the passenger side. Im sure if I looked I could point them out though.

Thanks! Makes me feel a lot better. I was reading that the 90' was the only year they forgot the di-electric grease and that's what causes all the corrosion issues.

Did anyone put the lock washers on at the mounting points? ---

11-20-2013, 09:18 PM
Did anyone put the lock washers on at the mounting points? ---

No need for lock washers.

11-20-2013, 09:37 PM
OK, thanks!

That's just what the Service Bulletin called for ---

11-20-2013, 10:34 PM
No need for lock washers.

Yup - probably better to NOT use lock washers - more contact area for corrosion to develop...

11-29-2013, 12:52 PM
Ive read about both lights being on, however that was not the case with my car.

Only the INFL REST light came on and it was throwing a code 26 which is the passenger side sensor.

Im going to bet the seat belt light for the driver comes on when its the driver side sensor since the driver side bag would be going off on a Left side collision?


I have the GM 88-92 Body Systems # TK03040 ... but the Service Bulletin says to use 91 Body Systems # TK04040 ... will my cartridge still work since it has the 91 in it? It just says don't use a 90 only cartridge?

Thanks guys! ---

11-29-2013, 03:40 PM
I would guess that cartridge has info for all years. it will ask you the year and VIN to lock in the specific addressing and features for your particular year. (if it works). I have one cartridge that is fubar and won't boot, for instance.

11-29-2013, 03:59 PM
OK , thanks Mike ... now to get all the cords I need to get this damn thing to work.

I am getting really frustrated and ready to just sell it and have the dealer start doing the work on my car ---

11-30-2013, 11:16 AM
hang in there. I am in the same boat as you being a new owner. I am learning the acronyms as you are. confusing. I have been lucky so far I have had no codes. I just learned about the tech 1a scanner. I will be looking to get one later. seems that the obd1 on these cars are a pain in the butt. the c5 is much easier and forgiving. easy to pull and clear codes.. I am currently trying to piece together my cars history. apparently it was unregistered for over 12 years?? news to me. Good luck on your z. edramos.

11-30-2013, 06:29 PM
Thanks Edramos!

I think I have the hook up on a cord , BUT I need someone to verify for SURE that I am looking at the right number cord.

I don't want to buy the wrong one AGAIN , and have all this crap I don't need sitting around that's hard to re-sell :) ---

04-01-2014, 01:15 PM
I have found two replacement sensors while searching.

Both are part number 10177901 .

One is yellow and one is black ... the black one has a longer cord , and says FORWARD with an arrow away from the cord, the yellow says FORWARD with an arrow towards the cord.

Is one for the passenger and one for the driver side?

Also, they all say years different than 1990 with the same part number ... is 90 different than the 91-95's?

Thanks! ---

04-01-2014, 01:23 PM
I have found two replacement sensors while searching.

Both are part number 10177901 .

One is yellow and one is black ... the black one has a longer cord , and says FORWARD with an arrow away from the cord, the yellow says FORWARD with an arrow towards the cord.

Is one for the passenger and one for the driver side?

Also, they all say years different than 1990 with the same part number ... is 90 different than the 91-95's?

Thanks! ---

the MY 90 is a one year only in so many ways. Yes I beleive the sensors are different. I know for certian the DERM and the Airbag are a one year only

04-01-2014, 02:00 PM
OK I searched just for INFL and found some info.

I guess I have some corrosion on one of the body sensors or a bad sensor. People were talking code 16 ... how do you find out what code number you are throwing?


Well I went to look for the INFL REST fix that I came up with about a decade ago on the Club "Technet" page and its all gone along with about a dozen other fixes and what use to be called "How To" projects I did. This has happened in this last week. You can still see the entries for them (in the link below) but the content no longer comes up. This may be a systematic purge or something ??????

As for lock washers? YES absolutely use them.
They have not only better holding characteristics BUT
also improve conduction and lower the effects of corrosion
on resistance. Combined with using dielectric grease you can say
goodbye to having SIR (INFL REST) problems.

It is a well known and understood issue. (well use to be) The contact area under the sensors corrode as do the threads on the mounting hardware. The missing article covered all that along with how to sand down the contact area on the frame.

04-01-2014, 03:10 PM
I have found two replacement sensors while searching.

Both are part number 10177901 .

One is yellow and one is black ... the black one has a longer cord , and says FORWARD with an arrow away from the cord, the yellow says FORWARD with an arrow towards the cord.

Is one for the passenger and one for the driver side?

Also, they all say years different than 1990 with the same part number ... is 90 different than the 91-95's?

Thanks! ---

The connectors for the '90 are a one year only style and connect to the DERM with a three terminated "barrel" connector. In '91+ cars the DERM changed and the connector became a DELPHI typical automotive connector. I've never seen where they've been interchanged but I do recall seeing the '90 sensors posted for sale with the DELPHI style connector. When a '90 DERM required service I believe the accepted procedure was to use a '91+ DERM, a '91 steering wheel, '91 SIR bag and I would expect the sensors to match BUT I've never seen that addressed in a single GM document. I've never seen a document that mentioned changing the connector on the '90 to match the service DERM either. Actually the terminology and function for the '91+ is different for each side and so I believe there's no using the later on a '90 car.

The steering wheel, SIR bag, is well documented and I imagine that when there were deployments and service required they were dealt with on a one on one situation. I've never actually looked for documentation so it could be out there.

The '90 sensors are equal length and the harness from the DERM to each location was a correct length.

10177901 is a '91+ part number with DELPHI terminals for the LH side and is noted as a Forward Discriminating Sensor, a 10177902 is for the RH side and is noted as the Forward Arming Sensor. The '90 part number is 10094613 and is for of course a quantity of 2.

The '90 TSB for corrosion and service is here:


04-01-2014, 04:14 PM
Even thought links to a pictorial on repairing the SIR (INFL REST) issue are broke for now. Here is one pic from that procedure.
It show the surface prep around the sensor.

Buying new sensors should not be necessary. The rain you were in aggravated the corrosion issue. A quick test of this theory is to back out the mounting bolts a turn or two the re-tighten. Then clear the code and test. This is NOT a permanent solution however. The permanent solution is to clean and prep the surface and use dielectric grease on reassembly.


04-01-2014, 05:06 PM
You guys are great, thanks for the links / part numbers / and information!

I appreciate it and feel a lot better about attempting to fix the situation now! :) ---

04-01-2014, 09:47 PM
You guys are great, thanks for the links / part numbers / and information!

I appreciate it and feel a lot better about attempting to fix the situation now! :) ---


It's not a bad job the drivers side is a breeze......passanger side not so bad! Have fun

04-01-2014, 10:04 PM
I'm pretty sure its the drivers side , since I am getting the "seat belt" light too.

I went to install a battery a month ago and there was water puddled up around the frame ... so I can see why this is a problem on our cars.

I may as well try my Tech 1a for the first time too , I haven't tried it yet. HAHA! I always stub my toes doing things the first time ---