View Full Version : ZR-1 NCRS Top Flights
Mystic ZR-1
10-14-2013, 06:41 PM
How many C4 ZR-1s have received a Top Flight award?
After numerous requests over the last few years, no one at NCRS can seem to answer this question...
This can't be a tough question considering NCRS's for penchant record keeping?
Maybe the answer is stashed away at the NCM with the dyno sheets?
10-14-2013, 06:43 PM
lets not forget that the ncrs has certified more L88's then were made.
10-14-2013, 07:19 PM
I would say the reason is that the NCRS keeps records by Vin number. While zr1's have a unique vin, not sure NCRS can sort top flights by Vin.
Mystic ZR-1
10-14-2013, 07:37 PM
I would say the reason is that the NCRS keeps records by Vin number. While zr1's have a unique vin, not sure NCRS can sort top flights by Vin.
XL spreadsheet... not too hard...
10-14-2013, 07:48 PM
lets not forget that the ncrs has certified more L88's then were made.
I would like to find out the answer. My plans are to Flight the car I've just purchased.
10-14-2013, 07:53 PM
pm tom barr, barrhere i think is his screen name here. I know Tom is heavily involved in the ncrs
10-14-2013, 10:25 PM
Joe Thomas is also very active in NCRS along w board member at NCM.
10-15-2013, 12:37 PM
Detailed breakdown of all top flights by model will be published in the Corvette Restorer 40th Annv. edition in the summer 2014 edition.
Mystic ZR-1
10-15-2013, 05:25 PM
Detailed breakdown of all top flights by model will be published in the Corvette Restorer 40th Annv. edition in the summer 2014 edition.
Why should we have to wait?
It should be readily available info...
10-16-2013, 08:29 AM
Your asking the wrong guy. Thats above my pay grade. The guy to ask is Vinnie Peters at
12-21-2013, 06:01 PM
I doubt Vinnie Peters has the information in his role as the edititor of the Driveline.
I would bet if you get in touch with the National Judging Chairman and sent some $$ their way you would get the answer.
Remember NCRS is a business. They charge for information.
07-23-2014, 10:12 PM
For anyone who is interested the OP's question is answered in this quarters NCRS 40th magazine.
Mystic ZR-1
07-23-2014, 10:52 PM
For anyone who is interested the OP's question is answered in this quarters NCRS 40th magazine.
Please share the info for those that aren't members and don't recieve the magazine. (Yep that's right, I'm no longer a member for lots of reasons...)
07-24-2014, 08:00 AM
Please share the info for those that aren't members and don't recieve the magazine. (Yep that's right, I'm no longer a member for lots of reasons...)
My apologies as the breakdown is by year only and does not detail body style.
When I get home from work I can post that info. If they have the data by year, surely it's there by body style too!
Please elaborate as to what the reasoning behind not supporting the NCRS?
1990 TF 97 SF 4
1991 TF 62 SF 1
1992 TF 31 SF 5
1993 TF 70 SF 2
1994 TF 47 SF 0
1995 TF 50 SF 2
Mystic ZR-1
07-26-2014, 09:45 PM
Brad, Thanks!
Are these numbers for ZR-1s or all C4s?
You mention body style in your post, ZR-1s are all coupes,
which makes me ask.
Also, what does SF mean?
I've been asking NCRS how many Top Flight ZR-1s there
are for the 5 years since mine recieved one (Regional, 99.3). Lots of lame excuses
why they couldn't give out the info... For an organization that prides
itself on details, that should be an easy question to answer! It's easier
getting secrets out of the Vatican. I'm suprised they
aren't charging for the info. That's the main reason I quit, not
to mention that] they treat C4s like "Redheaded Stepchildren" or that NCRS has
become a "business"...
On the plus side, the Top Flight "experience" was a good one.
It was very fair, the judges at the event I went to were knowledgable
and helpful with explainations for everything they looked at.
07-26-2014, 10:28 PM
Brad, Thanks!
Are these numbers for ZR-1s or all C4s?
You mention body style in your post, ZR-1s are all coupes,
which makes me ask.
Also, what does SF mean?
I've been asking NCRS how many Top Flight ZR-1s there
are for the 5 years since mine recieved one (Regional, 99.3). Lots of lame excuses
why they couldn't give out the info... For an organization that prides
itself on details, that should be an easy question to answer! It's easier
getting secrets out of the Vatican. I'm suprised they
aren't charging for the info. That's the main reason I quit, not
to mention that] they treat C4s like "Redheaded Stepchildren" or that NCRS has
become a "business"...
On the plus side, the Top Flight "experience" was a good one.
It was very fair, the judges at the event I went to were knowledgable
and helpful with explainations for everything they looked at.
It did not break down the particular body style ie: coupe, conv, etc. You have a very good point and as detail oriented as the "business" seems, one would think that is a very reasonable question to provide an answer for.
I will be in contact with NCRS in a couple of weeks with a request for documentation for two 69 Z28 cars that belong to my brother, and myself. The number of ZR-1's that have Flighted will be another question to ask when providing them with my Credit Card Info! That may institute a quick response to your question.
Sounds like the root cause of not answering your question may have been a lack of resources in a growing business. We all understand these process type of problems, or better yet "lack thereof".
SF = Second Flight
It may just be time for your membership to be reopened, the C4 owner's need your and everyone elses support to become the next big Corvette. I have a soft spot for the C4, especially the ZR due to it being the hottest car to be annouced when I was still in JR High School. But those damn lines on a C2, if they don't fan a flame. Nothing will!
Congrats on your Top Flight and continued support of the Corvette. BTW my car is Red on Red. It will begin it's road at a local chapter event in Septemeber, then on to Kissimmee in January Regional.
Cross Flags will be obtained at the National show 2015!
09-22-2015, 04:24 PM
my 1995 #35 achieved NCRS Top Flight this past weekend
06-01-2016, 01:00 PM
My 1995 Zr-1 #30 top flight 98.9 9-15
06-03-2016, 12:10 AM
Just secured 1993 #330 that is Bloomington Gold in 08, Top Flight in 08 and Performance Top Flight in 08. Only has 2k mi on it since and looks brand new. Have ton of paper work (more like a suit case). Love it!
06-04-2016, 10:16 AM
my 1995 #35 achieved NCRS Top Flight this past weekend
My 1995 Zr-1 #30 top flight 98.9 9-15
I don't quite understand the significance of the second reference 9 months after the first when the car# seems different but the maybe the same reference date. DTD: 9/15 #30 with reference to #'s. Posted 9/22/15 #35 with just TF reference. Your SIG seems to only show 1 car - do you have 2?
REGARDING "Top Flight" and NCRS. I believe that it's certainly maybe more significant of the "local/regional/Chapter" where accomplished and maybe how frequently! If you've a car that has qualified for a National Convention participation, have done it and been awarded a Top Flight then it's an entirely different conversation.
06-13-2016, 05:16 PM
WVZR1 you are correct, there is a big difference between local, Regional and National. To get out highest Award the McLelland or Hill you must score a 97% or better at a Regional, and pass a Performance Verification. Then take it to the National and score a 97 or better again. Our ZR1s with every option must pass every line item the same as a 1953 with hardly any options. That's why I consider them the hardest Awards to Achieve in the hobby.
Mystic ZR-1
06-13-2016, 06:01 PM
That's right, PVs and McLellans are hard to get.
Maybe I should revise my question: how many ZR-1s
have recieved these awards?
I'll bet the answer's the same, "we don't give out
that information"
Gonna ask again at the National in RI next month... ;)
06-13-2016, 07:15 PM
We will only have two ZR1s for Flight judging and one for his 5th star Crossflags Award in Warwick.
06-14-2016, 09:04 AM
The car I recently bought has Top Flight in PA and CO done in '08. It also had the PV done in PA at the same time then went to Bloomington and then into storage. Less that 3k mi since then and looks brand new. Would it be worth it for me to go for anything else with it?
Mystic ZR-1
06-14-2016, 09:36 AM
What's left to prove? Why spend the $ to prove what
you already know?
Sounds like a nice car!
Get out there and drive it! But take good care of it.
Top Flights etc don't improve the value much if at all. With the
state that values are in now, get out there and enjoy it!
Why save it for the next guy, who'll probably beat it to death?
06-14-2016, 09:39 AM
A PV and a 97% is only good for 3 years. You would need to have it redone to get the highest Award. It is fun to do you meet great people and learn a lot about your ZR1.
11-01-2016, 09:21 PM
My car had a top flight certificate that came with the car from the previous owner when I bought it. I did a mild restoration on it, fixed everything, spent about $5k, now it no longer qualifies as a top flight but it sure runs better. I am undecided on the whole top flight thing, I have seen some top flight cars that look horrible but get the award. I can't see keeping something original if it looks bad and doesn't run optimally.
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