View Full Version : Plenum allen bolt tool information

11-15-2013, 12:01 AM
One of my customers, Steve J. recently replaced his plenum torx bolts with SS socket cap bolts, and sent me this useful tip. Thought I would share it here.


I don't know how many sets of plenum socket screws you sell, but as I have a 1/2" socket torque wrench, I went looking for a 1/2 to 6mm socket and found them at a closeout price at Graingers.
The item # is 6PHL2 for $2.89
The sales clerk told me they have 27 in stock .

The 6mm bit is too short so I pushed it out in a vise, cut off a 3" length from a 6mmm hex key that I bought from Western Tool and supply and pushed it in.
As you are a former machinist, you might want to do that for your customers.

11-15-2013, 12:23 AM
Correct is 6PLH2

And shipping is almost $10

Harbor Freight?

Paul Workman
11-15-2013, 06:02 AM
Good Idea. Thanks, Jerry!

Another option: If you have a local "Snap-On" dealer, they sell a dandy, ready made, 6 mm allen about 6" long with a 3/8" drive socket attached. I use a 1/2 to 3/8 inch reducer on my torque wrench.

I don't remember what it cost, - under $10 if I recall - but paid once and never looked back. :)