View Full Version : Just an idea?

09-09-2006, 11:46 PM
I think it would be cool for the ZR1 Registry to have a yearly hard cover "book" / annual / yearly membership directory .Each member would have a page / half page what ever showing whatever picture they wanted with their location / specs/ vin etc. it would also serve to track previous owners of a car and a certain cars history. We could sell advertisement space in the book and at each "event" each year we could sign each others book. I know this is "easier" to have this info online but I think a paperbound coffee table book would be very nice to have.

09-10-2006, 02:25 AM
i agree....nice idea...but ...alot of work...selling ads and setup...and such..
i worked on my yearbook...in high school and at the newspaper in college...but...if you'd like to give her a whirl...let me know how i can help =D> :thumbsup:

09-10-2006, 02:19 PM
Thanks, let see what others have to say.

09-10-2006, 08:59 PM
it's a very cool idea. the only way we could pull it off though is to have the members write their own articles about their cars.

we typically have been "giving away" the advertising to the zr1 vendors because there aren't that many of them and they really help us out.

dwight, whaddaya think doc

it for sure is a ton of work, but it would be a very impressive thing to do.

cost might be an issue, but as you point out, if we sell advertising space it could work out.
